00:00 Hyenas engage in plenty of play fighting, and they have a way to let fellow hyenas know
00:08 when an attack is part of a game.
00:11 They bob their heads and make clear facial expressions.
00:15 But real fights may occur in hyena communities if food sources are not steady.
00:21 When lion males take over a pride, they always kill the pride's cubs, since they are not
00:26 biologically related and do not want their lion's genes to be passed on.
00:31 Also, female lions will not be receptive to mating while they are nursing.
00:37 So killing the cubs enables the male lions to procreate.
00:42 Komodo dragons are apex predators.
00:45 Few are the animals that can kill them.
00:48 Sometimes adult komodo turn cannibalistic and prey on younger members of their species.
00:54 They do this especially in times of food shortage, but may do so at other times after getting
00:59 a taste for their own kind.
01:04 Crocodile's prey consists almost exclusively of larger mammals.
01:08 Although they do also eat fish, birds, or reptiles as they are opportunistic hunters,
01:14 they very occasionally turn to cannibalism and eat each other.
01:18 They do this when there is an absence of prey or food competition, doing what is necessary
01:23 to survive.
01:26 Tigers are known to be extremely territorial and willing to fight animals including other
01:32 tigers who invade their space.
01:36 There are quite a few instances where cubs are eaten by adult tigers, but two adult tigers
01:42 fighting and one eating the other is rare.
01:45 When one pack of African wild dogs catches sight of another pack, a chase or a fight
01:51 typically ensues.
01:55 Wild dog packs are territorial and will defend those territories aggressively from other
02:00 wild dogs that trespass.
02:03 In such kind of fights, many factors would determine the victorious pack, such as numbers,
02:09 experience, and will.
02:11 (whooshing)