• last year
Kingswood residents held an community meeting to raise awareness about the proposed Strathmore quarry.
00:00 Well it is over the hill, right over the hill from us. We all know that the wind blows
00:04 Pretty much from the west except today, thank God
00:08 But it's it's never ending if this silly thing comes over which will happen, I've got all my bread and stuff on it
00:17 I don't know how many of you know how many gravel pit
00:19 And the gravel pit turned from just a few trucks a day to
00:25 Probably two to two to 250 movements a day
00:29 And that's you know sometimes it's 200 trucks sometimes it might be 150
00:36 That's six days a week
00:38 Their hours were from six to six like we said in that paperwork last night
00:41 A lot of times when they say they're going to start at six well
00:49 They'll start at five, the machines will be running at five o'clock in the morning, and if they're gonna
00:54 Do that hill there with the stows
00:58 It's all going to be ripped first and saved
01:00 That's it, that's it
01:03 Thank you all for joining us, this has been David Sorensen
01:05 Thank you for watching!
01:07 You
