• 2 years ago
The stories making the headlines in this week's Fife Free Press.


00:00 Hello and welcome to this week's bulletin featuring some of the stories making the headlines
00:08 in this week's Fifree Press. The paper is on sale from Thursday morning so please do
00:13 pick up a copy when you're out and about.
00:15 We leave this week with news of a development that will be of interest to many many people.
00:19 There's a planning application being lodged to bring back into use a piece of land where
00:22 Baby Crow used to be based. Of course that name will bring back many memories for lots
00:27 of folk who've lived in the town for many years. It was part of the town's industrial
00:30 heritage. The plans are to bring back the land which has been empty and sat empty for
00:35 so many years creating business units and a drive-thru bakery. We've got all the details
00:40 in this week's Fifree Press and on our front page so do check it out.
00:45 Talking of planning applications, CAHRS has also wanted to develop some unused land down
00:48 at the waterfront next to its mill. It wants to create a solar array. What is it? Why are
00:53 they doing it? We have all the details in this week's paper.
00:57 We've also spent time with Fife Police. We spent a whole day with our Public Protection
01:00 Unit which deals with cases of domestic abuse and domestic violence. We were given full
01:04 access to the meetings with officers who spend so much time and effort tracking down perpetrators.
01:10 It's a very powerful read. It's a very strong read. You can read it all about it from Dan
01:14 Reading who spent a day with officers in this week's press and also online at fifetoday.co.uk.
01:21 On a lighter note we tell the story of four Fifers who are about to make their debut at
01:25 the Edinburgh Fringe. They're part of the Kingdom Theatre Company which is going back
01:28 to the world's greatest arts festival with a brand new show Queen of the New Year. It's
01:33 a musical. Songs you'll recognise straight away. I can't tell you which band they come
01:37 from but you'll know it within seconds. It's got new original music as well from Willie
01:41 Logan another renowned Fifer. We've got all the details behind the show in this week's
01:46 paper. And in sport, well, Fife Flyers are rattling
01:50 through the brand new signings ahead of the new ace hockey season. They really are building
01:54 a brand new team for a new era. We've got a roundup of all the new faces that are coming
01:58 and they're virtually everyone that was brand new to the country and the club. All the details
02:02 of course in this week's Fife Free Press along with all the news, all the sport, all the
02:05 business and events such as the Aberdour Festival and much much more. So please do pick up a
02:10 copy when you're out and about and as always our thanks for supporting local journalism.
02:14 [clicking]
02:16 [silence]
