• last year
And thus begins the most revolutionary biology course in history. Come and learn about covalent, ionic, and hydrogen bon | dHNfUFdHQnFza1YxVVE


00:00 As the science of life, biology is about everything that lives, grows, poops, and dies.
00:06 If you're breathing right now, and I sure hope you are, that's biology at work.
00:10 And it's not just happening inside of you, but also above you, below you, and all around you.
00:16 Basically, biology's got you surrounded.
00:19 It's in the medicine you take when you're sick, and the vaccines that keep you from severe illness.
00:23 It's in your dog, selectively bred to be your best friend.
00:26 It's in your body's 30 trillion cells, working hard behind the scenes as you belt out some Beyonce in the shower.
00:34 "I can see your bio! Your bio!"
00:38 And in the 40 trillion microbes treating your guts like an apartment complex as you digest last night's pizza.
00:46 It's also in last night's pizza.
00:48 We owe the wonders of tomato, bread, and cheese to the power of soil, sun, and photosynthesis.
00:55 Biology is behind the pineapple as well, though I'm not sure who's to blame for putting pineapple on pizza.
01:01 And I know that this is like a big argument these days, but my hot take is, eh, it's alright. No shade.
01:07 So really, biology is about everything alive and what makes life worth living.
01:13 Now, I know some of you might be thinking, "Didn't you already do a biology series?"
01:18 Yes, we did. And Hank's goatee won't be back for this one.
01:22 But we're using everything that we've learned over the past decade of Crash Course to make you an even better series.
01:28 Biology 2.0, if you will. Extra shiny.
01:32 Hi, I'm Dr. Sammy, your friendly neighborhood entomologist, and I'll be your host.
01:37 I'm the endowed professor of entomology at the University of Colorado Boulder,
01:40 where I study honeybees and teach about symbiosis and science communication.
01:45 My work focuses on how creatures form super-close, amazingly complex relationships,
01:50 like the ones between pollinators and flowers that are responsible for much of our food,
01:55 or the parasites munching on the bees' liver that threaten that intricate balance of pollination.
02:00 We'll talk about lots of fascinating stuff like this and more in this series, our new Crash Course Biology.
02:08 Or head on over to Crash Course en Español to watch Crash Course Biología, hosted by Mini Contreras.
02:15 Over the next 50 episodes, we'll find out just how connected life really is.
02:33 We'll zoom between itty-bitty cells and vast global cycles.
02:37 We'll discover how species evolve, how genes work, and what the heck happens inside a cell anyway.
02:43 And what sends nutrients ricocheting from soil to your stomach and back again.
02:47 We'll also take a look behind the science, through the stories of biologists, both past and present,
02:53 that you might not have heard before.
02:54 Like how Dr. Anurag Agarwal found out that chewed-up radish plants fight back against very hungry caterpillars.
03:00 Or how Dr. Jane Cook-Wright proved that a chemotherapy drug still in use today could work
03:06 at a time when chemotherapy was thought too taboo or absurd.
03:10 At the same time, we'll see how biology can help us respond to our global challenges,
03:14 like hunger, access to clean water, and climate change.
03:17 We'll find that it's not so easy to pin down exactly what life is.
03:22 But that one little word, life, connects living, breathing you
03:27 to every bug, bat, and barnacle that has ever, well, lived.
03:31 So join me as we explore our place in a big, diverse family tree,
03:36 about four billion years in the making.
03:38 I'm so excited to discover it with you.
03:41 This series was produced in collaboration with HHMI BioInteractive.
03:45 If you're an educator, visit biointeractive.org/crashcourse
03:51 for classroom resources and professional development related to the topics covered in this course.
03:56 Thanks for watching this episode of Crash Course Biology,
03:59 which was made with the help of all of these nice people.
04:01 And if you want to help keep Crash Course free for everyone, forever,
04:06 you can join our community on Patreon.
04:08 [ Music ]
