00:00 As a famous animal throughout the land of Africam, the lion is always a threat to all
00:07 species.
00:08 As just seeing their appearance, most animals have to automatically retreat and win them
00:17 a certain respect.
00:19 But the wild world always has surprises, as dominating all the species, but lions are
00:27 often seen by other predators and can cause anger for them.
00:33 So what happens when the most powerful people in Africa get angry?
00:38 What fierce battles will happen?
00:40 Let us explore right now.
00:46 What happens when the lion gets angry?
00:52 Possessing an extremely large territory, lions have a range spanning most of the central
00:59 rainforest and the Sahara Desert, as they also have territories in South Africa, Zimbabwe,
01:08 Namibia, Botswana and Mozambique.
01:11 However, this territory of lions are often overlooked and violated by predators such
01:18 as leopards, cheetahs, hyenas and wild dogs.
01:23 There have been many fierce battles that broke out between lions and these animals to protect
01:30 their territory and most lions always won overwhelming victories.
01:41 Although only about 22 kilograms in weight, wild dogs often invade their territory and
01:51 often encounter lions directly and with a small appearance but possessing the best speed
01:58 and agility on the African grasslands, it is very difficult for lions to defeat them,
02:07 especially the African wild dogs that have a herd lifestyle with a high social organization
02:14 and are full of discipline, as this is one of the highlights that helps them to survive
02:22 in the harsh environments with many larger and more dangerous predators.
02:28 It is known that lions are usually not very interested in smaller animals, but they often
02:36 pay attention to medium to larger size prey such as antelope, zebras or buffaloes.
02:43 However, if one day a lion decides that if they want to change their taste or they feel
02:50 uncomfortable then they are disturbed a lot, a bad ending awaits, but for all the animals
02:58 that they encounter.
03:04 For lions, territory and cubs are a measure of their dominance and strength, as letting
03:13 others encroach on their territory means that the lion has lost some of its majesty and
03:19 power.
03:24 One animal that always makes lions wary is the hyena.
03:29 Hyenas are known for their greed, recklessness and wisdom, as they often eat the lion's leftovers
03:37 and they follow the lion to steal their prey and rarely have a direct dispute with the
03:42 lion.
03:43 Although hyenas often lose the one-on-one fights, they are by no means easy to defeat,
03:50 as they have powerful jaws that can tear a lion apart, and the hyenas often take advantage
03:59 of their superiority in numbers and they are hunting in groups to take down the adult lions
04:05 that hunt alone or the elderly or injured, in particular those lions.
04:14 This hyena is the main cause of the loss of the lion cubs, as the number of lion cubs
04:20 dying at the hands of hyenas are very large, because hyenas often take advantage of the
04:28 loopholes when lions hunt at night to attack the abandoned cubs.
04:38 Now this loss has caused the lion a certain discomfort, as for lions, losing cubs are
04:45 like losing the inheritance and losing the pride of the whole lion family, and the hyena's
04:52 reckless actions cost it dearly, as when these sadists get angry, the hyenas certainly have
05:01 no chance of survival, as a lion's bite is powerful enough to knock down an hyena in
05:07 a minute, as this is the end of the most cold-blooded and predatory animal in Africa.
05:20 In addition to hyenas, lions must also be wary of leopards, because the lion's territory
05:27 is quite large and sometimes they can control everything, so these leopards take advantage
05:35 of the opportunities to invade and hunt in the lion's territory.
05:42 Leopards are known to be agile, flexible and extremely intelligent animals, as they frequently
05:48 enter the lion's territory and sometimes they even steal the lion's prey, however, this
05:56 time it was discovered by the lion.
05:59 A big fat antelope was killed by the leopards in the lion's territory, and the lion discovered
06:07 it, so before the lion's anger grows, the leopard had to leave its prey behind in lust
06:14 and run away, looking at the whole herd of lions eating their prey deliciously, and perhaps
06:23 this leopard is feeling extremely angry and hungry, and even so, the lion will not care
06:32 and certainly will not share this meal with a leopard, even though the leopard himself
06:39 has taken it down.
06:46 Usually discovered, leopards often climb trees to hide, because this animal is a good climber
06:54 and has been observed too often to rest on the tree branches during the day, as they
07:00 drag on the prey that they catch and hide it in the tree branch.
07:10 However, sometimes they do not have the time to escape and have to pay with their reckless
07:15 actions when they dare to enter the territory of these sly lions, as this will certainly
07:25 be a lesson of its life when it dares to anger these bloodthirsty animals.
07:32 There is no denying that the lion is one of the apex predators in the land of Africa,
07:42 and that it has always proven itself to be the ruler and the symbol of strength, as therefore
07:55 predators who do not know how to measure their own strength will certainly have to receive
08:02 the catastrophic failures when making the lions angry.
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08:34 (dramatic music)