• 2 years ago


00:00 Their favourite poison is found crawling in the forest.
00:05 Like pufferfish, millipedes are toxic.
00:10 But that doesn't stop the lemurs seeking them out.
00:24 The millipedes use dangerous secretions, including cyanide, as a defence.
00:30 But the lemurs still chew on them, albeit extremely cautiously.
00:39 The toxins cause the lemurs to salivate.
00:50 They then rub both the saliva and the millipede into their fur.
00:55 They use it as an insecticide to ward off insects such as mosquitoes that carry malaria.
01:02 But they are suspiciously enthusiastic about the whole process.
01:07 It seems they don't just work as an insect repellent.
01:19 The chemicals also appear to send them into a trance-like state.
01:24 A condition of complete intoxication.
01:40 And they can't seem to get enough.
02:05 [Music]
02:09 When it's all over, there's no hiding the state they're in.
02:21 Time to sleep it off.
02:29 [Music]
