• 2 years ago
00:00 So there are three of these trailers in circulation.
00:13 We can move them around the geography.
00:15 We can go where intelligence tells us where mobile phone use is a problem.
00:20 We can mix between urban roads, between rural roads.
00:23 So we can literally be agile, move this equipment around.
00:32 It still really concerns me that over half the offences we're capturing on these devices,
00:37 over half of them are people not wearing a seatbelt.
00:40 In 2021, a third of all fatal collisions, at least one person wasn't wearing a seatbelt
00:45 on that collision.
00:46 This is a real problem.
00:47 So if you're watching this, please put your seatbelt on.
00:49 They are there to prevent people putting themselves at additional risk, because we know that
01:00 distracted drivers are involved in fatal and serious injury collisions, and we know that
01:04 if people aren't wearing a seatbelt, the injuries are so much more severe.
01:09 [MUSIC ENDS]
