• il y a 2 ans
"Honteux", "N'importe quoi" : Hors de lui, Thibaut Pinot pousse un énorme coup de gueule après l'arrivée de la 17e étape du Tour de France


00:00 It happened... I was... I don't know what to say.
00:08 It happened like it happened. We were aiming for the win.
00:12 I think we were a bit short on that, but it was an amazing stage.
00:18 It was really tough.
00:20 You look exhausted.
00:21 I'm tired, above all.
00:23 It's one of the toughest stages of my career.
00:26 I think it's not far from the top 5.
00:28 What do you think when you see the Nassau-Vine-Guegard pass,
00:31 when you've already given everything and you see it drop like that?
00:35 What shocked me the most was the stoppage of the race because of the bikes and the car.
00:44 I think a bike could have hit me. It was shameful.
00:48 That's what shocked me the most today.
00:50 You didn't stop?
00:51 I stayed stuck for at least 30 seconds, and I had the bikes almost hitting me.
00:55 It was crazy.
00:57 What was it? A motorbike?
00:59 I don't know. It was a bit less steep. Some bikes must have hit me.
01:03 But we let the cars pass, and there were 15 seconds between the groups.
01:07 There are things I don't understand.
01:09 The second time we passed, it was incredible.
01:11 It was incredible. There was enough to get us to the top.
01:15 I don't see why we should add another 400 metres to 20%.
01:18 There was enough today.
01:20 We can see the image. It was a bike that hit you, right?
01:23 The slope was so steep. And behind the riders, in first gear, with the clutch,
01:28 at some point, it just slams. And you don't start again.


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