It'll be weeks before the State Government's in a position to roll out further changes to try and prevent Hells Angels members from accessing a property east of Adelaide. The Attorney-General has been left to urgently redraft regulations following a High Court decision to overturn a ban.
00:00 It's a High Court verdict about a bikey fortress that's prompted tough talk from the Attorney
00:07 General.
00:08 The outlaw motorcycle gangs and the thugs and criminals who are members of them should
00:12 take absolutely no comfort from yesterday's High Court decision.
00:17 That decision has forced the state to rework its attempts to limit the Hells Angels access
00:21 to a property at Pondy about 100km east of Adelaide.
00:26 Efforts to declare the site a prescribed place have been ruled invalid by the High Court
00:31 with the owners of the land also found to have been denied procedural fairness.
00:35 They've now been given three weeks to respond to any further government reforms.
00:39 And then be making a decision as a government about, as I say, whether we issue further
00:45 regulations to regulate this as a prescribed place but also we reserve the right and we
00:50 will also be looking at whether we need to change the legislation.
00:54 If the government's considering going down a pathway that doesn't involve the Parliament
01:00 then that just strikes me as a risky pathway.
01:03 The Law Society says the simplest move would be to redraft regulations linked to the property.
01:08 The government seems to have been able to move very quickly with passing some legislation
01:13 so I suspect they'd be able to do that quite quickly if they wish to.
01:17 Taxpayers have to bear legal costs linked to the High Court decision, a bill which hasn't
01:22 been made public.
01:23 There isn't a cost that you can put on keeping South Australians safe.
01:26 The Attorney-General says South Australia Police will also be given the chance to make
01:30 submissions to the state government before changes are made.
01:33 While a spokesperson says police won't be commenting publicly on the matter at this
01:37 time.