As we look at the hidden heroes around the community, those who go above and beyond to help others, lets take a look at just why Hebburn Helps, co-founded by Angie and Jo, is so significant in not only helping those who need it most, but also bringing the feeling of family to all those who volunteer.
00:00 Hebben Helps Community Food Bank and Crisis Response Team is a voluntary community organisation
00:06 set up to help local families who are finding it hard or are struggling to make ends meet.
00:10 Co-founded by Angie and Jo, Hebben Helps started in June 2015 and, relying on general donations
00:16 from the general public, ensures that no child goes hungry.
00:20 Hebben Helps essentially started off as a food bank about eight years ago and it's just
00:25 pretty much went from strength to strength.
00:27 So it's not just about food anymore, it's about baby equipment, it's about clothes.
00:32 So we're a pet food baby bank as well as a food bank.
00:37 And then obviously we have our holiday clubs running off that as well.
00:40 The range is massive on what we do do.
00:42 I think just being there for somebody, just being there for somebody in their time of
00:46 need is what it's there, that's what it is for me.
00:49 Especially the kids, it's the kids that I kind of try and plough into because these
00:53 are the ones that are growing up in poverty.
00:56 If people don't show them kindness, things can't be changed.
01:00 Round Yard, well it's a low income area, there's more people out of work than anything else.
01:05 So 100% we need a round yard.
01:07 Obviously it helps the community out massively.
01:09 Do it out of the kindness of your heart really.
01:10 Just keep us out of trouble basically.
01:12 That's what everyone keeps saying.
01:14 Amid the cost of living crisis, the volunteers have said they have seen the demand for food
01:18 and clothes of families in need has risen.
01:21 I mean, without Hebben Helps, the community wouldn't be the community it is.
01:24 It's just help for everything, you name it.
01:27 If you ever need any help, just go to Hebben Helps and it's guaranteed.
01:30 It's just one big family, dysfunctional family, but it's a good family.
01:34 There's everyone just trips in and helps each other.
01:37 We'll come in on the morning, we'll start preparing breakfasts, putting the crafts out
01:41 or whatever the kids are going to do on the morning.
01:43 Usually do a lot about dinner time and give the kids a bit of dinner, whatever they're
01:47 going to have.
01:48 And we'll usually have a bit of entertainment on, which today is the end of six weeks disco.
01:53 It's like a party for the kids today, not just the kids, of course.
01:57 A lot of people who are working, coming through the door, who are in a desperate, desperate
02:01 state right now.
02:02 So for it to be their first port of call, sit them down, have a cup.
02:06 A lot of the time you've got to console them as well because they're working all the hours,
02:10 God sends, and they don't want to be walking into a food bank.
02:13 In general, it's not the way that things are supposed to be.
02:16 It doesn't, we don't know what we're going to get from any given day, but there's always
02:19 somebody who needs to be helped.
02:21 The group club here is amazing.
02:24 The kids just go wild, they enjoy it.
02:26 We've had magic shows.
02:29 They play football, we play games, they have disco today for the end of summer party.
02:35 We've been on a lot of trips.
02:38 Scarborough, Wales, Beamish, and Adventure Valley, which was brilliant just the other
02:44 day and the kids have really enjoyed it.
02:47 They get their breakfast here.
02:49 We get cuppers, they get their dinners.
02:51 And they just enjoy it, they have fun.
02:53 It's like a big family.
02:54 Everyone loves each other.
02:56 If you'd like to help out, the team would appreciate any food shopping donations, organised
03:01 fundraising events, or if you could even help out by volunteering.