• 2 years ago
00:00 Hi everyone, I'm Mark Mason. Welcome to the studio today. Today we're going to film, perform and teach you exactly how to make the gimmick for Hiro Sakai's Volunteer Swindler.
00:15 An incredible transposition of two banknotes. You can do it with Euros, Dollars, UK Pounds, works with everything. You're going to love the Volunteer Swindler.
00:27 Hey Dave, thanks for coming today. I'm going to show you a magic trick, but not a card trick. That's pretty good, right? A bit different.
00:36 I'm going to show you something I call the Slit Scam. I don't know if it is a magic trick, it's like a swindle really. A bit of a con game.
00:44 For that you need two bills. I usually use a 10 and a 5. Nothing else, just a 10 and a 5. I haven't got any more money Dave, that's it, $15. Really, how sad am I?
00:57 In one of the bills, I'm going to use the 5, I've put a little slit. Can you see that? That's a real slit. It's a hole, you can put your finger in there.
01:08 If you know how to fold something with a slit and do this, it looks like two bills. That looks like two, right? It really does.
01:17 That's what the trick is based on. I'll show you exactly how this little scam works.
01:23 They'd put the $15 in their wallet and you'd go in a store or a shop or something. You'd have a little walk around and you'd find something for $10.
01:33 Let's say it's a nice pair of glasses. You'd spot something for $10 but you'd bring out your wallet and really you'd remove the 5.
01:43 But you'd fold the 5 like this and this so it looks just like the 10, two 5s. It doesn't matter which way around you fold it, it will always look exactly like two folded 5s.
01:59 Usually I could get away with this but every now and then the shopkeeper would say, "Whoa, whoa, whoa, that's a weird way of..."
02:07 But you know I'm a magician, right? I never worry about stuff like that.
02:11 See, I'd just take the 5, give a little shake and it would turn into the 10. It's hard to believe, isn't it?
02:17 There's no slit, no slot. Feel, Dave, there's nothing, right? There's no hole there, nothing.
02:21 You know why I never got caught? Ever got caught because I never really used the 5. I left that over here in the wallet, Dave.
02:29 I know, with the little slit and everything. You can touch it and hold it, that's a real slit, right?
02:34 And that is the volunteer swindler and I'm never going to get caught.
02:39 Okay, everyone, welcome to this section of the DVD. You have received a black and white practice bill.
02:47 I like to call it the training bill. Before you make your own, you're going to practice with this and understand in your mind exactly what should be going on.
02:57 We have a $5 bill on one side and a $10 bill glued to the other side.
03:04 It's been pre-folded for you. I've done everything so it's ready.
03:08 You will notice there's a slit on the 5 side. It's hard to see but it is there.
03:14 You'll be able to see it at home. And the top piece of the bill is not glued together.
03:19 There's a little pocket. The rest of the bill is glued all the way around except for this tiny little pocket at the top.
03:29 I'll open it up so you can see. This little pocket here. And it doesn't matter which way around you've got it, there will be a little pocket.
03:37 This is your practice training bill. That's all it is. This is what should be in your pocket.
03:45 This is how it works. Hiro Sakai, fantastic magician. One of my favourite Japanese magicians.
03:57 Created this incredible little gimmick. Again, we're just using the practice bill.
04:02 Once you can do it with the practice bill, then we're going to construct real money and you'll understand it perfectly.
04:09 It's already pre-folded for you so you understand it. You're going to fold this section towards you here.
04:18 Leaving half of the bill. You start here. You keep the open piece towards you and you fold in half.
04:30 It looks like this. As I fold this towards me, I bring the thing up so it's level. So I do this.
04:39 You can just see the slit there. That's perfect.
04:43 Push together, both hands together. Both hands are going inwards so the slit opens.
04:54 Turn your right hand away from you a fraction. Just a little look. And your left hand towards you.
05:06 So you're doing this. That will open the pocket fully. Push everything over together like a concertina.
05:20 Look what happens. The bill folds like this. Now it looks just like two bills.
05:29 It doesn't matter if you turn it over. It will still look like two bills.
05:33 Go back to where you were. That's important.
05:36 Concertina. The left hand goes palm up like so and so does the right hand.
05:44 It folds the bill. What's really happening is the little pocket is folding like so.
05:54 Now this bill is level with your body. This one is going across you.
06:00 Turn this over like so. Don't worry about how I'm going to make the five into a ten.
06:10 There's going to be a couple of methods on here. The method I like is this thumb goes in here.
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