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00:00 Well as we kick off this series, I it made me think back to when I met Tiffany in
00:05 1996 she was a
00:09 freshman in college and we started to date and started to like each other and started to fall in love and
00:17 You can see this picture of us here an Ozark
00:20 Lake Lake of the Ozarks there and just in college and falling in love
00:28 And we went on so many dates. We one of our favorite date was going to church
00:32 We love going to church together and we go out to eat together
00:36 I remember going to CC's pizza because it was cheap pizza
00:40 come on somebody and we eat CC's pizza all the time and just
00:44 Talking and talking and talking and talking and then we get on the phone and you know back in the day
00:50 There wasn't no cell phones. He got on the phone in the dorm room. So I called her and say, how you doing?
00:55 What you do what you doing? I'm in my room. What you doing in your room?
00:58 I know you in your room because we can't be nowhere else because you know that is when those cell phones back there
01:02 You know what I was that what you do? I'm in my room. I mean I'm in my room, too
01:06 What are you doing?
01:07 I'm still I'm studying too and we'd be on the phone for hours every night hours and hours a couple who remembers that just hours
01:13 On the phone talking get to know each other. Okay, it's getting late. It's getting like I got an early class tomorrow
01:18 We got a hang-up. Okay on three one, two, three, you still there
01:21 Yeah, we just talk it getting to know one
01:27 Another and how Tiffany and I got to know each other is a lot like how we get to know the Holy Spirit
01:33 And the Bible says something very interesting Paul says this to a group of disciples a group of believers
01:41 He wanted them to know the Holy Spirit and he said in Acts chapter
01:45 Number 19 and if you're new to People's Church, welcome, welcome. Welcome. We are a Bible believing church
01:51 I'm gonna give you a whole lot of Bible who loves the Word of God
01:56 We love the Word of God around here at People's Church Acts chapter 19 verse number 2
02:00 Paul said did you receive the Holy Spirit when you believed they answered?
02:06 No, we have not even heard that there is a Holy Spirit and these disciples had never heard about the Holy Spirit
02:12 They didn't know about the Holy Spirit or the baptism of the Holy Spirit and and for some of you today
02:18 You're learning about the Holy Spirit for the very first time
02:23 There are others of you you you've kind of heard some things about the Holy Spirit
02:27 But but he's still kind of new to you and you're just trying to learn more about the Holy Spirit
02:33 You're trying to get to know more about the Holy Spirit and for others of you you're like me
02:37 You've known the Holy Spirit for a lot of years
02:42 And here's what I want all of us to know no matter what part of this journey
02:47 You may all be on with the Holy Spirit and with Jesus
02:50 There is room for all of us to continue to grow and to get to know the Holy Spirit
02:57 Better and better and better. Here's what I know after being married to Tiffany almost 26 years
03:04 Here's what I've learned about our relationship. We have to continue to get to know
03:09 one another
03:11 It just never stops. I continue to get to know my wife. I continue to listen to her
03:16 I continue to go on dates with her. I continue to talk to her. I have to keep leaning in and
03:22 Listening and learning her and the day I stop will be the day our relationship stops flourishing
03:29 It will become drill to dry it will become stale
03:32 So I'm always asking questions trying to know her desires know what she's thinking
03:38 Knowing her dreams and it's the same way with the Holy Spirit
03:44 No matter if you've been walking with him for 26 years 30 years 40 years
03:48 50 years or maybe you're brand new to walking with the Lord
03:52 You have to keep leaning in and you have to keep learning more about the Holy Spirit
03:58 If you want your relationship with the Holy Spirit to flourish there is always more
04:05 Somebody today feels real deep and real spiritual. I want you to know there's always
04:11 More to know and to learn about the Holy Spirit first Corinthians chapter 2 verse 9 and 10 not 9 through 11 says however as it is written
04:19 What what what what no I have seen what no ear has heard what no human mind has conceived
04:26 The things God has prepared for those who love him these things
04:30 These are the things God has revealed to us how by his spirit the spirit searches all
04:38 things even the deep things of God for who knows a person's thought thought except the
04:44 Their own spirit within them in the same way. No one knows the thoughts of God
04:50 except
04:52 the spirit of
04:54 God
04:55 Here's what I want you to understand. We get to know the deep things of God by getting to know the Holy Spirit
05:02 There's more Romans chapter 11 verse 33 all the depths the depth of the richest of the wisdom and knowledge of God
05:10 How unsearchable are his judgments and untraceable his ways?
05:16 We will never search out all the depths of God
05:19 There's always more we have to keep leaning in and learning about the Holy Spirit
05:27 And here's what I want to do as we kick off this series today with just some introductory faults about let's just start
05:34 I have a hunger
05:36 Let's have a desire to know him better
05:38 No matter if you are new to the faith or if you've been in the faith a lot of years
05:41 Oh God, would you give us a desire and a hunger to know more about the Holy Spirit to lean in and to learn?
05:49 I want to begin by giving you five questions
05:52 about the Holy Spirit
05:55 five questions about the Holy Spirit and let's get to know the Holy Spirit better today and
06:01 All throughout this series and the first question is what is?
06:06 the Holy Spirit
06:09 Whether you have grown up in
06:11 Church all of your life or maybe you're checking out church for the very first time today
06:17 You've probably heard things about the Holy Spirit that you thought were kind of weird
06:23 Like he's a dove
06:25 Or he's water or he's a ghost
06:29 Or he's a tongue of fire or or maybe you've heard he's an it and you're thinking today
06:36 What in the world is the Holy Spirit?
06:40 And I want us all to understand that the Holy Spirit is God that the Bible teaches us that that that God
06:49 Exists in three persons God the Father God the Son God the Holy Spirit
06:55 So the Holy Spirit is God and he's not a weaker version of God
07:00 He's no he's not weaker or lesser than the Father or the Son. The Holy Spirit is fully
07:05 God access this in Acts chapter 5 verse 3 and 4 then Peter said and Ananias
07:11 How is it that Satan has so filled your heart that you have lied?
07:15 to the Holy
07:18 Spirit then he goes on to say in verse 4 you have not lied
07:22 just a human
07:25 beings
07:26 but
07:28 to
07:29 God
07:30 You've lied to God
07:32 the Holy Spirit because the Holy Spirit is
07:36 God the Father is God the Son is God and the Holy Spirit is God
07:42 There are all
07:45 one
07:46 God and they also are three distinct persons one in three and
07:51 three in one
07:53 Acts chapter 10 verse 38 how God
07:56 The talking about the Father anointed Jesus of Nazareth the Son
08:01 With the Holy Spirit and power and how he went around doing good and healing all who were under the power of the devil
08:07 Because God was with him we see right here in this verse. We see God the Father
08:13 Anointing God the Son Jesus with the Holy Spirit
08:16 We see all three distinct persons of the Godhead three in one and one in three
08:23 Matthew chapter 3 verse 16 and 17 as soon as Jesus was baptized
08:27 He went up out of the water at that moment. Heaven was open and he saw the Spirit of God
08:33 So Jesus being baptized we see the Spirit of God descending like a dove and
08:39 Enlightening on him and a voice from heaven. This is this is the Father the Father said this is my son whom I love with him
08:46 I am well pleased so we see three distinct
08:50 Persons and yet they are one
08:53 God three distinct persons, but they're one God and they all work together because they are one
09:00 This is so key to understand about the Holy Spirit and about God the Father and God the Son God the Holy Spirit
09:05 They all work together John chapter 10 verse 30. Jesus said I am the Father are one
09:12 Three in one John 17 verse 11
09:15 Jesus said I will remain in the world no longer
09:18 But they are still in the world and I am going to you
09:22 Holy Father protect them by the power of your name the name you gave me so they may be one as we are
09:31 One so Jesus's prayer is that we as different people that we would become one in
09:38 spirit and
09:41 Yet humanity can never have the same
09:43 Union as the Godhead. Can I tell you something about the Godhead the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit have perfect
09:51 Union they have such perfect union that the Son only does what God the Father shows and tells him to do
10:00 Let me show this to you. They're perfect union. He only does what what the Father says?
10:04 He only does what what he hears the Father say John 5 verse 19. Jesus gave them this answer very very truly
10:10 I tell you the Son can do all and do nothing by himself
10:14 He can do only what he sees his Father doing because whatever the Father does the Son also
10:21 Does they are in perfect union three distinct persons?
10:26 But they are one the Son only does what he sees the Father doing John chapter 14 verse 10 and 11
10:33 Don't you believe that I am in the Father Jesus says and that the Father is in me perfect union
10:39 But the words I say to you
10:41 I do not speak on my own authority rather it is the Father living in me who is doing his work
10:48 Believe me when I say that I am in the Father
10:50 And the Father is in me or at least believe on the evidence of the works themselves the Father and the Son are
10:57 one
10:59 now understand this and the Holy Spirit is also one with the Father and
11:05 The Son three and one and one in three
11:09 Let me show you this in John 16 verse number 13
11:12 It says but when he Jesus says the Spirit of truth comes and he is here now when Jesus
11:18 Died on the cross rose again when he ascended into heaven
11:21 2,000 years ago the Holy Spirit came to the earth. He says he will guide you into all
11:27 The truth he will not speak on his own
11:30 He will speak only what he hears and he will tell you what is yet to come
11:34 he will glorify me because it is from me that he will receive and
11:39 What he will make known to you all that belongs to the Father is mine
11:45 That is why I said the Spirit will receive from me what he will make known to you
11:51 Are you seeing this church? There is one God who exists in three persons and it can be hard to wrap our mind
11:58 Around this mystery and no matter how intelligent you are no matter how many degrees you may have
12:05 This is a mystery that it's hard to understand and yet it's important that you understand
12:10 There is one God who exists in three persons. It's kind of like water h2o
12:16 Water it can manifest in three different forms
12:21 solid liquid or gas
12:25 Water substance it never changes, but the expression can change for purpose. Sometimes I like room-temperature water
12:33 Sometimes I like ice in my water and yet the ice is still water and the water is water
12:42 But yet they have different forms and different functions. It's kind of like this pretzel
12:47 Anybody getting hungry
12:52 You see this pretzel there are three holes
12:55 The first hole is not the second hole and the second hole is not the third hole and the third hole is not the first
13:01 Hole and yet they're all tied together by the same dough. It is one
13:07 pretzel with three
13:10 Different holes and what you have to understand there is one God who's made up of three distinct beings
13:17 God the Father God the Son and God the Holy Spirit and they all
13:22 possess the same divine nature
13:24 that they have the same attributes and
13:27 Perfections and that the description of one
13:31 Also belongs to the other and right now God the Father is in heaven on the throne
13:40 Jesus is sitting at the right hand of the Father in heaven and the Holy Spirit is on the earth
13:46 Convicting the world of sin and he is also in the hearts of Christ followers
13:52 They are all God three and one
13:55 One in three just look at your neighbor and say it's deep and we're just getting started. Go ahead and tell him. Yeah. Yeah
14:02 Yes, it's a mystery, but you got to understand this the Holy Spirit is God
14:08 Here's what I want you to understand about the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is a person
14:11 I've been using that language already in this message. The Holy Spirit is a person
14:15 The Holy Spirit is God and the Holy Spirit is also referred to as a he this is important to understand because the Holy Spirit
14:22 Is not an it or a thing the Holy Spirit is a he it's important
14:28 You know this because he's a he that means you can get to know him
14:33 first Corinthians chapter 12 and verse number 11
14:35 All these are the work of one and the same Spirit and he not it
14:40 But I would say it didn't say and it distributed. No and he
14:44 Distributes them to each one just as he determines John 15 verse 26
14:49 And when the advocate the Holy Spirit comes whom I will send to you from the Father the Spirit of truth
14:55 Who goes out from the Father he not it?
14:58 Jesus didn't say it will testify about me. No, he says he will testify about me because the Holy Spirit is not an it or a thing
15:06 but a
15:07 he
15:08 But what pastor what makes the Holy Spirit a person?
15:11 and when I say a person it means one who has their own identity or
15:18 individuality as a rational
15:21 Being a person is is is one who's conscious of their own existence
15:28 When when the Bible says he's a person it's not saying the Holy Spirit has feet or eyes or hands
15:34 But yet the Holy Spirit does have many
15:37 attributes of a person
15:40 And let me just talk to you about that for a moment
15:43 The Holy Spirit's a person you need to understand that because when you understand that you can get to know him when you understand
15:48 He's a person not an it or a thing. Let's look at this together
15:51 He's a person and the first thought is he's alive
15:54 He's alive Romans 8 verse 2 and because you belong to him the power of the life
16:00 Giving spirit has freed you from the power of sin that leads to death. The Holy Spirit is alive
16:06 Can I tell you if you're new to church new to the things of God the Holy Spirit is at work right now
16:12 He's alive. He's at work. He is moving. He's working in the lives of people right now
16:19 He is alive. The Holy Spirit has a mind. He has a mind Romans chapter 8 verse 27
16:25 And he who searches our hearts knows them mind of the Spirit
16:30 Because the Spirit intercedes for God's people in accordance with the will of God just like you have a mind
16:36 Just like you have thoughts
16:38 So does the Holy Spirit and you have to get to know the Holy Spirit more and more so, you know his thoughts
16:44 So, you know his mind. It's like my wife my wife. She has different thoughts than I then I have and
16:50 Sometimes I think I know her really well and I know what she's thinking and then she tells me what she's thinking
16:55 I'm like I was wrong. I
16:57 Didn't I didn't know that's what you were thinking and I've got to keep leaning in
17:01 I got to keep getting to know her because her thoughts are not my thoughts and the Holy Spirit thoughts oftentimes are not your thoughts
17:07 He has a mind the Holy Spirit has a will he has a will
17:10 first Corinthians chapter 12 verse number 11 all these are empowered by one and the same spirit who apportions or or who
17:18 distributes to each one to each one individually as he
17:23 wills
17:25 The Holy Spirit distribute he gives gifts as he wills the Holy Spirit has a will
17:32 It's important to understand this you will never get to know the Holy Spirit if you don't understand
17:38 He has a will that he wants to accomplish in your life and in the earth
17:43 Today and the Holy Spirit's will for your life and his will for what for what he wants to do in the earth today is
17:49 Oftentimes different from your will you got to get to know the Holy Spirit. He has a what he's a person
17:56 He's alive. He has a mind. He has a will not your will but his will be done
18:02 He has emotions the Holy Spirit has emotion. He's a person has emotions Romans chapter 15 verse 30
18:07 I owe I urge you brothers and sisters by our Lord Jesus Christ and by the notice this love of the Spirit
18:15 The Holy Spirit is loving the Holy Spirit has
18:19 emotions Galatians chapter 5 verse 22 says the fruit or the characteristic of of the Spirit is listen to these emotions love
18:27 joy
18:29 peace the Holy Spirit has
18:32 emotions
18:34 He's any he's an emotional person
18:37 You you can grieve
18:40 the Holy Spirit because he has
18:42 emotions
18:43 Ephesians chapter 4 verse 30 and do not grieve
18:46 The Holy Spirit of God with whom you were sealed for the day of redemption
18:51 The Holy Spirit is sensitive
18:55 You can grieve the Holy Spirit you have to learn the Holy Spirit
19:02 So that you can learn what are the things in my life that?
19:05 Grieve him and if you don't know who the Holy Spirit is, you won't even know that you're grieving him
19:12 you know throughout the years of I've learned Tiffany more and more and we were married for years and I
19:18 Did not realize some things that I was doing to to grieve her
19:23 But as I got to know her and get to know her better
19:27 I I just continue to learn the things that grieve her heart the things that can frustrate her
19:33 the things that can get under her her skin because we have
19:37 Relationship oftentimes. I know my wife so well, I can just look I can just see the look on her face. I'm like
19:44 Mmm, I messed up right there
19:46 That wasn't good that didn't go over. Well
19:49 right because the relationship because of
19:53 Proximity I can see if I'm grieving my wife. It's the same thing with the Holy Spirit. He's a person
19:59 He has emotions. He can be grieved and the Holy Spirit is a person and you can lie to him
20:05 You can lie to the Holy Spirit Acts chapter 5 verse 3 then Peter said Ananias
20:09 How is it that Satan has so filled your heart that you have lied to the Holy Spirit?
20:14 And I've kept for yourself some of the money you received from the land. It's important that you understand
20:21 That you can lie to the Holy Spirit. You say pastor. Why is this important? Well because relationships are built on trust
20:28 You can't build a relationship with the Holy Spirit if you're lying to him and you're breaking trust with him the foundation of any
20:37 Relationship is trust if I don't trust you. I'll keep you at a distance
20:42 If I don't trust you, I'm not gonna bring you super close
20:46 You see we don't bring people close to us if they continue to break trust with us and some of you don't have this close
20:53 Relationship with the Holy Spirit because you continue to grieve him you continue to lie to him
20:58 You're not you're not understanding that the Holy Spirit is a person and you can grieve him and you can lie to him you can
21:04 break fellowship you can break intimacy and closeness with the Holy Spirit and the foundation of any relationship is
21:11 Trust are you lying?
21:14 to the
21:15 Holy Spirit
21:17 He's a person. He's alive. He has a mind. He has a will he has emotions. He has a personality
21:23 We're learning that the Holy Spirit has a personality. He has a unique and identifiable
21:29 Characteristics. He has a personality just like my wife and four kids. They all have unique
21:35 Qualities and personalities my relationship with my wife and my kids is not a one-size-fit-all
21:42 They're different. They have different
21:45 Personalities, they're they're all unique and I have to approach my relationship with them differently because they're all
21:52 Unique and it's important to understand this about the Holy Spirit. He has a unique personality. He has unique
21:59 Qualities you have to get to know the Holy Spirit and we're gonna take an entire series to get to know the Holy Spirit
22:07 Better here's a third question the third question. Where did the Holy Spirit come from?
22:12 You have to learn someone's history if you really want to get to know them
22:17 That's one of the first things I learned about Tiffany was her history
22:21 I met her in 1996 and I found out she was born August the 5th
22:26 1997 in
22:29 Nebraska
22:30 She grew up in Nebraska and Wisconsin
22:33 She grew up on Nebraska Cornhuskers fan, but the Lord has delivered her. Amen
22:39 She has been delivered and set free and she's a sooner glory to be to God in the most high
22:44 She was a Packers fan green Bay Packers fan a cheese head, but the Lord has delivered her
22:49 She has been delivered from Brett farm and Aaron Aaron Rodgers himself got delivered. Praise God
22:56 Some of you need to Google that you don't even know football that well, but Google and find out what I'm talking about
23:02 But what I want you to understand is you have to learn someone's history if you really want to get to know them
23:07 It's important. So so understand this about the Holy Spirit. He has no beginning
23:11 Isaiah chapter 40 verse 28. Do you not know have you not heard the Lord is the everlasting
23:17 God the creator of the ends of the earth would not grow tired or weary and his understanding no one can fathom
23:25 He is there. He's everlasting God revelation chapter 1 verse 8. I am the Alpha and the Omega
23:30 Says the Lord God who is who was who is to come thee Almighty Hebrews chapter 9 verse 14
23:36 Just think how much more the blood of Christ will purify our conscience
23:39 Consciousness from sinful deeds so that we can worship the Living God for the power of the eternal everybody shout eternal
23:46 Catch this for by the power of the eternal
23:50 Spirit Christ offered himself to God as a perfect sacrifice for our sins
23:54 The Bible teaches us that the Holy Spirit is eternal. He has always been it's mind-blowing
23:59 But he's always been he always will be he has no beginning and no end
24:04 matter of fact
24:06 He had he was present and a part of creation
24:09 the creation of the world the creations of the heavens and the earth the creation of
24:13 humanity Genesis chapter 1 verse 2
24:16 The very first book in the Bible the second verse says now the earth was formless and empty
24:21 Darkness was over the surface of the deep and the spirit of God was hovering over
24:28 The waters the Holy Spirit was a part of creation because he is God he has no beginning
24:35 He has no end. He is eternal. He's everlasting. He's the Alpha and the Omega
24:41 Not only does he not have an origin, but he also does not have a single place of residence
24:49 the Holy Spirit is
24:53 Everywhere David said in Psalm chapter 1 39 verse 7. We're just learning about the Holy Spirit. I can never escape from your spirit
25:00 I can never get away from your presence. He's talking about the omnipresence. Don't miss this church
25:06 He's talking about the omnipresence of God the omnipresence of the Holy Spirit
25:11 He goes on to say Psalm chapter 1 39 verse 7 8. Where can I go from your spirit?
25:16 He's talking about the omnipresence
25:18 There's the omnipresence of God and there's the manifest presence of God
25:22 You cannot escape the omnipresence of God the omnipresence of God is everywhere
25:27 But yet there's the manifest presence of God today as we were worshiping God and you were lifting hands
25:32 Some of you felt the presence of God. That's the manifest presence of God
25:36 Maybe you're worshiping God in your car in your home. You sense the presence of God you get filled with the power of the Holy Spirit
25:42 That's the manifest presence of God
25:44 Not everybody experiences the manifest presence of God, but the omnipresence of God you cannot escape
25:52 the Holy Spirit the omnipresence is
25:56 Everywhere David said I can never escape from your spirit. I can never get away from your omnipresence
26:03 What does number four the Holy Spirit do pastor, what does he do? What does he do? What does he do?
26:12 This is an important question when you're getting to know someone
26:15 What does he do?
26:17 When I was getting to know Tiffany we met in college. I was 21. She was 19
26:22 We want to know what what do you do? What classes are you taking? What's your major? Where do you work?
26:28 When you graduate what are you planning on doing to really get to know the Holy Spirit? You need to ask this question
26:37 What does the Holy Spirit do that's different from the father?
26:41 and the son
26:43 What does he do? That's different
26:46 The Godhead there are three in one and one in three and they each have distinct functions and roles
26:53 I don't have time today to unpack all the differences between
26:58 The father the son and the Holy Spirit when it comes to their functions and roles
27:03 But I'm enlightening some of you to realize yes
27:05 they have different functions the father has functions the the son has functions and the Holy Spirit has has different functions and and
27:13 Roles and you can see that in the Word of God, but let me for one it for us for sake of time
27:17 Let me give you one example
27:19 The the three distinct roles of the Godhead in salvation
27:23 So let's let's take salvation and let's see the different roles the father place the son place and the spirit
27:30 Place so the father created the plan of salvation
27:35 He created the plan John chapter 6 verse 37 and 38 all those the father gives me
27:41 Jesus says will come to me and whoever comes to me. I will never drive away
27:47 For I have come down from heaven not to do my will kiss this here. It goes. I came from heaven
27:54 Not to do my will I didn't come up with this. I didn't come to do my will but to do the will of him who?
27:59 The father had a will
28:03 He had a plan for salvation. I didn't come to do my own thing. I came to do his will
28:07 the son Jesus
28:10 Executed the plan of salvation the father created the plan the son executed the plan of salvation Galatians chapter 4 verse 4
28:17 But when the set time had fully come
28:21 When when God's for the father's timing had fully come
28:25 They've been sacrificing goats and and lambs and and the tabernacle and when the time fully came
28:32 God sent his son
28:34 born of a woman born under the law the father sent the son to
28:39 Execute the plan of salvation the father had a plan and he wanted his son to execute
28:46 the plan to save humanity from their sins and Jesus
28:51 Accomplished the father's plan Luke chapter 22 verse 42 Jesus said father
28:57 If you are willing take this cup from me yet, not my will not my plan
29:03 but yours
29:05 Be done. I'm here to execute your plan. I'm in this garden of Gethsemane. I'm in pain
29:10 But I'm gonna execute your plan
29:13 Jesus accomplished the father's will by dying on the cross and then he rose again on the third day and
29:19 Jesus has done all he's going to do to save humanity from sin
29:25 He's done his part
29:27 Hebrews chapter 7 verse 27 explains it like this unless though unlike those
29:31 Other high priest he does not need to offer
29:35 Sacrifices every day they did this for their own sins first and then
29:39 For the sins of the people but Jesus did this once once
29:45 For all when he offered himself as the sacrifice for the people's sins and now Jesus
29:52 He's already died on the cross and rose again now
29:55 He's sitting at the right hand of the father and he intercedes for you and me
29:59 But understand this the father came up with the plan. The son has done everything he is going to do
30:05 He came and he executed the plan by dying on the cross and he rose again
30:11 So that we could be saved from our sins
30:14 And now let's look at the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is carrying out the plan of salvation
30:21 He's carrying out the father created the plan the son executed the plan and the Holy Spirit is is carrying out the plan
30:27 Jesus described it described it like this in John 16 verse 7
30:30 But in fact it is best for you that I go away
30:34 Because if I don't the advocate the the Holy Spirit won't come if I do go away
30:40 Then I will send him to you and when he comes he will convict the world of its sin
30:48 He plays a part in salvation
30:50 The Holy Spirit's gonna come and he's here and he will convict the world of its sin and of God's righteousness and of the coming judgment
30:57 the world's sin is that it refuses to believe in me and
31:02 So understand the father has a role in salvation
31:06 The son has a role in salvation and the spirit has a role in salvation
31:10 And today the Holy Spirit is on the earth and he's working today. He's drawing people to Jesus
31:18 He's convicting people of sin
31:20 He's carrying out the father's plan and the execution of the son the God had Godhead has distinct functions and roles
31:29 Let me close with this what does the Holy Spirit do in the life of the Christ follower?
31:36 What does the Holy Spirit do some of you are sitting there today and you're thinking?
31:41 Pastor, what does the Holy Spirit want to do in my life?
31:46 I'm convinced that he's a person. How do I get to know this person the Holy Spirit better?
31:51 Pastor what will happen in my life when I get to know the Holy Spirit better?
31:57 Pastor does the Holy Spirit speak to me?
32:00 personally
32:02 I've heard about speaking in tongues
32:04 What is that? I've heard about the gifts of the Holy Spirit
32:10 Pastor how do I get those?
32:13 Gifts pastor. I've heard about the fruit of the Holy Spirit. How do I have?
32:17 the Holy Spirit's fruit in my life
32:20 Pastor you talked about the Holy Spirit being emotional you talked about we can grieve him
32:26 We can lie to him pastor am I grieving and lying to the Holy Spirit am I breaking fellowship with him?
32:32 You said he has a will am I following the Holy Spirit's will?
32:36 What does the Holy Spirit want to do in my life?
32:41 Pastor I need some answers about the Holy Spirit and how I can get to know him better
32:46 And I just want to simply say be back next week
32:51 and the following weeks
32:54 And the following weeks as we learn about
33:00 the Holy Spirit
33:02 And we're going to give you an opportunities to encounter the presence and the person of
33:09 The Holy Spirit father. Thanks for your word
33:12 Thanks for your presence
33:14 Thanks for scripture. Thanks for the Word of God. Thank you for illuminating our minds and our hearts. Thank you for speaking to us
33:20 Thank you for your presence that's working right now. Thank you that the Holy Spirit is touching hearts and lives across every location
33:26 Speak God
33:28 Minister convict do your work Holy Spirit. We simply say have your way. You're welcome at People's Church
33:34 You're welcome in our lives. You're welcome in our church. You're welcome in our hearts. Have your way in
33:40 Jesus name
