00:00 (upbeat music)
00:02 (upbeat music)
00:05 (upbeat music)
00:34 - I want to share a message that I did not too long ago
00:38 in the book of Hebrews and it's Hebrews chapter 12.
00:42 And I'd like to begin reading at verse one
00:47 through and including verse three.
00:50 It's Hebrews chapter 12.
00:53 And he says, "Wherefore seeing we also are
01:01 compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses.
01:06 Let us lay aside every way and the sin
01:11 which doth so easily beset us.
01:16 And let us run this race, or rather,
01:20 let us run with patience the race that is set before us
01:25 looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith,
01:31 who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross."
01:36 My God.
01:39 Despising the shame.
01:42 And it's set down at the right hand of the throne of God.
01:48 "For consider him that endured such contradiction
01:54 of sinners against himself, lest ye be wearied.
02:00 And faint in your minds."
02:05 I want you to look at somebody like you're angry with them.
02:07 Just look at them mean as you can
02:10 and tell them you got to win.
02:13 I wish I had some enthusiastic people.
02:16 Look at somebody, look them dead in the eye
02:19 and say you're expected to win.
02:22 (audience chattering)
02:26 When you examine the book of Hebrews,
02:37 and as you can tell by the name of the book,
02:41 that it is giving reference to Jewish Christians.
02:50 And it is not just written to one particular church.
02:54 It's written to a series of churches, multiple churches,
03:01 in a particular region in the Middle East.
03:05 It is critical to understand from, might I say,
03:12 an historical analysis,
03:14 that the writer has to build a very powerful case
03:19 as it relates to the superiority of Jesus Christ.
03:24 And he's doing that because the Jewish Christian
03:31 has more difficulties than we do
03:35 because we don't lose our nationality.
03:39 We don't go away from our ethnicity.
03:43 We really don't even walk away
03:47 from much of our philosophical positions
03:49 and social attitudes when we decide to be a Christian.
03:54 But because the Jewish people,
04:00 their religion and their nationality was so intertwined
04:05 that in order to be a Christian,
04:10 you almost would have to give up your nationality.
04:15 You'd have to give up your social standing.
04:18 You'd have to give up many of your relationships
04:22 for those people who would not become Christian.
04:26 So it was indeed a difficulty for them
04:30 to follow the carpenter's son from Nazareth
04:33 because even till today, the Jewish people as a whole
04:39 don't believe that Jesus is the Messiah.
04:44 So give some consideration then to a group of people
04:48 who have decided to follow Jesus.
04:51 And you and I know whenever you take a step
04:55 or whenever you make a move that is not popular
04:58 by the majority of the people around you,
05:01 you and I have a tendency to want God to respond quickly.
05:07 Have you ever been in a situation
05:11 where you decided to make a move
05:13 and you declared it was the Lord
05:16 and you have your doubters
05:23 and you have your critics
05:26 who assess your words and look at your situation
05:31 and say you must be crazy.
05:34 And in order to vindicate yourself, you want God to move.
05:41 You want God to show the people who are doubting you
05:45 that he was really in the middle of it.
05:47 And the longer it takes for it to come to pass,
05:53 the more difficult your journey is,
05:57 particularly if you're somebody
05:59 who likes to FaceTime everything
06:02 and put everything on social media
06:04 and you done got the folk in your business,
06:07 now you mad when they say something crazy.
06:11 Because many of us wanna be vindicated when we take a step
06:16 and particularly when we say it is the Lord.
06:21 The difficulty with the Hebrew church was
06:23 that they had stepped out on the name of the Lord
06:28 and he was not responding as quickly as they wanted.
06:33 So what's happening is they're going back into Judaism
06:38 and the writer now is making a case to show
06:43 that Jesus is better than Moses.
06:47 Jesus is better than the angels.
06:52 Jesus is better than the prophets.
06:55 So why are you going to go back into something
06:59 that is less significant than where you are now?
07:03 The writer in his genius
07:06 and God has a way of using everything in his arsenal
07:11 to help us to stay where we need to be.
07:14 In some cases in the book, he uses encouragement.
07:19 In other places, he uses admonition.
07:22 In other places, he just uses serious warnings
07:26 and it's a foolish thing to fall
07:28 in the hand of an angry God.
07:31 In other places, he says things like,
07:34 "If you fall back or if you turn back,
07:38 "you cannot be renewed anymore."
07:42 And he is warning them, he's giving them admonition
07:47 and he's encouraging them,
07:49 but he's using everything in his power
07:52 to get them to hold on.
07:56 I don't know, have you ever been there
07:58 where it seems as if things were just going against you
08:01 on everything you had planned?
08:05 And sometimes you get to the place
08:07 where you feel like, "Man, I need to just throw my hands up
08:10 "and let it go."
08:11 I wanna talk to somebody here today
08:14 that's been in a battle that you knew you had to win.
08:19 There was no other way.
08:22 There was no way to back out of it,
08:24 no way to get out of it.
08:25 You just had to stick it out until the victory came.
08:31 He's using then the whole issue of faith
08:34 because now he is showing us the superiority of Jesus
08:39 and the new covenant and faith in seeing him
08:44 that is invisible.
08:47 He's taking them then out of the situational attitude
08:51 based on sensual perception
08:55 and he's moving them into that place of revelation.
09:00 In other words, whenever the child of God is operating,
09:04 you operate in revelation and you operate in situation.
09:09 Now my situation, I'm connected to my situation
09:15 by my senses.
09:17 I'm connected to my revelation by my faith.
09:21 And this is the struggle that we have
09:24 because oftentimes we are looking at situations
09:29 that are very, very real.
09:33 And in the middle of a real situation,
09:36 we have to understand revelation,
09:40 which indeed and in fact on the spiritual side
09:43 is just as real as the situation on the sensual side.
09:48 So here is my battle.
09:52 Am I going to succumb to my situation
09:56 or am I going to stand on the revelation
10:00 that in spite of how things look,
10:04 the Lord is still in charge?
10:08 He does a marvelous thing here
10:10 because what he does is he takes in chapter 11,
10:15 he talks about the hall of faithers.
10:19 And yes, and he lists a group of people
10:23 with all of their powerful experiences
10:26 and he then takes it and packages it
10:31 in the shadow of the child of God.
10:36 He goes through the list in chapter 11.
10:39 And if you notice how he closes the list,
10:43 he closes the list when he says in the last verse,
10:48 and these all having obtained a good report
10:53 through faith, yet they received not the promise,
10:58 having provided some better things for us
11:02 that they without us should not be made perfect.
11:07 What he's saying essentially is
11:09 when you look at the cloud of witnesses
11:14 and you look at the list of men and women
11:18 who had to stand by faith,
11:21 what he's saying is they did not have what we have
11:26 because if you notice, he said,
11:29 provided some better thing for us.
11:33 So when you look at marvel at a hero called David
11:37 or you enjoy the power of an individual called Gideon,
11:42 what the writer is saying to them is
11:45 as great as Elijah was, Elisha was,
11:50 as great as Moses was, understand you have a better thing.
11:55 If they can come out with a good report
12:01 and if they can hold out in spite of how things look,
12:05 if they can overcome even in a lion's den
12:09 and they can stand up in a place
12:12 where they are put in a fiery furnace,
12:15 if they can overcome and they're less powerful than you are,
12:20 then you ought to be able to tell the devil,
12:24 get out of my house.
12:26 I feel like I'm in church.
12:29 You see, so faith then leads
12:32 to all the spiritual experiences
12:36 and this is why he comes with the word wherefore.
12:40 When he brings the word wherefore,
12:42 what he does is he gathers all of the heroes of chapter 11
12:47 and he places them over us as a nephos.
12:54 The word nephos in the Greek is simply a massive cloud
12:59 covering the entire visible space of the heavens.
13:04 Now, have you been on a day
13:07 where the clouds were hanging low?
13:10 Well, that's a nephos and what he's saying now
13:13 is that every one of these witnesses
13:18 are hanging over our heads,
13:21 looking at our progress and looking at the way
13:25 we are moving in a world of difficulty
13:30 and they're standing over our heads as a blanket for us.
13:35 Can I get to take it further?
13:37 Does anybody in here know what a quilt is?
13:40 Have you ever seen a quilt?
13:43 Did Big Mama make you a quilt?
13:46 Well, what Big Mama would do to make a quilt is
13:50 she would get any little scrap from anywhere in the house
13:55 and put it all together to give you
14:00 a very variegated piece of cloth.
14:04 Now, understand what he's saying here is
14:08 you've got all kinds of people in chapter 11.
14:13 You have Rahab, you have every kind that you can think of
14:17 who has overcome and he's put them together like a quilt
14:22 and placed them over you as a blanket.
14:27 And what he's saying is every time you come
14:30 into a circumstantial situation that seems
14:35 to be uniquely yours, then just look through the quilt
14:39 and find something that is similar
14:43 to what you have had to go through
14:47 and declare if they can make it
14:51 with less than what I have,
14:54 then surely I can hold out until the end.
15:00 I wanna talk to somebody in here who is on the edge
15:04 and God is saying to you, you don't have to stay
15:06 on that edge.
15:08 I don't care how rough it is, just back up a little bit
15:12 and give me some praise and I'll turn the situation around.
15:17 It's important to understand this
15:20 because they are not just laying there,
15:23 but they are from the Greek word,
15:26 martas, which means witness.
15:29 And I wish the church would be the kind
15:33 of witness it should be because a witness,
15:37 according to martas from the Greek,
15:39 it's actually the word that means martyr.
15:43 And a martyr then is somebody who believes something
15:48 and holds on to something if it even means their death.
15:53 It's one who testifies or can testify
15:59 of what he has heard and what he has seen
16:03 and hold on to it if it even means losing your life.
16:08 If you need an example, I'll give you one real quick.
16:13 There were three Hebrew boys who looked at Nebuchadnezzar
16:16 and said, okay, we are not careful to answer you
16:20 concerning this matter, but the God we serve,
16:27 he's able to deliver us out of the burning fiery furnace
16:32 and he will deliver us out of your hand, O king.
16:38 But if not, I wish somebody'd understand it,
16:42 that everybody in here ought to have a if not clause.
16:47 Oh yeah, I know you love that woman
16:49 and I know you want to be with her,
16:51 but if not, my life ain't going to end
16:54 because you walked away.
16:57 I know you want that job,
16:59 but I know you ain't going to keep taking
17:01 a whole lot of mess, but if not,
17:04 I feel like preaching here, but if not,
17:07 everybody got to have a if not.
17:12 You see, when your back is against the wall
17:14 and you're being manipulated and you're being
17:16 just completely ostracized and departmentalized
17:22 and vilified, you got to get to the place
17:26 where you say, let me tell you this,
17:28 if it's not worth dying for, it ain't worth living for.
17:33 But if not, if he don't do it,
17:36 we're still not going to bow.
17:39 If he delivers me, it's all right.
17:42 If he'll die, it's all right.
17:45 But the only way I'll lose is if I bow
17:49 and I'm not the bowing kind.
17:52 I'm getting there, I'm getting there, Pat.
17:56 - It's critical to understand this
17:58 because the witness then, it's a legal term
18:01 and it's a contract or a legal document.
18:05 And one writer says, and I quote,
18:07 it's used to designate those who have proved strength
18:12 and genuineness of their faith in the Lord Jesus
18:16 even by undergoing a violent death.
18:20 Therefore here, they represent and are called
18:24 to testify to the efficacy of the faith way
18:29 of salvation and victory, unquote.
18:33 In other words, let the redeemed of the Lord say so.
18:38 You didn't go through what you have been through
18:41 for you to sit quietly in the house
18:44 and act as if you have always been on the mountain top.
18:49 You didn't go through what you went through
18:52 in that early abuse for you to hold it and keep it
18:56 and be embarrassed by it and not talk about it.
18:59 Let the redeemed of the Lord say so.
19:04 Somebody close to you needs to hear your story
19:09 in order to understand that weeping may endure for a night
19:14 but joy cometh in the morning.
19:16 Somebody can't look at you and tell
19:18 what you have been through unless you open your mouth
19:23 and declare I'm on the mountain top now
19:27 but I haven't always been here.
19:30 And if you just go through my history,
19:32 you will find that God had to take me out of many a hole
19:36 and many a situation and God had to clean me up
19:41 from the stuff I used to do.
19:45 Let the redeemed of the Lord say so.
19:49 You know you should have died with an overdose
19:52 and God brought you out with a mighty hand.
19:56 You know you should have been caught with some disease
19:59 but God blocked the enemy and kept you from having it.
20:03 You know the gun was to go off in your face
20:07 but God turned the situation around.
20:10 Let the redeemed of the Lord say so.
20:15 Somebody ought to get to talking about how good he is.
20:20 Somebody got to get to talking
20:23 about how he can bring you out.
20:25 Somebody ought to get to talking about he's my Jehovah,
20:29 Jireh my Jehovah, Nisi my Jehovah, Shalom my Jehovah,
20:34 Maccadish my Jehovah, Rophika my Jehovah,
20:37 Rowa, somebody ought to open their mouth
20:41 and declare no weapon formed against you shall prosper.
20:46 They're called to bear witness.
20:51 Oh, if we had a church full of witnesses,
20:54 a church that would get up and testify,
20:58 then some people who feel like they can't make it
21:01 would hold on to that word.
21:04 Every now and then every husband's got to tell his wife,
21:07 hold on baby, if things look bad
21:09 but God brought me out years ago, he'll bring me out now.
21:14 Every wife ought to be able to say to her husband,
21:16 it looks bad but I'm hanging in here with you.
21:19 I ain't going to leave you right now.
21:21 I'm going to stay through the flood,
21:23 through the rain, through the storm
21:26 because I know I feel something about you
21:28 that God is going to bring you out.
21:31 Somebody ought to hang in that prayer group
21:34 and keep on praying until the breakthrough comes
21:38 because that's the kind of God I serve.
21:42 He'll put you in a situation that's difficult.
21:45 Then he wait until it gets impossible
21:48 and then the next step is miracle.
21:51 That's the kind of God I serve.
21:54 They are spectators in the stand
21:57 but they are not just looking
21:59 but they're testifying as examples of faith.
22:04 Not to look at them but believe more fully
22:07 on Christ through them.
22:10 They are not the star.
22:12 Gideon is never the star.
22:14 David is never the star.
22:17 None of Moses is never the star.
22:20 Elisha, never the star.
22:22 Joshua, never the star.
22:25 We read about them but we're really reading about their God.
22:30 We're not reading about them for them.
22:34 We're reading about them to see how God brought them out.
22:38 Feel the Holy Spirit in here.
22:42 You know, anytime I see people in trouble,
22:46 I don't sit around to judge.
22:49 What I do is sit around to watch
22:51 how God is going to bring them out.
22:54 And the reason I sit around and watch
22:57 is because just maybe one day,
23:00 I'll wake up and my name is on CNN.
23:04 It's all right to be on TBN
23:06 but you don't want it on CNN
23:09 but I wanna see how God will bring you out.
23:13 Then I can say, Lord, as you brought my brother out,
23:17 please bring me out with a mighty hand.
23:22 And I guarantee you like he said to Peter,
23:25 and after thou art converted, strengthen the brethren.
23:32 Give somebody a high five for the first time.
23:34 Tell them it ain't no time to judge.
23:37 It's time to testify of the goodness of the Lord.
23:41 All spiritual men and women lived by faith
23:46 and our faith is in Jesus Christ.
23:51 That's why he tells you the intense unending race.
23:56 I don't care how good you get and how powerful you are.
24:01 There is always something.
24:05 Can I testify that there's always something?
24:09 I don't care how wonderful it was
24:11 when you went to bed last night.
24:14 There's always something popping off in the morning.
24:19 It's a race that's unending.
24:22 None of us ever get to the place
24:25 where we can lay back on our laurels
24:28 and feel as if there's no battle coming.
24:32 If it's not coming from your children,
24:35 it's coming from the job.
24:37 If it's not coming from the job,
24:39 it's coming from your friends.
24:41 If it's not coming externally, it's coming from sickness.
24:46 You went to bed feeling good
24:48 and got up and here is a lot of pain and heartache.
24:52 Go to the doctor to check one thing
24:57 and he brings you something else.
25:00 I wonder am I talking to some real folk in here.
25:03 You go looking for one thing and something else pops up
25:07 and suddenly the whole day changes.
25:11 It don't take but a second to change your day,
25:15 change your week, change your year, change your life.
25:20 Just somebody doing something to you that they shouldn't do
25:24 and all of a sudden you're in trouble.
25:27 And it only comes because you're in the race.
25:32 I feel like preaching here.
25:34 If anybody sitting that's not in the race
25:38 does not have any testing to go through,
25:42 can I tell you something here?
25:44 That's why he said you gotta lay aside every weight
25:49 because it's hard to run weighted down.
25:54 The Greeks ran naked.
25:56 They took off every bit of clothes
25:58 when they were in a race.
26:00 Can I preach to you for a minute?
26:02 Now you're leaving LA and you're rolling down to San Diego.
26:07 You're rolling in one of those Mercedes Benz
26:10 when the rain hits the windshield.
26:14 The wiper comes on suddenly.
26:17 I was riding with a friend of mine in Miami
26:19 and all of a sudden the rain came and the wiper went
26:24 and I said, "Did you turn that on?
26:25 "I didn't see you move."
26:27 And he said, "No, it comes on automatically."
26:30 The colors in there, you can change the colors from,
26:34 you know, just hit something, the colors change.
26:37 You're riding on shock absorbers.
26:39 You don't even feel the road.
26:42 And you're sitting back with melodious, euphonious music
26:46 and the air conditioning is set on your side,
26:50 separate from that side.
26:53 So you ain't got to worry him for what you want
26:56 in your comfort.
26:58 And yet still, when you get to San Diego, you're tired.
27:02 Just tired, oh my God.
27:04 It ain't the car.
27:06 It's who's riding with you while you're tired.
27:11 You tired of folk talking about folk
27:14 and hear nothing about Jesus.
27:16 You tired of folk gossiping with folk.
27:20 And when you get out the car, you're tired.
27:23 You're tired of their negativity.
27:26 You're tired of their sadness.
27:28 You tired of their oppressive attitude.
27:32 And if you gonna make it, you gotta shake 'em off
27:35 and get back in the race.
27:38 You gotta shake off negative folk.
27:40 I wish I could talk to somebody.
27:42 God delivered you from smoking,
27:45 delivered you from drugs,
27:47 delivered you from drinking too much.
27:50 God delivered you from a whole lot of stuff.
27:54 But he needs to deliver you from people.
27:57 I feel like preaching here.
28:01 Some folk don't need to be around you with their negative.
28:05 Can I take it a little further?
28:07 When you decide to get close to Jesus,
28:11 look and see how people act around you.
28:15 When you decide to build your ministry,
28:18 see how people act around you.
28:21 When you decide to help somebody who's in trouble,
28:25 see what people have to say about you.
28:28 Who do you think you are?
28:31 Why do you think you so privileged?
28:34 Why do you think God even speaks to you?
28:38 Anytime you get in the race
28:41 and begin to move at a great pace,
28:45 then here comes the situation.
28:47 Can I preach like I feel it?
28:49 Weakness comes because if you're in a demanding race,
28:54 you find out where your weakness is.
28:58 You can't be in a race and not know
29:01 where the weakness is in your body
29:04 and what you need to work on
29:05 and what you need to get strong.
29:08 Because when you're in a race,
29:10 you feel the stress of just running for Jesus.
29:15 When you decide to do right,
29:18 you feel the stress because the flesh is always beckoning.
29:23 Yes, yes, the devil is always talking.
29:31 And when you're in a race
29:32 and it won't come to the end quickly,
29:35 that's when the devil whispers to you
29:38 that God must not be with you
29:41 because of all that you're facing.
29:44 I got news for you.
29:46 With all I'm facing, God has to be with me
29:50 or I would have died a long time ago.
29:55 I feel something happening in here.
29:57 Touch somebody with a high five.
29:59 Say, "God had to be with me.
30:01 For me to be where I am now, God had to be with me.
30:06 For me to come out of what I've come out of,
30:08 God had to be with me in my darkest hour.
30:13 Don't you tell me God wasn't with me
30:16 when I was strung out on drugs.
30:18 Don't you tell me God wasn't with me
30:21 when I didn't know how I got home so drunk.
30:25 Don't you tell me God was not with me
30:28 when my kidneys should have been destroyed.
30:31 Don't you tell me God was not with me
30:35 when I should have been lost along the way.
30:38 He walked with me.
30:40 He talked with me.
30:42 He protected me.
30:44 He guided me.
30:47 And he never allowed me to get into something
30:51 I couldn't get out of.
30:53 I wish somebody would testify.
30:56 I wish somebody would give him a little praise.
30:59 He never lets you get into something
31:04 that he couldn't bring you out of.
31:07 He brought you out with a mighty hand.
31:12 I'm running this race, no relief in sight.
31:16 And he says, run it with patience.
31:19 Run it, run it, don't stop running.
31:21 Run with patience.
31:23 The road is stretched out before you, no end in sight.
31:28 And yet he says, run with hope of money.
31:31 And hope of money is endurance, passive endurance.
31:37 And it's active persistence.
31:40 Not only am I passive in understanding
31:44 what is going on around me, I have no control over.
31:48 But I don't stop running because something is going on
31:52 I don't have control over.
31:55 You don't treat me right, but I'm not going to stop running
31:58 and use you for an excuse.
32:01 I don't have to be ugly because you're ugly.
32:04 I'm going to keep on running.
32:06 I don't have to be malicious because you're malicious.
32:10 I'm going to keep on running.
32:12 I don't have to be nasty because you're nasty.
32:15 I'm going to keep on running.
32:17 I'm going to smile in your nastiness.
32:21 I'm going to give God praise in your dirt.
32:25 I'm going to give God praise while you're lying on me.
32:28 I'm not going to stop running and pick up my fists against you.
32:33 The devil is a liar.
32:34 When you get on me, I'll get on my knees
32:38 and I will pray for you.
32:41 Because it's not only passive endurance,
32:44 it's persistent, active persistence.
32:49 And that is I'm insisting on moving to the next level.
32:54 Do I have any warriors in here?
32:57 Give somebody a high five and say, I'm a warrior.
33:01 I'm a fighter.
33:03 Lift up your heads.
33:05 Oh, ye gates, be ye lifted up, ye everlasting doors.
33:12 And let the king of glory, let him come in.
33:17 I might as well have a little church in here.
33:21 The supreme tests call for supreme encouragement.
33:26 And after I've looked at my quilt, I've seen my Davids
33:31 and I've seen my Elishas and I've seen my Moses
33:35 and I've seen my Deborah.
33:38 I've looked over at Samson and I've looked around.
33:42 And I'm looking at each one of them.
33:45 But finally, I'm at the place now
33:49 where I've graduated from each one of them.
33:53 And he says, now look unto Jesus.
33:57 I got to look to Jesus now.
34:00 Give somebody a high five for the third time
34:03 and say, neighbor, it's time to look to Jesus.
34:08 The things are so rough out here that Moses can't handle it.
34:14 It's getting so rough out here that Joshua can't handle it.
34:19 It's getting rough out here.
34:21 Elijah can't handle it.
34:24 Elijah can't handle it.
34:27 Samson can't do anything with it.
34:29 But I know somebody that has all the answers.
34:35 And I got to look to Jesus right now.
34:40 Look to Jesus now and live.
34:44 Can I preach to you for a minute?
34:47 You feel like it's killing you.
34:50 Well, look to Jesus.
34:52 Because three days later, up from the grave, he arose.
34:58 Somebody's walking off, leaving you for dead.
35:04 But the surprise is on the way.
35:08 Because every time they look back, you bounce up again.
35:13 Somebody, the Holy Ghost, I can't explain.
35:18 But I got him in my soul.
35:22 And it's something about the Holy Spirit
35:25 that only testifies of Jesus.
35:29 So it's a magnet negative pulling me
35:33 to a magnet positive.
35:35 And I'm going to keep running, run on, run on,
35:41 and see what the end is going to be.
35:46 I feel like preaching here.
35:48 He said, keep your eyes on Jesus.
35:52 And what it means in the Greek is
35:54 to turn the eyes away from other things
36:00 and fix it on one thing.
36:04 Quit looking at other people's opinions.
36:08 Quit looking at what your critique has to say.
36:12 Quit looking at the trial you're in.
36:15 And in the middle of it all, take a look at Jesus.
36:20 Jesus, he told me it'll be all right.
36:26 Jesus told me keep on coming, keep on running,
36:32 keep on lifting him up.
36:35 I'm almost there.
36:37 Why do I have my eyes on Jesus?
36:42 For the joy that was set before him, he endured the cross.
36:50 I feel like preaching.
36:52 Bring me a chair, please.
36:54 For the joy that was set before him, he saw my day.
37:00 He saw my struggle.
37:02 He saw my fight.
37:04 He saw my pain.
37:06 He saw my hurt.
37:09 And he's got up on the cross and said, the joy.
37:14 I'll give up heaven.
37:15 I'll give up my throne.
37:18 And I'll go down, and I'm sitting on the finish line.
37:23 And I'm telling my children, come on to me.
37:27 Come on.
37:29 There's snakes, but come on.
37:32 There's demons, but come on.
37:35 There's heartache, but come on.
37:38 There's pain, but come on.
37:41 Come on.
37:43 You can make it.
37:44 You can take it.
37:46 I've got the blood.
37:48 I've got the power.
37:49 Come on.
37:51 Come on.
37:52 Come on.
37:54 You're crying, but you've got to win.
37:57 You've been walked on, but you've got to win.
38:01 The marriage is bad, but you've got to win.
38:05 The job is terrible, but you've got to win,
38:09 because I, the Lord, have made you a winner.
38:14 Give somebody a high five for the last time.
38:27 Say, even though you're crying, you've got to win.
38:31 Even though you're hurt, you've got to win.
38:34 Even though he's gone, you've got to win.
38:38 Even though they left you, you've got to win.
38:42 Even though you're broke, you've got to win,
38:45 even though you're homeless.
38:59 Keep on running.
39:01 Keep on running.
39:03 Keep on running.
39:05 Give somebody a high five for the last time.
39:09 Say, neighbor, I'm running for my life.
39:14 I'm running for my joy.
39:18 I'm running.
39:19 [APPLAUSE]
39:26 I'm not going to lose my mind.
39:51 I'm running.
39:52 [APPLAUSE]
39:56 You're a winner.
40:16 The road is rough, and the going gets tough.
40:23 The hills are hard to climb.
40:29 I started out.
41:03 (upbeat music)