• il y a 2 ans
00:00 No nothing! Sheesh!
00:02 You are not alone, Senior Duck. You got me.
00:05 You? What good is a mouth to a duck?
00:07 You might be useful to a cat, but ducks don't eat mice.
00:11 But I'm company.
00:12 Company? Hmph! You can't even speak good English.
00:15 I can run fast.
00:17 Run? Big deal.
00:19 Okay, run to the store and get me something to eat before I starve to death.
00:23 Oh boy, stuck with the fast running kook.
00:28 I've got to have food. We've just got to find a way to get something to eat.
00:33 Don't just sit there. Do something.
00:36 Okay.
00:37 I help you, Bass.
00:40 Am I seeing things?
00:45 It looks like it is. It's food. Sustenance.
00:50 There's enough here to last indefinitely.
00:54 There's ham, turkey, corned beef hash, potato salad, and olive friolis.
00:59 Now we have plenty to eat.
01:01 We? What do you mean we? This is mine. I found it. It belongs to me. Mine. Understand? Mine.
01:09 But there is plenty for both of us.
01:11 I'm ladle. I don't eat very much.
01:13 How about one little piece of cheese?
01:15 No. No cheese. It's mine. Go find your own food.
01:19 This is survival of the fittest, and I'm the fittest.
01:23 Oh, scram, mouse.
01:25 Just one little crumb?
01:30 No.
01:31 Hmph. It's all in cans.
01:36 Well, all I need is a can opener.
01:38 Let's see. Can opener. Where do I find a can opener?
01:42 Oh, Senor Doc, is this what you are looking for?
01:45 A can opener. Yes. Let me have it. Quick. Quick. Give it to me.
01:49 Not so fast.
01:51 First we make a deal.
01:53 Deal? What kind of a deal?
01:56 You give me some of the food. I give you the can opener. Okay?
01:59 No deal. I'll open the cans myself.
02:02 Huh. I never thought such a selfish mouse.
02:05 I wonder how prehistoric men used to open cans.
02:13 Hey, Senor Doc, you want to talk?
02:16 No, I don't want to talk.
02:18 [trumpeting]
02:21 Give me that opener, you dirty little roach.
02:25 [chittering]
02:27 [laughing]
02:30 Open frijoles. A can of frijoles. Hey.
02:41 Gracias, Senor Doc.
02:43 Oh, no you don't.
02:45 Drop it, you little thief.
02:48 I just gotta find a way to open these cans. I just gotta.
02:53 You ready to trade, Senor? Huh?
02:55 No. Never. I'll starve first.
02:58 If I don't do something drastic, I will.
03:01 What's this? An axe.
03:03 Oh, boy. How lucky can I get?
03:06 [laughing]
03:13 [laughing]
03:16 Don, you think you better reconsider?
03:21 You dirty little rodent. Give me that opener.
03:24 Give me. Give me. Give me. Give me.
03:26 Say, who needs that mouse anyway?
03:33 There's one of Father Neptune's natural-born can openers.
03:37 All you have to do is use your head a little.
03:40 Ahoy there. You see going, stiletto?
03:43 Look alive. Hit the old can and win a cigar.
03:47 Let's see how good you are.
03:49 I can almost savor the succulent goodness now.
03:52 [screaming]
04:07 I expected to sit down to a good meal.
04:10 Now I can't even sit down.
04:12 Oh, pardon me, Senor Duck. Here is the can openers.
04:15 The Eve was selfish for me to keep him.
04:18 Well, it's about time.
04:20 But don't think this changes my mind about sharing the food.
04:23 You still get nothing. N-U-E-T-H-Y-O-N. Nothing.
04:27 See? I understand.
04:29 Oh, yummy, yummy, yummy. Oh, where are those groceries?
04:32 Oh, yes. I left them on that big rock by the lagoon.
04:36 Oh no! The tide came in!