• 2 years ago
Luo Council of Elders chairman Odungi Randa on Sunday castigated the police for their brutality in Kisumu during last week's anti-government protests.


00:00 I don't know whether Kenya is a police state or a civilian country.
00:06 Shame on them. Shame on them.
00:10 It is shame on the minister concerned and the police concerned for killing our innocent people.
00:22 I am calling upon the peace loving community to come out in their true colours and condemn what has happened in Kenya.
00:37 It is very, very shameful for the police force to go to some houses and remove even the sweet persons and brutality.
00:50 Very seriously.
00:53 I am asking the police and the minister concerned to come out very clearly on what has happened at Yemafari.
01:06 Our people have been killed. Innocent people have been killed.
01:14 Remaining women have been raped. Shame on them. It is a big shame on them.
01:20 I am calling on the Kikuyu community, elders particularly, lawyer community, challenging community, particularly,
01:38 to come out and condemn very strongly what has happened in Kenya.
01:46 It is a big shame on the government.
01:53 It is the hustlers people. There is hunger in the country. Even those who are calling themselves hustlers are crying.
02:08 The big ones are crying and the young ones are also crying.
02:15 We are calling on our friends all over the world to come forward.
02:23 I am calling on ICC people to come forward and help the innocent people in Kenya.
02:32 I am calling on ICC people to come forward and help the innocent people in Kenya.
