Comment s'assurer un bon taux de protéines quand on ne mange pus de viande ou de poisson ? Pour des raisons financières, éthiques ou simplement de goût, beaucoup d'entre-nous consomment de moins en moins de viande ou de poisson, voire même, arrêtent complètement d'en manger. Mais quand on arrête de manger de la viande ou du poisson, quelle sont les conséquences, ou pour mieux dire, comment adapter son alimentation pour continuer à recevoir une dose de protéines suffisantes au quotidien ? Par quoi les protéines animales peuvent-elles être remplacées ? Végétariens et végétaliens devraient savoir que quoi l'on parle ici. Si vous avez décider de réduire ou de stopper votre consommation de viande ou de poisson, cette vidéo est faite pour vous ! A partager sans modération.
Rejoignez Savoir Maigrir :
Rejoignez Savoir Maigrir :
00:00 Hi friends, it's a bit complicated right now,
00:02 there is a loss of purchasing power and some of us have decided to stop
00:07 meat or fish to save money.
00:10 Welcome to the Jean-Michel Cohen channel,
00:11 the channel where we only talk about nutrition and where we don't take you for potatoes.
00:15 Masterclass, personalized menu, individualized dietary follow-up,
00:21 visit the website
00:26 Before, it was really fundamental to eat meat, fish.
00:30 The main reason was the consumption of protein.
00:33 And then, in fact, over the years, we realized that we had consumed more and more protein.
00:38 And we even recommended, lately, to eat less protein
00:41 and therefore to reduce some proteins.
00:43 We didn't touch the fish, but we touched the meat.
00:46 The last figures we had regarding meat, it was an average increase of 15%.
00:51 So there is no criticism in there.
00:52 I suppose that the farmers, the butcher, the whole chain of meat production is responsible.
00:57 There are some people who are not perfectly correct.
01:02 But in general, meat has increased by 15%.
01:04 And so the temptation is very strong,
01:06 since food is bought at the same number of grams of protein,
01:09 to go and throw away products like meat or fish, which have become too expensive,
01:12 and to ask ourselves the question, how can we replace them?
01:14 Do we lose something when we reduce these products?
01:17 For me, meat has always been a rather poor product.
01:21 I will explain myself on this.
01:22 It was an argument that favors vegetarians and vegetarians.
01:26 But I said it simply because if I look at the composition of meat,
01:30 the main elements of composition are proteins.
01:33 It is true that it is a complete protein.
01:34 And iron, the iron is minic,
01:36 that is, the one that really comes from the blood of the beast.
01:40 So it has an absorption capacity, in our case, our body has an absorption capacity
01:44 that is much better for iron and minic
01:46 than for iron, which we will find, for example, in legumes.
01:49 The opposite argument is that meat, first,
01:51 is a protein content that is still quite rich.
01:53 We roughly count from 18 to 25% of protein for a piece of meat,
01:58 depending on whether it is more or less fat.
02:00 So that means it goes very fast in terms of protein consumption.
02:03 And the second thing is that meat is accompanied by fat,
02:06 and in particular animal-type fats, which are not very good for health.
02:10 So it's not really a fundamental health product.
02:14 So before, maybe in previous centuries, it was important to have protein,
02:17 but today it is not so important.
02:19 And iron, well, it is true that it is of good quality,
02:22 but we can still find it elsewhere.
02:24 Then, in terms of vitamins, minerals, oligoelements,
02:27 it's not very interesting.
02:29 The most important vitamin is vitamin B,
02:32 the rest are really traces of not much.
02:35 Minerals are traces of not much,
02:36 oligoelements are traces, except iron,
02:39 they are traces of not much.
02:40 So meat, it really has to be considered as a protein provider.
02:43 I'm not talking about those who like meat.
02:46 These are nutritional recommendations.
02:48 So it's a product that is not fundamental for good food health,
02:53 well, for good health in general, and in our diet.
02:56 Fish is more interesting, but fish, the same,
02:59 has increased terribly, like all seafood.
03:02 That means that the increases are between 10 and 30%,
03:05 depending on where you buy it.
03:07 It's still a more interesting product.
03:09 First, it's rich in protein, really very rich in protein,
03:12 between 20 and 25 grams of protein per 100 grams.
03:14 Secondly, it contains iodine,
03:16 a large part of the French population is deficient in iodine,
03:20 and you know, iodine is the product that is useful for our thyroid
03:24 and that allows the body to function.
03:26 So it's an interesting product.
03:28 It contains phosphorus, it contains lots of minerals,
03:30 and it contains, when it's fatty fish,
03:32 vitamin D and vitamin E.
03:34 So fish is an interesting product.
03:36 Can we live without eating fish meat?
03:38 The answer right away, yes.
03:40 Why?
03:40 Because we have two problems.
03:42 One is to find a substitute for protein,
03:46 and secondly, it's to find vitamins and minerals,
03:50 when there are a few, that you could find in other foods.
03:52 First of all, regarding proteins,
03:55 I know that cheese has increased,
03:56 but it's true that proteins can be found in dairy products.
03:59 Dairy products on average contain 10 to 12% protein.
04:04 There are variations in dairy products,
04:07 but it could be yoghurts, milk, if you tolerate it,
04:13 cheese, even if cheese has become a bit expensive.
04:16 It could also be eggs.
04:18 So eggs are really an interesting product,
04:20 because if you replace fish meat with eggs,
04:23 it's not expensive.
04:24 Secondly, the composition of the egg is a great product.
04:27 It's a product with a very good quality protein,
04:30 it's albumin.
04:31 Don't think it goes straight into the blood,
04:33 it doesn't make the albumin go up in the blood,
04:36 it's degraded in the form of amino acids.
04:37 And secondly, the yolk of the egg is a product that is rich in fat,
04:41 and rich in vitamin A, vitamin D, and sometimes in vitamin E.
04:45 So eggs are a very interesting product.
04:47 You could live on eggs only.
04:49 In fact, look, in Asian countries,
04:51 there is a low consumption of these products,
04:53 which are expensive, except for chicken,
04:56 but eggs are always present.
04:58 Finally, we must not forget that vegetables bring us,
05:03 like cereal products, like legumes,
05:06 also minerals and vitamins.
05:09 So it's not negligible.
05:10 You see, just a little example, we're talking about fat,
05:12 mash, mash is a product that contains omega-3s.
05:16 When I take potatoes, I take vitamin C.
05:19 But proteins are also found in other foods.
05:22 So we find them in vegetables,
05:25 but we also find them in products and cereals.
05:28 That is to say that there is always a little bit of protein in vegetables,
05:30 there is always a little bit of protein in potatoes.
05:33 Which explains why, for example, vegetarians,
05:36 there is no problem if they eat cheap cheese,
05:40 cheap milk, because milk is cheap,
05:42 cheap eggs, we have no problem.
05:44 They have the proteins they want.
05:46 Maybe a small exception for women,
05:48 for whom it will be necessary to supplement a little with legumes
05:51 to have a little iron,
05:53 but vegetarians have no problem.
05:55 More complicated for vegetarians,
05:57 because for vegetarians, the problem is that they lack,
06:00 in vegetables, amino acids called essential amino acids,
06:03 which are lysine, methionine, phenylalanine,
06:06 tryptophan, threonine, valine, leucine, etc.
06:09 Essential amino acids are those that we are not able to make
06:14 even from other essential amino acids.
06:16 For vegetarians, they are asked to cross legumes,
06:18 that is, beans, chickpeas, beans, lentils,
06:22 with cereal products such as pasta, rice, semolina, potato,
06:25 and there we manage to combine a product that will contain proteins.
06:29 So I can get proteins without eating meat or fish.
06:34 I'm just going to take products that are cheaper,
06:36 which I just told you, potatoes are not too expensive,
06:40 beans and lentils are not too expensive yet,
06:42 so it allows you to have proteins.
06:43 For vegetarians and those who love fish, it's a bit complicated,
06:46 but in any case, it will save money.
06:48 Then, to find iron,
06:50 I can find iron in legumes,
06:53 and I can find it in eggs.
06:55 So that means that if I don't want to eat meat and fish,
06:58 I'm going to take, if I'm not a vegetarian,
07:01 I'm going to take eggs and dairy products.
07:04 I'm going to add another protein of good quality,
07:07 like legumes and cereal products,
07:11 so I'll have a lot of protein in the end.
07:12 And since eggs contain a lot of vitamins,
07:14 and since I crossed beans, beans, and cereal products,
07:18 I have enough vitamins and minerals,
07:21 if I eat a few more fruits or vegetables,
07:24 it's good, it's a settled deal.
07:26 Now, if I'm a vegetarian, I do exactly the same thing,
07:29 except that I'm going to have to add vitamin B12.
07:33 I would buy gels in a supermarket or pharmacy
07:36 so as not to miss the important thing in meat
07:39 or in animal products,
07:40 that is, vitamin B12,
07:42 which is really important to avoid anemia.
07:43 Now, if you want to adjust your budget,
07:45 if you have a raffle to do,
07:47 between buying 10 euros of meat or 10 euros of fish,
07:50 well, yes, I'm going to take 10 euros of fish.
07:52 Why? Because fish is a product
07:54 that is much more nutritious.
07:56 So, a little nod to vegetarians.
07:58 Health benefits, let's be clear.
08:00 I mean, meat, we have a recommendation
08:03 that has become almost international.
08:06 There are only Americans who argue a little.
08:07 We have 10, 500 grams maximum of red meat per week.
08:10 So that means that in terms of health benefits,
08:12 a diet as I have just described it to you,
08:15 it is better in terms of protein consumption,
08:17 it is better in terms of fat consumption.
08:20 Of course, if you put a ton of butter or oil,
08:23 it will change things.
08:24 And it may also be better for your gut,
08:27 because you will increase the fiber
08:29 that you will consume.
08:30 That's why, in fact, meat or fish,
08:33 you can live without it.
08:33 There are a lot of people who live without it,
08:35 and it's not a problem at all.
08:37 So, when you prioritize savings,
08:38 apart from the advice I gave you in other videos,
08:41 where I told you to buy canned products,
08:43 it's not a problem.
08:44 Don't forget that the price of fish
08:47 varies from one fish to another,
08:49 but the price varies from one fish to another,
08:50 and that afterwards it's in the way you cook
08:52 and that it changes.
08:53 There are people who don't like mackerel,
08:55 which is a cheap fish,
08:56 or sardines,
08:56 well, we cook them differently.
08:58 And so, that's also part of the tricks
09:00 to reduce the cost of your basket.
09:02 On the other hand, I am a nutritionist,
09:04 and what I wanted to tell you,
09:05 it's really one of the pillars of my behavior
09:08 in terms of nutrition,
09:09 it's the best, the best of food,
09:12 it's a food that doesn't forbid anything.
09:14 That's why I've always been considered
09:16 like the nutritionist, pleasure.
09:17 It means, yes, we can eat a little chocolate,
09:20 yes, we can drink from time to time
09:21 or eat a sweet product from time to time,
09:24 but it's the overall management
09:25 that's really important.
09:26 And that's what I'd like to make you understand.
09:28 Now, a little piece of advice,
09:29 if you're a meat lover,
09:31 there's not only lean meat to eat.
09:32 First of all, zaba is a product
09:34 of good nutritional quality
09:36 and it's a little cheaper.
09:37 The second thing is that the pieces
09:39 considered fat,
09:40 for example, like the jarré,
09:42 which are a little cheaper,
09:43 are still good pieces to eat,
09:45 and that's meat.
09:46 That's what I had to tell you, friends.
09:47 If you liked it,
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09:50 And of course,
09:51 you can recommend it to me,
09:52 leave a comment.
09:53 And if you have any ideas,
09:54 I promise I'll make videos about them.
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