• 2 years ago
00:00 Hi, my name is Russ Andrews, welcome to Spoken. Spoken is a thought of card and wallet effect
00:17 with a slight difference. It allows the spectator to think of a card, make a couple of changes
00:21 to it and at the end you'll be able to take the prediction out of the wallet and it will
00:25 match exactly what they're thinking of with perfection.
00:33 Ok, I'm going to show you something that I'm working on. It's like a prediction, a prediction
00:36 I made earlier for something that's going to happen. I want you to imagine for a moment
00:40 there's a playing card floating around in front of your eyes. I want you to think of
00:44 one of these cards, but not an obvious one like an Ace of Spades or a big card, something
00:48 random, something that can't possibly be a playing card. You got one in mind? Yeah?
00:51 Ok, I'm going to ask you to make some decisions, changes to that card. So if you're thinking
00:57 of a Royal card like a Jack, Queen or King, I want you to change it to a spot card. If
01:00 you're thinking of a spot card I want you to change it to a Royal card like a Jack.
01:03 Again, short choice, let me know when you've done that. Perfect. Ok, you can play with
01:07 the colours, she's got a bit of black. You can twist again, you can change the colour
01:10 if you want, you can stick it on. You've got both, have you done that? Yeah. And you can
01:14 change the suits, you've got the Hearts, Clubs, Spades and Diamonds. Again, let me know when
01:18 you've settled on the card. Done that? Yeah. Good? Yeah. Cool, ok, so you're both now thinking
01:23 of a card that's completely different from the one you were thinking of at the beginning.
01:26 Ok, perfect. Engie, what card are you now thinking of? King of Diamonds. The King of
01:33 Diamonds? Ok, that was a free choice? Yeah. Yeah, I'll give it to you, you can change
01:36 any colour. Yeah, I'll change it a couple of times. Are you happy with the King of Diamonds?
01:43 See, in my wallet, remember I told you there was a prediction I made at the beginning?
01:46 It was as close as I could get to a prediction, ok. I managed to put one in. I can't tell
01:51 you two are on another level, aren't you? That's weird, that is weird. Thanks very much.
01:57 Quality. So I'll make a prediction for something that's about to happen, as close as I can
02:01 get to a prediction, ok? I want you to imagine a big flock of playing cards now floating
02:05 around in front of your face. Yeah? I want you to think of one of those cards for me.
02:08 Don't think of an obvious one like an Ace of Spades or a big card, think of something
02:10 random, something I couldn't possibly guess. Alright, got one? Yep. Cool. Ok, you happy
02:14 with the one you've got in mind? Alright, brilliant, ok. I'm going to ask you to make
02:17 some changes to that inside your head. Ok. Ok, so for instance, if you're thinking of
02:21 a picture card like a Jack, Queen or King, I want you to change it to a random number
02:23 card. If it's a random number card you're thinking of, I want you to change it to a
02:26 random picture card, like a Jack, Queen or King. Do you want me to know what you've done
02:29 there? Yep. Perfect. And I want you, we can play with colours now. So you've got red and
02:32 black. Yep. Ok, let me know when you're done, pick a colour and colour you like. Go on.
02:37 And you can play with the suits as well, so you've got clubs, hearts, spades and diamonds.
02:41 Ok, so settle on one of those as well. Yep. Ok, so you've got a completely different card
02:45 to what you had at the start. Yep. Yep, ok. For the first time, name the card you're
02:50 thinking of now. Jack of Spades. Jack of Spades. You're happy with that, that was a free choice,
02:54 you could have chosen any colour, any suit, any card. Yep. Yep, ok. Earlier on, remember
02:58 I told you I made a prediction? Yep. Yeah. F*** me. F***. Alright. This is a prediction
03:08 effect I've made as close as I can get to a prediction of something I think you're going
03:12 to think of. Alright, you want me to say a card? So, do you want me to do this for you?
03:16 Ok, I want you to imagine a big flock of playing cards floating around in front of your face
03:19 now, ok? I want you to think of one of those cards, but I don't want you to think of an
03:22 obvious one like an Ace of Spades or a big card, think of something random, something
03:25 I couldn't possibly guess. I don't know if you've got one in your mind? Yeah? Ok, I'm
03:29 going to ask you to make some changes to that card, ok? We'll start doing this again. If
03:34 you think you'll have a picture card, Jack, Queen or King, you want to change it to a
03:37 number card. If it's a number card you're thinking of, then you need to change it to
03:39 a Jack, Queen or a King, your choice. So, done? Ok, so now we're going to play with
03:44 the colours as well. So you've got red and black, yeah? So you can change that card to
03:48 any colour you want, or you can stick with the colour you've got. Done? And play with
03:52 suits as well, so you've got hearts, clubs, spades and diamonds. Yeah? Ok, so now you've
03:57 got completely different cards than what you had at the start, yeah? So, name the first
04:01 time the cards you're thinking of now. Name the cards you're thinking of now. A Queen.
04:08 A Jack. A Queen. A Jack. Club. Remember earlier I said I made a prediction, I was as close
04:16 as I could get to a pair, just as close as I could get, right? As close as I could get
04:23 to the wrong card. It was close, it was close for those of you out there, I was that confident
04:27 you would go for the club. I took a pen earlier on and I wrote on the back that I knew you
04:32 were going to choose the club. You do a prediction effect, ok? It's a prediction I made earlier
04:41 for an event that's about to happen, a decision you're about to make, ok? So, I want you to
04:46 imagine, I'll just find a pack of cards at the end, they're all floating around in front
04:50 of your face, ok? I want you to think of one of those, think of any card you like, but
04:55 don't think of an obvious one like an ace of spades, I'm assuming that's the one that
04:58 you're thinking of, right? Yeah. Don't think of an ace of spades or a big card, think of
05:02 something random, something I couldn't possibly guess. That is what I was thinking of. Yeah,
05:05 I know. So, just like any random card? Yeah, don't think of like a big card, just think
05:12 of something random, something I couldn't possibly guess. Have you got one in mind?
05:15 Yep. Ok, I'm going to ask you to make some changes to that card, ok? For instance, if
05:20 you think you know of a Royal card, you change it to a Number card. If you think you know
05:23 of a Number card, you change it to a Royal card. Ok, like a Jack of spades, ok? Cool,
05:28 ok. You can play with the colours, so you've got red or black, so you can paint the card
05:32 you've got in the other hand. Yep. And you can change the suit, play with the suit, so
05:35 you've got hearts, clubs, spades and diamonds. Yep. You can change the card again. Yep. Cool,
05:40 ok, great. Happy with the decision you made? Yep. You've made two changes and you've finally
05:44 settled on a card that's different to the one you had at the beginning. Perfect, ok,
05:47 for the first time, name another card you're thinking of. Queen of spades. Queen of spades?
05:51 That was a free choice? Yep. You can choose any card. I changed it. Yeah, cool, so you
05:55 could have chosen any card, right? Yep. Queen of spades, ok. In my wallet, do you remember
05:59 I said I made a prediction? It just so happens to be that. No f***ing way. So I made a prediction
06:07 for a decision you're going to make, as close as I can get to a decision you're going to
06:11 make. I went so few tipsy, I went to imagine that there were playing cards floating around
06:15 in front of you. Yep. I went to think of one, don't think of an obvious one like an Ace
06:18 of spades or something big, ok? Completely random, something I couldn't possibly guess.
06:22 Got one? Yep, got one. Ok, keep it, it certainly makes sense. I'm going to ask you to make
06:26 some changes to that card, ok? You've got to do this inside your mind, so listen. Alright.
06:30 So, if you're thinking of a picture card at the moment, like a Jack, Queen or King, I
06:33 want you to change it to a number card. If you're thinking of a number card, change it
06:36 to a random picture card like a Jack, Queen or King, ok? Let Mary know. Same, same thing.
06:41 Just change it, yeah, in a punchline. Ok. So, we're going to play with the colours as
06:45 well. Ok. So, you can keep the colour you've got or you can change the colours, you've
06:48 got red or black, haven't you? Yeah. Ok, so have you done that? Yeah, sure. Ok, and you
06:52 can play with the suits. So, you've got clubs, hearts, spades on it, don't tell me anything
06:55 but you can make that card any suit you want. Ok. Done that? Yep. Ok, so the first time
07:02 you've got a card that's completely different to the one you had at the beginning, have
07:05 you? Yep. Alright, cool, ok. What card are you thinking of now? Queen of spades. Queen
07:08 of spades. Ok, that was a free choice. Yep. Yeah, you could have chosen a colour on any
07:11 suit. Yep, I changed it. I'm not worried though, remember I told you I had a prediction? Queen
07:18 of spades. That's very good. Ok. How do you do that?
07:27 Hello and welcome to Spoken by Russ Sanders. Before we get into the in-depth explanation,
07:33 let's explain the basic workings of the effects and all the key points. Step one. This is
07:40 the part where you make the spectator choose a spot card. To verbally do this, you can
07:45 use any one of these five following phrases after saying "I would like you to think of
07:51 any card". Now at this point, you can insert the next line or combination of these next
07:57 five phrases. Phrase one. Do not think of an obvious card. Phrase two. Not an ace of
08:06 spades or something big. Phrase three. Think of something random. Phrase four. Try and
08:15 catch me out. Pick something in the middle. And phrase five. Think of a number between
08:21 one and ten, change your mind and create a card out of it. When you watch the full explanation,
08:25 you'll understand how all these key phrases pull in together. Step two. Ask the spectator
08:31 to change their card from either a court card to a spot card or a spot card to a court card.
08:37 As we know that the spectator will be choosing a spot card, it will be converted into a court
08:42 card which is one of our ending positions. Step three. You ask the spectator to give
08:47 it a colour. So either red or black. Step four. Give it a suit. You then ask the spectator
08:55 to give it a suit. If they chose a black card, a club or a spade. If they chose a red card,
09:00 a heart or a diamond. Step five. The confirmation and reveal. At this point now you confirm
09:06 the fact that they chose a card, they've changed their mind and made many changes and they're
09:10 now thinking of the new card they're thinking of. Once confirmed, you then go into the reveal.
09:16 You'll have six cards in your wallet but these six cards will cover every single court card
09:22 in the deck. Now that you have the basic layout in mind, we'll go into the full explanation
09:27 and allow you to fully understand the effect as a whole. So sit back, relax and enjoy Spoken
09:34 by Russ Andrews.
09:36 So you had this card but you turned it over and there was actually two cards not one.
09:47 Hi, I'm David Pennington and this is Russ Andrews who you've already met. My interests
09:51 around mentalism, I've been working with Russ for a couple of years now in the background
09:55 helping out with some of the projects. I thought this was a good time to take you through some
10:00 of the detail around Spoken, give you some of the tips and try and explain how it all
10:04 comes together to put the whole picture for the effect together. Thank you.
10:08 Okay Russ, we've seen the effect, take us through the background. How did you come up
10:13 with this?
10:14 Okay, this was something that spiralled from an effect I released a little while back on
10:19 AKA which was a card based effect using again the wallet, a thought of card. Before that
10:26 though it spiralled from an effect by Michael Murray called Springboard which if you don't
10:31 own this already, check it out, it's a great effect. I basically took some small parts
10:36 of the principle, pushed them together, created it into a deck of cards and then thought what
10:41 if we could get rid of the cards completely and change it to just a thought of card version
10:47 and that's basically how Spoken was born basically and it emerged from that.
10:54 Thank you.
10:55 Okay Russ, let's start. What's the set up for this? What is it that you've actually
11:04 got in your wallet?
11:05 Okay, the set up for this effect is you're going to take six court cards out of the deck.
11:12 I tend to use Spades and Diamonds mainly because they're the most popular I've found as I've
11:15 been performing them, the most popular cards.
11:17 Could it be, the suit doesn't matter?
11:19 The suit can be whatever you want. You'll find as you go out and perform this you'll
11:23 find certain cards will hit better than others so I tend to find the Spades and the Diamonds
11:27 seem to be the most popular. So we're going along okay. On the back of these, we start
11:32 with the Diamonds using as an example. For the out of these, on the back of the Diamonds
11:38 I write that I knew you would choose Clubs. Okay, and I write that on the back of all
11:43 the Diamond cards and on the back of the Spades ones I write on the back I knew you would
11:50 choose the Hearts. Okay, what that does is that covers all the Royal cards, all the suits,
11:55 all the colours.
11:57 So, for example, if somebody chose the Queen of Hearts, you would take out the Queen of
12:04 Spades and say, as we go up in the explanation later on, that this was as close to the prediction
12:09 as I said I could get with one card. Because I only have one card, I wrote on the back
12:14 that I knew you would choose the Queen of Hearts. Okay, now the set up for the cards
12:19 in the wallet is I set this up in a way so that I can remember exactly where each card
12:25 is. So I tend to stack the Spades on one side and the Diamonds on another side and I do
12:32 them in Jack, Queen, King order. So, for instance, I would put the Jack of Spades in here and
12:40 in the wallet here, which we'll go over the wallets in a moment, you've got this centre
12:44 piece here, so I tend to put the Queen in this section here and King in this section
12:51 here. And again, doing the same thing in the same order with the Diamonds. So you've got
12:57 the Jack here, the Queen here and the King here. So now you've essentially set the wallet
13:09 up, you know exactly where each card is, so as soon as they name the card you can literally
13:13 read straight in, if they name the Jack of Spades you can take the Jack of Spades out.
13:17 If it's the Queen, you know exactly where the Queen is, the King and vice versa for
13:21 the other cards as well. So that's essentially how the cards are set up inside your wallet
13:26 so you're ready to go. So with those six cards you can cover all four suits, they're all
13:31 covered and as we'll come on to in a minute, you actually covered the whole deck if you
13:35 like. You covered the whole deck, yeah. They're going to be directed towards choosing one
13:38 of the court cards. I say, but the set up for this allows you to get to the cards so
13:42 quick, you don't even have to hesitate to go in and get it, you don't have to think
13:46 where's that card, you know, and pause, you can just dive straight in because you know
13:50 exactly where the cards are. So, yeah, that's the basic set up. And that's just a regular
13:55 wallet. Yeah, regular wallet. You can use any wallet. Yeah, you can go to a pound store
13:59 if you like, you can pick these up for about £1.99 or if you've got a posh one in your
14:03 pocket or whatever. I will say you do really need, in the back part of your wallet, you're
14:08 going to need a section here. If you haven't got one of these, a good idea by Chris Webb
14:13 was to put a black piece of fabric, a black piece of card in there if you like. But then
14:19 like I said, you can get these cheapest chips from any pound store or Ebony Mill or wherever
14:23 you want to go. And I guess even if you haven't got an insert to hand, if you put those two
14:28 cards in there, you just put your hand in, you either pull out with your fingers and
14:32 get the back one or pull out with your thumb to bring the front one out. You can get round
14:35 anyway. Yeah, I mean the beautiful thing about using your own wallet as well is that when
14:39 you dive in to take the prediction out, you take the prediction out and place it on the
14:43 table or in the hand or whatever, they're not going to want to go into your wallet,
14:47 they're not going to go in to look into your wallet because it's your personal property.
14:50 You wouldn't go into someone else's wallet or someone else's purse would you? So the
14:54 beautiful bit about this is once the prediction comes out, they're not going to want to go
14:58 into your wallet because they wouldn't, it's your personal property. And also you can have
15:02 a bit of a gag if you like, so it's not as if there's 52 cards in there. If you did it
15:07 it would look like that wouldn't it really? So you can get a little bit of a gag out of
15:09 it as well. So that's pretty much the setup for the wallet. Fantastic. Well, let's get
15:14 into phase one.
15:16 Obviously the most important part of that is they can choose any card as long as it's
15:25 a spot card. Absolutely, yeah. There's a couple of ways you can do this, say using key phrases.
15:32 The way I tend to go is like for instance, phrase one for instance, is to get them to
15:38 not think of an obvious card. So by laying the cards out in front of them, say if you
15:42 imagine you've got a pack of cards laid in front of you now from A3 to 10, Jack, Queen,
15:47 King, you can get them to, they almost visualise it in front of them sort of thing. So by getting
15:52 them to do that you can go into phrase one by saying look I want you to think of one
15:55 of these cards but not think of an obvious card. And what you're implying is that obvious
16:02 cards are going to be the caught cards and the aces, so thereby directing them towards
16:06 a spot card because it's not an obvious card. No it's not an obvious card. Obvious cards
16:09 are always the most interesting ones, the most visual ones. If you get someone to say
16:12 look visualise a card in front of me or any random visualise a random card, they'll always
16:16 visualise some pictures and colours all over it which tends to be the royals. So by saying
16:21 them to think of something that's not an obvious card, they'll tend to go for something random.
16:26 They'll almost try and catch you out basically, so they want to go for something odd. Okay.
16:31 Phrase two, I say to them don't go for something obvious like as in part one but like an ace's
16:38 face, again emphasising the fact that you don't want them to go for something really
16:41 obvious, like an ace's face or something big. Now this is a suggestion that I use. At the
16:47 beginning of the effect I spread the cards out and I showed them a big area and a small
16:54 area. Okay. Now by saying to them don't think of something obvious like an ace's face or
16:59 something big, you're directing them to that area. You're also going towards this side
17:05 of the cards as well. So you're saying don't think of an ace's face or something big and
17:10 you tend to push them this way which means again they'll go for the spot cards again.
17:15 You give them that nudge that they need it. But even though you're saying don't choose
17:19 an ace, if they chose an ace, that's okay. The effect still works with an ace. Absolutely.
17:24 It's only those three court cards you don't want them choosing. Absolutely, yeah. That's
17:27 it. By using those hand gestures and by pushing them that way, you're giving them that nudge
17:31 to go for the random spot card which is exactly what you need. Phrase three is to think of
17:38 something random. Something I couldn't possibly guess. Okay. Again, you're trying to push
17:44 the point that you really want them to try and catch you up. They'll think of maybe a
17:49 ten of diamonds and think actually that's quite an obvious card. I want to try and catch
17:52 them out, maybe I'll go for three of clubs. You really want to push them to think of something
17:56 completely random, not something that was planted at the back of their head. Okay, so
18:01 with all of those, there is an element of risk with them. You're saying choose a card
18:06 but you're then, by your instructions, directing them away from those cards. But not at the
18:11 same time, you're not saying don't choose a court card, just in terms of it's inferred
18:15 because that's the way it's worded. You don't actually mention don't pick a court card,
18:19 but you say, I don't think of something obvious, or a big card. The word big is you're not
18:24 mentioning high cards. Again, that's a key point. So when you say don't pick something
18:29 big, again, they push that direction. Okay. Phrase four, try and catch me out. Pick something
18:36 in the middle. Again, middle, if you had a deck of cards spread out here, pick something
18:40 in the middle. It will tend to push them towards the three, four, five, six, maybe seven, eight
18:45 of whatever suit they want to think of putting in. So that's worth help. If you really want
18:50 to push the boundaries a bit, you could go for phrase five, which is, I think, give a
18:55 number between one and ten, change your mind, and create a card out of it. Okay, that number
19:01 five is the safest option. It is the safest option, yeah. But you're starting off, it's
19:05 not a card trick, because you say to someone, choose a number between one and ten. Yeah.
19:09 Also, if you've just started going out performing this, it's a nice way to start because you'll
19:13 get a feel for the effect. You'll start to develop your own way of doing it, and eventually
19:18 you can put any of the phrases together as a set of sentences that work for you best.
19:24 For instance, I use phrases one, two, and three all at the same time. Yeah. I say to
19:28 them, I want you to think of a playing card, but don't think of something obvious like
19:32 an eight of spades or a big card. I want you to think of something random, something I
19:36 couldn't possibly guess. That way, I've just smashed all three phrases into one paragraph,
19:42 and it literally pushes them straight down to the spot card, and you've got nothing to
19:45 worry about. You're on a home run. So you've hinted at it through the back door, into their
19:50 mind, that they're going to go, "Oh, it's going to be one of those." Absolutely. But
19:54 face five really is your safe bet. Yeah, it's the safest bet for the not so confident performer.
19:59 It's one of the sort of effects that the more you perform it, the more confident you'll
20:02 get at performing it. Like I said, you can start gradually mixing and matching the phrases
20:06 we've gone over that work best for you, so you don't have to necessarily use the same
20:09 phrase that I use. The phrases I use work best for me. But like I said, yeah, if you
20:14 mix up the phrases, you can even come up with your own ones if you like as well, that you
20:18 feel comfortable with. But again, it is just a confidence thing. Once you've got out there
20:21 and started performing it, you'll notice that you'll tend to change things slightly, but
20:25 work better for your character. But until you've got that confidence, choose a number
20:29 between one and ten. Change your mind. Absolutely. Think of something else. I couldn't possibly
20:32 know. Now, turn that into a playing card. That's really safe. That's it. It's a great
20:36 way to start. Unless you're like me, you just want to go straight in there and go for it,
20:41 which I highly recommend doing.
20:43 Okay, so phase two is turning the spot card into a court card. How do you go about doing
20:54 that? The way I do this is by saying to them, "Okay, you're thinking of a random playing
20:58 card which you've gone over at the first part." In this case, what I want you to do is I want
21:02 you to change your card, but change it inside your mind. So for instance, if you're thinking
21:06 of a picture card, I want you to change it to a spot card. If you're thinking of a spot
21:10 card, I want you to change it to a random picture card like a jack, queen or a king.
21:14 Okay? Do you do it that way around for a particular reason? Yeah, the reason I do that is because
21:18 it throws them off the scent that you're giving that gentle nudge to move over to a court
21:23 card because it sort of throws them into thinking that you're thinking already that they're
21:28 thinking of a court card. So by saying, "If you're thinking of a court card, change it
21:32 to a spot card. If you're thinking of a spot card, change it to a royal card like a jack,
21:36 queen or a king." I say jack, queen and king at the end because sometimes people get confused
21:41 with the names of cards as well. So that, again, is another important thing because
21:44 you really want to emphasize the fact that they've got either a jack, queen or a king
21:47 in their head. So that's how I get them to move over in the right direction for the card.
21:53 Okay.
21:54 [Music]
22:00 Phase three. They've chosen a spot card. They've turned that into a court card. Now
22:05 you've got to sort out the colours. The colours, yeah. This is where the freedom of choice
22:09 comes in. Okay? This is what we, as far as I'm concerned, set up as an effect basically.
22:15 You say to them, "Pick a colour. You can have red or black or you can stick to the colour
22:20 you've already got." Nod your head and let me know when you've done that. Asking them
22:23 to let you know that they've done that is a key point because you don't want to go jumping
22:28 on to the next phase before they've actually decided what colour they want. So again, you
22:32 know, you can change the colour or you can stick to the colour you've got. Again, your
22:35 choice. Let me know when you've done that.
22:37 So all the way through up until this point, the impression is that they've been given
22:42 a really free choice and at every point you're making that choice even more free by having
22:46 to mix them up to change their mind. So they've now changed the card, they've turned it into
22:50 something else, they've changed the colour if they wished to or stayed where they were.
22:54 So we then move, I guess, to phase four which is the suit.
23:02 The suit, yeah. The suit's again exactly the same with the colours. Again, you're giving
23:05 them that freedom of choice. You say to me, "You can play with the suit as well if you
23:09 like. You can stick to the suit you're thinking of currently or you can change it. You've
23:12 got the clubs, hearts, spades and the diamonds." Again, let me know when you've decided on
23:17 the suit.
23:18 So at various points, like this point, you've actually reinforced the suits. So people aren't
23:25 quite so familiar with cards. You've told them what the suits are so they've chosen
23:29 one of those. Earlier on in the routine, you've already told them what those royal cards are.
23:34 You said Jack, Queen, King. So perhaps if they're not really into the cards, you've
23:38 helped them with that.
23:39 Not everyone's familiar with all the suits and the amount of times I've been told that
23:43 a club's a tree. Some people don't know that so you've got to emphasise that point.
23:48 Otherwise, it could have some flaws. So the idea is to make sure they know exactly what
23:52 they're thinking of.
23:53 Okay. So now they've zeroed down on the card. They've thought of the Jack. They've perhaps
23:59 changed that now. They're thinking it's the Jack of...
24:02 Black Jack, for instance. And then they've chosen a spade. So now they've got completely
24:06 different cards to what they had at the very beginning.
24:08 Okay.
24:09 Which is exactly the direction you've pushed them.
24:11 Okay. So that takes us to the fifth and final phase, which is around confirmation.
24:20 Absolutely. This is the main point of the effect. You need to make sure this is done
24:26 properly, basically. So by saying to them, "Okay, you're now thinking of a card that's
24:33 completely different to the one you had at the start." You want them to acknowledge that,
24:36 the fact that they are thinking something completely different from it at the start.
24:39 You now want to say, or emphasize the fact that they had a freedom of choice of cards.
24:43 They could have chosen any card. They could have chosen any colour. They could have chosen
24:46 any suit. And with all those changes, they've got a brand new card now floating inside their
24:52 mind.
24:53 Okay. Once they've acknowledged that, you can then say to them, "Name aloud for the
24:57 first time the card you're now..." And you say now because you don't want them going
25:01 back and mentioning the one they were thinking of at the start. "The card that you are now
25:04 thinking of."
25:05 And that's the card that's going to be one of the three core cards that's going to be
25:11 named. You've led them down to that point. And that starts off with the first part, which
25:17 appears to be a really free choice of everything. Along the way, they've changed their mind,
25:22 they've mixed it up, or they've stuck and just changed a suit or a colour to the final
25:26 point where it's this free part. Name aloud so everyone can hear, so you can now confirm
25:32 that.
25:33 Yeah. I mean, the way it's laid out is that even if it's backtracked, they can go over
25:37 the decisions they've made and say, "I could have picked any colour. I could have picked
25:40 any suit." And by the time they've gone over those two parts, they're going to realise
25:43 that, "I could have picked any card." There's no way I could have known that that card at
25:50 the start. So by leading them up that path like you mentioned, once they've confirmed
25:53 the card at the end and said it aloud for the first time, you can then go into your
25:57 reveal.
25:58 Okay. So you've confirmed with them and we've named the card aloud. So if I said to you,
26:04 "The card I'm thinking of is the Queen of Diamonds."
26:07 Queen of Diamonds. Okay. So I would literally open up my wallet. I know, as I say, as before,
26:12 we know exactly where each card is, so I know I can reach straight in and take out the Queen
26:16 of Diamonds. A perfect hit.
26:21 Perfect hit.
26:22 Basically.
26:23 So that's going to happen at least 50% of the time, because you've got diamonds on one
26:28 side and the spades on the other.
26:30 Absolutely. I mean, I use the spades and diamonds because over the time I've been performing
26:35 this, they're the most popular sort of cards. Between 50% and 70% you're going to get a
26:40 good hit on these two suits. So that's the reveal for the perfect hit.
26:45 Okay. So let's say, for instance, it's not going to be the perfect hit. You've asked
26:50 me what the card is and I said, "Well, the card I'm thinking of is the Queen of Clubs."
26:54 The Queen of Clubs.
26:55 Sort that out, Magic Boy.
26:56 That's fine. Yeah, yeah. What you say is, at the beginning of the effect, do you remember
26:59 I said to you that I've got a prediction that I made, or as close as I could get to a prediction
27:04 of something, you're going to decide inside your mind. Okay, now I only have one card
27:08 to play with for this, and the card I have was the Queen of Diamonds, but it was the
27:12 Queen of Clubs that you chose.
27:13 Okay, so that's quite cool.
27:14 That's quite cool, but again, I knew you were going to choose the Queen of Clubs, and because
27:17 I only had one card to play with, I wrote that I knew you would choose the Queen of
27:21 Clubs.
27:22 Fantastic.
27:23 And you can hand that out, which is a beautiful thing, and they can keep it if you want, or
27:26 whatever you want to do with it, really, or you can keep it for the rest of the evening
27:29 to carry on with your work. But that's essentially the out. Again, say that covers all the suits
27:34 and all the core cards.
27:36 I've seen, and I've been using for a while, other effects which have got parts written
27:41 on the back of the cards, but I've not come across any one that's actually done it based
27:46 on the suits. That's new to me. Somebody else might be doing that. I've not come across
27:53 that before. But I think the bit to remember is with this first part, you've actually got
27:58 a Queen, and a lot of the time, that's pretty strong.
28:02 Oh, yeah, yeah. I mean, there's probably, there'll be shocked that you even got that
28:06 close. But to be able to turn it over and say that I knew you were going to choose the
28:10 Clubs as well, you get that second kick. If anything, sometimes I would say that this
28:14 reveal is stronger than the dead hit.
28:17 And of course, the nice part about that is you can actually give that to completely examine.
28:23 Oh, absolutely, yeah. And the fact that it's written as well. I mean, if that was printed
28:26 on the back of the card, I don't think it would be that as effective. But the fact that
28:29 you've actually handwritten something, "I knew you would choose the Clubs," almost still
28:33 pushes the fact that I knew ahead of time that you were going to choose the Clubs. Instead
28:37 of being a printed or a gaffer card, you've got something you've actually handwritten.
28:41 And you can give that away as a souvenir. I mean, it's a souvenir. Someone's going to
28:45 go away pretty shocked that you even managed to do that. So that's essentially the out
28:50 for Spoken.
28:51 Fantastic.
28:52 Okay, so we've covered all of the main steps through the effect. And I'll say one of the
29:04 things that stands out for me is this is one of those things that once it's in your wallet,
29:08 you don't actually need to take out a deck of cards. You can do all sorts of other stuff.
29:12 Particularly from a mentalism point of view, it avoids using a deck of cards.
29:15 It's pocket mentalism for you.
29:17 Yeah, it's on the go. It's ready to go in your back pocket the whole time.
29:20 Ready to rock and roll at any point. But if we go back, I know there's going to be some
29:26 people that will be wanting to exclude any possibility of anything going wrong. And earlier
29:33 on you asked me to think of things, which sometimes people try and catch you out. Can
29:38 you take us through the really simple version?
29:40 The way you can do it, if you get a deck of cards, take all the Royals out.
29:46 Which you'll have done?
29:47 Yeah, which you'll have done to set up this. So you put the six cards you've got in your
29:50 wallet and you can put the other six away so you can swap them in the night if you wanted
29:53 to. And what that essentially does is changes the cards that you've got left almost into
29:59 a spot card one way four stick. So that's all they've got. So what you can do is hand
30:05 these out, you can have them shuffled, cut, shuffled or mixed as much as they want basically.
30:10 And you can have them cut and take a glimpse at any card. So without doing the verbal nudge
30:17 at the beginning, you're essentially just going to use a one way four stick of spot
30:21 cards and they can just cut anywhere they like and go straight into the routine as normal.
30:25 So from there all you're going to do is get them to jump to the court card again, the
30:29 colour, the suit.
30:31 And what's that version?
30:33 That is called Dr. Tear. I know it's a funny name but yeah.
30:38 So Dr. Tear, using the deck that you've already constructed earlier. And with that you can't
30:43 go far wrong. Some people might be worried that this is a slightly smaller deck.
30:48 You don't even notice that because you're a magician. People in bars and clubs, they
30:52 don't notice things. You can just say look it's a deck of cards from the back of the
30:55 bar. What deck of cards is in the back of the bar is complete. They never really are
30:59 really. So they won't pay any attention to it. They won't notice. I've never had anyone
31:03 notice. I don't even perform that version really.
31:06 Ok, thank you.
31:07 No worries.
31:08 I saw you perform this as a parlour effect and you had an extra element which we discussed
31:20 afterwards. Can you take us through what that was?
31:22 This is something I call a miracle reveal. I got the idea from Max Maven. He used to
31:26 have this routine where he would screw a paper ball up and throw it into the audience to
31:29 get a random participant. And he would write the word blue on it and he would get them
31:34 to stand up and get them to name a colour. If they named blue, he had this amazing reveal
31:38 on his hand because he could say the reason you called it blue is because you know if
31:42 he didn't he wouldn't mention it. So the idea is if you're going to do this in a parlour
31:46 situation, if you don't make reference to the wallet at the beginning, you just come
31:50 out, put your wallet and deck of cards on the table and say I've made this prediction
31:54 as close as I can get to a prediction. You go through the entire routine and you say
31:58 I just want to pick a random participant. You screw the paper ball up but ahead of time
32:03 I'd write the jack of spades on it. And I would throw it over the top of my head, somebody
32:07 would catch it, get them to stand up and say for the first time name a colour that you're
32:10 now thinking of. If they say the jack of spades, you've then got this miracle reveal on your
32:15 hands where you can say you could have picked any card you like, any colour, any suit. You
32:19 happen to pick the card you chose, they'll say yes and you say you've unravelled the
32:22 paper ball, you're now holding it and then you get this crazy reveal. That works for
32:26 parlour and stage as well. From a close up point of view, again you can have the same
32:32 impact by saying, without making emphasis to the wallet at the beginning but putting it
32:36 on the table, that you could have thought of any card at the beginning and you could
32:40 have chosen any colour, any suit. What card are you now thinking of? Name one for me.
32:44 Spades. Jack of spades. Jack of spades, then I would reach into my pocket, only I haven't
32:48 got a pocket in this camera, but I could check out your pocket for a minute. Ta-da! As if
32:54 I made it! As if I made it, you have a jack of spades! But you can see where I'm getting
32:57 at, this would obviously, when I go out in the evening and work in the bars and that,
32:59 I've always got a jack of spades in my top pocket, if I had a shirt with a top pocket
33:02 in this case, but it would normally be sat in there just in case you get those times.
33:05 You must have been out and you've had a random card, like a seven of hearts or something,
33:09 say that you had a name card, quite obviously one that's a seven of hearts and you think
33:12 to yourself, I've got a seven of hearts in my pocket, and you can say, I've got one card
33:16 in my top pocket, feel free to open my pocket and take the card out and you've got that
33:19 great, great reveal. So you're not going to use that every single table? No, no. But every
33:23 so often, if everything tells you the card's perfect, someone says jack of spades, you
33:26 always know that one, you happen to have it in that pocket. Absolutely, yeah. And you
33:29 don't have to worry about the wallet, they can keep the card, it doesn't matter. Yeah,
33:33 it's just a great miracle reveal, you know, if you get that, it's good for you as a performer
33:36 as well, because you're thinking, oh I did that. Yeah, it's good, eh? Let's take it,
33:41 because with these effects, there is always the possibility, because you're asking someone
33:46 to think of things, to change their mind, there is always the possibility that they
33:50 might, at the end, when you say name your card out loud, they say, yep, it's the four
33:55 of diamonds. Yep, okay, so I personally never had this happen to me yet, it's going to happen
34:00 one day, obviously, not everything's perfect. There's a couple of ways you can get this,
34:03 you could carry a great prop, that's still great to this day, it's the invisible deck,
34:08 again, you can't really go wrong with that, you've got an instant reveal, there's another
34:11 way you can do it, Gary Jones mentioned something to me years and years ago, that if you're
34:14 going to do a thought of card effect, and someone names something out of the ordinary,
34:18 just go into another effect. Don't worry about it, they don't know what's coming, they don't
34:23 know what's going to happen, so they name the four of diamonds, you say fine, you know,
34:26 you could have a quick, you know, squirt through the cards, you could snap and get the four
34:30 of diamonds, jump to the top of the deck, go into an ambitious car routine or something
34:33 like that, again, it doesn't have to be perfect, so you can always go into another routine.
34:36 So, again, don't panic about not getting the right outcome. And I guess one part of this
34:42 is, it's something about the people that you choose, this is probably not an effect you
34:45 choose to perform with everyone, particularly if someone's absolutely... No, I mean, I work
34:51 in a lot of bars and clubs across the south of England, so you don't want to pick someone
34:55 that's pretty smashed on alcohol, basically, it's not, they're not thinking straight anyway,
34:59 they're not being too piecewise about even thinking of normal cards, but there's no point.
35:03 So, you want to pick people that, you know, you can see that they're, you know, not intoxicated,
35:09 you know, maybe do a couple of tricks beforehand, you know, there's a couple of little tests
35:12 that you can do, you know, check that they're switched on, you know, that they can memorise
35:16 a card or keep a card in mind sort of thing. If they're capable of doing that, then yeah,
35:20 by all means, you can go straight into the smoke and it'll work well.
35:23 And in terms of, obviously, they need to be able to hear you properly, but I've seen you
35:27 perform this in bars with no problem at all.
35:31 No, I mean, a lot of the bars are going to, like, cocktail bars and stuff, so the music's
35:34 never that loud, and if you're going to do close-up magic, you're going to be in quite
35:39 close quarters with people sat around the table anyway, so no, I've never really had
35:42 a problem with it. Obviously, you don't want to go into a place that's got a live rock
35:45 band playing and try and perform this because it's not going to work. So, yeah, again, you
35:49 know, little private parties, cocktail bars, a home or, you know, a wedding gig, whatever,
35:54 work absolutely fine, no problem at all.
35:57 With Grand, and in terms of, you can pretty much repeat this in terms of if it's part
36:01 of your walk-in set.
36:02 Yeah, I had a question to me the other day from a magician who asked if this was repeatable
36:07 with a different outcome. Yeah, it is.
36:10 Every time, yeah.
36:11 Every time, you're always going to have a different outcome, so yeah, you can repeat
36:14 the effect. And on the occasion that the other person, I mean, you can do this, like I said,
36:19 with a group. You could have them all think of a card like it, even in close-up situations.
36:22 If you've got four people at a table, you could have them all think of it all at the
36:25 same time. Pick one person, they name the card. You'd be shocked how many of the other
36:28 people, or not you, shocked, but how shocked they would be. And then two of the others
36:32 would have thought, "There's like the same card as well." You've got an extra kicker
36:35 out of it then as well, because the other two would be like, "Oh, I thought of that as well,"
36:38 you know, and you get that extra kicker out of it. So, you know, it can also develop extra
36:44 parts of your play.
36:45 And I say, when I saw you in the parlour setting, that I think is probably what you did at the
36:49 time, which I don't think anyone else has thought of, and quite a few people have.
36:52 Yeah.
36:53 And when you've got larger groups, it actually increases the impact, the effect, doesn't it?
36:59 Yeah, I mean, it caused a great conversation with it.
37:01 Yeah.
37:02 The amount of people that actually thought of the same card, you know. So it was a good
37:05 test, and it worked well.
37:06 Thank you.
37:07 I just want to say a few thanks. Firstly, I'd like to say thank you to Michael Murray,
37:17 who was a major inspiration towards this.
37:20 And what's the name of the effect he's got on it?
37:23 Springboard. If you haven't seen it or if you haven't got it, go out and get it. It's
37:26 a great effect. Brilliant routine. I'd like to thank Gary Jones for helping develop my
37:32 Starlight Magic. He's been a great inspiration to me as well. Max Maven for the paper ball
37:37 idea, which inspired the Miracle Reveal in the Pocket. Great stuff. David, I know.
37:42 Thank you.
37:43 Thank you for having me on this project. Junior Films Productions, Crest of Women is go. He
37:48 knows what I'm on about. Patrick Walford and everyone at Murphy's Magic Supplies for helping
37:52 me put this out. Thank you very much. Oh, and you, the buyer. I hope you enjoy it.
37:57 And final thanks, of course, to Dr. Tear.
38:00 Dr. Tear. The guy's a legend. He's going to have some great stuff coming out soon. Keep
38:04 an eye out for him.
38:05 Thank you.
