• 2 years ago
Jimmy Graham speaks with the media following the Saints' second joint practice with the Chargers.
00:00 >> Have you taken any particular interest and become an advice giver for
00:04 Jawan Johnson?
00:05 I know it's not the exact same background as you, but
00:09 a guy who started out doing something else before converting.
00:12 >> Yeah, it's so interesting to see how talented he really is.
00:19 Once you get in the building and see the short area of quickness that he has,
00:24 and really his knowledge of the game already.
00:27 I think we've just seen the tip of the iceberg for him.
00:31 He can do anything he wants to put it, and
00:34 I think it's gonna be exciting to see where he goes.
00:37 But for me, I had amazing people who helped me.
00:40 I had Marcus Colson, Jonathan Dillman teach me about defense and
00:44 obviously debris.
00:45 And I mean, the list goes on and
00:47 on about how many guys gave me a helping hand.
00:49 So I'm just paying it forward, the things that were done for me.
00:53 The guys that I played behind when I was young,
00:56 the German Shockies and the David Thomas's.
01:00 It's a new role for me, but I'm excited for it and it's fun each and every day.
01:06 >> You probably got tired of people being like, well, he can catch, but
01:09 can he block, and all that.
01:10 But I mean, Jawan in this first game, he's picking up a defensive end on that.
01:14 >> 100%.
01:14 >> I mean, is that really tough for
01:17 people who haven't done that much in their career before?
01:20 >> I mean, at first, I mean, since I left the building, I had to learn how to block.
01:24 >> [LAUGH] >> I mean, I was on big play action,
01:29 run first teams, so that was not an option.
01:31 But yeah, he's all in to being the best player he can be.
01:37 And for him, truly, the sky's the limit.
01:39 And he's got every physical attribute and
01:43 mental attribute you could need to be an all-pro player.
01:46 So it's gonna be exciting to see his growth and to see where he takes it.
01:50 >> Jimmy, in terms of the path they took to get here,
01:53 do you think this is one of the most unique tight end rooms you've ever been around?
01:58 >> Yeah. >> Like Jawan converting, and
02:00 then your background and Taysom.
02:02 >> Yeah, yeah, I mean, our room is, I think it's a matchup nightmare.
02:08 I mean, I think we got a lot of problems in our room as far as for
02:12 defenses on the field.
02:13 And I think we are one of the most diverse tighter rooms in the league.
02:18 I mean, we've got a guy who's gonna have the ball in his hands,
02:21 running power and throwing down the field.
02:23 And then you got Jawan who just got this short-air quickness, myself being old.
02:29 [LAUGH] And then Big Fof, he's an incredible all around guy,
02:35 and brings the juice, brings the energy.
02:37 So I mean, I think we're gonna continue to press to try to lead and
02:43 be the energy of the group.
02:46 And any moment that we're having a lull,
02:48 we're gonna look to bring us up and look to make a play.
02:51 >> What is your assessment of where you're at compared to where you thought you'd
02:54 be after a few weeks of this?
02:56 >> Yeah, I mean, I love it.
02:58 I mean, it's been fun.
03:00 It's been fun working with two and four.
03:02 But really, just creating that brotherhood within my room,
03:07 that's been one of the kind of the biggest enjoyments that I've had is,
03:10 I mean, all of our moments, all of our meetings.
03:12 I mean, I think we got one of the best tightening coaches in the NFL.
03:16 So for me, I mean, I've enjoyed every moment of it,
03:19 every moment being back in this jersey.
03:21 And getting to work.
03:23 >> I'm sure there's some things that don't feel like 2011.
03:26 But I mean, do you feel the same as you did at 32?
03:29 >> Yeah, no, no, I mean, I feel better than I have in a long time,
03:33 mainly from the biking stuff.
03:34 My knees don't hurt anymore, which is fantastic.
03:37 So now, just the ability to see where I fit in and earn everything that I get.
03:44 And that's what I'm doing now.
03:46 I'm ready for it and ready for every opportunity I get.
03:48 >> You had mentioned the knee injury, I think, last time we talked to you.
03:51 Were you referring to the one from 2016?
03:53 >> Seattle, yeah.
03:54 >> Yeah, it just lingered?
03:56 >> Yeah, I mean, back in the day, usually, you're out for two years.
04:02 Victor Cruz was about two.
04:04 He called me right after it happened and told me how difficult it was.
04:06 But I ended up playing nine months later with it still incompletely healed.
04:11 So obviously, that puts you back.
04:13 And then basically, every year, I was just kinda getting to the seasons.
04:17 So now, I mean, I feel amazing.
04:18 Best I felt in the last eight, nine years.
04:21 And so I'm ready, excited for it.
04:25 >> Jimmy, when you're talking about getting adjusted to a new role,
04:28 how big of an adjustment is that for you?
04:30 I mean, you've never been a guy that's in this type of role.
04:34 So is it just a mindset shift, or
04:36 you just kinda go into this just kinda happy to be here?
04:38 How do you view that?
04:39 >> Yeah, I mean, well, first, I'm always competing.
04:42 And that's something that's good for me.
04:43 But when you don't have a ring,
04:47 you're gonna take on any role that you can get.
04:49 And that's really what I've always been about,
04:53 what my mindset is, this is a special team.
04:55 We got a special opportunity here.
04:57 And so I'm blessed to be able to get this opportunity to be with this team.
05:03 So much talent on both sides of the ball.
05:04 And so for me, as I can help in any way to win any of these games,
05:11 I'm just proud of being back home, really.
