• 2 years ago
With high school in the rearview, five teenagers from small town Oregon decide to embark on one last adventure. Piling i | dG1fQi1xRm04dFU2cEU
00:00 Things won't ever go our way. Ever.
00:06 And like when people see us, they're like, "Oh my god."
00:10 And they start talking and then like start calling the cops.
00:13 It's annoying.
00:14 And I feel like when we're in this car, we get to like be ourselves and we don't have to stay in one place.
00:28 Where's the moon? Right there, you twinks.
00:30 Look at the moon.
00:31 Over there.
00:32 Oh, it's over there.
00:33 It looks like a big-ass block of sharp cheddar.
00:36 You think I'm crazy?
00:39 Wonder what it's like to be up there.
00:41 Maca, go inside the van, boy.
00:44 This is one small step for man.
00:47 One small or giant leap for mankind.
00:50 I don't know, it doesn't look that right.
00:52 He's like, "I just went to the moon. I made it possible.
00:56 If you ever thought of going to the moon, well guess what? I just did it and that's all I have."
01:00 You Armstrong?
01:01 Yeah.
01:02 How does he feel? How does that feel normal?
01:04 Shitting in the air and you come back home and you're fucking shitting on the toilet.
01:08 Going to the grocery store.
01:10 Honestly, he probably felt like, "I was at the moon and now I'm at a grocery store."
01:15 You got a stand-up on this?
01:17 Let's take a pic and let's go.
01:19 I was thinking the same thing.
01:21 What the fuck, though?
01:23 It'd be cool.
01:24 Get in right here on the side so this car doesn't flip over that way and we all...
01:29 Die.
01:31 How should we take this picture?
01:32 Dead ass.
01:33 Take what picture?
01:34 I mean, like...
01:36 I'm like scared I'm gonna fall.
01:39 Dead ass.
01:40 Don't shake it.
01:41 Tony, stop.
01:42 Tony.
01:43 Dead ass.
01:44 Dead ass.
01:45 Tony.
01:46 Tony, I'm gonna beat your fucking ass.
01:48 No, you're not.
01:49 You're not.
01:50 You're not.
01:51 You're not.
01:52 Oh, fuck that.
01:54 Don't be cool with that, man.
01:56 [Screaming]
01:58 Why you get so scared, bro?
02:01 Bitch.
02:02 Oh my God, look at the lights, guys.
02:08 It's too green.
02:09 The red ones and then they go, "Boom."
02:11 And then gone.
02:13 Boom.
02:14 I know.
02:15 It looks weird.
02:16 It looks weird.
02:17 That's for airplanes, right?
02:19 No.
02:20 No?
02:21 No?
02:22 No?
