• il y a 2 ans


00:00 [Music]
00:15 The God of all grace who called us to his eternal glory.
00:20 Let the church say glory.
00:22 By Christ Jesus.
00:24 After, let the church say after.
00:27 Oh my goodness, and I want to just take those two words and I want to preach on tonight from the subject.
00:32 Look at your neighbor in the eyes and give them my sermon title and say,
00:36 "Neighbor, there will be glory after this."
00:40 Come on, that's the wrong neighbor.
00:42 Look at your neighbor and say, "There is going to be glory after this."
00:47 Come on, just touch your neighbor and say, "There's going to be a greater glory.
00:51 There's going to be greater power.
00:53 There's going to be a greater manifestation.
00:56 There's going to be a greater power."
00:58 If you believe it, somebody open your mouth and give God a shout of praise even right where you are.
01:05 The book of Peter was written to those who find themselves in pain.
01:11 They find themselves between the devil and the deep blue sea, between a rock and a hard place.
01:18 Peter, the writer of this epistle, seeks to encourage and comfort those who find themselves in a very painful or difficult situation.
01:30 The surprising thing, however, about Peter's letter to those who are in pain,
01:36 those who find themselves between a rock and a hard place or between the devil and the deep blue sea,
01:42 the surprising thing about Peter's letter to those who are in pain is he does not focus his letter or his attention on their pain.
01:52 In fact, he does not dwell on their pain.
01:55 He really doesn't even mention their pain a whole lot.
01:59 As much as he focuses not on their pain but rather on their purpose.
02:05 In a nutshell, what Peter was telling them is that your pain got purpose.
02:11 Look at your neighbor and say, "My pain got purpose. Oh my God."
02:15 Or just flip it and say, "There's purpose in my pain."
02:18 Look at your neighbor and say, "There's purpose in my pain."
02:22 Peter does not give them three steps on how to escape their pain.
02:27 He does not give them ten ways to go around their pain.
02:31 He does not give them fifteen steps of how to get over their pain.
02:36 But rather Peter reminds them that there is a purpose that is attached to their pain.
02:43 Peter in a nutshell was telling them that while it is painful, it is growing pain.
02:49 That means that you and I will often grow in painful situation.
02:55 But rather Peter takes the time to inform the believers that they should not be surprised.
03:02 Look at your neighbor and say, "I don't even know why you're surprised."
03:06 And that Peter says you should not be surprised that there are pain or suffering in your life.
03:13 Look at your neighbor and say, "I don't know why you're surprised."
03:16 Because the devil doesn't mess with nobody who ain't got nothing going on.
03:21 If the devil is messing with you, it's an indication of two things.
03:26 Number one, you got it going on or you are bound to get it going on
03:31 because the devil doesn't mess with anybody who ain't got nothing going on.
03:36 Somebody should have shouted right there.
03:39 Because the devil messing with you is confirmation that there is a greater glory that is coming in your life.
03:47 The devil who's messing with your finance or your family or your faith or even your health
03:53 is only reminding you that greater is on its way.
03:57 God, I wish I had somebody.
03:59 I said you've been living on good but your next step is greater.
04:03 Hello, somebody.
04:04 That you ought to move from good to great.
04:06 Now, if the devil can't stand you and you look that good when you get to great,
04:10 my God, I just need somebody to nudge your neighbor and say,
04:14 "If you can't shout for me when I'm on good, what you going to do when I get to great?"
04:19 Because eyes have not seen, ears have not heard.
04:22 It hasn't entered the hearts of men.
04:24 What God got in store for us, Peter says, that you and I should not be surprised.
04:30 Look at your neighbor and say, "Don't be surprised."
04:33 He said you and I should not be surprised by the pain and the suffering
04:38 or the attack of the enemy in your life.
04:41 Peter, while talking to those in pain, takes the time to tell the believers who are in pain
04:48 to not only don't be surprised but furthermore to be aware that God provides blessings
04:56 and benefits for those who properly handle pain.
05:01 Okay, let me say that again.
05:02 What did I say?
05:03 Peter said don't be surprised that you're going through something.
05:07 But Peter said you should also be aware that God provides blessings,
05:13 let the church say blessings, and benefits for those who properly handle pain.
05:19 Papa, what Peter is trying to tell you and I is there is a positive
05:24 and there is a negative way of handling what you're going through.
05:28 I like how John Maxwell said it.
05:30 John Maxwell said life consists of 5% of what happens to you and 95% of how you respond.
05:39 Can I say that again?
05:40 Life consists, give your neighbor a high five, say everything you've been through,
05:44 it's just been 5%.
05:46 You lost your job, it's 5%.
05:48 Somebody talked about you like a dog, it's 5%.
05:52 My goodness, you lost your business, it's just 5%.
05:55 But you still got 95%.
05:58 Hello, somebody.
05:59 And you got to make up your mind, I will not allow the 5% to affect my 95%.
06:06 Look at your neighbor, say talk about me if you like.
06:09 I still got 95%.
06:11 I still in my right mind, I still got joy, I still got peace.
06:16 I might have lost the house, I might have lost the car,
06:19 but if I'm still here, I can get it all back.
06:23 I've come to prophesy to a thousand people
06:26 that God is going to give you a double for your trouble.
06:30 Who am I preaching to tonight?
06:32 Slap five at your neighbor and say I still got 95%.
06:38 John Maxwell said that life, somebody call it life,
06:42 life consists of 5%, everything that has happened to you up to now,
06:47 it is just the sum total of 5%.
06:50 And yet you still got 95% in your hand.
06:54 And that's why every day it's a victory day.
06:58 Oh, you'll miss your Q.I.D.
07:01 Ain't got no money yet, but it's a victory day.
07:04 Might not have a million dollars yet, but it's a victory day.
07:08 Because it's just a matter of time until I get upgraded.
07:13 I need a thousand people to just holler back at me,
07:16 upgrade, upgrade, upgrade.
07:18 He's about to upgrade.
07:22 You know, said life, you should not be surprised
07:25 somebody look at your neighbor and say,
07:27 I don't even know why you're surprised.
07:29 He said you should not be surprised of the attack of the enemy.
07:34 But secondly, Peter said, I want you to be aware
07:38 that God provides blessings and benefits
07:42 for those who properly handle their pain.
07:45 God provides, what did I say?
07:48 Blessings and benefits for those who properly process their pain.
07:53 I said, Peter said that God provides blessings and benefits
07:58 for those of you who go through it.
08:00 Come on, push your neighbor and say, go through it.
08:03 And don't just go through it, but look at him and say, grow through it.
08:06 Okay, you'll miss it. Look at your neighbor and say,
08:08 I'm not just going through, I am growing through it.
08:11 Come on up in here.
08:13 You didn't just go through a pandemic, you grew through it.
08:16 After you came out, you're taller and stronger.
08:19 You're wiser. That's why it should not take a whole lot for you to shout.
08:24 BC, you needed an organ. BC, you needed keyboard and drums.
08:29 BC is before COVID, but this is for the AC.
08:33 This is after COVID.
08:35 If you're still alive and you got breath in your body,
08:39 you ought to open your mouth and give God a after COVID praise.
08:43 A million people die and you're still here.
08:47 A million people die, but you're still here.
08:50 Somebody open your mouth and give God a after.
08:55 Yes. You see my brothers and sisters, Peter remind us
09:04 that even in the most painful situation and even in the most difficult time,
09:12 there is always a way of hope and peace.
09:15 Furthermore, in the most painful time and situation,
09:20 there can be unbelievable growth.
09:23 We call this growing pain.
09:25 In fact, Peter reminds them and he reminds us that without pain,
09:32 there would be little or no growth.
09:34 That it's in the midst of painful time, difficult situation,
09:39 that we mature spiritually, we mature emotionally,
09:44 we mature mentally and relationally.
09:47 Look at your neighbor and say, "I didn't buy this praise on eBay.
09:51 I've been through something. God help me."
09:54 Come on, look at your neighbor and say, "I didn't buy this shout
09:57 at JCPenney's or Gucci or Louis Vuitton.
10:01 I've been through something."
10:03 When you've been through something, nobody got to pump you up.
10:07 Nobody got to preach you up.
10:09 Nobody got to shout you up.
10:11 If you've been through something and you're still alive,
10:16 then you ought to praise him like you lost your mind.
10:21 Peter said, "There is unbelievable growth, papa, spiritually, emotionally,
10:29 relationally, even in the most difficult time and situation.
10:35 Yet, there can be no real growth without pain.
10:39 While we are in the pain and many of us don't see the outcome,
10:45 we really don't focus on the growth.
10:48 Little do we know that it's in the most painful situation
10:53 that, my goodness, we are growing more like we ever grown before.
10:57 Look at your neighbor and tell him one more time,
10:59 "Your pain has purpose."
11:02 Often, so often time, when pain or trial happens to us,
11:08 we make the assumption that God has taken his hands off of us,
11:13 that he has removed his hands of protection off of us.
11:17 He removed his hand of protection off of our church, our family, and our children.
11:21 We feel sometimes that in the midst of pain that God has abandoned us,
11:26 that God has walked away from us, that God has forgotten about us.
11:31 Look at your neighbor and encourage them and say, "He knows your name."
11:36 You want to encourage them.
11:38 Sometimes when you're going through difficult time,
11:40 you feel that God has turned his back on you.
11:43 You feel that God has walked away.
11:45 And the reason why many of us assume that God has abandoned us or forgotten us
11:52 or forsaken us during that time of pain or difficult situation and circumstance
11:58 is because many of us don't fully understand the positive role that pain plays in our lives.
12:06 "Oh, come on, look at you and say, 'My pain got purpose.'"
12:10 "Oh, come on, tell him, 'My pain got purpose.'"
12:13 "Tell your neighbor, 'There's a positive side to your pain.'"
12:17 Some of us assume that pain was God's mistake
12:21 and God should have invented something else to help us grow.
12:26 But Peter reminds us in this wonderful book that it's in the most painful times,
12:33 the most unbelievable, unbearable situation and circumstances
12:38 that God is number one, present, but number two, God is perfecting his work in us.
12:46 Oh, y'all got to catch that.
12:48 Peter reminds you, number one, that God is present,
12:52 but number two, God is perfecting his work in us.
12:56 For he who has begun a good work, he is going to perfect it.
13:02 He is going to complete it.
13:04 Peter informs us that number one, one of the reasons why pain or suffering comes into this world,
13:12 Papa, is not because we've done anything wrong,
13:16 but Peter said it's because we have an enemy.
13:20 We have an adversary.
13:22 That's what he calls him.
13:23 He said the adversary who is called the devil.
13:27 Even before Peter introduced us to our number one enemy,
13:31 he reminds us as we are going through life or any painful situation
13:37 that the positive way of handling pain is we got to remain humble.
13:43 Did y'all catch that?
13:44 You got to remain humble.
13:46 He said humble yourself under the mighty hand of God,
13:50 and he will exalt you and I in due season or in due time.
13:56 Look at Genesis.
13:57 You ain't got to self-promote.
13:59 You ain't got to pass out no e-cards.
14:01 Hello, somebody.
14:02 You don't have to give out no business cards.
14:04 You don't have to manipulate nobody.
14:07 If you just humble yourself under the mighty hand of God,
14:11 he will take you places that you never dreamed about going
14:15 and do what you've never done before so you can see what you never had before.
14:19 Peter said my job and your job is to humble ourselves under the mighty hand of God.
14:26 Now in Scripture, Royal House, we are aware of the hand of God.
14:32 When we think of the hand of God, it refers or symbolizes two things.
14:37 How many things?
14:38 It symbolizes two things.
14:40 Number one, the hand of God symbolizes discipline.
14:44 Let the church say discipline.
14:46 What did I say?
14:47 The hand of God symbolizes discipline.
14:50 The Lord reminded Israel in Exodus 3, verse 20,
14:55 I will stretch out my hand and I will smite Egypt with all my wonders,
15:01 which I will do in the midst thereof, and after that he will let you go.
15:07 Oh, my brothers and sisters, that's how the Lord had to stretch out his hand
15:12 at Pharaoh to tell Pharaoh, let my people go.
15:16 And because Pharaoh hardened his heart, the Bible said in Exodus 3, verse 20,
15:21 that the Lord said, I will stretch out my hand.
15:24 I declare and decree that God is stretching out his hands
15:28 to everybody who will try to block you or stop you
15:32 from getting to your destiny and where God has assigned for you.
15:36 This was one of Job's complaints with God.
15:40 Because in Job chapter 30, verse 21, he said,
15:45 Thou has become cruel to me and with your strong hand,
15:49 thou has opposed thyself against me.
15:52 The mighty hand of God, somebody holler mighty hand of God.
15:56 The mighty hand of God symbolizes discipline.
16:00 The scripture said, whom the Lord loves, he chastens.
16:05 But secondly, the mighty hand of God symbolizes deliverance.
16:10 What's the second thing it symbolizes? What? Deliverance.
16:14 Moses reminded Israel that God brought them out of bondage
16:19 or out of oppression or depression with his mighty hand.
16:24 Tell your neighbor, it took the mighty hand of God to bring me out.
16:29 That's the wrong neighbor. Look at your neighbor.
16:31 It took the mighty hand of God to bring me out.
16:35 The hand of God snaps you out of something.
16:38 You can't even bring yourself out if you wanted to.
16:42 But thank God for the mighty hand of God.
16:45 And when the hand of God is upon your life,
16:49 I said when the hand of God is upon your life,
16:53 no devil can stop you, no demons can deny you.
16:57 Would you just put your hands on somebody's shoulder?
17:00 And say the hand of God is on your life.
17:03 The hand of God has come to deliver you.
17:06 Whatever you're going through, whatever you're facing,
17:09 somebody ought to clap your hands and say,
17:12 thank God for the mighty hand of God.
17:14 The mighty hand of God brought me out of Trinidad.
17:18 The mighty hand of God brought me out of a drug-infested culture.
17:22 The mighty hand of God brought me out of depression.
17:26 Who am I preaching to tonight that can thank God
17:29 that when you look back over your life,
17:32 the only reason why the bullet didn't kill you
17:35 and the drugs didn't destroy you
17:37 and the devil didn't wipe you out
17:40 is because the hand of God was upon you.
17:44 I need you to wave over somebody's head
17:47 and say I prophesied that the hand of God is on your life,
17:52 it's on your children, it's on your finest.
17:55 I've come to testify.
17:57 I've come to testify to anybody of the song of my voice
18:00 who said this shout is for the hand of God.
18:03 If it wasn't for the hand of God,
18:06 I would have slipped and fall.
18:08 I would have lost my mind.
18:10 But just when I was about to slip,
18:13 the hand of God snatched me out.
18:15 Am I talking to anybody?
18:18 Would you pull your neighbor by the hand
18:21 and say thank God for the mighty hand.
18:26 Jesus says when we humble ourselves
18:31 under the mighty hand of God,
18:34 when we accept his discipline and his deliverance,
18:39 oh my God,
18:41 when we accept his discipline and his deliverance,
18:46 in other words, Peter is saying the same hand that disciplined me
18:51 is the same hand that delivered me.
18:54 I got any parents in here?
18:56 When you're spanking your children,
18:58 you're disciplining them,
19:00 but you're really delivering them
19:02 because he's only chasing those, oh my God, he loves.
19:06 Is there anybody in here who can thank God
19:09 that he disciplined you because he loves you?
19:13 Peter says that God doesn't even let the devil discipline his child.
19:19 God does the disciplining himself.
19:22 Peter said his deliverance after discipline comes in due season.
19:28 Somebody holler due season.
19:30 He said humble yourself under the mighty hand of God
19:33 and in due season.
19:36 Oh, in the right season, in the proper season,
19:40 not before time, not after time,
19:43 but in the right season.
19:45 He said my goodness, if you humble yourself
19:48 under the mighty hand of God in due season,
19:51 somebody holler due season.
19:53 In the right season, at the right time,
19:56 he will exalt you.
19:58 Peter challenges to you and I
20:01 is to wait on our due season.
20:03 Look at your neighbor, say I'm waiting on it.
20:06 Oh, come on, look at somebody, say I'm waiting for my due season.
20:10 In fact, prophesy to them and say your season hasn't passed.
20:14 Oh, you in the right place at the right time.
20:17 That's what Joseph had to remind his brothers.
20:21 He said what you meant for evil,
20:23 what you meant to harm me,
20:25 God turned it around for my good.
20:28 I'm in the right place at the right time.
20:31 I didn't come to preach to everybody,
20:33 but there's 50 of y'all who ought to jump up and remind the devil
20:37 I'm in the right place at the right time.
20:40 I said I need 50 of y'all to just scream back at me
20:45 and say I'm in the right place at the right time.
20:48 Slap fight with your neighbor, say your season hasn't passed.
20:52 You're not over the hill yet.
20:54 Oh, there's still some mountains for you to climb.
20:57 There's still some valleys for you to go through.
21:00 There's still some giants for you to kill.
21:03 Somebody open your mouth and say I'm in my due season.
21:08 Peter says that if we humble ourselves under the mighty hand of God,
21:15 if we don't manipulate the situation,
21:18 or if we don't try to change the circumstance,
21:21 if we don't try to manipulate people or events,
21:24 I've come to prophesy to somebody,
21:27 God told me to tell you to stop trying.
21:29 Stop trying to fit in.
21:31 Stop trying to pull strings.
21:34 Stop trying to call in favors.
21:36 When you got favor with God, he'll give you favor with man.
21:41 He'll let your enemy pay your bills.
21:44 Can I preach to somebody?
21:46 I said when you got favor with God,
21:48 he prepares a table for me in the presence of my enemy.
21:53 You're trying to get favor with man.
21:56 Man don't have no place to put you.
21:59 But if you got favor with God, he'll let favor bless you.
22:04 If you got favor with God, he'll let your haters pay your tuition.
22:09 If you got favor with God, he'll let your enemy bless you.
22:14 Somebody ought to holler I got favor with God.
22:17 And when you got favor with God, he'll put your name in the palace.
22:22 He'll remind kings and queens of who you are.
22:27 He'll bring you to royalty
22:29 because your gift will make room for you and bring you before great.
22:35 Man Peter said stop trying.
22:38 Look at you.
22:39 You're working too hard.
22:41 Come on.
22:42 So you're working too hard.
22:43 Stop trying to rush God.
22:45 Stop trying to call in favor.
22:48 Stop trying to pull string.
22:50 Stop trying to ask somebody to do it for you.
22:53 All you need to do is get the glory.
22:56 Can I preach up in here?
22:58 I need somebody to look at you there and say I'm a glory carrier.
23:02 And when you carry glory,
23:04 it will take you places that you never thought you can go.
23:08 I need somebody to look at you there and say you're sitting next to glory carrier.
23:13 When I show up, the glory shows up.
23:16 I'm a glory carrier.
23:18 I'm not a manipulator.
23:20 I'm not trying to ask anybody to do anything for me.
23:23 But when I open my mouth and I give God glory,
23:27 I'm a glory carrier.
23:28 The Lord said no man can close.
23:30 He'll make ways for me.
23:32 Somebody holler I'm a glory.
23:36 Watch God do it in.
23:39 Somebody holler do season.
23:41 Now, Peter said your attitude when we're going through something is we got to humble ourselves.
23:46 Secondly, are y'all still out there?
23:48 He said we should not be anxious but in verse seven,
23:51 he said cast all your.
23:54 Come on, cast all your cares upon him.
23:57 Anybody came to church tonight, you got some cares.
24:00 He said don't you carry it but you got a choice.
24:06 You can either carry it or you can.
24:09 Oh, y'all ain't got it.
24:10 Come on.
24:11 Look at your neighbor and say you got to cast it out.
24:13 Come on, look at your neighbor so you can't keep on carrying that.
24:17 Your shoulder is not broad enough.
24:20 Your shoulder is not strong enough.
24:22 But Peter said instead of carrying it, you and I ought to cast our cares upon him for he.
24:30 He what?
24:32 He what?
24:34 He what?
24:36 Daddy, and here you look at your neighbor and say we serve a God who cares about everything about us.
24:42 He cares about everything, every good, every bad, every negative.
24:47 He said cast your cares upon him for he.
24:52 He what?
24:53 He cares.
24:54 That word cast in the original language means to throw it violently.
24:59 It means to throw it.
25:01 It represent a decide decision on our part that is neither passive or partial.
25:08 That word cast means to throw it or to carry or to drop it at his feet.
25:15 I love how Psalm 55 says it.
25:17 It says cast your burden upon the Lord and he will sustain you.
25:22 He will never allow the righteous to be shaken.
25:27 Oh, y'all missed that scripture.
25:29 That Psalm 55.
25:31 He said cast your burden upon the Lord and he will sustain you.
25:36 He will never allow the righteous to be shaken.
25:40 Peter said we can cast or we can hand over.
25:45 Somebody let me see your hand.
25:46 Hand it over.
25:47 Come on, come on.
25:48 Get what?
25:49 What, what, what?
25:50 What you been staying up at night?
25:51 Come on, get the cares in your hand.
25:52 Come on, what's been bothering you?
25:54 Got it in your hand?
25:55 He said I want you to cast it.
25:57 Come on, throw it.
25:58 Come on, throw it at him.
25:59 Come on, throw it at the Savior.
26:01 Throw it at the feet of Jesus.
26:03 Peter said we can cast or we can hand over our cares and our concern for we serve a God who cares for us.
26:12 The Psalm says it this way.
26:14 He will perfect everything.
26:16 Let the church say everything.
26:18 Now, that's the wrong church, man.
26:20 Look at you and say everything.
26:22 Come on, get an attitude.
26:24 Say everything.
26:25 He will perfect everything that concerns you.
26:28 Now, ask your neighbor, what concerns you?
26:31 What's been bothering you?
26:33 What's been keeping you up at night?
26:36 What's have you bite in your finger?
26:38 What has you pacing the floor?
26:40 God told me that this next shout is going to fall off of you.
26:44 That this next scream is going to release from you.
26:47 He said when you holler this time, it means you are dropping it.
26:51 It means you're putting that burden at his feet.
26:54 I'm going to give you three seconds to get that thing in your mind.
26:58 Get it in your mouth and throw it at him.
27:01 When you leave this place, you're going to leave lighter than you came.
27:05 When you leave this place, you're going to leave stronger than you came.
27:08 Because what you're borne in, you're not taking it with you.
27:12 Oh, come on, brush it off your shoulder.
27:15 He said cast it upon the Lord, throw it upon him.
27:18 Peter said after you cast it, after you turn your cares,
27:22 after you turn your concern to the Lord,
27:25 he said I want you to be sober. Let the church say sober.
27:29 He said I want you to be vigilant. Let the church say vigilant.
27:33 He said your job in the midst of a painful situation
27:37 is to be sober and to be vigilant.
27:40 Why for your adversary, the devil is like a,
27:45 y'all reading your scripture, he is like a roaring lion,
27:49 walking about seeking whom he may devour.
27:53 In other words, Peter said that the child of God must be on high alert.
27:58 On my way to royal house tonight, Papa, I watched the weather report.
28:03 And it says between 7pm all the way to 10pm tonight,
28:07 you can expect some thunderstorms in the area.
28:11 It was on high alert.
28:14 A couple of weeks ago, because of the fire in Canada,
28:17 when you look at the weather report,
28:20 it says my goodness, the air was contaminated.
28:23 Because of what was going on in Canada.
28:26 It says you got to be on high alert.
28:29 Because of what was in the air.
28:32 And that's when the Lord reminded me that Satan is, come on,
28:35 he's the prince of the air, he tries to pollute the air.
28:39 But the child of God got to be sober.
28:42 The child of God got to be vigilant.
28:45 The child of God got to be diligent.
28:48 The child of God has to be on high alert.
28:51 Look at your neighbor, said this in the night to fall asleep.
28:54 Look at your neighbor, said this in the season to take a nap.
28:58 Papa said last night, this in the night to eat hamburgers.
29:01 He said you got to be alert.
29:04 You got to be awake, pulling your neighbor by the head.
29:07 And said this in the season for the whims.
29:10 This in the season for the believers.
29:13 Who don't know how to be steadfast.
29:16 And are always abounding in the work of the Lord.
29:19 Look at your neighbor, say I'm reporting the duty.
29:22 This is the convention of saints.
29:25 It's not the convention of the cowards.
29:28 It's not the convention of the weak.
29:31 This is when the true believers rise up and remind the devil.
29:35 That no weapon formed against us will be able to prosper.
29:39 And no tongue that rises up against us will be able to stand.
29:44 Look at your neighbor and say neighbor, I don't know what you're waiting for.
29:49 To remind the devil that greater is he that is in you.
29:53 Than he that is in the world.
29:56 Slap five at your neighbor and say I've come to remind the devil.
30:00 He's already defeated.
30:03 That no weapon formed against us will be able to prosper.
30:07 Somebody open your mouth and give the devil a migraine.
30:12 Somebody open your mouth and give the devil a headache.
30:17 Somebody scream.
30:20 Peter said, Satan who is your adversary.
30:29 The child of God has three enemies.
30:32 How many enemies?
30:34 We've got three enemies.
30:36 We know that the first enemy we know is the world.
30:39 He calls us love not the world, neither the things that are in the world.
30:43 For if any man love the world, the love of the father is not in him.
30:48 And when I say love not the world, when he says love not the world.
30:51 We're not talking about the trees or the birds.
30:54 We're talking about the philosophy of the world.
30:56 We're talking about the ideas of the world.
30:58 Papa talked about it all last night.
31:00 Laws that has been established to stop us from being what God has called us to be.
31:07 We are in the world but not of the world.
31:09 Look at your neighbor.
31:11 You can wear Gucci and Louis Vuitton but don't get it twisted.
31:14 You are not of this world.
31:16 Come on, look at them.
31:18 I don't care if you live in the suburb.
31:20 I don't care if you live in Lowell or Greenbelt.
31:23 You are not of this world.
31:25 This world is not my home.
31:27 I'm just a passing through.
31:30 That's why we are ambassadors in this world.
31:33 We are the salt of the world.
31:35 We are the head and not the tail.
31:37 We are atmosphere changers.
31:40 That's why you still on that job.
31:42 It's so you can represent God on that job.
31:46 That's why you still in that situation.
31:48 It's so you can represent God.
31:51 Look at your neighbor.
31:52 When I show up, God shows up.
31:55 When I walk in the room, I'm representing the king of kings and the lords of lord.
32:01 We are the children of God.
32:03 We are the people who know who they are.
32:06 When you walk into a place, you are taking territory.
32:10 I wish you heard papa last night.
32:13 He said the world is trying to stop us from being who we're called to be.
32:18 But Jesus said upon this rock, I build my church and the gates of hell.
32:25 I need somebody to open them out.
32:28 We are going on the offense.
32:30 The gates of hell shall not prevail.
32:34 We're not backing off of the enemy.
32:36 We're taking territory.
32:38 Everywhere you put your feet.
32:41 I need somebody to put your feet out there.
32:44 Everywhere you put your feet.
32:46 He said I'll give it to you.
32:48 Everywhere you put your.
32:51 Peter said your adversary is like God.
32:59 He's like a what?
33:01 I don't want you to miss this.
33:03 He's like.
33:04 He's not.
33:08 He's like.
33:12 But he's not.
33:13 In other words, he's got a loud bark but he ain't got no bite.
33:18 Oh God, I feel like preaching here.
33:20 2,000 years ago, Jesus took the teeth out of his mouth.
33:25 Oh, I wish I had some.
33:27 All the devil can do is roar but he ain't got no bite because he was stripped of his.
33:33 Oh my.
33:35 He is like a what?
33:38 I'm going, papa, I had a dog a couple of years ago.
33:40 A little shih tzu.
33:42 You wouldn't think it was a shih tzu if you came to my house.
33:45 Because he had a big roar.
33:48 But he had a small bite.
33:50 I can put my hands in my dog mouth and he wouldn't eat.
33:53 He can't even have enough teeth to bite my hand.
33:56 But you can tell him that.
33:58 He is like the adversary, the devil who uses.
34:01 Listen, the devil who's the adversary uses pain to push us away from God.
34:08 Oh God, he uses pain.
34:10 He uses pain to push us away from God.
34:13 He uses pain.
34:15 He uses pain to make you feel that you're out of the purpose of God.
34:19 The term adversary refers to an opponent in a lawsuit.
34:24 The other term used to describe our adversary is the devil which means he's a slanderer.
34:30 He's the accuser of the brethren.
34:33 In Revelation 12 verse 10 he's referred to as the accuser of the brethren.
34:39 The job of the enemy is to defame you.
34:43 It's to defame you because he can't defeat you.
34:46 So he just tried to defame you.
34:49 He goes about prowling, roaring, about seeking, trying to get you to fall into step.
34:55 And scripture said he's like a roaring lion, a hungry lion waiting to come in for the kill.
35:00 The devil seeks to not only defame us but he seeks to devour us.
35:05 And while the child of God does not give honor to the devil,
35:08 we have to know that the only way we can defeat him is in Jesus.
35:12 That's why Peter tells us and encourages us to respect him but we can resist him.
35:18 Hello somebody. Let the church say resist him.
35:21 He said in verse 9 resist him, firm in your faith knowing that the same experiences of suffering
35:29 are being accomplished by your brethren who are in the world.
35:33 The Greek word for resist means to withstand, to be firm against someone else on set.
35:39 Rather it means to stand your ground.
35:42 Or it means to hold the rope while you're still out there.
35:46 Peter said we ought to resist Satan by being firm or steadfast in our faith.
35:53 We have to be steadfast, unmovable in our faith.
35:56 Our strength to resist the devil does not only come from our faith, but check this out,
36:02 but it comes from the company of saints stretching down through history.
36:07 As well as present day believers across the world and nation.
36:11 They are called in the book of Hebrews a cloud of witnesses.
36:16 Hebrews 12 tells us that we are surrounded with a cloud of witnesses.
36:21 We're seeing we are compassed about with a cloud of witnesses.
36:25 He said let us lay aside every weight and sin which so easily beset us.
36:31 And let us run with patience the ways that is set before us.
36:36 Tell your neighbor you're not alone in this fight.
36:39 Come on, look at your neighbor and say you're not alone in this fight.
36:43 There is a cloud of heavenly hosts.
36:46 There are some other believers who are chained you on.
36:49 Look at your neighbor and say you're not alone in this fight.
36:53 There is Daniel and Jemiah who is saying you can get through this.
36:57 Look at your neighbor and say you're not alone in this fight.
37:01 Come on, say you're not alone in this situation.
37:04 You're not alone in this circumstance.
37:07 You are surrounded with a heavenly host of course.
37:10 You are surrounded with a cloud of witnesses.
37:13 And even with faith and friends standing around you.
37:17 Peter lets you and I know that the devil will not quit.
37:21 Remember in the wilderness Jesus resisted him.
37:24 By using the word for it is written.
37:27 He uses the word to resist the devil.
37:30 And in using the word the devil ends up retreating and backing down.
37:35 Peter reminds us that after, somebody holler after.
37:39 Come on say it with authority, after.
37:42 Peter said after you resist him.
37:44 Look what he said in verse ten.
37:46 He said in verse number ten.
37:48 And after you have suffered a while.
37:51 You all got to read that verse out loud.
37:53 He said but after you have suffered a while.
37:56 I need you to look your neighbor as I'm trying to bring it in.
38:00 And just do this, tell him just a little while longer.
38:03 Okay that's the wrong neighbor.
38:04 Come on look at your neighbor and say just a little while longer.
38:07 Oh come on, come on, show it, say a little while longer.
38:10 Peter said after you have suffered a while.
38:13 After you have suffered just a little while longer.
38:16 I need you to push on their back and tell them just a little while longer.
38:20 Come on say don't you throw in the towel.
38:23 Don't you walk away.
38:25 Peter said after you have suffered a little while.
38:28 And there is somebody at the sound of my voice tonight.
38:32 You've been in that predicament, you've been in that situation.
38:35 And you're getting ready to throw in the towel.
38:38 But God sent me to royal house to tell you it's just a little while longer.
38:43 He said weeping me and there for a night.
38:46 But joy is coming in the morning.
38:49 Look at your neighbor and say just a little while longer.
38:52 Look at them and say it won't be too long.
38:54 Come on pull them by the hand and say be encouraged.
38:57 Say the darkest time in your life is just about to be over.
39:03 I see the breaking of the day.
39:06 I see a brand new day.
39:08 I need you to pull your neighbor by the head.
39:11 And say neighbor lift up your head.
39:14 Oh ye gates and be lifted up.
39:17 Ye everlasting door and the king of glory shall come in.
39:23 Who is the king of glory?
39:25 The Lord mighty in battle.
39:27 Pull your neighbor by the head and say one more cry.
39:31 One more battle.
39:33 One more struggle.
39:35 One more shout.
39:36 But just a little while longer.
39:38 After you have suffered.
39:42 Oh come on I feel God in this place.
39:45 Peter said in verse number ten.
39:47 He said after you've suffered.
39:49 Oh after you've suffered.
39:51 After you've suffered.
39:53 After you struggle.
39:55 I came to royal house to tell somebody.
39:57 The suffering is about to be over.
40:00 I've come to prophesy to somebody.
40:03 The struggle is about to be over.
40:06 I need you to pull your neighbor by the head.
40:09 And say you ought to take a selfie of yourself.
40:12 Because when you get through this.
40:14 You are not going to look like what you've been through.
40:18 But you are going to look at your neighbor.
40:20 And say I dare you to holler for after this.
40:24 I dare you to shout for the after this.
40:28 He said in verse number ten.
40:30 He said after you've suffered a little while.
40:33 I need you to push them on their back.
40:35 And say just a little while longer.
40:38 Just one more surgery.
40:40 Just one more test.
40:42 Then one more praise.
40:44 Just one more shout.
40:46 After you've been through it.
40:48 After you've gone through it.
40:50 After you've struggled through it.
40:52 There will be glory.
40:55 I feel like preaching.
40:57 Look at your neighbor.
40:59 And say are you ready for another dimension of glory.
41:04 Are you ready for another dimension of praise.
41:08 Are you ready.
41:10 Somebody open your mouth.
41:12 Throw your head back.
41:14 And say there will be glory.
41:20 There will be glory.
41:23 Your latter will be better.
41:26 Oh come on.
41:27 I said your latter will be greater than your former.
41:32 There will be glory.
41:37 He said the God of grace.
41:39 The God of grace.
41:40 Who have called you to his eternal glory.
41:45 Are you all still out there.
41:47 He said in verse number ten.
41:49 He said after you suffer a while.
41:50 The God of grace.
41:52 Who have called you.
41:55 Who have called you to his eternal glory.
41:59 Oh my God.
42:00 Glory is eternal.
42:02 Oh God.
42:03 I said glory is eternal.
42:05 He said who have called you to his eternal glory in Christ.
42:08 The God of grace.
42:10 Who have called you to his eternal glory.
42:13 Oh my God.
42:15 Who have called you to his eternal glory.
42:18 Oh my God.
42:20 Who have called you to his eternal glory.
42:23 Oh my God.
42:24 Who have called you to his eternal glory.
42:27 Oh my God.
42:29 Who have called you to his eternal glory.
42:32 Oh my God.
42:34 Who have called you to his eternal glory.
42:37 Oh my God.
42:38 You know what Peter said.
42:39 That pain and suffering are not eternal.
42:42 But glory is.
42:43 Okay.
42:44 Okay.
42:45 You all missed it.
42:46 I said pain and suffering is temporal.
42:48 He said there's an expiration date on pain and suffering.
42:52 Have you ever gone to your food pantry.
42:55 I was hungry a couple of days ago.
42:57 And I went to my food pantry.
42:59 And one of my favorite snack is pickles.
43:01 I love a good jar of pickle.
43:04 I also love a jar of beet.
43:06 I was in my cabin.
43:07 I was hungry.
43:08 And I opened it.
43:09 And I was going to eat that pickle.
43:11 But something told me to look at the date.
43:14 It had expired 2 years ago.
43:16 Come on.
43:17 Don't judge me.
43:19 Come on.
43:20 Don't judge me.
43:21 I don't shop that often.
43:22 But look at your neighbor.
43:24 Say neighbor.
43:25 You may not have pickles.
43:27 But there's something that got an expiration date on it.
43:30 It's called pain and suffering.
43:33 I prophesied to somebody.
43:35 It's going to end tonight.
43:37 Come on in here.
43:38 I said it's going to end tonight.
43:40 Something is past overdue.
43:43 It has expired on you.
43:45 Peter is saying that after the dust settles.
43:48 And after the smoke clears.
43:50 That God will reward you.
43:52 In other words, there will be medals of honor.
43:56 That our commander in chief will present to us.
43:59 And Peter said when he calls you.
44:01 He's going to perfect you.
44:03 Oh my goodness.
44:04 It's right in the text.
44:06 He said after you suffer a while.
44:08 He's going to perfect you.
44:10 Papa, you know that word perfect me.
44:12 It means he's going to mature you.
44:15 Oh look at you.
44:16 I'm growing up.
44:18 Oh my goodness.
44:19 Immature babies.
44:20 They shout over stuff.
44:22 But when you grow up in your faith.
44:24 You don't shout over stuff.
44:26 I said when you're immature in your faith.
44:29 You shout over car, clothes, and cribs.
44:32 But when you grow up in your faith.
44:34 You shout for an eternal glory.
44:37 Look at you neighbor.
44:38 I said neighbor.
44:39 When I was a child.
44:41 I talk like a child.
44:43 I acted like a child.
44:45 I whined like a child.
44:47 I behaved like a child.
44:48 But when I became a man.
44:50 When I became a woman.
44:52 When I grew up in my faith.
44:54 I put away childish things.
44:57 Look at you neighbor.
44:58 I said neighbor.
44:59 When you come through this.
45:01 You're going to be stronger than ever.
45:03 Peter said that the Lord is maturing you.
45:07 Is there any mature believers in here.
45:10 Who said he's maturing me.
45:12 He's preparing me.
45:14 For something I can't handle right now.
45:17 And Peter said not only is he maturing you.
45:21 But he's establishing me.
45:23 I need somebody to plant your feet.
45:26 And he said I'm establishing you.
45:28 You're going to be like the coconut tree.
45:31 You're going to be like the Psalms one made.
45:34 The man who is planted by the rivers of water.
45:38 Pull your neighbor by the head.
45:40 And say I'm not moved.
45:42 By what the economy looks like.
45:45 I'm not moved.
45:46 By the decision of Washington DC.
45:49 I'm not moved.
45:50 By who's in the White House.
45:52 My feet is planted.
45:54 I need somebody to take your feet.
45:57 And say I've been established.
45:59 He said and he shall be planted.
46:02 By the rivers of living waters.
46:05 He said I will establish you.
46:08 And then he said I will strengthen you.
46:10 Is there anybody in here.
46:12 Pull your neighbor by the head.
46:14 And say here comes your strength.
46:16 He will strengthen you.
46:18 The Lord is your light.
46:20 And your salvation.
46:22 The Lord is your strength.
46:24 He will strengthen you.
46:26 For they that wait upon the Lord.
46:29 Shall renew their strength.
46:31 They shall mount up with wings as eagle.
46:34 They shall run and not get weary.
46:38 He said not only am I going to establish you.
46:42 Not only am I going to strengthen you.
46:45 But I want you to settle down.
46:47 Pull your neighbor by the head.
46:50 And say we got to get out of here.
46:52 But the Lord told me to tell you.
46:54 Settle down.
46:56 Look at your neighbor.
46:58 And say settle down.
47:00 Because what God has for you.
47:02 Is for you.
47:04 Settle down.
47:05 Look at your neighbor.
47:06 Say settle down.
47:08 Don't you throw in the towel.
47:10 Settle down.
47:12 Know that God got you in control.
47:14 Settle down.
47:16 Look at your neighbor.
47:18 And say neighbor.
47:20 He's maturing me.
47:22 He's establishing me.
47:24 He's strengthening me.
47:26 But he's settling me.
47:28 Can I borrow that chair right there?
47:30 Look at your neighbor.
47:31 Can I get a chair right there?
47:33 Look at your neighbor.
47:34 And say neighbor.
47:36 You've been peeling your hair out.
47:38 You've been biting your nails.
47:40 You've been pacing the floor.
47:42 You've been walking back and forth.
47:44 But the Lord told me to tell you.
47:46 Settle down.
47:48 He got it under control.
47:50 Look at your neighbor.
47:52 And say neighbor.
47:54 You gotta settle down.
47:56 No weapon formed against you.
47:58 Won't be able to prosper.
48:00 No tongue that rises up against you.
48:02 Won't be able to stand.
48:04 Look at your neighbor.
48:06 And say settle down.
48:08 Because God is not through.
48:10 Blessing you yet.
48:12 He said after.
48:14 He said after.
48:16 You've been through something.
48:18 He said I'll establish you.
48:20 I will strengthen you.
48:22 I will settle you.
48:24 And he said and there will be.
48:26 There will be.
48:28 There will be.
48:30 There will be.
48:32 Glory.
48:34 Glory.
48:36 Glory.
48:38 After this.
48:40 After this.
48:42 I don't know what your this is.
48:44 But the Lord told me to tell you.
48:46 You don't have to wait until the battle is over.
48:48 You can shout right now.
48:50 You don't have to wait until you come through.
48:52 You can shout right now.
48:54 You don't have to wait until he bring you out.
48:56 You can shout right now.
48:58 There will be.
49:00 There will be.
49:02 There will be.
49:04 There will be.
49:06 Glory.
49:08 Glory.
49:10 Glory.
49:12 Come on. Give him glory.
49:14 Come on. Give him glory.
49:16 Come on. Give him glory.
49:18 For the after this.
49:20 For the after this.
49:22 For the after this.
49:24 For the after this.
49:26 There will be glory.
49:36 After this.
49:38 After this.
49:40 After this.
49:42 After this.
49:44 After this.
49:46 After this.
49:48 Say I'm coming out of this.
49:50 And there's a greater glory.
49:52 There's a greater praise.
49:54 There's a greater shout.
49:56 There's a greater scream.
49:58 There's a greater holler.
50:00 Somebody give God a greater.
50:02 Glory.
50:04 Glory.
50:06 Glory.
50:08 Glory.
50:10 Glory.
50:12 After you suffered a while.
50:14 After you suffered a while.
50:16 The God of all grace.
50:18 The God of all grace.
50:20 Who called you to.
50:22 Who called you to.
50:24 Eternal glory.
50:26 In Christ Jesus.
50:28 Papa you know my story.
50:30 Papa you know my story.
50:32 I came to this region.
50:34 I came to this region.
50:36 Got called to a church called Jericho City of Praise.
50:38 Got called to a church called Jericho City of Praise.
50:40 Anybody ever heard of Jericho?
50:42 I was 2014 Bishop Jake's.
50:44 I was 2014 Bishop Jake's.
50:46 Spoke a prophetic word over my life.
50:48 Spoke a prophetic word over my life.
50:50 Said a great door you can play.
50:52 Said a great door you can play.
50:54 A great door has been opened unto you.
50:56 A great door has been opened unto you.
50:58 24th and I got to Jericho.
51:00 Papa without preaching, teaching or anything.
51:02 Papa without preaching, teaching or anything.
51:04 One hour.
51:06 10,000 seat sanctuary.
51:08 Anybody ever heard of Jericho?
51:10 Right next to the Redskins.
51:12 Right next to the Redskins.
51:14 And I came to that church.
51:16 But there were a legal battle.
51:18 But there were a legal battle.
51:20 And the board that bought me lost.
51:22 And the board that bought me lost.
51:24 And Papa.
51:26 Oh my stuff was out.
51:28 I started my church called Victory.
51:30 I started my church called Victory.
51:32 Grace Center.
51:34 And we've been a church without walls.
51:36 And we've been a church without walls.
51:38 You don't have a building.
51:40 So we've been in a school here.
51:42 So we've been in a school here.
51:44 And a school there.
51:46 And a couple of weeks ago I was.
51:48 Happened to be watching a service.
51:50 Happened to be watching a service.
51:52 And it happened to have been at that building.
51:54 And it happened to have been at that building.
51:56 And it happened to have been at that building.
51:58 And I was reminded God of the prophetic word.
52:00 And I was reminded God of the prophetic word.
52:02 And I was reminded God of the prophetic word.
52:04 And I was reminded God of the prophetic word.
52:06 God had an explanation for me.
52:08 Because I was feeling some kind of way.
52:10 Because I was feeling some kind of way.
52:12 You were too.
52:14 I know Bishop Jake is here from God.
52:16 I know Bishop Jake is here from God.
52:18 I was trying to ask God how come there is a great door.
52:20 I was trying to ask God how come there is a great door.
52:22 You said was open to me.
52:24 You said was open to me.
52:26 And I said I'm not going to open the door.
52:28 And I said I'm not going to open the door.
52:30 And then after a year I had to leave.
52:32 And then after a year I had to leave.
52:34 And God said oh Jazz you got it twisted.
52:36 And God said oh Jazz you got it twisted.
52:38 You assumed the door was the church.
52:40 You assumed the door was the church.
52:42 The door is the city.
52:44 The door is the city.
52:46 That's why I'm still in the city.
52:48 That's why I'm still in the city.
52:50 I'm not in the church.
52:52 I'm not in the church.
52:54 But I had to go through Jericho.
52:56 Somebody said I gotta go through.
52:58 Somebody said I gotta go through.
53:00 So I can pick up the spoils.
53:02 So I can pick up the spoils.
53:04 You all ain't ready for me yet.
53:06 You all ain't ready for me yet.
53:08 And as I was sitting in my house remembering the prophetic word.
53:10 And as I was sitting in my house remembering the prophetic word.
53:12 I hear God say there's going to be a greater glory.
53:14 I hear God say there's going to be a greater glory.
53:16 After this.
53:18 I don't know when he's going to do it.
53:20 And then I tuned in to you last night.
53:22 And then I tuned in to you last night.
53:24 Dial in on YouTube.
53:28 Dial in on YouTube.
53:30 And here you're talking about strongholds in the region.
53:32 And here you're talking about strongholds in the region.
53:34 And here you're talking about strongholds in the region.
53:36 Strongholds in the region.
53:38 Strongholds in the region.
53:40 Strongholds in the region.
53:42 And you're talking about laws and systems.
53:44 And you're talking about laws and systems.
53:46 And I remember that I was in the church.
53:48 And I remember that I was in the church.
53:50 And I remember that I was in the church.
53:52 And I remember that I was in the church.
53:54 And I remember that I was in the church.
53:56 And I remember that I was in the church.
53:58 And I remember that I was in the church.
54:00 And I remember that I was in the church.
54:02 And I remember that I was in the church.
54:04 And I remember that I was in the church.
54:06 And I remember that I was in the church.
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54:10 And I remember that I was in the church.
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55:18 And I remember that I was in the church.
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55:26 And I remember that I was in the church.
55:28 And I remember that I was in the church.
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58:56 [Music]
