• 2 years ago
00:00 So, welcome, we are going to go into now the full explanation of the effect.
00:08 I will now take the time to break down the deck of cards that you received with you.
00:11 Hopefully you didn't take them out and start shuffling them, but I'm going to break down
00:13 what you received in the deck.
00:16 So if you take your deck out of the box and you spread them onto the table like this,
00:21 all of these cards on this side have been roughed.
00:26 Now what that means is that we put a special spray over the back of the cards so that it's
00:31 a, there's a texture on it so that when I put two cards back to back, they'll stick
00:36 together.
00:37 But it won't, it won't stick, it's just that they won't separate.
00:41 You see that I'm like, I'm trying to do this, but once I align them that they're a little
00:44 hard to separate.
00:45 It takes a little bit of effort, which you'll see why in a second.
00:49 Now out of these cards, we have 20 cards, 21 to be exact, 21 cards that are double backers.
00:58 What that means is that these cards are just backs on both sides, as you can see here.
01:02 So we have 21 cards that are double backers.
01:04 Now not only are they double backers, but the cards are also marked in a very special
01:09 way.
01:10 They are marked in the corners.
01:12 So if you look here, now you see the guy here, the little angel, and you see a little pinwheel
01:16 here that looks like a little flower.
01:18 There's two on every single card on each end.
01:22 On the left side, I marked the inside with a red Sharpie.
01:26 I took a, put a little dot right there.
01:28 So I erased the middle dot.
01:30 You can see the difference between these two points right there and there.
01:33 So I just put a dot there.
01:34 What that does, that lets you know that this side is the rough side and the other side
01:37 is smooth.
01:38 It's not rough.
01:39 It has not been put with any roughing fluid.
01:41 It is a normal card.
01:42 This side is the side that has been specially treated.
01:44 Here is unmarked card and here is the marked card.
01:49 You can see the marking right there.
01:51 It's different from here.
01:53 It's the one with the flower petal around, the dot in the middle.
01:57 So that's the one you know what to look for.
02:02 So you have 20 cards that are specially treated and then out of those 20 cards, there's one
02:07 card that has not been treated.
02:10 It's just a standard double backer that comes from the US Playing Card Company.
02:14 Now not only is it just a standard double backer but it's also unmarked.
02:17 It's unmarked so you can tell the difference between this card and the rest of the cards.
02:21 So you would know exactly which card is the one that's unmarked.
02:27 Then you have the rest of the deck.
02:30 That's the 31 cards.
02:32 So these cards, it's just normal playing cards but they have been roughed on the back.
02:38 So the construction of the deck to perform the trick is that you will have the 31 cards
02:43 all face down.
02:44 They've all been spread on the back.
02:46 They are unmarked.
02:47 They're just that, just the regular faces but they are roughed on the back.
02:51 One more time.
02:52 Then you have the 20 cards here that are all marked and roughed on the back with the other
02:56 side that are backs and not roughed.
02:59 Then you have one regular card.
03:02 This regular card goes inside the middle of that packet and that goes on top of the deck
03:09 with the marks facing upward so all the roughs are facing up towards the sky.
03:14 The backs are all roughed of these cards.
03:17 So that is the construction of the deck of cards.
03:20 I just wanted to cover that for you and now we'll go into the next step of the routine.
03:28 So you guys just saw the construction of the deck and the setup.
03:32 So quickly one more time, you have the 21 cards that are double backers on top.
03:37 One of the cards is untreated.
03:38 It is just a standard double backer and then that's in the middle of the marked facing
03:43 upward double backers and then the rest of the deck.
03:47 So we know that much.
03:49 So now we're going to go into performing the effect and how you do that.
03:53 So you're going to have a spectator select a card.
03:55 So you're going to have them select a card.
03:57 Obviously you don't want to have them select a card from the top half.
04:00 Now there's two ways you can do this.
04:03 What I tend to do a lot is I just spread over a huge block of cards.
04:05 Now don't forget they're marked.
04:07 So I know where the last marked card is.
04:11 Now don't get confused because you do have to remember that you have one unmarked card
04:15 in the center of these.
04:16 So you do have one unmarked card here in the center.
04:20 But you can spread through all the way down to the last marked card and I know that I
04:23 can separate at that point because it's marked right there on the dot.
04:27 I'm just looking at the cards, look at the dot, see my last dot and then I know the rest
04:31 aren't any dots and I can split at that point.
04:33 So if you just spread over, you can literally just take that block of cards and put it into
04:38 the crotch of your thumb and then just spread the rest of the cards and have the spectator
04:42 select one of those cards.
04:43 Or you can go through this way, spread over a huge block and just have the spectator look
04:48 at one of these cards and take it out.
04:50 So I want you to think of one of these cards, reach in there and pull it out.
04:53 What that does is that you're hiding the big block here behind the other cards because
04:58 you have 31 other cards that they can select from.
05:01 So there's plenty of options for them to go in and grab.
05:04 Or the other way is just simply dribbling the cards on the table and having them say
05:08 stop.
05:09 And all you do is you just have to make sure that you don't go into the block of the marked
05:13 cards.
05:14 So you say stop and if you know you kind of go past the halfway point, if you get past
05:19 the halfway point and the spectator still hasn't said stop, this is what you do.
05:23 So you're dribbling through and the spectator doesn't say stop.
05:26 Once you're kind of getting to the point where you're kind of getting uneasy because you
05:29 know you have your double back cards, you just dribble the whole packet really quick
05:33 and go, "Well, you have to say stop before we run out of cards.
05:35 I'll do it again one more time."
05:37 And this is also going to kind of force them to say it a little faster.
05:40 So you do it again.
05:41 And this time you dribble really slow and say, "Go ahead.
05:44 I'll go nice and slow.
05:46 You just tell me when to stop."
05:47 And normally by this point they'll just say stop.
05:49 And this is the safest, the absolute safest way if you feel you have a spectator who's
05:54 very grabby and if you have him go to pick a card that he may reach in and try to grab
05:58 it from the top or take the top card.
06:00 So if you feel a little uneasy about that for any reason, maybe you're new with performing
06:04 and you want to be very careful, you don't want to mess up, your best way is to just
06:08 drop cards like this or spread and just have them take one of the cards from the bottom,
06:12 pushing over this huge block here and let them take one from the bottom.
06:16 Or again, just spread towards the faces, towards them and say, "Think of one of these cards.
06:21 You have one in your mind?
06:22 Good.
06:23 Reach inside and grab it out."
06:24 And that's an idea that's very similar to what John Armstrong does.
06:28 John Armstrong is a fantastic magician who I definitely recommend you guys check out
06:31 where he has somebody think of a card, go through the deck and take it out as opposed
06:35 to picking a card.
06:37 I kind of apply that same kind of principle to this somewhat but it's definitely completely,
06:41 you know, I'm totally inspired from him 100% where I just spread the face up cards here
06:46 and say, "Think of one of these cards you see here.
06:47 You got one?
06:48 You're thinking of it?
06:49 Good.
06:50 Reach inside and take it out and show it to everyone else so everyone else knows the card.
06:52 Good."
06:53 And then they'll go in and they'll grab the card or whatever the card is and they'll pull
06:56 it out of the pack.
06:58 Once they have the card out of the pack, they can show it around to everybody.
07:00 Now even though it's rough in the back, a spectator would never ever for any circumstance
07:05 feel a card and go, "Well, this feels strange.
07:07 It's a playing card.
07:08 That feels like it's been roughed on the back."
07:09 They would never feel that because roughing spray doesn't have a sticky substance.
07:15 It's not sticky in any way.
07:16 It's just, you know, it may feel like grainy but I mean, for normal playing cards, you
07:22 know, people shuffle and it may feel grainy.
07:24 So they would never ever question this in a million years.
07:27 So if you feel for some reason that they would, do not worry.
07:29 I've performed this many a times and no one's ever even thought that the card was somewhat
07:34 special.
07:35 It's just a regular playing card.
07:36 The fact that you even let them touch it and pull it out is a big, you know, it says, "Hey,
07:41 you know, listen.
07:42 Come on.
07:43 It's a regular card.
07:44 You wouldn't let me touch it if it was a trick card, right?
07:45 Why would you do that?"
07:46 So the card gets taken out of the pack.
07:48 Now you take the card back and now you do this.
07:50 Now you can either spread the cards, you can just do a fan, some kind of fan, and then
07:55 just take the card and stick it back in the middle.
07:57 You can dribble the cards on the table and say, "Remember your card," and you just dribble.
08:02 Make sure you dribble into the mark section.
08:04 You look for your mark on the card.
08:05 You see the mark.
08:06 You say, "Look, I'm going to just toss your card back in the middle," and you toss in
08:09 the middle.
08:10 Or you just take it back and just stick it, you know, a few cards down.
08:13 Whatever's easiest for you.
08:15 So now you have their selected card amongst all the face-down cards.
08:19 So that is the first part of having them select a card and return it to the pack.
08:23 Now we'll go into the next step of the effect.
08:29 So we're back, guys, and this is step two for the Modern Triumph.
08:33 Now the first part was having the card selected and put back, which you know it's amongst
08:36 your marked cards that are on top, your double backers.
08:40 Now you're going to do the shuffle.
08:42 This is the second part.
08:43 Now you're going to spread through the cards, looking for your marks.
08:47 Now you see your marks.
08:48 Don't get confused because you have two unmarked cards amongst your marked cards.
08:52 What you want to do is find the last point that you see a marked card as you're spreading,
08:58 and you want to make sure that you see at least three other unmarked cards right next
09:02 to it.
09:03 And obviously the rest of the deck will all be unmarked.
09:06 That gives you your point to breaking it.
09:09 So just a quick tip, which we'll cover again later, that this top card can also be a short
09:14 card as well.
09:15 Because if you don't want to spread through the deck looking at your marks, now for me
09:19 as a performer it's easy for me because I spread through.
09:22 I say, "Look, I'll take maybe about half the deck," would you say, and I'm obviously looking
09:26 at my marks as I'm doing it.
09:29 But for you that's uncomfortable, if you take the top card of all the face cards and cut
09:34 it a little short, you can then make that a short card.
09:37 So all you would have to do to do the shuffle is riffle up the back, pick up all your face
09:41 down cards, and then shuffle face up and face down because the short card will fall and
09:45 all the cards you pick up would only be the face down cards with the one selection and
09:49 the one unmarked double backer.
09:54 So for me, like I said, I like to do the spread.
09:56 That's just my personal preference.
09:57 So I spread through and I say, "I'm going to take a few cards, maybe this many."
10:01 And I almost make it look like I'm counting, like, "Oh, five, ten, twenty, I don't know,
10:06 maybe that's about like twenty cards, twenty-three cards, about half the deck, it's close enough.
10:10 I'm going to shuffle them face up and face down."
10:14 So once you separate the cards, all the cards in your left hand are going to go face up,
10:17 all the cards in your right hand are going to stay face down.
10:19 So all you have to do is place these cards face down and then take this and put it face
10:23 up.
10:24 What I like to do is a very beautiful point, is spread the cards face up and spread the
10:30 face down cards because you want them to see this picture.
10:33 This is a beautiful picture when you're performing that you want them to see there's cards all
10:37 face up, there's cards all face down.
10:41 You really want this to resonate because you're about to do the shuffle, the face up and the
10:43 face down.
10:44 You really want this picture to settle in their brain and go, when they think back,
10:48 they remember, "I've seen face down cards, I've seen face up cards."
10:52 So now you're going to square the cards up like this and now you're going to shuffle
10:54 the cards together, you're going to riffle shuffle them together.
10:58 Now there's only one thing that you have to watch out for when doing the shuffle.
11:04 Now ideally, taking the cards and farrowing them into each other is the best way to do
11:10 it.
11:11 But if you're just sitting there and farrowing, doing a perfect farrow, it's probably not
11:15 the most beautiful piece to look like.
11:17 So you want to do a shuffle.
11:18 Now when I shuffle, I just make sure I try to riffle cards one at a time from my right
11:22 hand, the full individual.
11:24 Now it doesn't have to be perfect, I'm going to show you how to fix it.
11:27 But just try to, you know, you can try to aim for it to make sure that the cards all
11:30 get shuffled perfectly in.
11:34 And I'll show you what I mean by perfectly in because I'm going to spread the cards here.
11:38 And if you look at the cards, right, you see I have two cards together here, this one,
11:42 this one.
11:43 Ideally, you want your face down cards to be entrapped by two face up cards.
11:48 Every face down card should have a face up card to the left and a face down card to the
11:52 right.
11:53 It doesn't matter if like say here there's two to the right of this one, that's fine,
11:56 but you absolutely want it to be one face down card between every two face up cards.
12:01 Now like I said, you don't have to have a perfect shuffle because I'm going to show
12:03 you how to get around this.
12:05 If you do this, right, you shuffle, you see here I have two face down cards.
12:09 You may think, well, that's, you know, now what do you do?
12:11 Well, it's a very simple fix.
12:13 This is great because it's also going to be very logical because now when you shuffle,
12:16 you're going to have some cards obviously face up here and face up at the end.
12:20 It's just normal when you shuffle that you drop a few cards first and you end with a
12:23 few cards.
12:24 That's completely normal.
12:25 And that's also why there's only 21 of the face down cards, the double backer cards,
12:31 because you're going to want to leave a bed on top and the bottom for this very reason.
12:35 Because you have cards clumped together, you tell the spectator, listen, I'm shuffling
12:39 face up and face down, but I don't want you to think I'm clumping the cards all together,
12:42 I'm just hiding them in one spot.
12:43 So I want you to really see that the cards are going in different places.
12:46 And you literally just grab out of those cards the two face down cards because you don't
12:49 want two face down cards next to each other.
12:51 Say, look, take one of these cards, I'll put one here, I have one here, I'll take this
12:55 and I'll move it here into different portions of the deck.
13:00 I want to make sure that every single card is mixed thoroughly into the cards.
13:03 If you're in an instance where, like say here, we have two face down cards here and I see
13:07 a spaced error, I can literally just spread and go, look, you see face down cards into
13:11 face up cards, look, I want you to see they're really getting mixed into each other.
13:15 And I really spread.
13:16 Now this is a beautiful moment as well, all the cards face up and face down.
13:19 This is just a gorgeous moment.
13:22 And all you have to do is tell the spectator to push the cards together.
13:25 Now let them do this because when they do it, it really sets in like they're shuffling
13:29 the cards.
13:30 It's not you shuffling it, it's the spectator shuffling it.
13:32 That really builds up the trick.
13:34 So you have them shuffle face up and face down and then you get this lovely mess and
13:38 you can just say, look, the cards are shuffled face up and face down.
13:41 And again, so now you just make sure you have all your face down cards.
13:44 It has a reason for spreading so you can make sure that there's no cards clumped together
13:48 and that now the cards are thoroughly shuffled into each other.
13:52 And that is the end of step two and we're now going to step three.
13:57 So, now we're up to step three.
14:01 You just had the step one where the spectator selected a card, put it back.
14:04 Now step two, then you had them, you shuffled the cards and you made sure that they were
14:07 separated so that there was always two face up cards for every, wrapped around every one
14:11 face down card.
14:13 And now we're in this situation.
14:14 So now all you have to do is square up the cards like this.
14:21 Square them up.
14:22 And that's also beautiful because they see the cards face up and face down and just square
14:24 them and smush them together.
14:26 And now the only thing is spreading the cards.
14:28 Now it's like spreading an invisible deck or a brain wave deck or anything like that
14:32 or a mirage deck if you use a mirage deck.
14:34 It's all very simple and very similar.
14:38 When spreading it, the only thing you want to do is make sure you apply pressure.
14:41 That's the only thing you want to make sure you want to do.
14:44 Apply pressure because if you do it too soft, the cards may separate, you see?
14:49 So what you want to do is you want to grab it like you're doing a regular spread.
14:52 Your three fingers at the top, thumb at the back, first finger here.
14:56 What's going to happen is that you're going to press down with your first finger, start
15:01 spreading the cards all the way through showing that there's only one now face down card in
15:07 the center.
15:09 So one more time.
15:11 This is step three.
15:12 Grab the deck, square the cards up, put it down, spread it, applying pressure to show
15:18 that there's now one face down card in the center of the spread.
15:22 That is the first trick of this.
15:24 That's the first part of this trick because what happens is that all the cards are shown
15:26 face up or face down.
15:27 Snap your fingers, spread them, every single card fixes itself except for one card right
15:32 down the middle.
15:33 Now this is not their card because this is the double backer that was untreated.
15:37 Since it wasn't sprayed with roughing fluid, that means that the card itself there is not
15:42 going to stick and it's always going to show.
15:45 All the other cards that were sprayed with roughing fluid are now stuck to the back of
15:47 the face up cards.
15:48 As you can see, we'll try to separate them a little bit there.
15:51 You can't see it because the cards are evenly aligned just like an invisible deck.
15:57 Spread through, show that there's one face down card now in the center of the deck.
16:01 You see, you shuffle the face up and the face down, one face down card.
16:05 But that could be any card.
16:07 You have all the cards face up, one face down, but that could be any card.
16:10 Then you ask the spectator, "What was the name of that card?"
16:12 They see the three of hearts.
16:13 See the three of hearts.
16:14 Ladies and gentlemen, now this is a big build up.
16:17 This is a big finish because going here and just reaching and taking out the card, turning
16:20 face up, "That was your card.
16:21 Ta-da!
16:22 Over."
16:23 No, you want to really build this up.
16:24 You go, "What was the name of your card?"
16:25 The three of diamonds.
16:26 We took the cards, we shuffled them face up into face down.
16:29 Every single card face up except for one.
16:30 There's only one face down card.
16:32 Ladies and gentlemen, your card, which I think in this case, the actual card, would be the
16:36 six of hearts or six of diamonds.
16:37 You spread.
16:38 There it is, the six of hearts.
16:40 The only face up card in the entire deck.
16:44 Thank you so much.
16:45 Thank you so much, ladies and gentlemen.
16:46 I appreciate it.
16:47 Pick up the cards and you're finished with the trick.
16:49 That is how you end the trick.
16:51 The card is going to be stuck to ... The other face down card will still be there, but this
16:57 card obviously gets stuck to the back of another card.
16:59 In this case, it could even be this card here possibly.
17:06 Here spread the cards.
17:07 Every single card sticks to the top except for one card.
17:10 One card only.
17:11 Your card, you flip the deck over.
17:12 You re-spread it.
17:14 Your card, the six of hearts.
17:17 Now it doesn't matter how you spread it because even if the card is separated here, it doesn't
17:19 matter because all the cards are going to be face down.
17:22 You can literally go through every single card except for one.
17:25 Your card, the six of hearts.
17:28 All you have to do is separate that because it is stuck to the back of a card.
17:30 You just pull it off there, show it, and it's a beautiful moment.
17:33 I love this because right now they've seen the faces of the cards all fix themselves
17:37 except for one face down card.
17:38 You flip the deck over, spread it.
17:40 Every single card fix itself.
17:41 They see every other card is face down.
17:43 All the cards did fix themselves and they do only see one face up card which they just
17:46 saw the back to obviously.
17:48 Their card, the six of hearts.
17:50 I think this is a true miracle piece.
17:52 That is the end of step three.
17:54 That is the whole routine.
17:55 Now we'll cover performing it in the hands and give you some tips.
18:03 Here is how to step four basically, how to reset the deck of cards.
18:07 You finish performing the trick.
18:08 You're now back home.
18:09 You finished your night.
18:10 You did your close up show.
18:11 Everyone went crazy.
18:13 You got your standing ovation.
18:14 Why wouldn't you get your standing ovation?
18:15 You deserve it.
18:18 This is how you go into resetting the cards.
18:21 You start spreading through and you spread through very softly, very softly with my thumb.
18:26 I'm going very softly, super soft.
18:30 As I spread through, I'm also just twisting the cards a little bit, feeling them.
18:34 There's a face down card.
18:35 Go again.
18:36 Really soft.
18:37 I felt it here.
18:38 My fingers are also at the back.
18:39 When I push over a card, my fingers also touch the back and my thumb keeps pushing and that's
18:44 going to separate it a little bit.
18:45 Then I go up.
18:46 There's another face down card.
18:47 Then I go here.
18:49 Another face down card.
18:51 Another one.
18:52 Another face down card here.
18:54 Face down.
18:55 I go through the deck separating all the face down cards like this.
19:04 Face down.
19:05 Another face down.
19:06 This is the unmarked one.
19:08 Face down.
19:09 You can see all the markings of the card.
19:10 Also, to make sure that you don't miss any cards, you know how many cards you have.
19:15 You know you have 21 cards.
19:16 All you have to do is go through, count the cards, and you know that you wouldn't miss
19:20 any of the cards from the spread.
19:22 You would know that you got all the cards.
19:24 I'll just double check here.
19:26 Good.
19:27 Again, you know how many cards there are.
19:28 Like I said, you have 21 double backers.
19:30 You just got to count.
19:33 One, two, three, 21 cards.
19:37 Now these are all marked, right?
19:39 So these go face down.
19:40 That means all the markings go facing upward, and you drop it on top of the deck, and you
19:43 now reset for your next performance to do the trick again.
19:46 So that is how you reset the deck of cards.
19:53 So now we're going to go over how to perform this effect in the hands.
19:57 Just like performing it face down, only a couple of little differences.
20:00 So you spread through the cards like this.
20:02 You get your separation at the markings where they end.
20:05 Sorry, I should say you have a card selected first.
20:07 I didn't have a card selected.
20:08 In this case, it would be the two of spades.
20:10 It gets put back into the spread, squared in, and now you're going to take some cards
20:15 face ups into face downs.
20:18 I find my marking.
20:19 I separate at that point, and I flip over this half of the pack.
20:22 Now if you're proficient at the Pharaoh Shuffle, you can just literally take the cards and
20:26 do a Pharaoh Shuffle into the center of the deck, and every other card will be perfectly
20:30 Pharaoh'd one to the other.
20:31 Even if it's not a perfect Pharaoh, you can go in and adjust it in a second.
20:35 I'm going to show you how to adjust it after a normal shuffle.
20:38 Same thing if a Pharaoh Shuffle if you're one card off.
20:41 So when you're doing the shuffle, you want to take your face down cards, take your face
20:43 up cards.
20:44 The only thing you want to watch out for is to make sure that you don't take the cards
20:49 and you flash them.
20:50 You don't want to come up here and say, "Look, I'm going to shuffle the cards."
20:52 That's a bad thing to do.
20:53 You never want to do that.
20:55 So when you shuffle, you want to keep your shuffle tight and face down, and shuffle face
20:58 ups into face down.
21:02 It's exactly like cheek to cheek because you're using double backers.
21:04 Right now, it's all just like that kind of thing.
21:07 Now the only difference is here is that I spread through the cards, and I say, "Look,
21:11 you can see face up cards, face down cards, face up cards, face down cards."
21:15 And what I'm doing is, again, just like I did on the table, looking for points where
21:19 there's the two face down cards together because you want them all to be individually separated.
21:23 So you have two points, three points actually, where they are.
21:27 So again, I spread through here and I go, "Look, I want you to see that all the cards,
21:31 I want you to see face down cards go into different positions.
21:33 I want you to see that they really get mixed."
21:35 And all I'm doing is, again, the same thing I do on the table, is find up a spot that
21:39 doesn't, that they're not already shuffled.
21:41 I see up here and I go, "Look, I want you to think cards are clumped together.
21:44 I want you to think they really are in different spots."
21:47 Here, look, I'll even take one here, put it up here somewhere, lose it in there, and
21:51 spread it in and go, "Look, all the cards shuffle face up and face down."
21:54 And at this point, you can have them push in and they'll push the cards in like this
22:02 and square them in.
22:03 So all the cards go face up and face down.
22:06 You just saw the cards face up and face down.
22:08 Again, in the hands, all you're doing is just now spreading it in your hands versus spreading
22:11 it on the table.
22:12 Very tight.
22:13 You want to use your thumb and press down very hard just like you're using an invisible
22:15 deck.
22:16 Same exact idea.
22:17 Use your thumb, press down, push over, keep spreading.
22:20 So every single card has fixed itself except for one card in this case, which would be
22:24 their selected card.
22:25 Actually, I just forgot to move my third card.
22:29 So put that to the bottom.
22:31 It's fine.
22:32 Now, I'm going to give you a tip here, which is very important, which I did.
22:35 I made a mistake of doing just now and I caught it.
22:37 It's a good thing I caught it.
22:38 It's going to be in the tip section.
22:39 I have it written down, but we'll cover it here also one more time.
22:42 It's always good to hear it more than once.
22:45 So now you're spreading through like this.
22:46 What I did is that when I had two cards together, this is my unmarked double backer.
22:51 What I did was I had a card here.
22:53 Say for instance I had this instance.
22:55 What I did by mistake was I took my unsticky double backer and moved that card to a different
23:00 position.
23:01 This is why it's unmarked.
23:03 You only want to move your marked cards.
23:06 You don't want to move unmarked cards.
23:08 So if you have two cards like this, obviously I just grabbed a random card as I was talking
23:11 because I'm explaining to you.
23:13 But in performance, if you see this situation, you have two cards, you want to make sure
23:17 that you look for your marking and that card with the marking is the one that you move.
23:21 You never move the cards that do not have the marking.
23:24 There's only two cards without the marking, your unruffed double backer and the selection.
23:30 So you move the card that was marked into a different position, square them up, snap
23:36 your fingers, spread, and now one card is face down in the spread.
23:41 Now the good thing about this, which is great about this, is that you have the card in the
23:45 middle face down.
23:46 So every single card fixes itself except for one card.
23:49 You picked one card.
23:50 What was the name of your card?
23:52 You flip the deck over and again you just spread showing all the cards and that will
23:55 be their card, the two of spades.
23:57 You separate that and that's it.
23:59 You're done.
24:00 So that's how you perform it in the hands.
24:01 That's the only difference.
24:02 You do the shuffle, you do the same thing.
24:03 When your cards are mixed face up and face down, you literally just do the same thing.
24:07 We say look, I want you to see that they go into different positions.
24:09 Use your thumb, move it to different positions.
24:11 It's that easy.
24:12 It's nothing difficult and you're literally telling the spectator what you're doing.
24:15 You say hey listen, I don't want you to think that I have cards clumped together.
24:18 And this logically makes sense to the spectator.
24:20 They're like well yeah, because you just put all the face down cards in one area and you
24:23 just hide it.
24:24 No, so you say look, I want to take it, I want to move the face down cards to different
24:27 positions so you really see that they're really mixed.
24:30 Spread through, one card is face down and it'll be their card.
24:33 I've even been tempted to just do it where I spread it, where after I spread here, I
24:39 go here and I go look, your card, the two of spades.
24:42 In this case it's just hidden for some reason.
24:44 I normally flip the deck over when I spread it.
24:46 But normally it's really close to the face down card.
24:50 In this case it's a little bit off.
24:51 But again, you can check that in the spread.
24:53 That's part of the tips.
24:54 It's up to you how you want to play that.
24:56 Feel comfortable to change things up.
24:57 You don't have to do it exactly as I do it.
25:00 There's no law saying you have to do a trick exactly as I do a trick.
25:03 I don't even think you should do it exactly as I do it.
25:04 You should do it your own way.
25:05 How do you feel comfortable?
25:06 What do you want to do with the trick?
25:08 You can do a couple of different things.
25:10 Again, we'll cover some ideas in the tips.
25:12 But that is just the basic way how to do it in the hands.
25:15 Same thing, separate the cards, spread, show the one face down card, turn the deck over,
25:19 show it's reversed.
25:20 And you got it.
25:21 It's that easy.
25:22 Have fun.
25:23 Enjoy.
25:24 Let's get into the tips because I have some really cool ideas for you guys.
25:29 So welcome back guys.
25:30 We are now going to go into some tips for the trick.
25:32 I went over a few of them briefly in the explanation of the whole trick and the effects and all
25:38 that stuff.
25:39 So let's go into some of the basic ideas.
25:42 So one idea is this.
25:45 As I mentioned, all the cards are marked.
25:46 But if you're going to have all these cards that are marked, which stops here, if you
25:52 have this card, this very first card, you got some scissors and you trim it just a little
25:58 bit, which I happen to have some scissors over here, I believe.
26:02 Don't ask why I'm doing this now.
26:04 But I do remember I grabbed scissors.
26:07 Bam!
26:08 Scissors.
26:09 I forgot I had them.
26:10 So you take some scissors like this and you just quickly cut off the bottom.
