• il y a 2 ans
00:00 Je ne sais pas si vous le savez, mais il y a eu une mutation anthropologique.
00:03 Les adolescents ont de plus grosses jambes, le droit de travailler, l'instabilité.
00:07 Il n'y a pas de point d'être émotionnellement investi dans quelque chose qui dure plus longtemps qu'un épisode de sitcom.
00:12 Hey there, losers!
00:14 Zero, sec, it's you!
00:19 Mum said you've hit the big time with comics. I've never read them, but I hear they're all about your life.
00:23 I mean, who gives a flying fuck? You're hardly Spider-Man.
00:26 No, Cesare does my hairdo.
00:28 I don't think I've said Cesare's name for twenty years.
00:31 And to be honest with you, I didn't really know what to ask him.
00:34 Do you think that I talk weird, huh?
00:37 How do you mean, weird?
00:38 I'm really fast, like a machine gun that no one understands, weird.
00:41 Oh no, you're not a gatling. At most it's like a semi-automatic.
00:44 You bring people together, you gotta do that. Unite and not divide, okay?
00:50 Live with these injustices. Feel the fire burning inside of you.
00:54 And when you feel you're about to burst, keep your fucking trap shut.
00:57 Keep my fucking trap shut?
00:58 I know, but look, what do you know? What the fuck do you know?
01:07 But if you look at it another way...
01:08 Fuck any other way of looking at it and hear what I'm telling you!
01:11 Do you think Zero Calcari is the only enlightened one that knows right from wrong?
01:15 They're a tangled mess of sorrow, solitude, frustration, abandonment and guilt.
01:21 Fuck off! Get the fuck out of here!
01:24 Come in to lecture me!
01:27 But now you're making me sad. At least let me have one day where I can smile.
01:31 But we almost never smile.
01:34 You can't enjoy fuck all because you have rubble all around you.
01:37 And what fucking scavenger is okay in the rubble?
01:39 Look here, it's quite an interesting idea.
01:44 But you don't need to tell me. Do you know what we're gonna do now?
01:47 We're gonna run this past a friend of mine who happens to be the person in charge of putting together these ideas.
01:52 Know who it is? It's my cock.
01:55 My cock.
01:56 [Générique]
