00:00 (music)
00:02 (music)
00:04 (music)
00:06 (music)
00:08 (music)
00:10 (music)
00:12 Go get her.
00:14 She's not running away.
00:16 She just hates my car.
00:18 Adam, this car. Christine.
00:20 Don't chase money.
00:22 Become an expert.
00:24 Trust me, the money will follow.
00:26 Angel said you wanted to see me?
00:28 I brought you up here because I'd like you to be Frank's replacement.
00:30 Mickey promoted me to director.
00:32 (music)
00:34 (music)
00:36 (music)
00:38 (music)
00:40 (music)
00:42 Pull over!
00:44 (screaming)
00:46 That pop,
00:48 you heard?
00:50 I dove straight into three feet of water.
00:52 (music)
00:54 Is Christine here?
00:56 Adam, you're in the hospital.
00:58 When you made impact,
01:00 your head snapped forward
01:02 and your sixth and seventh vertebrae were shattered.
01:04 We are looking at some form of long-term paralysis.
01:06 You may never regain any more function
01:08 than you're capable of right now.
01:10 But possibly he could.
01:12 Welcome home!
01:14 Hey, there he is.
01:16 I'm never going to walk again, am I?
01:18 Oh, come on, kiddo.
01:20 (music)
01:22 (music)
01:24 Oh, come on, kiddo.
01:26 You heard what the doctor said.
01:28 Sometimes life is horrible.
01:30 Every day we wake up, we make choice.
01:32 Get out of bed or stay in bed.
01:34 We try suppository.
01:36 Yep, well, uh,
01:38 I've got poker tonight, I'll see you tomorrow, son.
01:40 I'm just not good at these things.
01:42 Woo-hoo, I am a big American baby.
01:44 Do it.
01:46 (music)
01:48 You have no idea the impact that you make
01:50 on the people around the office.
01:52 Even if I did come back to work,
01:54 my performance would be non-existent.
01:56 It's not like you were a figure skater
01:58 and you sold mortgages over the phone.
02:00 I rigged something up for you.
02:02 Boy, you can get a grip on your razor.
02:04 Thanks, Dad.
02:06 I'm not very good with this kind of stuff.
02:08 I don't know what else to say.
02:10 You're here now. Let's just go from there.
02:12 (music)
02:14 I have no idea
02:16 what it is you deal with on a daily basis.
02:18 You've always been patient with me.
02:20 I was angry,
02:22 and you treated me like a person.
02:24 I'm ashamed about what I did.
02:26 Will you forgive me?
02:28 (music)
02:30 Hey, Ross.
02:32 Dad.
02:34 Come here.
02:36 Oh!
02:38 [Music]