• 2 years ago
00:00 Hearts are being stolen in Minecraft,
00:02 and Aphmau has become heartless.
00:04 When my friends pull the meanest prank on me
00:07 by taking advantage of my big heart,
00:09 I decide to pull a prank on them
00:11 by making my heart disappear.
00:13 Now they have to find a way to say sorry
00:16 to get my heart back.
00:17 Will they be able to bring back my heart?
00:20 Let's find out.
00:21 Oh hey, to help me get my heart back,
00:23 be sure to hit that subscribe button.
00:24 Aw, thanks!
00:26 All right, new axe, ready to go.
00:29 (laughing)
00:30 - Aphmau!
00:30 - Aphmau!
00:31 - Aphmau!
00:32 - Aphmau!
00:33 - Oh good, you're home.
00:34 - Did I hear you say come in?
00:35 - We need your help.
00:36 - Desperate, we need your help.
00:38 - Please, come on.
00:39 - What happened, are you okay?
00:41 - We gotta face the puppy.
00:41 - Puppy?
00:42 - There's a puppy.
00:44 We found an injured puppy.
00:45 - It's really hurt.
00:46 - And we need someone with a big heart to help it.
00:48 - What happened, where's the puppy?
00:49 - We gotta go.
00:50 - Where's the puppy?
00:51 - Save the puppy, please.
00:52 - Is it okay?
00:52 Is it hurt?
00:53 - I don't know.
00:54 It seems like it's not a good time.
00:56 - I hear the puppy.
00:57 - That's the puppy.
00:58 - Yeah, you gotta get it.
00:58 Oh no, there it is.
00:59 - There it is.
01:00 - Please fix it.
01:01 Please fix the puppy.
01:02 - Hi puppy, are you okay?
01:04 Don't worry, it's puppy.
01:05 Wait a minute.
01:06 (laughing)
01:08 - Just put it, put it down.
01:09 - Put the puppy right in the tunnel here.
01:12 - Gotcha.
01:13 (laughing)
01:15 - That was brilliant, Pear.
01:18 - I can't believe we got out of this one.
01:22 - Prank, this is your worst prank.
01:24 - Yeah, you pranked me with a dog.
01:27 - I would say this is your best prank ever, actually.
01:29 - Don't worry, it was not a real dog.
01:30 You think I would endanger a real dog?
01:32 You're silly.
01:33 - Yeah, or maybe not.
01:35 - Hey, Pear, Ian, I've been looking for Aphmau.
01:37 Have you seen her?
01:38 - Oh, no.
01:39 - I've never seen her.
01:40 I don't know who Aphmau is.
01:41 - This is all your doing, isn't it?
01:43 - Hey, Zane, how's it going?
01:44 - I'm gonna get her out.
01:45 You know what, it's been a lovely day,
01:46 but I think it's time for her to go home.
01:48 - Get outside.
01:49 (screaming)
01:50 - Uh oh, uh oh.
01:50 - Hey, you all right?
01:52 All right, all right, hang on, I got you.
01:54 (grunting)
01:55 - Thank you, Zane.
01:55 - That was close.
01:57 You sure you're okay?
02:00 - Yeah, I'm fine.
02:02 (snorting)
02:03 (chiming)
02:04 - I can't believe the nerve of those two
02:05 taking advantage of your big heart like that.
02:08 Oh no, Aph, please don't cry.
02:09 Here, take some diamonds.
02:10 It'll make you feel better, okay?
02:11 - Thank you for the blanket, Zane.
02:13 I don't know if I need it,
02:15 but thank you for the diamonds, too.
02:16 - No, no, no, no, no.
02:17 Anything you need, I got it.
02:19 Just take it easy today.
02:21 Rest your weary head.
02:22 - They were mean to me.
02:24 And there's the doggie.
02:26 (sneezing)
02:26 - I still can't believe those two.
02:28 Just wait until I tell their mothers.
02:31 They are gonna--
02:32 (chiming)
02:32 - Calm down, calm down.
02:33 (screaming)
02:34 - I'm calling the service of the forest.
02:35 Hey, we gotta go find him.
02:37 Zane, Zane, hey Zane.
02:39 You can't tell our moms, please.
02:41 - Oh, I can't, can I?
02:42 (chiming)
02:44 Just you wait.
02:45 You took advantage of Aphmau's heart.
02:47 You tricked her into that trap.
02:48 Just look, look at her.
02:49 Look into the eyes.
02:50 It's like diamonds falling out like tears.
02:52 Here, have some more diamonds.
02:54 - Oh, thank you.
02:54 - You're throwing diamonds at her eyes.
02:55 - Does that make you feel a little better?
02:56 - Thank you.
02:57 - It's all your fault, and you know it,
02:59 and you should apologize,
03:00 but you can't apologize because you've already apologized.
03:02 I don't even know what I'm saying anymore.
03:04 - Hang on, hang on, hang on, hang on.
03:05 Okay, so, I mean, seriously, it's not our fault
03:08 if you think about it.
03:09 Why does she have such a big heart to begin with?
03:11 Anyway, in smart people terms, it's not our fault.
03:15 We're not responsible for her stupidity,
03:17 just like no one else is responsible
03:19 for my stupidity either.
03:20 - Are you equating a big heart with stupidity?
03:23 - That was smart.
03:24 - See, Aphmau agrees.
03:26 I am smart.
03:27 - You're so mean, you're so mean.
03:28 - Do you actually agree with them?
03:30 - Wait, why does she always have to have a big heart,
03:31 by the way?
03:32 - You don't have a big heart.
03:34 - I don't want one.
03:35 It looks heavy.
03:36 - How could you not want a big heart?
03:38 A big heart is the most important asset a person can have.
03:40 - Deliver with your eyes.
03:41 - Okay, anyway, I'm sure it's fair for everybody.
03:44 - What does this have to do with a big heart?
03:45 You're a part of this, and I'm sorry.
03:47 - I'm so sorry.
03:48 - I can't believe you two.
03:50 - Guys, I swear.
03:51 (grunts)
03:52 You know what?
03:53 It's one thing to make fun of my big heart.
03:54 It's another thing for me to,
03:56 (grunts)
03:57 Why do I fall for their stuff so easily?
03:59 You know what?
04:00 If having a big heart is such a problem in the first place,
04:03 maybe I don't want my heart.
04:04 You know what?
04:05 Hmm, I found this when I was mining
04:08 in one of the little dungeons.
04:10 Heart amulet, release your heart.
04:12 Let's see how this works.
04:14 Hmm, maybe if I right click it like this.
04:18 (dramatic music)
04:19 What the?
04:19 (gasps)
04:20 My heart is actually out?
04:22 (gasps)
04:23 Oh, this is so cool.
04:24 Look at that.
04:25 Oh, wow.
04:27 Okay, wait.
04:28 I'm gonna figure out how to like,
04:29 you know, remove it completely.
04:30 (gasps)
04:31 Wait, Sam was messing with like heart-shaped potions
04:33 whenever he was like trying to make his potion
04:34 for Kawaii~Chan.
04:35 (gasps)
04:36 Maybe I can use those to try to get rid of this heart.
04:38 Okay, all right.
04:39 Let's go downstairs.
04:41 - So that's why--
04:42 - That is ridiculous.
04:43 - See, that's why I wanted to replace the lava
04:45 with butter.
04:46 - So the kingdom would be unprotected
04:47 from anyone that didn't have a heart.
04:48 - That's not how it's supposed to work.
04:49 - I'm not prepared to go about doing that.
04:50 - I had a game.
04:51 (groans)
04:51 (laughs)
04:52 - Let's see.
04:53 All right, so Zane's lab is right here.
04:54 This is gonna be such a good prank.
04:56 (laughs)
04:57 All right.
04:58 All the way up here.
05:00 And oh, he's got security cameras as usual.
05:03 Let's see, code is usually four, three, two, one.
05:06 Oh!
05:07 Really, Zane?
05:08 I thought you'd be smarter than that.
05:10 Anyway, let's see.
05:11 So he's got all these potions.
05:12 Ooh.
05:14 This one looks dangerous.
05:16 Let's see.
05:16 Can I push a button to open it?
05:19 No.
05:20 Hmm.
05:21 Okay, you know what?
05:22 I'm going to deal with this the professional way.
05:25 With my D&D.
05:27 Okay, here we go.
05:28 Put this right here.
05:29 And let's see if this opens it.
05:30 Come on.
05:32 (screams)
05:35 Okay.
05:36 Ooh, there it is.
05:37 All right.
05:38 Give me that.
05:39 A heartless potion.
05:41 Hmm.
05:42 Okay, not sure if this is gonna work, but let's see.
05:44 And prank!
05:45 (glass shatters)
05:48 This worked!
05:50 Oh, look at, whoa!
05:51 That is so cool.
05:52 This doesn't really affect me,
05:54 but it makes me look cool,
05:55 so it makes it look like it's real.
05:56 Okay, I just gotta act natural.
05:58 Where did Aph get to?
06:00 Wait, what?
06:01 My lab!
06:02 Aph, what are you doing?
06:05 Are you okay, or did you?
06:07 Oh.
06:08 Um, Aph?
06:10 What are you talking about, Zane?
06:11 Hmm.
06:12 Hmm.
06:13 What?
06:14 You're, uh.
06:15 Blowing?
06:16 I know.
06:17 You know what?
06:18 It's okay.
06:18 I don't really care about your lab, Zane.
06:20 Uh.
06:21 (grunts)
06:23 That's not normally something you'd say.
06:24 I don't have a big heart.
06:26 Hey, Aph.
06:27 Why not have a potato here, okay?
06:30 I just made them hot and fresh out of the oven,
06:32 so go ahead, try a big potato, huh?
06:33 Aph, I don't care for potatoes.
06:35 No, my heart is not big enough for them.
06:37 Very tiny heart.
06:38 (glass shatters)
06:39 Okay.
06:40 Well, how about some diamonds there?
06:42 I meant to give you a few more there.
06:44 I don't want any diamonds at all.
06:47 (zapping)
06:48 Okay.
06:49 I need to test this theory out now.
06:51 How about gold?
06:53 I never cared for anything, Zane.
06:55 Goodbye.
06:56 Okay, well that much is right,
06:57 but this is terrible!
06:59 Oh, what's going on here?
07:01 Aph, get back here!
07:02 She's heartless!
07:03 (thud)
07:05 Hee hee, this is great!
07:06 You know what?
07:07 I'm gonna keep this up until Pierce and Ian
07:09 apologize for what they did before.
07:11 (laughs)
07:12 (bell rings)
07:13 Aph, Aph!
07:13 (sighs)
07:14 Okay, thank goodness you're alright.
07:16 I really need to talk to you.
07:17 I'll put that away.
07:19 Listen, are you fine?
07:21 Are you feeling anything at all?
07:23 Like, look at these puppies!
07:25 They're so cute and everything.
07:26 You used to love puppies, right?
07:28 No, I have no heart and I feel nothing.
07:30 (bell rings)
07:31 You!
07:32 This is all Pierce and Ian's fault!
07:34 The stupid little pranks and everything!
07:37 Hey, our trick was not stupid!
07:39 Yeah, we worked really hard on it!
07:40 I think it was very smart, clever,
07:42 and also hilarious.
07:44 Oh, really now?
07:44 I think we did very good!
07:45 Well, why don't you take a look at Aphmau
07:47 and see what you've done!
07:49 She has no heart!
07:50 She's heartless!
07:52 Whoa!
07:53 Maybe if someone were to apologize.
07:54 Yeah, if only someone who wanted to.
07:57 No, no, it's not even my fault!
08:00 Now, you're going to make this better
08:02 for her one way or another!
08:03 What?
08:04 What do I do?
08:05 Do a thing, now!
08:06 A thing?
08:07 Uh, okay, hang on, hang on.
08:08 Uh, Pierce, what would she like, right?
08:10 Ah, I don't know, maybe--
08:11 A thing will make me laugh, Zane.
08:12 Maybe we, uh,
08:13 I'm gonna try something here!
08:14 Yeah, yeah, yeah!
08:15 Any ideas?
08:16 Yeah, let's go with plan C.
08:17 Plan C.
08:18 Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah!
08:19 Of course, of course, yeah, yeah, okay.
08:20 (clears throat)
08:23 Ah, this I, Pierce,
08:25 gorgeous to hear,
08:27 taking a walk on the Minecraft server
08:29 as one does.
08:30 What are you doing?
08:31 I hope nothing bad befalls me!
08:33 Oh, I am the regular old Minecraft creeper!
08:38 Ah, stay back, foul beast!
08:41 Stay back!
08:42 Oh, I'm gonna get ya!
08:43 I'm so scared!
08:45 I hope no one will save me!
08:47 Uh, Aphmau, a creeper's gonna explode!
08:49 Pierce, aren't you--
08:50 Help!
08:51 Aren't you gonna help him?
08:52 Please?
08:53 I don't want to help him.
08:54 What?
08:55 My heart doesn't care about Pierce.
08:56 What?
08:57 Oh.
08:58 It's not working, but I don't know what--
08:59 All right, guess I'll just explode ya.
09:01 Wait, what?
09:02 Oh!
09:02 (laughs)
09:03 I can tell your little act is fake, by the way.
09:06 What?
09:06 It's, I mean, this isn't fake to--
09:08 Also, you thought we were acting?
09:10 Did we, did we--
09:11 Hey, dude, dude, dude, dude, good?
09:12 Got any pointers?
09:13 I gotta do everything myself!
09:14 Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait!
09:15 False start!
09:15 (screams)
09:17 Huh, huh, how was that, Aph?
09:19 How do you feel?
09:20 Do you feel anything in your heart?
09:21 No, I feel nothing!
09:24 (screams)
09:26 One scene transition's worth of yelling.
09:32 No!
09:32 Later.
09:36 Zane, are you done yet?
09:38 Not yet, Aph.
09:40 Aphmau!
09:40 Aphmau!
09:41 (screams)
09:43 What do we got?
09:44 So, while Zane has been screaming,
09:46 we came up with that--
09:47 (screams)
09:47 We're figuring this out, come on!
09:49 Will you not let me mourn in peace?
09:51 No!
09:51 Aphmau's lost her heart,
09:52 it's kind of an important thing right now.
09:53 Listen, listen, we have an idea to get it back.
09:55 Wait, we figured it out, just come on!
09:57 A plan to get it back?
09:58 You can't get back my heart, I don't know,
09:59 maybe if you like, apologize or something.
10:01 That'll never work!
10:02 No, that'll never work, that's dumb.
10:04 Terrible plan I was just talking about.
10:05 Anyway, we have a--
10:06 This violence could work.
10:08 We have a better idea.
10:09 You're kind of on the right track.
10:10 Yeah.
10:11 Yes, so, our plan is to set Noy's house on fire,
10:15 and put Noy in danger,
10:17 and then Aphmau will have to save him.
10:18 Yeah!
10:20 Really don't know if that's gonna work here.
10:22 What?
10:23 You know, she didn't do anything,
10:24 you know, say, "Be," and think about it.
10:26 Yeah, that's different, she saw through our little act.
10:30 It's true.
10:31 Anyone can.
10:32 (gasps)
10:32 (laughs)
10:33 You know, apart of their seeing her,
10:35 which is that the audience also needs to buy into the act.
10:38 Anyway, if we put someone in real danger,
10:41 she'll have to save them.
10:43 Yes!
10:43 Real danger, real stakes.
10:45 Take a little bit of this.
10:46 Oh, boy.
10:48 Yeah!
10:49 Do the thingy!
10:49 Do a little bit of that.
10:51 Ow, hit myself a little bit.
10:52 All right, that's a nice on fire burn.
10:55 Now to just get the house.
10:56 One burning house, I like it.
10:59 Don't mind me, hey Noy, how's it going?
11:01 Hey Ian!
11:02 Hi Noy!
11:03 Anyway, here's a present for you.
11:04 What?
11:05 What?
11:06 My house?
11:06 What?
11:07 No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no!
11:10 Burning, burning, hot fire, fire.
11:12 That's a burning, that's a burning.
11:13 Now just watch, as she goes to help Noy.
11:15 Ian, she's not doing anything.
11:17 (laughs)
11:18 It burns, it burns.
11:19 So much fire, so much heat, so much.
11:21 (yells)
11:22 Okay, okay.
11:23 Oh, see, there she goes.
11:24 Ian, what the heck?
11:26 She's going to help.
11:27 She's going through a chest.
11:29 What are you doing?
11:30 Okay, and okay.
11:31 Zane, what's going on?
11:32 Roasted marshmallows, yummy.
11:34 Oh, see, they're trying to cure Aphmau's heart.
11:37 Yeah, there goes Noyness.
11:39 Aw.
11:40 Hmm.
11:40 That's not very helpful.
11:41 You really want marshmallows, huh?
11:42 Maybe it needs more fire.
11:44 Ian, I am so going to kick your butt once I respawn!
11:47 I always appreciate more fire, but I don't think--
11:49 Here, stay back!
11:49 Hey, what?
11:50 See, this is not my flight.
11:52 Yummy for my tummy, but not my heart.
11:55 What are we doing here?
11:56 Well, I'm trying to get some things together
11:58 to help, you know, at least try to synthesize
12:01 a new heart of something.
12:02 I'm fine with this heart.
12:03 Partially stars.
12:04 Just don't say that.
12:05 I don't know, maybe an apology
12:07 would bring it back or something.
12:08 Anyway.
12:09 Now's not the time for nonsense.
12:11 Zane, I got some of her favorite things, like you asked.
12:13 Got some cookies that we can put in.
12:16 Got some flowers.
12:18 Got some soul sands.
12:20 Yeah, she loves that kind of stuff.
12:23 Why would you think even cookies like that would work?
12:25 No, you need to put in some potatoes
12:27 and then some purple wool that's already been made.
12:29 You can't just use flowers.
12:31 And some dimes here.
12:33 See, I think it's silly that we're putting all this
12:35 in a potion and then we're gonna put the potion
12:38 inside of her.
12:38 Why don't we just put her favorite things inside of her?
12:41 Like this.
12:42 - What?
12:43 What are you?
12:43 - Hearts don't work like that.
12:47 - Are you sure?
12:48 - Get out of here.
12:49 Take it back.
12:50 - What?
12:51 - Ugh.
12:51 - Fine.
12:52 - Let me be.
12:53 - Diamonds are a girl's best friend,
12:54 not her internal organs.
12:55 - Well, I'm out of ideas.
12:58 - Okay, guys, guys, guys, guys, got it.
12:59 I finally got it.
13:00 Here we go.
13:01 - What the?
13:01 - Aha!
13:02 - I can't resist a baby sheep.
13:05 - Aw.
13:06 - Look at the eyes.
13:06 - Aw, it's a little teary.
13:07 Come back.
13:08 - Look at that smile.
13:09 - I want you to look at that smile.
13:10 - Put it together, put it together.
13:11 - Look at these eyes.
13:11 Look at these innocent adorable eyes.
13:12 - I don't want to see that sheep.
13:13 Do not bring it towards me.
13:14 - Adorable eyes.
13:15 - I don't want it.
13:16 - Come on.
13:16 - I don't want to see it.
13:17 - It's so soft and adorable.
13:18 - Nope, nope.
13:19 - And it just wants your love.
13:20 - Just come on.
13:21 You just need to, please.
13:21 - No, no.
13:22 - No.
13:23 There's no way this could work.
13:24 - Must be the sheep.
13:26 - No, no.
13:27 - No.
13:27 There's no way this could work.
13:30 - Must be the sheep.
13:30 - I'm trying hard.
13:31 - Put it in her chest.
13:32 - Don't you dare try to put that sheep in my chest.
13:34 - What?
13:35 - Get that away from me.
13:36 - This must be a defective baby sheep.
13:37 Nothing else could explain this.
13:39 Stupid sheep.
13:40 - Got it.
13:41 - What?
13:42 - Oh.
13:43 - Maybe I overreacted just a little bit.
13:45 - That was an impressive kick.
13:47 - Nice.
13:48 - Okay, so it's just up here.
13:49 I don't know what Zane's been working on,
13:51 but all I know is he wanted us to bring you
13:53 so we could try something new to help out.
13:56 - Yeah, yeah.
13:57 Come on up.
13:57 Let's go.
13:58 - Since nothing's working.
13:59 - I'm really curious as to what he's been doing.
14:00 - Whoa.
14:01 - What is this?
14:02 - Oh, look at this.
14:03 - Oh, it's another one of Zane's machines.
14:07 Oh, I love when he makes these.
14:08 - I built something big and cool.
14:08 - Oh, I love the pressing buttons.
14:10 - It's so exciting.
14:11 Okay, let's check it out.
14:12 Hit the button.
14:13 - Hey, hey.
14:14 - I want to do it.
14:14 Let me hit the button.
14:15 - I don't know if anything seems to be working.
14:16 - I didn't do anything at the time.
14:17 - Maybe this button's mean nothing to me.
14:19 I don't want to press any.
14:21 - What?
14:22 - No, no, no.
14:22 You got it.
14:23 - Come on, look at all the buttons.
14:24 I want to press more buttons.
14:26 Doesn't it look fun to press the buttons half an hour?
14:28 - Pressing buttons.
14:30 I feel nothing.
14:30 - There you go.
14:31 See?
14:32 - I mean, I feel nothing.
14:33 - Nothing?
14:34 You hit buttons.
14:35 You're not feeling the joy of button pressing?
14:36 - Yeah, she's getting worse.
14:37 - Oh, this is real bad.
14:38 This is actually far worse than we thought.
14:39 - Okay, wait, wait.
14:40 What about the big red button over there?
14:41 - Oh yeah, look at that.
14:42 It's really important looking.
14:43 - No, it's...
14:44 - Try Zane.
14:45 - Try it, try it, try it.
14:47 I feel nothing happening.
14:47 - Uh oh, uh oh.
14:48 - Wait, huh?
14:49 - Uh oh.
14:50 - Uh oh.
14:51 - That's not good.
14:52 - I'm gonna...
14:52 What's going on?
14:53 - I'm not sure.
14:55 - If anybody has a choice.
14:55 - Smoke.
14:56 (screaming)
14:57 - What the?
14:58 - What did I tell you to about pressing my buttons?
15:01 - Technically, that didn't happen
15:03 until Aphmau pressed the big red button.
15:05 - Yeah, technically we hit it.
15:06 - I don't care.
15:07 - But I have no heart,
15:08 so I don't care about the machine.
15:09 - What?
15:10 - Okay, okay.
15:10 - All right, how do we fix this thing?
15:12 - Don't you forget the semicolon.
15:14 - Meltdown.
15:15 - What?
15:16 - It's gonna blow.
15:16 - It's gonna blow.
15:17 - Go, go, go, go.
15:18 - What is the Meltdown you're thinking?
15:20 (screaming)
15:20 (laughing)
15:21 - This has been such a great prank,
15:23 but I still haven't gotten that...
15:24 (bell ringing)
15:25 Wait, what's happening?
15:27 (bell ringing)
15:27 What's going...
15:28 (gasping)
15:29 What?
15:30 Oh no, oh no.
15:31 I don't think this is going right.
15:33 What was in that potion?
15:35 I really don't care about anything.
15:37 I...
15:38 Oh no.
15:40 Wait a minute.
15:40 I just wanna see the world turn.
15:42 I just...
15:43 (laughing)
15:44 Yeah, yeah, all we gotta do is just make another trap
15:46 and maybe if I make that trap
15:48 and put like more doggies in it,
15:49 but real doggies this time.
15:52 - Aphmau!
15:52 (bell ringing)
15:53 Aphmau!
15:54 - Yes, what's happening?
15:55 - I got a new idea.
15:56 - What's that?
15:57 - Okay, just listen.
15:57 I got more diamonds just to start off, supplement.
16:01 Diamonds fix everything.
16:02 (laughing)
16:03 Oh wait.
16:04 (bell ringing)
16:05 Um...
16:05 - Zane, you know you shouldn't really
16:06 leave your potions around.
16:07 That's really bad.
16:09 And I'm feeling really bad right now.
16:11 Actually, I'm feeling too bad.
16:11 Oh, no.
16:12 (splatting)
16:13 (bubbling)
16:14 - Aph?
16:15 - I don't know what's happening!
16:17 (screaming)
16:18 - Oh no, it's starting to get worse.
16:20 Just stay there.
16:21 Everything's going to be perfectly fine.
16:22 We're going to figure this out.
16:23 Just stay still and we're gonna make sure--
16:25 - Okay, Zane.
16:26 I've got one more idea,
16:27 but I'm gonna need a few more pumpkins if you have any.
16:30 - We also need 5,476 fish and one alpaca.
16:34 - Um...
16:35 - Wait, wait, what's happening?
16:35 - It's getting worse.
16:36 (screaming)
16:37 - What?
16:38 (screaming)
16:39 - Why did she jump that high and when did she--
16:41 - Oh no!
16:42 - When did she grow ice cubes?
16:43 - She's not just heartless.
16:44 - What?
16:45 - She's got ice in her heart as cold as ice!
16:47 - Oh no!
16:47 - You think you can get away with anything
16:48 without apologizing?
16:49 - She is the queen of ice!
16:50 - My turn now!
16:51 - But apologizing is lame!
16:52 (screaming)
16:53 - You're becoming evil!
16:54 What?
16:55 - Her heart's been filled with the power of darkness!
16:57 (laughing)
16:58 - Guys, what do we do?
16:59 - The darkness shall spread!
17:00 - No, Aph, you gotta stop!
17:02 - I don't know what I'm doing at this point.
17:04 - Wait, consumed?
17:05 Wait, ow!
17:05 - Science men, the darkness is starting to spread!
17:07 - Ow, ow, ow, ow, what is this?
17:09 Ow, the ground hurts!
17:10 Ow, my feet hurt!
17:11 Ow!
17:12 - No, no, no, no, don't do it, Aph, no!
17:14 - Ah, fire!
17:15 (coughing)
17:15 - Hang on, hang on, hey, more fire, more fire!
17:18 - Oh no!
17:19 (crying)
17:21 - Hey!
17:25 (crying)
17:26 - Aph, come on, just fill your heart
17:28 with the power of light!
17:29 - Sweet, that was good, like, yeah!
17:32 (thudding)
17:33 - Give me a hand, guys!
17:34 - That's a start, that's a start.
17:36 (groaning)
17:37 - Okay, stop wallowing in the darkness.
17:39 - What's going on?
17:40 - Come on, come on now.
17:41 - Let me get it down!
17:41 - Guys, I really don't feel good.
17:43 This was supposed to be a prank to get them to apologize,
17:45 but I think I went too far!
17:48 - Is there anything else we can do?
17:49 - Okay, okay, Zane, Zane,
17:50 Pierce and I have another idea.
17:52 - Yeah.
17:53 - Okay, fine, what is it?
17:54 - You may not like it.
17:55 - Yeah.
17:56 - Just say it, whatever it is, we need to save Aph!
17:58 - Pierce, you tell him.
17:59 - Uh, Zane, we're gonna be really close to your ears,
18:01 but I think we have to take a unicorn,
18:04 and I think we have to dye it a little bit.
18:05 - Uh, is there anything else we can put a horn on
18:08 to, you know, dye it a little bit?
18:10 - No!
18:11 - No, we need a unicorn because,
18:13 I don't know, if it was in one of your books,
18:15 we could kind of read it.
18:16 - Hurry!
18:16 - There are lots of pictures.
18:17 (screaming)
18:18 - This place certainly seems magical.
18:21 - Yeah, I just gotta find it!
18:22 - Okay, okay, she's being kind of creepy.
18:24 - Guys, there's this thing in your body.
18:27 - What?
18:27 - Oh, there it is!
18:29 - Oh, there it is!
18:30 - Now, Zane, Zane, no, no, no, no, Zane, Zane, Zane.
18:33 - We have to dye it for Aphmau's sake.
18:35 - Ugh, I'm sorry, my sweet.
18:37 - We will support you from way over here.
18:39 - For her own good.
18:40 - Oh, Zane, I will take care of the unicorn.
18:43 - No, wait, Aph, what?
18:44 - No, you can't,
18:45 Aphmau, that seems a little offensive.
18:46 - It's me, the darkness wants.
18:47 - I don't know if you need to do that.
18:48 - I will do it.
18:49 - Okay, okay.
18:50 - Unicorn.
18:50 - I guess.
18:51 - Aph, don't do this.
18:52 - If you could help me.
18:53 - Goodbye!
18:54 - Please.
18:55 - What are you doing?
18:55 - What the?
18:56 - What's going on?
18:57 - What's happening?
18:58 - Oh, it's working!
18:59 - Wait, it made a horn?
19:03 - Aphmau, like, the lion formed her darkness.
19:07 - You're good again.
19:09 - I think.
19:10 - Oh, guys, you're more than normal.
19:12 - What am I holding in my hand?
19:14 Do you want this or not?
19:15 - Yes, I do, give it to me.
19:16 - Yes, yes, take it, take it all.
19:18 - She likes mine.
19:19 - Hey, Aphmau, is it funny if I hit yours?
19:22 - Oh my goodness.
19:23 - Hey, ow!
19:23 (laughing)
19:24 - She likes it.
19:25 (laughing)
19:26 - It worked.
19:27 - Yes!
19:28 - Thank you so much for taking the darkness away from me
19:30 and for giving me back my heart.
19:31 - On top of that, that is a cool looking unicorn.
19:35 - I don't know if it's a unicorn so much anymore.
19:36 - It's like a bad horse.
19:38 - For a little bit, you know, just for that little bit.
19:39 (laughing)
19:40 - It looks real bad.
19:41 - Wait, what?
19:42 - You think I haven't forgotten?
19:43 You just don't have an apologize.
19:44 And so, unicorn, let's go cause chaos.
19:49 (laughing)
19:51 - Oh, I thought we were done with that.
19:52 - Goodbye!
19:53 - Look out for the bad horse!
19:54 - Darkness!
19:55 - Beware, I'm coming for you.
19:56 - She's heading back towards the houses.
19:58 (laughing)
20:00 - That's what I got in the end.
20:01 - She's been enveloped by darkness.
20:04 (roaring)
20:05 - I gotta say, cool imagery though.
20:07 - Please, you can't stay like this!
20:10 (screaming)
20:12 (growling)
