Entretien en intégralité : https://studio.youtube.com/video/q2TCBz3lMk0/edit
00:00 You're scaring us, we're reassuring you.
00:02 That's the difference between our policies.
00:05 More taxes, more taxes, less wealth, less employees,
00:09 less factories, less workers, less workers.
00:12 What they do is hide behind anecdotes.
00:16 They also refuse us relocation objectives.
00:20 Why do they do that? Why do they refuse indicators and objectives?
00:23 Because they can keep walking around on TV,
00:25 talking about gigafactories, telling pretty much anything,
00:28 and journalists don't have the data to follow what they're saying,
00:32 if that's true.
00:33 But in reality, the figures we're advancing are real.
00:35 Industrial manufacturing production,
00:37 so outside of chemistry and raw materials,
00:39 which are the only sectors that really remain in France,
00:42 has dropped since Emmanuel Macron's election in 2017.
00:46 So that's a fact.
00:47 When we look at the INSEE data,
00:49 we see that large groups are actually destroying jobs,
00:53 while those who create jobs in France are the SMEs.
00:55 And yet large groups pay less taxes than SMEs.
00:58 Because they manage to pay less with tax credits,
01:00 with tax optimisation, etc.
01:02 So their logic of saying,
01:04 "We have to attract big investors, big groups, etc."
01:08 has only turned against us for 30 years.
01:11 And we see that.
01:12 So again, what we're saying is that
01:15 it's their logic that's been in power for 30 years.
01:17 It's not ours.
01:19 It's not ours.
01:20 And they've only been gradually dismantling the rules, taxes, etc.
01:23 And it didn't give anything.
01:25 Because as I said, it's a powerful fund.