Emmerdale 25th July 2023
00:00 [Musik]
00:30 Oh, Al.
00:31 Du bist schon an mir verletzt.
00:33 Ja, als Mentor ist es ein Vollzeitjob, oder?
00:35 Also, ich habe diesen neuen Business Management Kurs online gefunden,
00:37 den ich für dich anzeichnen werde.
00:39 Das wird wahrscheinlich wie zurück nach der Schule gehen,
00:41 ohne die Uniform, natürlich.
00:43 Das wäre komisch.
00:45 Weißt du, meine größte Motivation war immer,
00:47 dass ich gesagt habe, dass ich es nicht machen kann.
00:49 Nichts besser als Menschen falsch zu beweisen, oder?
00:51 Hm.
00:52 Na, ich wollte nur sagen, danke.
00:54 Ah, nein, dafür braucht es nichts.
00:55 Wir sind eine Familie, oder?
00:56 Oh, Moira!
00:57 Don't.
00:59 Sorry, I just wanted to see if you were okay.
01:01 Ah, see you later.
01:03 Am I okay?
01:07 Alright, Caleb, let's do this.
01:10 I'm being hit with bills I can't afford to pay.
01:12 I go shopping with a calculator now.
01:15 My kids are growing out of everything.
01:17 I'm just about keeping my head above water.
01:19 It won't be long until I'm drowning.
01:21 So the answer to your question is no, I'm very much not okay.
01:23 And that is all down to you.
01:25 You did this.
01:26 I know that and I can fix it.
01:28 Look, I have got an offer for you.
01:32 That would be good for everyone.
01:34 You would love that, wouldn't you?
01:36 You start the fire and you're the one that gets to put it out.
01:38 You don't get to be a hero.
01:39 I don't want to be a hero.
01:41 Moira, just hear me out, please.
01:44 I wish you were going to apologize.
01:46 I've got nothing to say to you.
01:48 I might have apologized yesterday,
01:50 but you were too busy storming out in a tantrum.
01:52 I did not have a tantrum.
01:54 I don't like it when people make wild accusations
01:56 about things that are clearly not true.
01:58 Go on, then.
02:03 Whatever you've got to say, say it.
02:05 But I prefer you say it to my face.
02:07 All I've got to say is, good on you.
02:09 You're out and about.
02:11 Nothing can keep a strong woman down.
02:13 You're right, Nicola.
02:15 Nothing and nobody can.
02:17 Listen, you know how I don't like to be involved
02:22 in other people's businesses.
02:24 Oh, my God, you actually said that with a straight face.
02:26 What I'm about to say to you,
02:28 you cannot breathe a word to anyone.
02:30 Spit it out, Bernice, the suspense is killing me.
02:32 I think Liam is seeing someone else.
02:35 You are never going to believe who it is.
02:37 Wendy.
02:40 Wendy?
02:41 I know, I'm as shocked as you are.
02:43 I might be shocked if I thought it was actually true.
02:45 It's a long story, but I know what I know.
02:47 Sorry. Can I just say,
02:49 I know you're talking rubbish.
02:51 Liam was with Leila.
02:53 So you know...
02:57 I mean, no offence, but...
02:59 But what?
03:01 Nothing.
03:03 She's got a great personality.
03:05 Someone said I had a great personality.
03:10 Don't worry, Nicola, they wouldn't.
03:12 Just picking up the keys.
03:16 We need to get the hours in before there's none more left.
03:18 Well, that wouldn't be a problem if you'd done as Morris suggested
03:21 and interviewed for the job.
03:22 For a job I already had?
03:24 You need to bury your pride for one minute.
03:26 Would you bury yours?
03:28 I can't believe Caleb's got to know him, Tracy.
03:34 He's in a hole and he thinks he's going to get him out of it.
03:37 Well, we're all in a hole, Cain.
03:39 It's getting deeper.
03:41 What's that?
03:42 Oh, it's just another fine other man that I can't pay.
03:46 Erm...
03:48 I need to run something past you.
03:50 You've got to let Mackenzie go.
03:52 What?
03:54 There's no other way.
03:56 How many times? I'm not throwing my own brother under the bus.
03:58 Well, he might be your brother, but he's not a farmer.
04:00 And Nate is. And he's got family.
04:03 Yeah, and so's Mackenzie.
04:05 Look, if Nate doesn't have a job, that leaves a door wide open for Caleb.
04:09 Oh, come on, Cain, give me a break.
04:15 Oh, when did that happen?
04:17 What happened?
04:18 My little boy turned into a heartbroken teenager who won't come out of his room.
04:22 I know, it feels a bit weird with Marshall not being around.
04:25 I've got used to him. I think he's part of the family.
04:27 Oh, I spoke to him earlier at his Aunt Jean's.
04:30 I had a nice chat with her as well. She's a lovely lady.
04:33 Sounds like he's in a good place, literally.
04:36 Good.
04:37 Well, I'd offer to have a chat with Arthur,
04:39 but I reckon I'm too ancient to understand that.
04:42 It's like the stag was a lot more eventful than the hen do.
04:45 You mean with Rishi thinking he can force his way in,
04:47 throwing his money behind the bar to cover everyone's drinks?
04:50 What part of back off doesn't he understand?
04:53 Rishi, Marshall and Arthur,
04:55 maybe we should put therapy on the wedding gift list.
04:58 Well, we've already got a knife set.
05:00 What were you going to tell me?
05:06 My son is now living with my repugnant sister-in-law.
05:10 All right.
05:12 I've got something to put to you.
05:15 It isn't perfect, but me and Mario have been talking.
05:18 Well, like banging our heads together.
05:20 And?
05:21 What we've come up with.
05:23 A job share.
05:25 A job share?
05:26 Yeah, with you and Mackenzie.
05:28 Mario's already spoke to him and she reckons he'll be up for it.
05:31 Yeah, I bet he has.
05:32 I'm a farmer, he's just pretending till something dodgy comes along.
05:35 Like I said, it isn't perfect.
05:37 I get it why Tracy went to Caleb.
05:39 He's got big pockets and he's trying to rebuild his reputation.
05:43 You're just trying to look out for your family.
05:45 There's definitely a but coming.
05:47 There isn't.
05:48 I'm just offering you a lifeline.
05:50 I wish it could be a better one.
05:52 Right now I'm pretty much out of choices.
05:54 It was bad enough Marshall staying here,
06:00 but now you've handed him over to that ungodly woman.
06:05 That's his aunt.
06:07 An aunt he thought had abandoned him because of your lies.
06:10 That was for the best.
06:12 I wasn't going to let her poison his life.
06:14 Oh, because you can do that all on your own, can't you?
06:16 Laurel, I want her address right now.
06:19 You're not going to get it.
06:20 And you've got some nerve coming round here after what you did to Marshall.
06:23 What is he doing here?
06:25 Can you go back to your room, please?
06:26 What's he saying about Marshall?
06:27 This is all happening because of you.
06:29 I beg your pardon?
06:30 All that utter filth you put in his mind, corrupting him.
06:33 Don't you dare talk to my son like that.
06:35 He was a good lad. You ruined him. All of you.
06:39 No, we gave him somewhere he could call home because he was scared to death of you.
06:43 I'm his father!
06:44 Yeah, the absolute worst kind.
06:46 You traumatised him. You made his life hell.
06:49 I don't have to listen to this.
06:50 You know, I saw him with his aunt yesterday and I saw the love between them.
06:53 The real love. Something you couldn't give him.
06:56 You won't tell me where he is.
06:58 I'll track him down myself.
07:00 No, he's where he belongs and that's where he's going to stay.
07:02 And between me, Jean and the whole family, we're going to do everything in our power
07:06 to make sure he doesn't end up back with somebody like you.
07:09 Hey, Liam.
07:13 You'll never guess what I heard in the cafe this morning.
07:16 About you.
07:17 About me?
07:18 Yeah, Bernice has got it in her crazy head that you are having a secret affair.
07:23 But you never get to do.
07:25 Well, I'm not having a secret affair with anyone, so Bernice needs to...
07:27 Wendy!
07:28 Wendy!
07:30 Wendy!
07:32 It's mental! It's mental!
07:35 I mean, you were married to Leyla, so you're like the strong, confident, sexy, high-maintenance kind of girl.
07:42 Indeed I must.
07:44 I thought you do work with her.
07:46 Might have a little soft spot. Who knows?
07:48 Might be your fang.
07:49 She's very good at what she does, but no.
07:51 No soft spot. Like you said, I was married to Leyla.
07:53 Yeah, and Wendy's more of a cardigan and slippers type of woman, isn't she?
07:57 You'd probably grow out of baking cakes.
08:00 In bed at nine.
08:02 Mackenzie's all on board with it.
08:14 This is pretty much my hours halved.
08:16 Well, that's because it's a job share, so you share the hours that I'm able to pay for.
08:20 Listen, nothing is set in stone.
08:23 Feel free to work things out with Mackenzie.
08:26 And I know neither of you are going to be happy with the situation, but none of us are happy right now.
08:31 Think it's best if I take my break.
08:34 I'm good.
08:37 I'm not that good.
08:39 Why? What are you telling me?
08:42 I'm telling you the best place for this is the scrapyard.
08:45 This can't be happening.
08:48 I mean, how the hell am I going to replace it?
08:50 Maureen...
08:51 No, I can't afford to pay my staff.
08:53 I've got machinery that I should have replaced years ago.
08:56 A depleted herd.
08:57 And my insurance payments are sky high.
09:00 Oh, and I no longer have a solid client base.
09:03 How am I going to do it?
09:05 Because we have to.
09:07 On our own?
09:10 What does that mean?
09:12 I saw Caleb this morning, and he offered me money.
09:16 And I'm sorry, but I'm going to have to take it.
09:18 We're not taking anything from him.
09:20 There's a reason why he's offering to solve all your problems. Do you understand?
09:22 Yeah, and maybe it's guilt.
09:24 Because he's the one that created all the problems in the first place.
09:27 You're meaning he can't be trusted?
09:29 But what choice do I have, Cain?
09:31 Oh!
09:49 Well, my day has just brightened up immeasurably.
09:53 Yeah?
09:55 I thought I might dig up some carrots and make you a carrot cake.
10:00 Not really a fan. Root vegetables have no place in cake.
10:04 Oh, I tell you what.
10:05 I could always put on a cardigan and bake you something else.
10:08 But obviously I'd have to be finished by nine o'clock, so I could be all tucked up in bed.
10:14 Wait.
10:15 Wait, you were there?
10:16 Yeah, and you're right, Liam.
10:18 How could I ever compete with Leyla? I mean, look at me.
10:21 That wasn't me. That was all David.
10:22 Yeah, and you were happy to go along with it.
10:24 No, not at all. I was...
10:26 Do you know how I felt to hear that from you?
10:29 Shall I tell you?
10:31 I have never felt so small in all my life.
10:34 Wendy...
10:35 I mean, I'm not perfect.
10:38 I'm not. I'm just me, but...
10:40 I thought you liked me.
10:42 I do! You know I do.
10:44 You're just laughing at me like I'm some joke.
10:46 Is that all I am to you, Liam? Really? A joke?
10:51 No, Mum, I told you. I'm not going to be back for tea.
10:54 I'm going to grab something while I'm out.
10:57 No, I don't know what time I'm going to be back.
11:00 So, have any of the lads called to complain about waking up in a skip or A&E?
11:06 Not so far.
11:07 Right, then your stag do was a massive failure.
11:10 But the food was great, so thanks for a job well done, Marlon.
11:15 Hey, I heard what happened to Arthur.
11:17 I think everyone's heard what happened to Arthur,
11:20 which has made the whole thing a million times worse for him.
11:23 Poor lad.
11:24 Oh, I could write a book about my teenage years.
11:26 The do's, the don'ts and the absolute hell no's.
11:29 Might get done for slander, though.
11:31 I remember Jay's first heartbreak.
11:33 Denise Lynch. Wasn't that her name, Jay?
11:36 If only we could edit out our pasts, eh?
11:38 With a big red marker pen.
11:41 The offer still stands about talking to him.
11:44 I won't do any harm.
11:46 Are you serious?
11:48 You can do a lot of harm.
11:50 I just want to help.
11:51 Who? Arthur or you?
11:53 Come on now, we don't need another scene, do we?
11:56 At least not unless I'm playing the starring role, innit?
11:58 You wormed your way into my stag do.
12:00 But nothing has changed between us. Nothing.
12:04 Please, Jay.
12:05 How many times do I need to tell you?
12:07 Unless you can tell me the truth, the door is closed to you.
12:11 And you playing nice doesn't get it opened.
12:14 Look, you're upset. You absolutely should be.
12:18 What was said was horrible.
12:20 Yeah, but I'm a big girl now, so...
12:22 I didn't mean a word of it.
12:23 David had heard we're actually a thing, so...
12:25 What? How?
12:26 I don't know. Something in the cafe. It was Bernice.
12:29 Bernice?
12:30 She was probably just gossiping.
12:31 About us? Oh my God.
12:33 Oh no, this can't be happening. It was bad enough for Victoria, you know.
12:35 But not her!
12:37 Just try and calm down.
12:38 Do not tell me to calm down, Liam.
12:40 If Bob finds out, that's it!
12:42 But how will he? She doesn't know anything. How can she?
12:44 What was I thinking?
12:45 What were we thinking?
12:47 I know you're worried.
12:48 Worried?
12:49 I feel sick now.
12:50 This can't be happening. It can't be happening!
12:53 Nothing has happened.
12:54 I am so stupid!
12:56 You are not stupid. You are amazing.
12:58 Look, everything you're feeling right now, I get it.
13:00 But it doesn't have to change anything, does it?
13:03 You and me, Wendy, we are good together.
13:05 And how we feel about each other...
13:07 ...right now is guilt!
13:08 Maybe we just need to be a little bit more careful.
13:10 Alright?
13:11 Everything you said about David...
13:12 No. No.
13:14 It's not David I'm worried about, Liam.
13:16 It's Bernice.
13:17 Because if she knows...
13:19 ...the world knows.
13:21 Scared to ask how it went.
13:33 I was gonna call, but...
13:34 You heard of the plan B?
13:36 The plan that makes me wanna punch a hole in the wall.
13:39 Sounds promising.
13:41 Me and Matt are doing a job share.
13:43 What? A job share?
13:45 Oh, so...
13:46 ...half the job for half the money?
13:48 Exactly.
13:49 I know what you're thinking.
13:50 Yeah.
13:51 Things are gonna get tight.
13:52 Oh, yeah. Very tight.
13:54 I mean...
13:55 ...we're both working part-time.
13:57 I get what Moira's thinking.
13:59 Trying to keep you both happy, but...
14:01 I don't need telling.
14:02 It's pretty clear how much I mean to my family, ain't it?
14:05 Nothing.
14:06 No, I get it.
14:07 They're in a mess and there's no money coming in.
14:09 But what am I now? You know...
14:10 ...dispensable or something?
14:12 Hey!
14:13 Do you know who you're indispensable to?
14:18 Me and Frankie.
14:20 Madame.
14:24 Thank you.
14:26 Looks good enough to me.
14:27 We like to keep our customers happy.
14:30 I probably shouldn't ask you how happy you are, but after everything...
14:33 ...I haven't even noticed if people are looking or not, so...
14:36 Well, they're not.
14:37 Really?
14:38 Oh, dear.
14:39 I was beginning to enjoy the attention.
14:42 Attention tends to wane at my age.
14:44 Are you kidding?
14:45 Look at you.
14:46 You are still a catch.
14:48 Only to be thrown straight back.
14:50 Faye hasn't won, you know, Mary.
14:53 Because she's still standing tall.
14:55 She's still laughing.
14:56 She's still as smart as.
14:58 And the main thing, she's still you.
15:00 Anyone would be happy to have you in their life.
15:03 He's just lashing out.
15:05 Some people love drama.
15:06 I don't blame him.
15:07 But I won't last.
15:09 You don't know him like I do.
15:11 But I do know you did a great job raising him.
15:13 And I know that once he's made up his mind about something...
15:17 ...that's it.
15:18 He's not gonna forgive me, whatever I try.
15:21 And I've pretty much tried everything.
15:22 Uncle Rish...
15:23 No, no, no. I should stop being stupid and do what he wants.
15:26 Keep my distance.
15:28 And get used to the fact that I might not have him in my life anymore.
15:32 Just help yourself.
15:34 Well, you still have some making up to do for yesterday.
15:37 So, borrowing a few tea bags will go some way towards that.
15:41 How do you borrow tea bags?
15:43 Never again.
15:47 Never again?
15:48 What have you done?
15:49 A favour for a friend.
15:51 I mean, what was I thinking?
15:53 What friend would that be?
15:54 Liam.
15:55 Liam?
15:57 Seriously.
15:58 I mean, I see enough of that man at work.
16:00 I shouldn't have to see him in my own time as well.
16:02 One word, ladies.
16:04 Proofreading.
16:05 Or is that two words?
16:07 Proofreading.
16:09 From Rippen with Love.
16:11 Sorry?
16:12 I went to Rippen once.
16:13 Came back with scabies.
16:15 Er... yeah.
16:17 Yeah, from Rippen with Love.
16:18 That's the title of his book.
16:20 His what?
16:21 Yeah, his book. That's the favour.
16:22 I'm having to read every single chapter, honest to God.
16:25 Honest to God, it is boring me to tears.
16:27 What's it about?
16:29 Erm, well, it's a soppy love story about a World War nurse, Jorn.
16:34 Oh, close to home then. Nurses.
16:36 Oh, no, not really. It's mainly set in France.
16:39 I'm just... can I have a latte to go?
16:42 See, Bernice, she's just helping him with his silly little story.
16:47 Two plus two doesn't always make four play.
16:53 You didn't honestly believe any of that, did you?
16:56 His silly little story isn't the only work of fiction here.
17:00 This better not be the same cane that I threw out yesterday.
17:07 Caleb's offered more money to fix the farm.
17:09 Oh, right, and that's obviously a bad thing.
17:11 Even if it does fix what needs fixing.
17:14 It's not that simple, is it?
17:15 Obviously not.
17:17 Everything he does comes with a catch.
17:19 He's reeling in Nate and Tracy and they don't even know it.
17:21 Or he genuinely wants to help you.
17:23 And that's not me picking sides, by the way.
17:26 Yeah, cos you voted him to stay, didn't you?
17:28 If this family didn't give second chances, then none of us would be here.
17:32 He's messed this family up enough already.
17:34 Do you think he'll let that happen again?
17:36 How are you feeling?
17:41 Still feel a little bit like death, but probably not as bad as Arthur.
17:45 No, Arthur's fine.
17:47 I think the best thing for Marshall is that he's a million miles away from his dad.
17:51 And I use that term very lightly.
17:53 I can't believe he came in here and started shouting at you.
17:56 Oh, no, he can shout at me, but not at my son.
17:59 Oh, are you all right, love?
18:00 Yeah, I'm fine.
18:01 Are you hungry?
18:02 Do you want something to eat?
18:04 I don't know.
18:05 I'll make you something nice. You sit down, yeah?
18:07 I'm fine.
18:08 No, I'll make you something nice.
18:10 Hey, listen, I know you don't want to hear you'll get over it.
18:14 But you will. You know, you will get over it and him.
18:17 I just said...
18:18 Yeah, you're fine, I know. But I also know that it really hurts.
18:22 And it should do. You know, if that person meant anything to you, it should.
18:25 What about mac and cheese, yeah?
18:27 And I know it'll also take a long time before it stops feeling raw.
18:30 I mean, imagine getting your heart ripped out on your wedding day.
18:33 Flavie, this isn't about you.
18:35 You and Niki...
18:36 Yeah, we're different, I know.
18:38 But there's no point dressing it up, is there?
18:41 Those other fish in the sea.
18:43 Well, I'm just saying, whilst you're looking for those other fish,
18:46 be careful not to have your heart ripped out by a shark.
18:49 This really wasn't an easy decision.
18:52 It wasn't a joint decision either.
18:55 What you did, it's not forgotten or forgiven.
18:59 And if there was any other way, you really wouldn't be here right now.
19:02 I know.
19:04 You need help, I offer to help.
19:06 And I'm going to accept it.
19:08 But it's a loan. Every penny gets paid back.
19:11 We get a contract drawn up.
19:13 No, you don't need to worry about that, I trust you.
19:15 But I don't trust you, Caleb.
19:17 It's the only way, so there are no strings attached or small print.
19:20 There's no conditions, there's no nothing.
19:22 You just tell me exactly what you need.
19:25 Okay.
19:27 75 grand.
19:29 It'll be in your account tomorrow.
19:31 I hope you're not expecting a thank you.
19:33 I'm not.
19:36 Well, you put the farm on its knees.
19:38 And this is your chance to pick it back up.
19:40 Yeah.
19:42 Right, I think we're done here.
19:48 I've got work to do, so I'll see you later.
19:50 Oh, and play nice.
19:53 You don't have to say anything.
19:56 I know that must have stung.
19:58 I see.
20:00 I know what you're doing with Maura Knight and Tressie.
20:03 I'm cleaning up after myself.
20:05 I'm not putting anything again with my family.
20:07 I'm helping my family.
20:09 Seriously, Cain.
20:11 You need to stop looking for traps that don't exist.
20:14 It'll drive you crazy.
20:16 And everyone else.
20:18 Hey. - Hey.
20:33 So, uh...
20:35 You spoke to Belize?
20:37 Yeah. She was starting to work things out about your book.
20:41 I helped her connect the dots.
20:43 Well, she knows that I'm writing.
20:45 I used it as an excuse for why I'm spending so much time with you, but...
20:48 I told her the book was awful and it was boring me to tears.
20:52 Well, she believed you?
20:55 Well, I think I was pretty convincing.
20:57 Put her off the scent for now. - That's great.
20:59 It's not great, though, is it?
21:01 You're putting him all at risk.
21:04 What if the others, Nicola, David...
21:07 They could be talking to Bob right now.
21:09 Nobody's talking to Bob because nobody knows anything.
21:12 Yes, there are risks, but there always have been.
21:16 But this... us...
21:19 Being together is worth it.
21:21 I don't want to lose what we've got, Wendy.
21:24 I'm sorry everything's become a little bit complicated.
21:28 I promise you, I'll find a way to make it up to you.
21:32 "I'm sorry everything's become a little bit complicated."
21:35 "I'm sorry everything's become a little bit complicated."
21:39 "I'm sorry everything's become a little bit complicated."
21:43 "I'm sorry everything's become a little bit complicated."
21:47 Ein schreckliches Artikel lässt Nina enttäuscht
21:50 und eine unbequeme Wahrheit auf der Wand.
21:53 Das gläubige High Stakes Drama "Riches"
21:55 wird heute Abend auf ITV-X auf dem Kanal.
21:58 Nächste Woche bekommt Audrey die falsche Seite
22:01 auf Coronation Street.
22:03 [Musik]