• 2 years ago
00:00 Well we do have someone else from Farmers coming down. She's going to be cutting off her hair and apparently it's down to her waist.
00:06 So, pretty good effort.
00:08 If a woman like that is going to shave her head, it really gives you no excuse at all, does it?
00:12 And I knew you were going to be saying that. So, maybe at 8.30, I'm still coming around to this, I'm not too sure, but stick around
00:18 because I might be shaving off my hair as well at 8.30. Because really, I can't really stand here and say,
00:23 "It's such a great cause, look at everyone doing it, look at..." Bye.
00:25 You'd be here.
00:26 I have to kind of do it, don't I?
00:27 I'm going to keep my eye on you.
00:28 You'd be a hypocrite, Josh, and one thing you're not is a hypocrite.
00:31 We've had a text in, Josh, just so that you know to say, "Ollie, shave that head" in the name of charity.
00:36 Yeah, they meant Josh's head and I'm going to. Don't you worry.
00:39 I was interested in the names.
00:41 No, Ollie, shave Josh's head. I would if I was there. Thank you, Josh. We'll see you at 8 o'clock.
00:45 Josh, how's your hair looking? Is it still there?
00:48 It is for the meantime, it is. That's right. But we are here today at Botany Downs today for Shave for a Cure.
00:54 Now it is the Leukemia and Blood Foundation's annual appeal and we've got Kylie and also Kerry
01:00 and they're going to be shaving off their lovely locks for us this morning.
01:03 They do have great support though. They are from farmers and we're going to be getting this on the way very shortly.
01:09 But first of all, have a little look at your hair.
01:11 Look how long your hair is.
01:12 I know, it's so beautiful and it's all going to be going.
01:14 But of course, it is for a good cause as well. In fact, we'll talk about that later on right now.
01:18 Is she going to sell that to some sort of wig-making company?
01:20 I'm not too sure. How are you feeling right now?
01:22 I'm freaking out.
01:24 It's something you've wanted to do though for a while, isn't it?
01:27 It is, yes, absolutely. It's such a good cause and it's so worth it. And I can feel the scissors.
01:33 She's got such a beautiful face that she'll look gorgeous, I'm sure.
01:37 Yes, Kylie says that you're going to look fantastic. In fact, the ponytail is almost off.
01:41 Here we go.
01:42 Oh my God.
01:45 Josh, we've had a $20 donation for you to shave your head just to start things going ahead of 8.30.
01:51 Kylie's just paid $20, Josh, and I've just paid $20 for you to shave your head.
01:54 Yes, me too. We're all in.
01:56 That's $60.
01:57 Awesome. Awesome. Well, we're going to be following Kerry's lead.
01:59 Oh, mine's just paid $100.
02:01 Oh, thanks, Rod. That's awesome. Thank you so much. That's great.
02:05 But we are going to be seeing the rest of this very shortly.
02:07 But first of all, let's check out today's forecast.
02:11 Okay, so the girls from Cut Above Academy are going to be starting right now,
02:14 shaving off the hair of these two lovely young ladies.
02:18 Now, you're from Farmers Porirua, aren't you? Do you want to represent?
02:21 I do want to represent. I really quickly want to say thank you so much to my husband, Joe,
02:27 my kids, Kayla, Rose, and Jordan, my family, and my team in Porirua.
02:31 You guys have been amazing. Thanks for the support, and thanks to the community as well.
02:36 So why did you get behind this?
02:38 I understand that you started off just to do a good thing, and now you know some people as well that it's affecting.
02:42 Yes, exactly. At first, it was just, why not?
02:46 It was such a good cause that it's raised some money.
02:49 But now, Stacey, who I work with, his friend Royce, has lymphoma,
02:54 and it's also my brother-in-law, Moko Otomi, he has cancer now too.
02:58 So it's pretty close to my heart now.
03:01 Do you know many other people that are doing this?
03:04 Not the shaving the head part, no, definitely not.
03:07 But there's been lots of people donating and getting behind it and supporting, so it's been awesome.
03:11 Do you think it's a bit of a bigger ask for girls? It must be.
03:14 I think so. Generally, we have hair that's a lot longer.
03:19 We'll just come down to you, Kylie, because you were never going to do this this morning.
03:23 You just turned up and jumped in.
03:26 Yes, I was just going to hold my friend's hand, and now I'm holding her hand, having my head shaved.
03:32 Is that nervous laughter?
03:34 It certainly is.
03:36 Now, you do everything together, don't you?
03:39 We have done. We haven't seen each other for four years, so why not get our hair cut off together
03:44 and represent friendship and a good cause, a great cause. Absolutely brilliant, yes.
03:50 So tell me how you're feeling as well, because I just want to know,
03:54 because I might be doing this myself very shortly.
03:56 I don't know if you want me to tell you.
04:00 I don't want to freak you out.
04:02 We'll have a look at your hands there, clasping each other.
04:06 You're feeling nervous, aren't you? You have to tell me.
04:09 Yes. Pretty. My legs are shaking, but it's sort of good.
04:14 It's quite liberating at the same time.
04:16 The cool thing is we're doing this by choice.
04:19 Not everyone gets that choice, so it's really important that we're doing it, and we're doing it together.
04:24 Aren't they doing well, guys?
04:26 They look gorgeous. They've both got such beautiful faces, Josh.
04:29 You're doing brilliantly well.
04:30 Yes, we're going to pull it off easy.
04:32 Do you think when you shave your head, does your head look good, do you reckon?
04:37 I have no idea. I've never shaved my hair at all before.
04:39 We had this conversation on Saturday night, didn't we, Josh, and we were trying to decide.
04:43 I had to shave my head for a film.
04:45 So you wouldn't be opposed to doing it again for charity.
04:48 I was right down to the bare skin.
04:50 Luckily I had a very attractive head.
04:52 The only two haircuts I've had is the bald cuts in the '90s, which I don't think can get much worse,
04:58 and this one here, so maybe it is time to venture out.
05:01 You can look at the bright side as well. At least it's a free haircut.
05:04 It's a free haircut, and it's for such a good cause, Josh.
05:06 So you reckon you'd be doing that at 8.30?
05:09 Do you know what? I'm going to donate money as well, but I'm so happy with Rod.
05:12 Thanks for the $100.
05:14 He's still a little stunned by that donation, Josh.
05:17 He's stunned by his own generosity, Josh.
05:19 He's sitting there as if he can't quite believe he made the donation, but he did, and live on national television.
05:25 I don't think it's only for a week, Josh. No.
05:28 Are they the ones that will suffer early? Suffer the zits?
05:30 I'll just tell you quickly, though, because this thing is going to be lasting the whole—
05:34 they're just doing the final bits here right now, but it is going to be lasting the whole week.
05:37 So if you do want to get involved, just go to the website, chefrocure.co.nz,
05:41 and you either can register there so you can do it yourself,
05:44 or you can go online and donate to people who are doing it as well.
05:49 So a week or longer.
05:51 They look gorgeous.
05:52 Yeah, I think it looks amazing.
05:54 You can't see yourself, but we can assure you that you're looking fantastic right now.
05:58 Thanks. We need to hear that right now.
06:00 (laughter)
06:02 We really do, even if you're lying.
06:04 Maybe we should just leave this little bit here.
06:06 It will look even more fantastic when that bit's gone, though, Josh.
06:09 (laughter)
06:11 They've both got the exact same hairstyles at the moment.
06:13 I'm going to agree, maybe it's not so good right now, but it will be very shortly.
06:17 All right. Okay.
06:18 We'll see them and you at 8.30.