• 2 years ago
The impeachment trial of Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton began Tuesday with the embattled Republican facing accusations of corruption and bribery that have shadowed him for years.
00:00 Attorney General Paxton, please rise.
00:08 Clerk, please read the Articles of Impeachment, one at a time, preferred by the House of Representatives.
00:18 Articles of Impeachment, Article 1, disregard of official duty, protection of charitable
00:22 organization.
00:24 While holding office as Attorney General, Warren Kenneth Paxton violated the duties
00:27 of his office by failing to act as public protector of charitable organizations as required
00:33 by Chapter 123, Property Code.
00:36 Specifically, Paxton caused employees of his office to intervene in the lawsuit brought
00:41 by the Roy F. and Joanne Cole Mint Foundation against several corporate entities controlled
00:47 by named Paul.
00:49 Paxton harmed the Mint Foundation in an effort to benefit Paul.
00:57 Senator Paxton, how do you plead?
00:59 Attorney General Ken Paxton is innocent and therefore pleads not guilty.
01:04 Article 20, abuse of public trust.
01:06 While holding office as Attorney General, Warren Kenneth Paxton used, misused, or failed
01:11 to use his official powers in a manner calculated to subvert the lawful operation of the government
01:17 of the state of Texas and obstruct the fair and impartial administration of justice, thereby
01:22 bringing the office of Attorney General into scandal and disrepute to the prejudice of
01:26 public confidence in the government of this state, as shown by the acts described in one
01:31 or more articles.
01:32 Attorney General Paxton, how do you plead?
01:33 Your Honor, the Attorney General is innocent and we plead not guilty.
01:38 You may be seated.
01:43 And Mr. Paxton had an obligation not to abuse his office for his own benefit.
01:49 He betrayed his constituents and the sacred public trust that's been given him.
01:54 And in Texas, we require more from our public officials than to merely avoid being a criminal.
02:00 Mr. Paxton should be removed from office because he failed to protect the state and instead
02:05 used the power of his elected office for his own benefit.
02:11 And this was wrong.
02:13 It's a tale full of sound and fury.
02:16 It signifies nothing.
02:18 And you may wonder why I say that, because when we are done, I believe that no matter
02:25 your party affiliation and no matter where you stand now, you will conclude what I have
02:31 concluded, that there is nothing to this.
02:36 Ken Paxton gave nothing of significance to Nate Paul.
02:41 Nate Paul received nothing of significance from Ken Paxton.
02:46 This whole case is a whole lot of nothing.
