• 2 years ago
Dr. Kenyatta Cavil and Charles Bishop Interview at Labor Day Classic Press Conference.
00:00 Alright, I grabbed these guys because they didn't want me in front of the camera and
00:09 break it.
00:10 We tried, he just didn't catch us.
00:14 We have Dr. Kabil and Mr. Charles Bishop.
00:18 How you guys doing?
00:20 Doing well, doing well Kyle, I appreciate you coming on.
00:22 Well talk to me man, how do you guys feel?
00:24 This is another installment of the Labor Day Classic, but this one has a different feel
00:31 to it because both of these teams are very close and it could be a highly contested event.
00:37 Yeah, I mean when you take a look, these teams were literally a game away from getting to
00:42 the SWAG Championship last year.
00:44 They're both veteran ball clubs and both have some pieces, intriguing pieces that they bring
00:49 to the game.
00:50 You talk about Prairie View, you talk about an intriguing piece in Caleb Johnson coming
00:54 over from Mississippi Valley State, Brian Jenkins coming over from Alabama A&M.
00:58 That's already coming to an offense that was the number one rushing offense in the SWAG
01:03 last year.
01:04 And then Andrew Boddy could be the most dynamic quarterback in the conference, so it's going
01:08 to be a great matchup.
01:09 But Doc, talk about history.
01:12 You know a lot about SWAG history.
01:15 What's the significance of this event that's going to happen this Saturday?
01:20 Just have something, that feeling to it that's good.
01:24 No doubt.
01:25 I think the magic's in the air.
01:27 This reminds me of the 2010 game.
01:30 If you go back in history, you know 2009 Prairie View won the championship.
01:34 2010 was the year that Texas Southern won the championship.
01:37 And I remember coming into that year, both teams were very excited in terms of what they
01:41 brought back to the table.
01:43 You know you had a championship caliber team from Prairie View.
01:46 Obviously, this question with KJ Black being hurt.
01:50 Oddly enough, KJ Black never played in the Labor Day class.
01:53 Wow.
01:54 One was starting, one was hurt.
01:56 He never played in the game, even though he became the start of the year before and went
02:02 on to win that championship.
02:03 And then obviously had the injury, which they held him out to make sure he was healed, and
02:07 he played the rest of that year.
02:09 But that's the type of excitement that you're talking about.
02:11 These two teams, championship caliber teams, are at least championship game caliber teams.
02:16 Both teams, Prairie View being in it two years ago, and both teams being one game away from
02:22 playing for a championship last year.
02:24 So I think you have that type of caliber talent.
02:27 Both teams have matured young.
02:30 Both of them don't do a lot of the transfer, get a player here or there, but not deep as
02:36 you see some of the teams.
02:38 And so they've really grown as talent.
02:40 So I think they've done it quietly.
02:42 And because they've done it quietly, I'm not sure people are expecting what we've kind
02:46 of seen behind the scenes.
02:47 Sure.
02:48 Yeah.
02:49 Looks like it's going to be really good.
02:50 You talk about the talent from Andrew Boddy, Charles, and you talk about the history there.
02:55 What do you anticipate for the crowds?
02:57 That's one thing we've always talked about the business side, but getting these fans
03:03 involved, Doc, how do you feel they should really look at this season for both of these
03:10 organizations?
03:12 Well, you talked about Andrew Boddy, the quarterback from Texas Southern, seasoned guy that showed
03:16 you a lot of excitement.
03:18 And then obviously you've got Trezon Conley, Texas quarterback that did well in high school,
03:23 that's quietly putting it down in his own way.
03:27 So I think that's one of the things you have to do is you have to get out there and put
03:30 the excitement out there.
03:31 Sure.
03:32 And you need to have some success and you need to have it with a couple of years.
03:38 But I think this is the type of thing that helps you get to that level of success.
03:42 And so this should be the start of something special if you're not talking about what took
03:46 place the last two years.
03:47 So you're going to have to market, which means getting your information out.
03:51 The fact that they allowed us to stream the event I think talks a little bit about the
03:55 ability to start that on a different level.
03:58 Going to your radio stations to make sure you get it out there and using all the vehicle
04:03 that you have with the social media platforms to drive the interest that people naturally
04:08 have in the state of Texas, particularly in this Houston area for football itself.
04:12 And you're talking about both teams, they're right there.
04:15 You're talking about Prairie View being in the SWAC championship in 2021 and a game away
04:20 from it in 2022.
04:21 Same thing with Texas Southern.
04:23 I mean, the SWAC was so topsy-turvy in the West, it literally came down to the last couple
04:27 of weeks of the season.
04:28 So I think you naturally, coming into the season, have community engagement at both
04:33 universities have done a good job in terms of trying to cultivate their fan base.
04:37 All right.
04:38 Well, guys, you do such a great job.
04:40 You haven't invited me back on the channel, so I guess there must be something behind that.
04:46 We'll talk about that later.
04:48 [laughter]
04:50 Coming soon, Kyle Mosley.
04:51 [laughter]
04:53 We got the message.
04:54 Seriously.
04:55 Tell everybody how they can be able to find you guys on the World Wide Web.
04:59 Yes, you can go to YouTube, Instagram--excuse me, YouTube and Twitter for Inside the HBCU
05:08 Sports Lab.
05:09 You can catch us every Tuesday and Thursday at 6 o'clock Central Standard Time.
05:13 We do about an hour show.
05:14 And then you can come back and do a recap on Sunday that we do in the fall for football
05:19 season where you can get a recap of what took place Sunday.
05:22 This Sunday you'll get a chance to talk about the big matchup that evening to get you a
05:26 little extended coverage.
05:28 But you can also follow me on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook at Dr. Kenyatta Caville, D-R-K-E-N-Y-A-T-T-A,
05:36 C-A-V-I-L, I should say.
05:40 Again, that's D-R-K-E-N-Y-A-T-T-A, C-A-V-I-L, where you can get all types of information
05:46 of what I put out there about the sporting HBCU dashboard, as I like to call it, and
05:50 find out about the next news that I'm making.
05:52 Hey Charles, how can they find you?
05:54 Because I know you also play by play such a great announcer as well, as well as a big
06:00 guy who has a daughter in college.
06:02 The guys need to stay away from you.
06:04 [laughter]
06:06 They know what's good for them.
06:08 Right.
06:09 They know what's good for them.
06:10 I know I've seen your shot, you know.
06:11 But seriously, how can anybody find you on the internet?
06:16 Just as Doc said, on Tuesdays and Thursdays inside the HBCU Sports Lab, we're on from
06:21 6 to 7 Central Time.
06:23 And again, we'll do an extended episode on Sundays where we recap and review what we
06:29 looked at from the past Saturday.
06:30 And you can also find me on Twitter and Instagram and Facebook as well.
06:34 So you can find me all over.
06:36 I'm all over the swag.
06:37 [laughter]
06:38 One quick prediction from you guys, not about the Labor Day Classic here, but about the
06:43 FAMU and Jackson Affair at the Orange Blossom Classic.
06:48 Doc, how do you feel that's going to go?
06:50 Man, I'm going to take the easy way out.
06:52 That's a pick 'em for me.
06:54 And I mean that seriously.
06:55 I will not be able to get really good predictions because I like to really take it in.
06:59 And this year is so up.
07:01 It's one of those things that I want to see three or four conference games before I really
07:05 jump out there.
07:06 And that's only being fair to those that may be of the betting persuasion.
07:10 And they come and listen to me even though I tell them don't give my stuff for betting.
07:14 But you never know.
07:15 So I want to be careful with that.
07:16 But I said the same thing with the MEAC swag challenge.
07:19 There's so many teams in terms of the depth that can play for a national black college
07:23 champion, not just a MEAC or not just a swag.
07:26 Obviously the lead dog is North Carolina Central, Eagle, and I guess they'd be mad if I call
07:32 them the dog.
07:33 But the Soaring Eagles up there, as they like to talk about, I think they're the frontrunner.
07:37 But there's a lot of folks piled up in the driver's side, in the backseat, that feel
07:43 that they should be able to push over to get in that passenger side to be in the mix for
07:50 their own championship.
07:52 So at this point, whether it's the Labor Day Classic or this, I'm calling to pick them.
07:56 Let me get a couple of games under my belt.
07:58 Sure.
07:59 And I'm just like you, Doc.
08:00 Let me get a couple of games under my belt.
08:01 But I will say this.
08:02 Jackson State put their resume out for the world to see this past Saturday.
08:06 And to that extent, Florida A&M is a team that is built much like Jackson State.
08:12 If you take a look at both teams on paper, they roughly have the same number of FBS transfers,
08:17 same number of Power Five transfers on the roster as well.
08:21 So it's going to be a heck of a game.
08:23 Somebody told me walking out of the stadium Saturday, it's Ali Frazier III.
08:27 Yeah.
08:28 It's going to be like, "Ah!"
08:29 Yeah, exactly.
08:30 All right.
08:31 One last question, you guys.
08:33 The NFL will be coming down to the 53-man roster.
08:38 Some of these guys, like Mark Evans, Jack Davis, all the way up to the Saints,
08:42 they've done very well this preseason.
08:44 You've got Xavier Smith over there.
08:46 You've got Isaiah over at the Dallas Cowboys, middle of the piece.
08:52 Bill, how do you feel that any of these guys have a chance to be able to make these rosters
08:59 hard, at least to be able to practice with?
09:02 Yeah, I think a lot of them have put great resumes.
09:06 When you talk about they're putting it out there, they put themselves,
09:08 if not to make the 53-man roster, I really see them making the practice squad.
09:12 So I think the names that you just mentioned have put themselves in a position to really get a chance
09:18 to play on Sundays and keep their career alive.
09:22 It tells you they've been prepped well, playing at HBCUs,
09:27 and I'm really looking forward to a guy like Marquise Bell.
09:32 He's been getting quite a bit of buzz, especially with regards to how they have that kind of linebacker
09:37 safety hybrid there with the Dallas Cowboys.
09:40 Isaiah Land, he's put some good tape out there as well in terms of getting to the quarterback.
09:43 Aubrey Miller as well down in Miami.
09:45 So I'm looking forward to a lot of these guys getting an opportunity for the world to see what we have
09:50 watched for the past two, three years with regards to HBCU football.
09:55 Thank you so much.
09:57 That's Dr. Jafus, King of the NFL.
10:01 That's Mr. Jones, Bishop.
10:03 Thank you, guys.
10:04 Thank you, Kyle.
10:05 [Music]
