• 2 years ago
Logan Martin - 3rd place Men Final UCI BMX Freestyle Park Brussels


00:00 We have an Olympic athlete coming up.
00:01 We have a world champion coming up,
00:03 so it's about to go down.
00:05 - Logan Martin dropping in.
00:10 Yeah, corked out seven whip.
00:12 Took no hander there.
00:15 With the opposite flare, opposite whip.
00:18 Pedaling, keeping the speed going.
00:20 Come on, Logan.
00:21 Yeah, opposite downside double whip.
00:25 Triple opposite whip, very unique.
00:28 Nobody doing that.
00:29 Flare bar spin, linking things up.
00:31 Oh, backflip whip going backwards.
00:33 It's so difficult doing it backwards
00:35 'cause the lip is taking off of that landing.
00:38 You don't get much pop out of it.
00:40 Triple truck driver right there.
00:42 Flare, opposite downside whip transferring.
00:45 Yes!
00:45 And that is a favorite of mine in Logan's riding
00:50 that really dipped out 360 tabletop.
00:55 And there's a triple whip.
00:56 This time it's a regular triple whip.
00:58 So, also judges love that,
01:00 the fact that he can do it both ways.
01:02 270 tuck no hander.
01:03 What's he got to finish?
01:05 Yeah, that 540 flare to finish things off.
01:08 And that was a perfect, perfect run.
01:11 (audience cheering)
