Anthony Jeanjean - Winning Run Men Final UCI BMX Freestyle Park Brussels
00:00 Defending that title and the first place on the leaderboard right now.
00:03 92.40.
00:05 Yeah, he had a great first run.
00:07 720 bar.
00:08 360 bar, tuck no-hander.
00:11 Flair bar spin into that banked wallride.
00:14 Well, well, well, Anthony.
00:16 Triple tailwhip.
00:18 Casing it a little bit this time, but not affecting his speed, obviously.
00:21 Back foot triple whip again, stomping it.
00:25 He's so consistent with those.
00:28 Indianair, C-grab.
00:30 Wow, amazing.
00:33 Pushing off and again that double backflip.
00:36 Again, putting a super solid run out here.
00:39 Very similar to that first run.
00:41 Let's see if he's going to add something extra.
00:42 20 seconds left on the clock for Anthony Jean-Jean.
00:45 360 double whip right there.
00:46 Bar spin, truck driver over the spine.
00:49 Setting up.
00:49 Flip transfer.
00:52 Barrel roll transfer.
00:53 Oh, pulling back to the UCI corner.
00:57 Flair right there.
00:59 And a Flair opposite downside tailwhip.