When Calls the Hear S10E01
TV ve DiziDöküm
00:00 Previously on "When Calls the Heart".
00:02 I hope Valley won't stay the same forever.
00:05 It's important that we encourage one another,
00:07 especially during the hard times.
00:08 The times have changed.
00:09 I saw Lucas and Little Jack earlier today.
00:12 Lucas will make a wonderful father.
00:14 I wrote this as a love letter to my son
00:17 and to everyone else in this town.
00:19 I used every stick of dynamite I could lay my hands on.
00:23 I can't condone what you've done.
00:25 I'm sorry.
00:26 I'm sorry.
00:27 I can't condone what you've done.
00:30 But thank you from all of us.
00:32 I don't know, Dad.
00:33 I thought that you just called me--
00:35 Dad, is that OK?
00:38 Yeah.
00:41 Bill, please, get some rest.
00:46 This is my last will and testament.
00:48 Bill.
00:49 I'm not afraid.
00:50 Just show me.
00:51 It'd be my privilege.
00:53 I have a confession about Nathan.
00:54 I've become more interested in Nathan than just as a friend.
00:57 You're going to be a father.
00:59 And I'm going to be a mother.
01:00 Oh.
01:01 [laughter]
01:03 Allow me to be a father to your son.
01:05 Elizabeth, will you marry me?
01:08 Yes.
01:09 Yes to it all.
01:10 Over the past few months, one thing has become clear to me.
01:19 No matter the challenge, the people of Hope Valley
01:23 know how to come together.
01:25 First, the coal mine was destroyed.
01:28 Then the oil wells dried up.
01:30 And then we lost the foundry.
01:32 And with it, the promise of new jobs.
01:36 But in true Hope Valley fashion, Florence, Molly, and Minnie
01:41 started a swap meet so nothing would go to waste.
01:45 Rosemary insisted that Lee hire everyone
01:47 he could from the oil company and wouldn't let anything
01:50 stop her from lending a hand.
01:52 Even though she's just a few weeks from giving birth.
01:56 We've all rolled up our sleeves, relying on generosity
02:00 and kindness and neighbors helping neighbors.
02:03 Everyone has dedicated themselves to doing their part
02:06 and having fun while they do it.
02:09 As for us, Lucas and I have started
02:12 planning for a fall wedding.
02:14 And we're getting a lot of opinions.
02:18 But we can't wait for the big day.
02:21 This is your third order this week.
02:23 I can barely give these away, so I'm grateful, but--
02:27 What can I say?
02:28 I love beets.
02:30 Well, I appreciate the business.
02:32 Keep it coming.
02:33 More beets?
02:38 Yeah.
02:39 We really don't need beets.
02:41 We don't serve beets because Gustav won't cook with beets.
02:44 I'll think of something.
02:46 No, I know what you're doing.
02:47 You've done a lot, more than enough.
02:49 You hired me.
02:51 Well, you're more than qualified.
02:52 It's the best decision I've ever made.
02:54 Well, second best.
03:00 Good morning.
03:07 Good morning.
03:09 Wow, that's a lot of beets.
03:11 So I've been told.
03:14 It's hard to believe how far we've come in just a few months.
03:17 I know.
03:19 It's amazing.
03:20 But there's more to life than work.
03:22 My grandmother used to always say, mange bien, ris souvent, aime beaucoup.
03:28 I need to dust off on my French.
03:30 Eat well, laugh often, love much.
03:34 Now I have to get back to work.
03:36 I'm doing something.
03:39 Doing what?
03:40 It's a surprise.
03:42 [music playing]
03:46 [music playing]
03:49 [music playing]
03:53 [music playing]
04:19 Carpe diem.
04:22 Now some of you may think that poetry can be hopelessly romantic or hopelessly boring.
04:31 And hopelessly hard to understand.
04:33 Or it can be quite exciting.
04:35 Here you go, Angela.
04:37 Now can any of you tell me what carpe diem means?
04:42 Carpe whatie.
04:44 I'm guessing it doesn't mean the carp are biting.
04:47 You would be correct.
04:49 Why don't I give you a hint?
04:51 Diem in Latin means day.
04:54 And carpe means seize.
04:56 Seize the day?
04:58 Exactly.
04:59 Which is what we're doing right here.
05:01 Now the phrase was first coined in ancient Rome by a poet named Horace.
05:08 Who wrote about enjoying the simple pleasures of life and--
05:12 Cooper.
05:14 Toby.
05:16 Glad you could join us.
05:18 Sorry we're late, Mrs. Thornton.
05:20 Hmm.
05:21 Now as I was saying, carpe diem means we should try to enjoy every moment of every day.
05:27 Which I have a feeling Cooper and Toby have been doing.
05:30 [laughter]
05:33 [music playing]
05:45 Moving in?
05:46 Yeah, above the cafe.
05:48 Minnie offered us the rooms.
05:50 Three of you?
05:51 You're going to be roommates?
05:53 Why not?
05:54 We're all friends.
05:55 You know, late night chats by the fire, lots of girl talk.
05:58 Fun.
05:59 Oh, don't worry.
06:00 We don't talk about you.
06:02 Hardly ever.
06:04 Nathan, you worked things out with May?
06:07 Yeah.
06:08 Yeah, we did.
06:09 Then why can't you work things out with Faith?
06:12 Unless there's--
06:13 No, there's-- I mean, she doesn't-- I mean, I--
06:19 If there's nothing there, then why don't you clear the air?
06:23 And the best way to do that is by talking.
06:26 Well, that was awkward.
06:32 Shouldn't you be in class?
06:35 Try to enjoy life, Dad.
06:38 Carpe diem.
06:41 [phone beeps]
06:43 Afternoon.
06:52 Henry, I keep telling you, you don't have to come in here.
06:55 You don't even have to check in if you don't want to.
06:57 Those are the terms of my probation.
06:59 Well, now there's new terms, all right?
07:01 If I need you, I'll find you.
07:03 Gentlemen.
07:04 Bill.
07:05 How is Union City?
07:06 Some good news.
07:07 From the doctor?
07:08 From the court.
07:09 They've agreed to a pretrial hearing here in town in two weeks.
07:12 I won't be presiding for obvious reason,
07:14 but it does give us a chance to get the charges dismissed.
07:17 That's good news.
07:19 Constable Grant?
07:21 Yeah.
07:22 I need you to sign for a drop-off.
07:24 I wasn't expecting a--
07:29 a dog.
07:31 Named Scout.
07:32 He's been assigned to you.
07:33 Assigned by who?
07:34 I didn't request a mouty dog.
07:36 Superintendent Hargraves is allowing a special exemption.
07:38 What kind of exemption?
07:40 Scout.
07:41 May have been cut from the training program.
07:43 So he's not a mouty dog.
07:45 He's a failed mouty dog.
07:47 And he's going to be with you for a long time by the looks of him.
07:51 Well, that's good.
07:53 Haven't had a mouty dog in town for a while.
07:55 Scout.
07:57 Come.
07:58 Looks like Hargraves still has it out for you, pal.
08:05 [sighs]
08:06 How long are you going to keep pretending that everything's okay?
08:16 Who's pretending?
08:17 I'm fine. You don't need to worry about me.
08:19 You're looking at six years in prison, Henry.
08:22 Now, we don't know if we'll be able to beat these charges.
08:24 It's still a long shot hearing or not.
08:26 Look, whatever happens, happens.
08:29 That's exactly why I don't want people worrying or knowing.
08:32 Like we agreed.
08:34 [coughs]
08:35 How are you doing?
08:38 I'm fine.
08:41 The doctor says I'm right as rain.
08:43 No. I guess we're both fine then.
08:46 If we cut any more lumber leaves, we're going to run out of places to store it.
08:57 Yeah, I hear you.
08:59 Maybe we should give the men a couple of paid days vacation. What do you think?
09:02 That's not a long-term solution, my friend.
09:04 Yeah, I know.
09:05 Waiting on a couple of contracts, though.
09:07 One of them's really big. New waterworks project.
09:09 Just got to finesse the buyer a little bit.
09:12 Pretty soon we're going to be finessing the payroll, D.
09:14 Yeah, I know. You're right.
09:16 Look, I got to go back to the yard, all right?
09:18 Mm-hmm. There we go.
09:20 Mr. Coulter?
09:21 The missus made this. For the new baby.
09:24 It's a sweater.
09:25 Well, thank you, Brent. That's very kind of you.
09:27 Thank you. Without this job, I don't know what we'd do.
09:30 Well, you thank your wife for both Rosemary and me. We'll put it to good use.
09:33 Hopefully soon.
09:34 But not too soon.
09:35 All right, you're doing a great job. Thank you very much.
09:37 Take care.
09:38 When did you hire him?
09:40 Uh-huh.
09:41 Isn't it you who's always saying the good Lord will provide?
09:43 That is me, yes. I do say that.
09:45 All right, see you later.
09:46 I'll see you soon.
09:47 Okay, let's go.
09:48 Robert!
09:55 Sarah forgot her lunch.
09:57 Oh, thank you. I will see that she gets it.
09:59 Everything all right?
10:06 Not really.
10:09 My mom and I got an offer on the farm.
10:11 I guess I'm moving to Cape Fullerton.
10:14 Why?
10:18 Your family seems so happy here.
10:21 My dad's been looking for a new job since the derricks closed.
10:24 I'm sorry.
10:25 But surely someone in town can hire him.
10:28 He said no one needs the help, so the job is really a hand-out.
10:32 And you know my dad.
10:34 Does Sarah know?
10:38 My parents are going to tell her tomorrow.
10:40 She's going to be so upset.
10:42 She loves coming to school.
10:45 [music]
10:54 Hi, Ned.
10:56 Hello.
10:57 I'd like to place an order.
10:59 Certainly.
11:00 Well, that's quite a list. What's it for?
11:02 It's a surprise.
11:04 A surprise?
11:06 I love surprises.
11:08 Well, good.
11:09 Minnie, I was hoping I might ask you a big favor.
11:13 In private.
11:14 Of course.
11:15 I also love a good surprise.
11:18 Great. You can help spread the word.
11:20 Tomorrow evening at the saloon, everyone's invited.
11:22 Certainly. Can I get a hint as to...
11:25 I thought you said you loved a good surprise.
11:28 Well, I certainly love it when other people are surprised.
11:31 Ah.
11:32 Sorry, Ned. You'll have to wait.
11:34 Oh, thank you.
11:36 Oh, there you are.
11:42 Get out of the jail.
11:43 Get out of the jail.
11:44 Scout, come.
11:46 Okay, fine. Have it your way.
11:50 But, you know, just so you know, I don't like this any more than you do.
11:54 Oh my gosh!
11:59 Do we get to talk?
12:01 No.
12:02 And don't get attached.
12:04 She's got more attitude than you do.
12:08 Right. So much attitude.
12:11 [laughs]
12:12 [gasps]
12:21 Bill!
12:23 You're back.
12:25 Yeah. All good faith. Doctor says I'll live forever.
12:28 That's funny. Because Dr. Murphy's office called to say that you didn't show up.
12:32 Why bother? They all say the same thing.
12:35 I might be dying. I might live for ten years. Nobody knows.
12:38 I've been studying recent cases just like yours in the medical journals.
12:41 Faith, I appreciate everything you've been doing for me, but I don't expect you to work miracles.
12:45 Have you at least tried getting exercise and pressure like we talked about?
12:49 I'm feeling fine. Let's just leave it at that.
12:51 Oh my.
12:58 Oh, Lee. I can see you're worried.
13:04 You are doing the right thing. Hiring all these men.
13:08 Rosie, I hope so. But what if I have to lay them off?
13:13 You know, right now I can make payroll for one month. Maybe two.
13:17 But after that, I don't know. And I don't want to jeopardize our future either.
13:20 Well, we have covered all the new expenses so far with the cuts.
13:24 And all I need is you.
13:26 Aw, that's nice.
13:28 And of course, our baby.
13:30 Of course.
13:31 Happy and healthy.
13:33 Hello.
13:34 Oh, Elizabeth. Thank goodness. We have so many wedding items to discuss.
13:39 Oh, um. Oh, is this my article?
13:42 A Day in the Life of a Frontier Teacher.
13:45 Oh, perfect.
13:46 Are you sure your readers will even be interested in it?
13:49 Elizabeth. Yes. I'm going to file it with the other general interest pieces.
13:55 I'm banking them for after the baby comes. And with any luck, I'll never even have to publish it.
14:02 Or maybe a day in the life might become a trend. Teaching the teachers of the frontier.
14:10 It could be a hit. Or it could be a pleasant fluff piece.
14:13 Well, I'm glad I could be of some help.
14:17 Lee. I'm very happy you're here.
14:21 May I ask a small favor?
14:25 Yeah, of course. Anything.
14:28 Do you need any extra men at the mill?
14:31 Uh, I am more than good right now. Why?
14:35 The Wolfs are leaving town. Richard hasn't been able to find work since the oil company shut down.
14:40 Richard Wolf is as stubborn as an ox. I already offered him a job when the oil company closed. He turned me down flat.
14:46 Lee, could you try again? Please?
14:53 I might have a big contract coming in. Might. If I do land it, I don't know, maybe Richard will come to his senses.
15:01 Thank you.
15:03 Well, big contract or not, I can always make some more cuts.
15:08 Oh, no.
15:09 Uh, oh! I just remembered that my last order of maternity clothes never arrived. I will simply just not reorder. Done.
15:22 Rosemary.
15:23 Mm-hmm.
15:24 Oh, I just had the most wonderful idea.
15:27 Oh! I can give you my old maternity clothes.
15:31 Elizabeth, that is so thoughtful.
15:36 It was very thoughtful.
15:42 Mm-hmm.
15:43 Afternoon, Elizabeth.
15:45 Hi, Henry. Any news?
15:47 Well, Bill got us a hearing. Looks like our chances are pretty good.
15:50 Oh, Henry, that's wonderful. And it's about time. You know, you did the right thing. You don't deserve all that's been happening.
15:57 I appreciate that, Elizabeth.
16:00 That's it. Go on, try to catch a breeze. Yeah, like that. That's it. That's it. Atta boy.
16:09 You are spoiling him.
16:12 Yes. There you go.
16:14 You always bring the best gifts back from the city.
16:17 Well, I just thought I'd try to spend a little time with my favorite godson.
16:21 Say, speaking of, I wanted to ask you about Union City. And other things. If there's anything you want to talk about.
16:31 If you're worrying about my will, don't. It's just housekeeping.
16:36 I hear Henry got good news.
16:42 Well, he certainly seems happy.
16:45 I get the feeling you're not telling me everything.
16:48 Mommy.
16:50 It's broken.
16:53 Oh, I'm sorry, Jackaroo. Here. Next time I'll remember to bring some wind.
16:59 Are you going away again?
17:03 No. I'm not going anywhere. At least, not anytime soon.
17:11 [Kiss]
17:12 Mmm.
17:19 See? I told you we could save money. Those cherries in the cherry cobbler aren't cherries at all.
17:26 Dare I ask?
17:28 They're prunes.
17:29 Prunes?
17:30 Soaked in beet juice. Half the price of cherries. Such a clever little recipe. I got a cookbook at the swap meet.
17:36 Prunes soaked in beet juice. Very resourceful, sweetheart.
17:40 [Knock]
17:41 Hello?
17:43 Elizabeth!
17:44 Oh.
17:45 There's still some cherry cobbler, if you're interested.
17:48 No cherries. Prunes soaked in beet juice in a cobbler.
17:52 Neat.
17:53 I can only stay a moment. I brought you the maternity clothes.
17:57 Oh.
18:02 Yes! Yes! How wonderful! So thoughtful.
18:06 I hope you like them.
18:08 Yes. Yes, of course I do. And I remember how flattering they looked on you.
18:14 And all your favorite pastels and creams and pink and dusty rose.
18:22 Yes, well if they're not exactly...
18:24 Oh, they are exactly what is called for. Especially given that mine never showed up.
18:29 All right. Well, I'll come by in the morning and take any you can't use.
18:33 Oh, I'll be keeping them all. Thank you.
18:36 You're welcome. Goodnight.
18:38 Night-night.
18:39 Goodnight, Elizabeth.
18:40 Thank you again.
18:42 Oh, hey.
18:46 What?
18:47 What are we going to do? I don't know if I can stand it. I am not meant to be dusty.
18:53 Oh, sweetheart, you look beautiful in anything and you know it. Besides, these aren't exactly rags.
18:58 Elizabeth's just trying to be thoughtful, that's all.
19:00 Of course she's being thoughtful. She's Elizabeth. But I'm me and I need things with, well, a little bit more flair.
19:11 Oh!
19:12 What?
19:13 Oh, Lee. I just felt the baby kick. Here, come, come, come.
19:15 Okay, okay, okay.
19:17 I felt that. I felt that. Wow.
19:23 Oh, Lee. We are on a big adventure.
19:27 Yes, we are.
19:29 Hey!
19:43 I know, I know. I'm interrupting the planning of your big secret surprise.
19:49 Mm-hmm.
19:50 Well, if you'd like to take a break, perhaps we could go over some of the items on our wedding to-do list?
19:55 More names for the guest list?
19:57 Yes. If we don't send out invitations soon, our parents are going to try to hijack it and plan the whole thing.
20:02 I wish planning a wedding was simpler.
20:05 We could always elope. But I wouldn't want to deprive you of a wedding.
20:13 Deprive me, deprive our friends, our parents, and all their suggestions.
20:19 Mm-hmm. So is that a no?
20:23 That's a no.
20:25 Mm. It was worth a shot.
20:31 Love you, Mama. I'm going to be late. See you, Pop.
20:43 School's not for another hour.
20:44 Which doesn't give us much time.
20:45 Time for what?
20:47 That's a lot of turnips, ladies.
20:51 Oh, wait till you see the beets.
20:53 And Minnie won't tell us what they're for.
20:55 I've been sworn to secrecy.
20:57 Do you know?
20:59 Well, I know enough to know that I'm not allowed to tell you two.
21:02 Oh.
21:03 Look, Minnie can't wait to see the smiles on your faces.
21:06 Thank you very much.
21:09 Love you.
21:14 Love you, too.
21:15 [laughs]
21:16 Oh. Oh, sorry we're late, Mrs. Lorton.
21:29 Why are you all wet? Again?
21:32 Garbae diem.
21:35 Take your seats.
21:41 Garbae diem.
21:43 Well, I understand, yes, but I think you'll find that we are the closest supplier who can offer such reasonable prices.
21:52 Well, that's all I can ask.
21:56 Well, thank you for your consideration.
21:58 Sounds promising.
22:01 Oh, I hope so. It's a huge contract.
22:04 Guy's been saying no to me for months, but I think I'm finally starting to realize what I'm doing.
22:09 I'm starting to wear him down.
22:11 Good.
22:12 Anyway, enough about that. What can I do for you?
22:15 I need a favor.
22:17 Yeah, of course, anything. You know that.
22:19 Great. Well, the wedding is coming up, and I was hoping I could pick your brain about something.
22:26 Well, this might come as a bit of a shock, but Rosie did most of the planning. But I will try. Go ahead.
22:31 This is more of a question for the group.
22:33 Oh, okay. Well, um, get your tux fit ahead of time.
22:37 I didn't like the way my tux fit. And, um, definitely get somebody to go over your speech ahead of time.
22:41 I'll also need a reliable friend beside me to make sure I don't faint at the altar.
22:45 Oh, yeah. Very important.
22:47 So what do you say?
22:49 Me? Best man?
22:51 Best man.
22:52 I would be honored. Yes, of course.
22:55 Wow.
22:56 [Music]
23:11 Yes, Ellie?
23:12 Mrs. Thornton, I was wondering, would you be able to look at a poem that I wrote?
23:20 Of course.
23:22 It's my first one. Well, first good one. But I was wondering if you could tell me how to make it better. You being a writer and all.
23:35 I would love to.
23:37 Thank you.
23:45 [Music]
23:53 Ellie, I love this.
23:55 Really?
23:56 Yes, really. I wouldn't change a word. And I think you should share this.
24:04 Oh, I don't know. I don't think I'm ready for that yet.
24:11 Well, how would you feel about me sharing it? Wouldn't have to say your name.
24:17 If you think it's good enough.
24:20 I do. I really do. And I hope that someday you feel confident enough to share it yourself.
24:29 Perhaps you could do me a favor.
24:35 Sure.
24:36 Explain all the wet hair.
24:39 [Laughter]
24:42 Cooper found a swimming hole where there didn't used to be one up at Fawn's Creek.
24:47 Oh.
24:48 We've been going there before school and after school and even once during recess.
24:55 Well, thank you for clearing that up for me.
25:04 So it's true. You got a dog.
25:10 Did you have to throw him in jail?
25:15 I didn't. It was his idea. And yet he's not my dog.
25:22 The last mountain dog that took up residence here was equally as stubborn.
25:27 What do you have there?
25:31 Um, nothing.
25:34 Fine. Let's, uh...
25:41 Wow. Nathan, that's really nice. May I see the rest?
25:46 Uh...
25:47 Adopt me?
25:54 What?
25:55 Nathan.
25:57 If you'll excuse me, I have to get this to Ned the mimeographer along with the wand investors.
26:01 Hi.
26:06 What does Allie think?
26:09 She'll get over it. Like she does all her crushes.
26:12 And you think I need to go up there for safety reasons?
26:18 Mm-hmm. The water could be dangerous. And since you're the mayor...
26:22 Acting mayor. And whose safety are we talking about here?
26:25 The children's, of course. And yours. And mine.
26:31 I see. So you think that I should take a good long hike up to a creek and check it out.
26:38 Have you been talking to Faith?
26:41 No. A hike could do anyone good. I'd like to get a little exercise myself.
26:46 So how about the two of us, then? I'll meet you in an hour. It's a date.
26:51 [door opens]
26:53 Hey, sweetheart.
26:58 Hello.
27:00 So, guess who Lucas just asked...
27:04 Hmm?
27:05 ...to be his best man.
27:07 Well, that's wonderful, Lee.
27:11 Yeah, thank you.
27:13 But...
27:14 But what?
27:15 Well, but... Elizabeth Heston asked me to be her matron of honor.
27:20 Oh.
27:21 I am her best friend. Or at least I thought I was.
27:24 Oh, she does have two sisters.
27:26 Oh, well, there you go. Sisters.
27:28 Well, they're not so close.
27:29 No. No. Practically estranged.
27:31 Lee, don't be ridiculous. She loves them. She just loves me more.
27:35 Which is why this is so... vexing.
27:39 [groans]
27:41 Why wouldn't she ask me?
27:43 Why?
27:45 [grunts]
27:46 Thank you for coming.
27:52 Who's the stick for?
27:55 Oh, I... I just figured we could get some use out of it. It's a long hike out there.
28:01 Well, I'm not an invalid.
28:03 And one of us better keep up the pace.
28:06 Lead the way.
28:08 [music]
28:12 Come on, Richard. Are you sure you won't reconsider?
28:16 It's like Joseph always says. We rise together and we fall together.
28:22 You're a good man, Lee.
28:25 I appreciate the offer.
28:28 Richard.
28:29 But I know you're stretched thin. I can't do that to you.
28:32 Fair enough.
28:33 We'll find our way.
28:37 [sighs]
28:38 He didn't bite?
28:41 No. No, he did not.
28:45 Bill!
28:59 It's beautiful.
29:01 Well, it's gotta be glacier water.
29:05 [sighs]
29:06 You're right. I have to declare this off-limits.
29:09 Hey, Mrs. Thornton.
29:10 Hi, Judge Avery.
29:11 Oh, uh, Cooper. Um, Toby.
29:14 Hey, hey, boys. Don't go in there.
29:16 Maybe...
29:17 That's ice-capped water. It's not safe.
29:19 Feels more like bath water to me.
29:21 Well, don't be ridiculous.
29:22 He's right, Judge. Try it.
29:24 Well?
29:31 It's body temperature. Even warmer.
29:34 But how is that possible?
29:36 I think this means...
29:41 we may have a hot spring.
29:44 Where did this come from?
29:46 Well, when groundwater gets heated by the Earth's core, it causes...
29:49 Bill, I know how hot springs are formed.
29:51 I've just never seen one in Hope Valley.
29:53 All I know is that I don't like it.
29:55 And I'm gonna paint a "no swimming" sign and bring it up here tomorrow.
29:58 No, you can't.
29:59 Wait, why?
30:00 Well, for one thing, you could drown.
30:03 [water splashing]
30:05 Uh, Bill?
30:07 I think you're gonna be all right.
30:10 But anyone who wants to come up here again,
30:12 you need to talk to your parents and get their permission first, all right?
30:15 All right, Mrs. Thornton. We will.
30:17 This just feels like a lot more work than it's worth.
30:22 It's better to just shut it down.
30:24 You know, people pay a lot of money to take the waters at hot springs.
30:29 There's Colorado Springs, Saratoga Springs...
30:31 Health nuts, you mean.
30:33 May I ask you what is going on?
30:38 Did something happen with the doctors in Union City?
30:42 Do you always meddle so much?
30:45 [sigh]
30:49 All the doctors can agree on is that they don't know anything.
30:52 There's something wrong with my lungs.
30:55 I'm sure all those investigations in the mines didn't help much.
31:01 Faith would never betray your confidence,
31:03 but I understand you made some suggestions?
31:05 Suggestions. Experimental treatments.
31:07 Wild ideas that sound like a bunch of hooey and a lot of effort.
31:11 Bill, we don't know what's to come.
31:14 But there is one thing you can do, and that is be open to new experiences.
31:18 Live life in the moment.
31:20 Carpe diem.
31:22 Carpe what?
31:28 Seize the day.
31:30 Skip!
31:37 Skip!
31:38 Henry!
31:41 Elizabeth.
31:42 Jack.
31:44 Mr. Gowling!
31:45 You're coming to the surprise?
31:48 Yeah, you know, I'm not much one for surprises.
31:52 Are you sure? The whole town's invited.
31:55 But with your good news, I think you'd want to celebrate.
31:58 Oh, the good news, yeah.
31:59 So we'll see you there?
32:01 I'll try.
32:02 Afternoon.
32:04 Afternoon.
32:05 Say goodbye to Mr. Gowling.
32:06 Bye.
32:07 Bye-bye, Jack.
32:08 I wonder what Lucas is up to.
32:16 Everyone, please come in. Come in.
32:20 Thank you for coming to our little surprise.
32:24 Vinny and I found we had some surplus food, so we decided to join forces.
32:28 And to all of you who unwittingly helped, along with everyone else, this is our treat to you all.
32:34 A community dinner.
32:36 So please, enjoy.
32:39 You sit. You cook this entire meal.
32:53 Thank you.
32:54 What have you done?
33:07 Homework isn't everything.
33:09 Good company and great food are life.
33:11 You know, I'm just going to help.
33:13 Rosemary, you didn't find a single drink?
33:17 Oh, I did. Molly helped me dye it purple.
33:21 That was my favorite one.
33:23 And now it's one of my favorites.
33:24 Oh, I hope it's okay.
33:27 I wouldn't have it any other way.
33:30 Everyone, I'd like to say a few words of gratitude for our wonderful meal.
33:45 For our wonderful friends and neighbors for making it possible.
33:50 Now, we all know the last few months have not been easy.
33:53 But if we put our heads and our hearts and our hands together, there's nothing we can't accomplish.
34:01 Let us ask for humility to accept a little help.
34:11 Let us be thankful for community.
34:14 For this is where we find safety.
34:17 And let us always remember to do justly, to love mercy, and to always walk humbly before God.
34:24 Let us give thanks.
34:26 Henry?
34:35 Bill?
34:37 Why aren't you at the surprise?
34:42 Why weren't you?
34:44 I didn't want people making a fuss over me.
34:47 Me neither.
34:48 I thought you said you was on a mandate.
34:54 Well, people say a lot of things.
34:57 Well, from where I'm standing, it looks like you've got a lot of good days left.
35:02 So do you, Henry. So do you.
35:05 I don't know if I believe that.
35:08 Tell me why I'm trying to keep you out of prison.
35:11 Because you're a good man, Bill.
35:14 Enjoy your time. It's a gift.
35:19 That's what Elizabeth said.
35:25 She's a smart lady. Perhaps you should consider listening to her.
35:31 I am.
35:32 [Music]
35:37 [Music]
36:01 Come on.
36:02 Here.
36:07 Come on.
36:10 I know how hard this is for you.
36:18 Daddy, come dance with me.
36:30 Lee, thank you so much for agreeing to be Lucas' best man.
36:34 I'm honored.
36:36 Oh, right. Elizabeth, I was just wondering if you had chosen a maid of honor yet.
36:44 Or matron. Matron of honor.
36:47 Rosemary, of course.
36:50 Oh, really? Who else would I ask?
36:55 What you didn't ask.
36:59 Oh, I just assumed it was obvious.
37:02 Rosemary, I can't imagine getting married without you by my side.
37:08 Would you please be my matron of honor?
37:13 I would be delighted.
37:15 Good. Because I already told Abigail and my sisters you'd be doing it.
37:20 [Music]
37:28 Congratulations.
37:29 Can I have your attention, everyone?
37:33 A few people have come forward saying they'd like to express their gratitude.
37:37 I think that's great. So if anyone would like to say something, please go ahead.
37:42 I'll go first.
37:44 Ned and I are so grateful for this wonderful night.
37:51 And even more grateful for the wonderful company.
37:55 And to our chef and our most gracious host.
37:59 Yes, to Minnie and Lucas.
38:01 Thank you, Jordan.
38:03 Um, I have a very special poem I've been hoping to read, and this feels like the perfect occasion.
38:15 It was written by one of our own, who would prefer to remain anonymous.
38:21 For now.
38:24 Carpe diem.
38:25 Carpe diem and seize the day, so the ancient poets say.
38:30 We have this moment, so make it count.
38:33 Never mind when troubles mount.
38:35 We'll help each other through thick and thin, blessed to have the moment we're in.
38:41 Yes.
38:44 [Applause]
38:51 Have fun.
38:54 [Music]
38:56 May I have a dance as well?
38:58 Yes, you may.
39:00 May I have a kiss dance?
39:05 Absolutely, I would love to.
39:07 Lee, can I have a word?
39:11 Richard, hi.
39:14 I think I was a bit stubborn.
39:16 As our pastor says, we all need to be humble.
39:21 So, um, can you start Monday?
39:24 I'll be there.
39:28 Thank you, Lee.
39:30 You're welcome.
39:31 The good Lord will provide, right?
39:38 Yes, he will.
39:40 I hope so.
39:41 So, I talked with Lee, and he offered me that job.
39:49 We're staying!
39:51 Yay!
39:52 I'm so happy you're staying.
40:02 Congratulations. Thank you very much.
40:03 It's wonderful.
40:05 Well, I can't remember the last time I danced that much.
40:13 I guess I grew in dancing. Even Nathan was having fun.
40:18 [Sniffles]
40:19 Maybe it's time you two buried the hatchet.
40:23 There's no hatchet.
40:25 Maybe you're right, but it's not like we ever had a relationship.
40:31 Not like me and Carson. You two were practically engaged.
40:34 Then life took us in different directions.
40:37 But we're fine.
40:39 Then why can't you be fine with Nathan?
40:42 Unless you actually do have feelings for him.
40:46 It's fine with me if you do.
40:48 I don't.
40:50 Well, I definitely don't. There's nothing there except friendship.
40:53 He's fun to have as a friend.
40:55 And I think real love is worth waiting for.
40:58 And in the meantime, now you have us.
41:05 [Laughs]
41:14 We have so much to be grateful for.
41:16 But we can always do more.
41:19 I hope you don't feel like you have to prove something.
41:23 [Chuckles]
41:25 Well, maybe I'm trying to prove something to myself.
41:27 That I'm the kind of man who deserves a woman like you.
41:34 Lucas.
41:36 Look.
41:37 Wow.
41:40 Incredible.
41:42 [Sniffles]
41:43 Yes, you are.
41:45 What the heck?
42:00 Carpe diem.
42:02 Carpe diem.
42:04 [Splash]
42:06 [Splash]
42:08 [Music]
42:09 [Music]