• 2 years ago


00:00 But this spectacular gathering doesn't go unnoticed.
00:10 Out of the heavens soars America's national bird, an aerial predator of cunning and power.
00:19 The parents warn they are young and the message spreads like wildfire.
00:40 The bald eagle flushes the birds, checking for signs of weakness.
00:57 The panic spreads like a Mexican wave, but still among the masses the families stick
01:10 together.
01:17 As more and more families take to the air, they create a snowstorm of geese that confuses
01:21 the eagle.
01:35 The massed ranks create a whiteout impossible to see through.
01:47 They must look for easier options.
01:52 Overwintering coots are a far better bet.
01:57 Unlike geese, they need a long take-off.
02:13 They are also weak flyers.
02:15 One heads back to the water and performs a disappearing act, diving two metres below
02:34 the surface.
02:37 But the game isn't up yet.
02:41 Another coot dives, but the water's shallow and the eagle's pin-sharp vision can see him.
03:00 It's a fatal mistake.
03:06 The eagle will follow the migrating flocks, hoping for yet more opportunities.
03:10 [water splashing]
03:12 [geese honking]
03:13 [water splashing]
03:13 [no audio]
