00:00 YouTube family, Pastor Darius back with a message called
00:04 This is my last nerve.
00:06 You got to check this out, man.
00:08 This is one of the most important messages in this managing meltdown series.
00:13 I want you to tap in and listen to it.
00:15 If it blesses you, be a blessing to somebody else.
00:18 Send it to somebody. I love you.
00:20 Enjoy the message. Take care.
00:22 Moses and Aaron
00:27 went from the assembly to the entrance of the tent of meeting and fell face down.
00:31 And the glory of the Lord appeared to them.
00:34 The Lord said to Moses, "Take the staff, you and your brother Aaron,
00:39 and gather the assembly together. Speak to that rock."
00:44 Somebody say, "Speak."
00:46 Okay, speak to that rock before their eyes.
00:50 They need to see you speak.
00:54 And it, meaning the rock, will pour out water.
00:57 You will bring water out of the rock for the community
01:01 so that they and their livestock can drink.
01:04 So Moses took the staff from the Lord's presence,
01:08 just as he commanded him.
01:09 He and Aaron gathered the assembly together in front of the rock.
01:13 And Moses said to them, "Listen, you rebels.
01:17 Must we bring you water out of this rock?"
01:22 Then Moses raised his arm and struck the rock.
01:28 Wait a minute.
01:30 God said, "Speak."
01:33 Moses struck.
01:35 Some of you think, "P.D., give him a break. It was an accident."
01:38 He struck the rock twice
01:42 with his staff.
01:44 But water gushed out.
01:47 And the community and the livestock drank.
01:50 But the Lord said to Moses and Aaron,
01:52 "Because you did not trust in me enough
01:56 to honor me as holy in the sight of Israel,
02:00 you will not bring this community
02:04 into the land that I give them."
02:06 I want to stop reading right there,
02:08 and I want to use as a subject for today's sermon,
02:11 "This is My Last Nerve."
02:15 This is my last...
02:17 Clap your hands if you believe God's going to speak to us
02:20 in our time together today.
02:22 Families, I was preparing for this presentation on today.
02:28 I remember the book that I read several years ago
02:31 that uniquely impacted my perspective on progress.
02:36 And the name of the book was called "The Compound Effect."
02:41 And the compound effect, family, is simply a principle
02:46 that suggests where small, consistent actions or changes
02:52 when repeated over time
02:55 can lead to significant and exponential results.
03:01 One more time.
03:03 Small, consistent actions or changes over time
03:10 can lead to significant and exponential results.
03:16 One more time.
03:18 Small, come on, consistent actions or changes
03:26 when repeated over time
03:31 can lead to significant and exponential...
03:38 I don't know if you know what I mean
03:44 when I say exponential.
03:47 Even if you're not clear on what exponential is,
03:52 you need to be excited about exponential.
03:56 Because whether you know it or not,
03:59 all of us want God to do something exponentially
04:06 in our life.
04:08 Come on and talk to me.
04:10 Yeah, see, when God does it exponentially,
04:14 it's not addition.
04:17 When God does it exponentially, it's multiplication.
04:26 It's when he says,
04:28 "You are no longer in the season of adding.
04:31 "You have stepped into the season of multiplying."
04:36 And I want to know, am I talking to anyone
04:40 that's believing God is getting ready to multiply?
04:45 You didn't talk back to me like you believed it,
04:48 that he's getting ready to multiply joy,
04:52 multiply opportunities,
04:54 multiply strength,
04:56 multiply favor,
04:59 multiply your team,
05:01 multiply your money,
05:04 multiply your mind.
05:06 Exponential.
05:09 But you don't experience exponential
05:13 pursuing exponential.
05:16 Small, consistent actions or changes over time
05:27 lead to significant and exponential results.
05:33 This book revolutionized my perspective on progress
05:38 because it showed me you don't experience drastic changes
05:41 by pursuing drastic changes.
05:46 That you experience drastic changes
05:48 by implementing small changes
05:51 and maintaining those small changes
05:53 consistently over a period of time,
05:55 then your consistency compounds.
05:59 And you look up and you step into a season of multiplication
06:03 and you don't even know it.
06:05 You look up and you got skill sets
06:07 and you didn't even know you were this skilled.
06:09 You look up and you done messed around
06:11 and got good at something
06:13 and you don't even know how you got good.
06:15 You look up and you've messed around
06:17 and you've got stronger
06:19 and you don't even know where this strength came from.
06:22 It was a exponential experience
06:26 because consistency compounds.
06:31 And those who understand and embrace this principle
06:34 understand that I may not be able to change
06:37 my destination overnight,
06:39 but I can change my direction.
06:43 I can't change my spiritual state tomorrow,
06:47 but I can change my spiritual disciplines today.
06:50 And if I change my spiritual disciplines today,
06:53 it's going to change my spiritual state one day.
06:57 I can't change my relationship overnight,
07:00 but we can change the way we start treating each other today.
07:03 And if we change the way we start treating each other today,
07:06 it's going to change our relationship tomorrow.
07:08 I can't change my body overnight,
07:10 but I can change what I'm putting in it today.
07:13 And if I start keep changing what I'm putting in it
07:16 and keep it up consistently,
07:18 it's going to look up and it'll change my body.
07:20 It's the compound effect.
07:24 And when the devil can't stop you and I
07:26 from doing the right thing,
07:28 his next step is to try to get us
07:30 to do the right thing the wrong way.
07:35 If he can't keep you, numbers 13,
07:38 with a grasshopper mentality
07:40 where you're small-minded,
07:42 what he will do is when he can't stop you
07:44 from wanting to do big things,
07:46 he'll try to get you and I to do big things the wrong way.
07:49 And you don't do big things trying to do big things.
07:53 You do big things by doing small things consistently
07:56 over a period of time,
07:58 and that gives you the capability
08:04 to do big things.
08:06 And I'm telling you today
08:08 that if you are willing to do small things
08:11 like they big things,
08:13 you'll hit a season where you can do big things
08:15 like they small things.
08:19 I said if you are willing to do small things
08:22 like they big things,
08:24 then you'll hit a season where you can do big things
08:26 like they small things.
08:28 If you are willing to do small things
08:31 like they big things,
08:33 you'll hit a season where you can do big things
08:36 like they small things.
08:38 If you are willing to take care of the lion and the bear
08:41 when nobody's looking,
08:44 then you'll be able to knock down Goliath
08:47 when everybody's looking.
08:53 Because consistency compounds.
08:57 And this is why--I don't have time.
09:01 And this is why the enemy is after your consistency.
09:11 I'm doing a teaching.
09:13 I'm doing a teaching this Saturday on Super Saturday
09:16 with people who are in the parking team
09:18 and the host team and some of our other teams
09:21 on spiritual warfare.
09:23 Because I want them--I want us as a church
09:26 to demystify the spiritual--
09:28 demystify spiritual warfare,
09:30 because the Bible says when we are ignorant
09:32 of Satan's devices,
09:34 he has an advantage over us.
09:37 So some of us are looking for him in big things,
09:40 and you don't see the warfare in small things.
09:45 We don't see that our struggle with consistency
09:49 is an indication of warfare,
09:52 that the enemy is fighting you
09:55 in areas you don't even call the enemy.
09:58 You just think it's a habit.
10:00 You just think it's a hang-up.
10:02 You just think it's an issue.
10:04 And I'm not trying to over-spiritualize it,
10:06 but it's a devil
10:08 who doesn't want you to be consistent,
10:10 so he fights you tooth and nail
10:13 because he knows if you ever get consistent...
10:17 [cheers and applause]
10:20 [indistinct shouting]
10:36 He's after it.
10:38 I say he's after it.
10:40 I say he after it.
10:42 I say he after it.
10:44 I say he's after it.
10:46 God doesn't have fear, but Satan does,
10:48 and he attacks you the most
10:50 in the area he's most afraid
10:52 of you getting together.
10:54 He said, "They gifted,
10:56 "but if I can keep them inconsistent,
10:58 I can keep them ineffective.
11:00 "They're anointed,
11:02 but if I can keep them inconsistent,
11:04 I can keep them ineffective.
11:06 God's got a plan for their life,
11:08 but if I can keep them inconsistent,
11:10 I can keep them from stepping into it."
11:12 Well, the devil's getting ready
11:13 to have a nervous breakdown today.
11:15 I said the devil's getting ready to be mad today.
11:18 He's getting ready to have a bad day today
11:20 because God's getting ready
11:22 to break the yoke
11:24 of inconsistency
11:26 off your life!
11:28 [cheers and applause]
11:33 I feel something
11:35 falling off you today.
11:37 I hear shackles
11:39 hitting the ground.
11:41 Once you got a revelation
11:43 that it's the devil that's been
11:45 after your consistency,
11:47 you fight different.
11:49 You pray different.
11:51 Oh, this the devil!
11:53 I didn't know it was the devil.
11:59 I thought it was a--oh!
12:01 [cheers and applause]
12:04 The compound effect.
12:15 Consistency compounds.
12:19 And if you will do
12:21 small things like they're big things,
12:23 eventually you'll be able to do big things
12:26 like they're small things.
12:28 And as I thought about this principle,
12:30 I saw how it was pertinent,
12:33 relevant, salient
12:35 to these sermons I've been preaching
12:37 regarding managing meltdowns.
12:40 I saw a connection
12:43 between the compound effect
12:45 and meltdowns.
12:48 I saw something.
12:51 Y'all want to know what I saw?
12:54 I said, "Do you want to know what I saw?"
12:56 I saw that meltdowns
12:59 are a consequence
13:01 of the compound effect.
13:03 'Cause every principle works both ways.
13:10 [cheers and applause]
13:13 Did you hear what I just said?
13:17 The compound effect doesn't just apply
13:19 to our life positively.
13:22 [cheers and applause]
13:26 The compound effect
13:28 also applies to our life negatively.
13:32 So if I ignore
13:36 small issues
13:38 consistently over time,
13:42 [cheers]
13:44 then my ignoring
13:46 of those small issues
13:48 consistently over time
13:50 leads to significant
13:52 and exponential problems.
13:55 [cheers]
13:57 Did you hear what I just said?
14:00 Yeah, if I ignore
14:02 small issues consistently over time,
14:05 then those issues compound,
14:07 and what started off as a snake
14:10 in the book of Genesis
14:12 ends up being a dragon
14:14 in the book of Revelation.
14:16 And it's easier for me to defeat
14:19 an issue when it's a snake
14:21 than it is for me to defeat it
14:23 when it's a dragon.
14:25 And some of us right now,
14:27 no judgment, but we fighting dragons
14:30 when we should have been fighting snakes.
14:32 Y'all aren't talking to me.
14:34 It's a snake.
14:36 It's a snake when you could stop
14:39 and you won't.
14:41 [cheers]
14:43 It's a dragon when you want to
14:50 and you can't.
14:52 [cheers]
14:54 Let me say that
14:58 one more time.
15:00 It's a snake when you can stop it
15:06 and you don't want to.
15:08 It's a dragon when now you want to
15:12 and you can't.
15:18 This is why a sage named Solomon
15:21 warns us in the Song of Solomon
15:24 to catch it when it's small.
15:27 He says in Song of Psalms 215,
15:30 "Catch for us the foxes,
15:34 the little foxes that ruin the vineyard."
15:37 The devil is in the fox.
15:40 Y'all aren't talking to me on this side.
15:43 I said the devil is in the fox.
15:46 It's in that little thing
15:48 that seems inconsequential
15:50 and that little thing that doesn't seem to matter.
15:54 And sometimes a major meltdown
15:58 is a result of the mismanagement
16:02 of minor foxes.
16:05 And sometimes you end up
16:09 on your last nerve
16:12 and don't know it's your last one.
16:15 (audience cheering)
16:18 My text that we just read in Numbers
16:24 is an example of what I'm trying to articulate.
16:27 This text in Numbers
16:29 exposes us to one of the most epic
16:32 meltdowns in human history.
16:36 It is the meltdown of a man
16:40 named Moses.
16:43 Pastor Darius, you've been talking
16:45 about meltdowns for two weeks.
16:47 You hadn't told us what a meltdown is.
16:50 Well, here you go.
16:52 Better late than never.
16:56 A meltdown is when a person
16:59 acts unexpectedly
17:01 in response to something
17:03 they're experiencing emotionally
17:06 that causes them to engage behaviorally
17:10 in a way that is sabotaging their life
17:13 or someone else's.
17:15 I'm getting ready to show you this with Moses.
17:17 It's when a person acts unexpectedly
17:21 'cause they own their last nerve
17:23 and they don't know it's their last.
17:26 In response to something
17:29 they're experiencing emotionally
17:32 that causes them to engage behaviorally
17:36 in a way that is sabotaging their life
17:39 or someone else's.
17:41 This is what we see
17:45 in this text with Moses.
17:47 We just read it.
17:48 It's uniquely interesting.
17:49 The Bible says in verse six
17:51 that Moses and Aaron had went from the assembly
17:55 to the entrance of the tent and meeting.
17:57 They fall face down.
17:59 They have this authentic encounter
18:01 with the glory of God.
18:02 And God says something to Moses
18:04 very interesting.
18:05 He said, "I want you to take the staff,
18:07 "you and your brother Aaron,
18:09 "gather the assembly together,
18:11 "speak to the rock before their eyes
18:14 "and it will pour out its water."
18:16 Wait a minute.
18:18 God tell Moses,
18:21 speak to something that don't have ears.
18:24 (audience murmurs)
18:27 Did you hear what I just said?
18:32 Speak to something that don't have ears.
18:36 And when you speak to something that don't have ears,
18:39 I'm going to release something
18:41 that you don't think it have.
18:43 I know you and I have gone looking for water
18:47 in a number of different places.
18:49 But most of us have never gone looking for water
18:53 in a rock.
18:58 So he says, "I want you to speak to something
19:00 "that don't have ears.
19:02 "And I'm going to make it release something
19:04 "you don't know it have.
19:06 "And it's going to come out of an opening
19:08 "you can't see."
19:09 (audience cheers)
19:12 Y'all are not talking back to me in the back.
19:16 He said, "Just because,
19:18 "just because you don't see ears
19:21 "doesn't mean it don't have ears.
19:24 "Just because you don't see water in it
19:27 "doesn't mean it doesn't have water in it.
19:30 "And just because you don't see an opening
19:32 "don't mean I can't make a closed thing open up."
19:35 I don't know who this is for.
19:38 But somebody needs to be excited
19:40 because God knows how to get through to something
19:44 that don't have ears.
19:46 He knows how to make something release something
19:49 you don't know it has.
19:51 And he knows how to make closed things open up.
19:54 I don't know if a closed door,
19:56 I don't know if it's a closed opportunity,
19:58 I don't know if it's a closed mind,
20:00 but God is getting ready.
20:02 (audience cheers)
20:05 He say, "Moses, you don't know water in a rock,
20:16 "but some rocks are made because of water.
20:21 "And when it rains, rocks absorb water."
20:28 (audience cheers)
20:31 "You're just only accustomed to the water
20:34 "leaving a rock through the process of evaporation.
20:38 "But I'm going to make a rock do something
20:41 "it don't normally do to bless you.
20:44 "'Cause evaporation ain't the only way
20:48 "I can get water out of a rock."
20:54 So God say to Moses, "Take Abram and take your staff
20:59 "and go speak to the rock."
21:02 Let the church say, "Speak."
21:04 Come on, say it again, say, "Speak."
21:06 In Greek, that means speak.
21:09 In Hebrew, that means speak.
21:12 In Spanish, that means speak.
21:15 In Dutch, that means speak.
21:18 Come on now.
21:20 He says, "Speak is not rocket science.
21:24 "But I want y'all to see something in the text, guys.
21:27 "The text says, verse seven,
21:29 "the Lord says to Moses," then verse eight,
21:32 "Take the staff, you and your brother Aaron,
21:35 "and gather the assembly together."
21:37 Now, Marley, don't miss this.
21:41 Marley, I think they about to miss it, Marley.
21:44 Don't miss this.
21:47 God is the one that told him to take the staff with him.
21:50 (congregation chattering)
21:55 Look at verse eight.
21:58 I'm going to read it for you.
22:00 (congregation laughing)
22:03 Moses took the staff.
22:05 Come on, excuse me, verse seven,
22:07 "The Lord says to Moses, 'Take the staff,
22:10 "'you and your brother Aaron,
22:13 "'and gather the assembly together.'"
22:16 (congregation chattering)
22:21 Moses thought that having it
22:25 meant permission to use it.
22:27 (congregation cheering)
22:31 Let me go to this side.
22:33 I'm just looking, I know we got all sorts of members.
22:36 I'm just looking for my Pentecostal members right here.
22:39 (congregation cheering)
22:42 Yeah, I'm looking for a good quickening right here.
22:45 (congregation cheering)
22:47 Just because you have it
22:49 doesn't mean you've got permission to use it.
22:52 He said, "Moses, I told you to carry it."
22:55 That doesn't mean you've got permission to use it.
22:59 (congregation chattering)
23:04 So Moses takes the staff,
23:11 and this is what he says.
23:13 He says, "Listen, you rebels."
23:18 (congregation chattering)
23:23 He's talking to people,
23:27 and God never told him
23:29 (congregation cheering)
23:30 to talk to people.
23:32 (congregation cheering)
23:35 God told him to talk to the rock.
23:38 (congregation cheering)
23:43 He's talking to who he think got ears.
23:48 (congregation cheering)
23:53 Did you hear what I just,
23:55 'cause he don't trust that the rock will listen.
23:59 (congregation cheering)
24:02 What he didn't realize is that God had gone before him,
24:07 and made the rock amenable to his request.
24:12 (congregation cheering)
24:13 The rock that would normally be resistant to a request
24:18 is now amenable to that request,
24:21 'cause God has made the rock ready for that request,
24:26 but he goes to who he think got ears.
24:29 (congregation chattering)
24:35 (congregation laughing)
24:38 Just drinking my water, minding my business.
24:41 (congregation laughing)
24:44 (congregation chattering)
24:48 God, I'm not going to talk to them.
24:51 God, I'm not going to ask them.
24:54 I don't even like them.
24:56 They don't even like me.
24:58 They always tell everybody no.
25:01 They selfish.
25:03 They keep looking out for themselves.
25:06 They rocks.
25:08 (congregation chattering)
25:10 Why would I tell them?
25:12 They don't have nothing.
25:14 (congregation chattering)
25:19 They can't help me.
25:23 You don't know who you sitting next to.
25:27 (congregation cheering)
25:29 You don't know what kind of water is in the rock
25:34 that's sitting next to you.
25:37 Just because I'm not bragging about it,
25:40 just because I'm not talking about it,
25:42 just because I'm not posting about it,
25:45 does not mean it's not in me.
25:47 Sleep on me if you want to.
25:50 Stay thirsty if you want to.
25:53 There's some water in me.
25:56 (congregation cheering)
25:59 (microphone feedback)
26:01 (congregation chattering)
26:04 So instead of speaking to the rock,
26:07 he strikes the rock twice.
26:12 DL, this is what throw me off.
26:14 And the Bible says,
26:16 he strikes the rock twice and water gushed out.
26:21 (congregation chattering)
26:24 I mean it flowed out.
26:26 I'm like, wait a minute.
26:28 God said speak to it.
26:31 You didn't speak to it.
26:33 You struck it and water still flowed.
26:37 You disobeyed and it still worked.
26:40 (congregation cheering)
26:42 Let that shake your theological tree.
26:46 He did not do what God said and it still worked.
26:51 (congregation chattering)
26:56 But the text doesn't just say water gushed out.
27:01 Watch what the text says.
27:03 The text says water gushed out
27:06 and the community and their livestock drank.
27:11 Whoop, there it is.
27:13 Right there.
27:14 See, the water gushing out
27:17 is not an indication of God's pleasure with Moses.
27:22 It's an indication of God's commitment to his people.
27:27 He said, I'm not going to let them die of thirst
27:31 because you disobeyed me.
27:33 So I'm going to let this water flow
27:36 because I'm going to make sure they get what they need.
27:39 But after they get what they need,
27:41 you and me are about to have a conversation.
27:44 (congregation cheering)
27:47 Water flows and Moses is like, look at me, look at me.
27:58 And God said, come here for a minute.
28:03 I'll let you.
28:07 He said, bring Abraham with you.
28:11 Abraham like, what I got to do with this?
28:14 You're looking at Moses, you always get me into something.
28:18 He said, come here.
28:23 You know, when I called you,
28:26 I clarified your assignment and said your assignment
28:31 was to lead Israel out of Egypt,
28:34 lead them in an exodus out of Egypt and into Promised Land.
28:40 All my conversations with you, Moses,
28:42 were about Promised Land.
28:44 But it seems to me, Moses,
28:47 that you confuse an opportunity with an obligation.
28:52 I'm not oblig--
28:56 When I'm talking to you about the Promised Land, Moses,
29:00 I'm giving you an opportunity.
29:02 But I think you managing this opportunity
29:05 like it's my obligation.
29:07 (congregation cheering)
29:10 Moses, you think I'm obligated to do this.
29:14 I'm not obligated to do this.
29:23 When I articulated to you,
29:25 I wanted you to lead Israel into the Promised Land,
29:27 I was articulating to you your potential.
29:29 That's my preference for you.
29:32 But my preference requires your participation.
29:35 (congregation cheering)
29:38 The fact that I introduce myself to you as Jehovah,
29:42 as the covenant-keeping God,
29:44 lets you know that covenants have conditions.
29:47 I covenant to do my part.
29:50 I need you to covenant to do yours.
29:56 So Moses,
29:58 now,
30:00 your punishment
30:04 is seeing
30:05 what you won't go in.
30:07 It'd been better off for you not to see it.
30:13 It'd been better off for you not to know what could happen.
30:18 It would have been better off to--
30:20 Are y'all hearing what I'm saying?
30:22 He says, "Man,"
30:25 watch what God says to him.
30:28 He says, "You did not trust in me enough
30:32 "to honor me as holy in the sight of the Israelites.
30:37 "Your lack of trust in me
30:41 "has now undermined my trust in you.
30:44 "It hadn't changed my love,
30:49 "but it changes my trust,
30:52 "because now your meltdown has said to me,
30:56 "'I can't predict how you're gonna behave.'"
31:02 "In front of my people."
31:03 "Whatever you was feeling,
31:05 "you talked to me about everything else.
31:07 "I wish you would have let me and you handle that
31:10 "before you did that in front of them.
31:13 "Now you have so undermined your credibility
31:17 "that I robbed myself of my credibility
31:20 "if I keep you there.
31:22 "So now you put me in a position
31:27 "where I got to choose
31:30 "between you or my credibility.
31:32 "And what the people need to go to the next level
31:36 "is to know that I'm credible.
31:38 "They need to know I'm faithful to my word.
31:41 "They need to know I'll do exactly what I say.
31:44 "They need to know if I got a part of Red Sea,
31:47 "I'll part of Red Sea.
31:49 "If I've got to bring water out of a rock,
31:51 "I'll bring water out of a rock.
31:52 "If I got to make manna fall from heaven,
31:54 "I'll make manna fall from heaven.
31:56 "They need to know I'm credible."
31:58 (audience cheering)
32:01 But what I want you to see,
32:03 I got three minutes and 17 seconds.
32:05 Y'all, don't hold your amens.
32:07 Here it is.
32:09 Can I have five more, five more?
32:11 All right, here it is.
32:13 But here's what I want you to see.
32:15 Moses mismanaged this moment,
32:18 not because of immorality,
32:20 but because of a meltdown.
32:22 (audience chattering)
32:27 And this meltdown was a consequence
32:29 of the compound effect.
32:31 It seems random.
32:34 It seems out of the ordinary.
32:37 It seems like God's character is inconsistent
32:41 with being gracious and long-suffering.
32:45 But the truth of the matter is,
32:47 this major meltdown was a consequence
32:51 of the compound effect.
32:54 This major meltdown was a result
32:56 of Moses mismanaging minor meltdowns.
33:00 (audience chattering)
33:03 'Cause this isn't the only meltdown Moses had.
33:07 See, we looking at Moses in numbers,
33:09 but in the book of Exodus, chapter number two,
33:12 the Bible says this.
33:14 One day after Moses had grown up,
33:16 he went out to where his own people were
33:18 and watched them at their hard labor.
33:21 He saw an Egyptian beaten to death
33:23 and an Egyptian beaten a Hebrew,
33:24 one of his own people.
33:26 Looking this way and that way and seeing no one,
33:29 he killed the Egyptian, hid him in the sand,
33:32 and the next day he went out
33:34 and saw two Hebrews fighting
33:36 and asked the one in the room,
33:38 "Why are you hitting your fellow Hebrew?"
33:40 Wait a minute.
33:42 He kills a man.
33:44 He looks to see if anybody's looking.
33:47 So it's not even impulsive.
33:51 (audience chattering)
33:53 Did you hear what I just said?
33:56 Got me?
34:01 That's Exodus two.
34:03 30 chapters later in Exodus 32,
34:06 it says when Moses approached the camp,
34:08 he saw the calf and the dancing,
34:11 and his anger burned,
34:13 and he threw the tablets out of his hand,
34:15 breaking them into pieces at the foot of the mountain.
34:18 You know what's happening in Exodus 32?
34:20 He's just spent 40 days on Mount Sinai
34:23 in the presence of God.
34:25 The tablets that he had of stone
34:27 had the Ten Commandments engraved upon them.
34:30 You just spent 40 days in the presence of God.
34:35 You got a word from God in your hand,
34:38 and you come back down.
34:40 You see your team has allowed
34:42 a golden calf to be constructed.
34:45 You are so upset, you break the word.
34:49 (audience exclaiming)
34:51 But you just left.
34:55 The presence, I mean, you were just,
34:58 (singing gibberish)
35:01 (audience laughing)
35:04 You were just, (singing gibberish)
35:11 You got in, you came down.
35:17 (audience cheering)
35:19 'Cause you can't live on Sinai.
35:23 At some point, you gotta know how to behave right
35:28 when you come down.
35:30 (audience cheering)
35:32 You gotta learn how to hold your tongue
35:34 when you come down.
35:36 You gotta learn how to love people
35:38 when you come down,
35:40 because you will not always be on Sinai.
35:43 (audience cheering)
35:46 (audience exclaiming)
35:48 You see this pattern,
35:55 are meltdowns.
35:58 And so the many meltdowns
36:01 were intended by God to be a mirror in Exodus
36:06 so there wouldn't be a problem in numbers.
36:13 See, when Moses killed that man,
36:17 instead of burying the evidence,
36:20 he should have did some investigation
36:23 and asked himself, "What is it in me
36:26 "that made me go from zero to 100 that fast?"
36:31 But instead of investigating the issue,
36:36 he just hid the evidence.
36:40 So he got discreet, but not delivered.
36:43 (audience cheering)
36:45 He comes down from Mount Sinai.
36:56 All he can see is what the people had done wrong,
37:00 which was right.
37:02 He was right, they had done wrong.
37:04 But when he broke the tablets,
37:06 he didn't pause to say, "What is it in me?"
37:10 "What is it in me that's got me responding like this?"
37:12 God, by his mercy,
37:16 wanted the many meltdowns to happen in Exodus
37:20 'cause it costs you more in numbers.
37:25 (audience cheering)
37:27 He said, "I'm trying to get you to see this
37:31 "before you get to the place in your life
37:33 "where there's no turning back.
37:35 "I want you to see this
37:38 "and I'm gonna give you the influence I'm gonna give you.
37:39 "I want you to see this
37:41 "because we can deal with it in Exodus.
37:43 "It costs more in numbers.
37:45 "And what you don't deal with in Exodus
37:48 "will ruin you in numbers."
37:50 (audience cheering)
37:52 And Moses took the mercy, but he missed the mirror.
37:58 God said, "I gave you mercy.
38:03 "I didn't let this kill you in Exodus,
38:06 "not because I wanted you to keep doing it.
38:08 "I didn't let this kill you in Exodus
38:11 "'cause there's something I wanted you to see."
38:13 And because he didn't deal with it in Exodus,
38:23 he had to deal with it in numbers.
38:26 What started off as a struggle in Exodus
38:30 turned into a stronghold in numbers.
38:36 Stronghold, pastor, what's that?
38:38 Well, the apostle Paul uses this word
38:40 in 2 Corinthians chapter number 10, verse four.
38:43 He says, "The weapons we fight with
38:45 "are not weapons of this world.
38:47 "On the contrary, they have divine power
38:49 "to demolish strongholds."
38:51 Then he gives us some commentary on what he means
38:53 when he says strongholds.
38:55 He says this, he says, "We demolish arguments
38:57 "and every pretension that sets itself up
39:00 "against the knowledge of God."
39:02 That's what the stronghold is,
39:04 arguments and pretension that sets itself up
39:05 against the knowledge of God.
39:07 Don't miss this because strongholds
39:09 were literally fortresses.
39:11 They were fences that would be built
39:13 to keep enemy armies from invading a certain land.
39:16 The wall of Jericho could be described as a stronghold.
39:19 And what Paul says is strongholds
39:21 are not just built in the ground.
39:23 They are fences that we build in our mind.
39:25 But Paul says they are arguments,
39:29 they are ways of reasoning that sets itself up
39:33 against the knowledge of God.
39:34 It's a fence that's based on an argument
39:36 you constructed in your head
39:38 that didn't allow the knowledge of God to get through.
39:41 So the stronghold is not the habit.
39:44 The stronghold is not the addiction.
39:46 The stronghold is not the behavior.
39:48 The stronghold is the lie you told yourself
39:50 that enables you to keep engaging in the behavior
39:54 and that fence won't let truth get through.
39:57 So your behavior perpetuates itself
40:01 because the stronghold has set itself up
40:03 against the knowledge of God.
40:05 Strongholds are mindsets,
40:14 unbiblical thinking patterns,
40:17 value systems, ways of reasoning
40:21 that keep us trapped in self-sabotaging behavior.
40:25 The stronghold is not the habit.
40:30 The stronghold is the way of reasoning.
40:32 It's the argument that we've constructed in our mind
40:37 that keeps God's truth from getting through to that area.
40:43 See, I mentioned this in the first service.
40:48 This is why in many spaces,
40:51 believers aren't searching for churches that teach truth.
40:57 They're looking for churches that line up with their truth.
41:01 And if there is a truth of God
41:08 that doesn't line up with my way of reasoning,
41:13 that stronghold repels and rejects that truth.
41:18 So if the stronghold is forgiveness is weak,
41:24 when the word that is taught says forgive others
41:29 as God has forgiven you, your stronghold rejects it.
41:33 It only lets in truth you agree with.
41:44 If the stronghold says hate your enemies
41:52 and then the truth of God's word comes in
41:54 and says love your enemies,
41:56 the stronghold rejects that truth.
41:59 It only opens the gate for truth you agree with.
42:04 I'm done, Tariel.
42:09 And it is those lies
42:13 that fueled Moses' behavior.
42:18 It enabled it.
42:21 Those lies, that way of reasoning fueled Moses' behavior
42:24 because Moses had some of these issues before he got called.
42:28 But his stronghold was a religious one
42:32 'cause he probably thought my calling is my healing.
42:35 Did you hear what I just said?
42:39 He probably thought when God showed his glory to me
42:43 and when God sent me to Pharaoh
42:45 that automatically addressed all of my issues.
42:49 Because God using you is completely different
42:51 than God fixing you.
42:53 Him using you blesses somebody else's life.
42:59 Him fixing you changes your own life.
43:02 Why would you want to be used and not be fixed?
43:06 So your anointing is not your healing?
43:18 So you can be anointed.
43:20 Anointing does not fix insecurity.
43:22 Anointing does not fix comparison.
43:25 Anointing doesn't fix hyper-ambition.
43:27 Anointing doesn't fix hypersensitivity.
43:29 Anointing doesn't fix territorialism.
43:31 Being used isn't the same as being fixed.
43:34 But that stronghold,
43:36 'cause even after he hit the rock
43:40 instead of speaking to the rock,
43:42 he had just left laying prostrate on his face before God.
43:46 (congregation murmurs)
43:49 Bible says him and Aaron were on their face
43:52 and the glory of the Lord appeared among them.
43:54 (congregation murmurs)
43:58 So there's,
44:01 his major meltdown
44:04 was a result of the mismanagement of the minor ones.
44:09 There were strongholds
44:14 that he didn't deal with.
44:18 See, we look at the fruit of Moses' behavior.
44:20 But if he would investigate it, he would have saw,
44:22 man, I don't really have an anger issue.
44:25 See, there's a leadership theory
44:29 called adaptive leadership.
44:31 And the idea is leaders are action-oriented.
44:34 And I adopt this theory
44:36 and so it can be real difficult
44:38 for people who work with you when you adopt this theory
44:40 because it means you resist the urge to act immediately
44:43 because you understand right diagnosis
44:45 precedes right prescription.
44:47 So it means that even though you're action-oriented,
44:49 you're willing to pause
44:51 and you're willing to take more time to diagnose
44:54 so that you don't write the right prescription
44:56 for the wrong problem.
44:58 And that's the issue.
45:00 It's not that worship don't work,
45:02 but it don't work for everything.
45:04 (congregation murmurs)
45:06 It's not that the word doesn't work.
45:08 It's just it don't work.
45:10 It's not the answer
45:12 just the preach word itself
45:13 is not the answer to every issue.
45:15 (congregation murmurs)
45:18 That some stuff won't be fixed by a sermon.
45:21 You got to identify
45:25 and uproot a stronghold
45:28 before some sermons can even take root in your heart.
45:32 (congregation applauds)
45:36 And so when we look at Moses' issue,
45:38 we see he's got an anger issue,
45:41 a secondary emotion.
45:42 You don't feel it first.
45:44 You feel it second.
45:46 You feel cheated, then you feel angry.
45:48 You feel abused, then you feel angry.
45:50 And when you look at Moses' life,
45:52 he wouldn't have fixed his issues
45:54 by fixing his anger
45:56 because when you look at his life,
45:58 he had a right to be angry.
46:00 Anger is not a sin.
46:02 Be angry, but sin not.
46:04 Meaning be angry,
46:06 but don't let your anger cause you
46:08 to have a sinful response.
46:10 Don't be wrestling with abandonment.
46:11 (congregation murmurs)
46:13 'Cause most of the time,
46:15 people don't know,
46:17 a lot of people forget that Moses was born
46:19 in a time where a governmental leader, Pharaoh,
46:21 was committing genocide
46:23 against every Hebrew male boy that was born.
46:25 Moses' mother knew there's something different on my baby.
46:28 So she took him, hid him,
46:30 put him in the Nile River.
46:32 Coincidentally, Pharaoh's daughter,
46:34 who was going down to the bay,
46:36 sees him, takes him, and says,
46:39 "I don't have time to deal with this,"
46:40 but he's raised with a double consciousness
46:42 because he is a Hebrew by ethnicity,
46:44 but he's raised as an Egyptian.
46:46 So he's dealing with this battle
46:48 'cause I'm too Hebrew to be Egyptian,
46:50 but I'm too Egyptian to be Hebrew,
46:52 and I don't fit in.
46:54 (congregation murmurs)
46:56 And so his mother released him to save him.
47:04 The Bible says she nursed him,
47:06 but she didn't raise him.
47:08 So even though she released him for good reason,
47:09 he still felt probably abandoned
47:12 'cause he don't know the reason.
47:14 He didn't know mama love you too much
47:18 to let her immaturity mess you up,
47:20 so that's why she gave you to grandma.
47:22 (congregation murmurs)
47:24 (congregation applauds)
47:26 That mama love you so much
47:29 she wasn't willing to roll the dice.
47:31 She ain't trust herself enough with you.
47:34 (congregation murmurs)
47:37 All he knows is I was abandoned.
47:42 He dealt with abandonment.
47:45 He dealt with embitterment.
47:47 This refers to the state
47:51 with a feeling of becoming bitter or resentful.
47:54 You can hear the resentment in his voice
47:58 when he calls people rebels,
48:01 and his resentment was a rebel.
48:06 Was a revelation of his disappointment.
48:08 He is disappointed in their absence of appreciation
48:11 for his sacrifice.
48:13 He said, "I was minding my own business.
48:17 "God come setting bushes on fire
48:20 "telling me to take my shoes off."
48:22 He says, "I ain't just wake up one day
48:25 "and say I'm gonna go to Egypt
48:27 "and tell Pharaoh let my people go.
48:29 "I was minding my business,
48:31 "and God disrupted my life and called me to this."
48:35 (congregation murmurs)
48:36 And every time I turn around, y'all complaining.
48:42 You prayed and asked God to get you out of Egypt.
48:46 God tapped me on the shoulder,
48:48 called me to lead you in an exodus out of Egypt,
48:50 and as soon as we run into one problem in the wilderness,
48:52 you saying it was better in Egypt.
48:54 (congregation murmurs)
48:56 He says, "I'm bitter because I'm sowing my life
49:01 "in the people I can't please."
49:04 (congregation murmurs)
49:05 That I'm giving myself to people
49:13 who don't know what it's costing me.
49:16 And I'm not asking you to do to me what I do for you,
49:22 but I want you to acknowledge and appreciate
49:25 that this cost me my dream.
49:28 This wasn't my dream.
49:32 (congregation applauds)
49:33 He dealt with abandonment, he dealt with embitterment,
49:41 he dealt with discontentment.
49:43 He has a state of dissatisfaction or unhappiness,
49:46 lack of fulfillment with his circumstance or his condition.
49:49 It doesn't mean that he hadn't progressed.
49:51 It meant that his progress had lined up
49:53 with his picture for his life.
49:55 Moses had to be thinking,
49:57 "With all the potential I have,
49:59 "this is what my life has come to."
50:01 (congregation murmurs)
50:02 "I can speak Egyptian and Hebrew,
50:07 "and this is what my life has come to."
50:10 I'm not saying I hadn't progressed,
50:16 but God, this can't be it.
50:19 And him striking the rock is a revelation
50:26 that he didn't have confidence
50:28 that things would change in the future.
50:31 (congregation murmurs)
50:32 It's one thing to know your situation's seasonal.
50:35 It's another thing to feel like I'm stuck.
50:37 (congregation murmurs)
50:39 And the abandonment, the embitterment,
50:43 the discontentment led to anger,
50:45 and it produced a meltdown.
50:47 When the abandonment and the embitterment
50:49 and the discontentment are all strongholds
50:52 that are being fed by lies,
50:54 and if he identifies the lie,
50:56 replaces the lie with truth,
50:59 it uproots the stronghold.
51:00 Because the abandonment issue,
51:02 the abandonment issue is fueled by the lie
51:05 that I needed what I didn't have.
51:08 (congregation murmurs)
51:10 That's the stronghold.
51:13 Mama wasn't there
51:15 the way you wanted her to be there.
51:18 So I needed something I didn't have.
51:21 (congregation murmurs)
51:28 But Moses doesn't become Moses.
51:30 (congregation murmurs)
51:32 You missed it.
51:34 Moses doesn't become Moses
51:36 if she doesn't have enough spiritual sense
51:38 to say I got to put him in the Nile River
51:41 to preserve him.
51:43 He's telling himself a story,
51:45 not realizing that if she had been
51:47 who you wanted her to be the way you wanted her to be,
51:49 you wouldn't be alive.
51:51 (congregation murmurs)
51:53 And just because you wanted it
51:55 didn't mean you have to have it.
51:57 Just because you felt the void
51:58 doesn't mean it's leaving you with a void.
52:00 Just because you didn't have
52:02 what you thought you should have had
52:04 doesn't mean you turned out worse.
52:06 God will take what the enemy meant for evil
52:09 and work it for your good.
52:12 He said I did it without it.
52:14 I did it anyway.
52:16 I did it in spite of.
52:18 (congregation murmurs)
52:20 Abandonment, the lie,
52:26 I needed what I didn't have.
52:27 Embitterment,
52:29 embitterment,
52:31 I reap, here's the lie, stronghold,
52:33 I should reap where I sow.
52:35 (congregation murmurs)
52:37 Bible says I reap
52:41 if I sow,
52:44 not where.
52:46 (congregation murmurs)
52:48 You want to reap where you sow.
52:55 You reap where you sow.
52:56 But you don't always reap where you sow.
52:58 Sometimes you sow in one field
53:02 but you're reaping another.
53:04 (congregation murmurs)
53:06 God says you did it for them
53:08 but I'm going to touch somebody else
53:10 and have somebody else do it for you.
53:12 (congregation murmurs)
53:14 So just because
53:16 appreciation is not coming from them
53:18 doesn't mean it's not coming.
53:20 Just because value is not coming from them
53:24 doesn't mean it's not coming.
53:25 Just because they don't have a revelation
53:27 of the sacrifice you're making
53:29 to add value to their life
53:31 doesn't mean there isn't somebody somewhere.
53:33 Because what somebody's taking for granted,
53:36 he says I got a whole tribe of people
53:38 that's been praying for it.
53:40 (congregation cheers)
53:42 And I'm done.
53:46 And the discontentment,
53:48 here's the stronghold, here's the lie,
53:50 here's the fence.
53:53 The discontentment is being fueled by this lie
53:55 that God can't be trusted with my happiness.
53:59 (congregation murmurs)
54:01 I'm done.
54:03 So I know you trust me to get you to heaven
54:09 but do you trust
54:11 that I know
54:13 what ultimately
54:15 makes you happy?
54:17 (congregation murmurs)
54:21 Because you think, Moses,
54:23 your happiness is tied to the life
54:26 you thought you should have.
54:29 And you're thinking
54:31 if I would have never interrupted you
54:34 with that burning bush
54:36 that your life would be much better than it is now.
54:39 You're thinking without that interruption
54:42 you would be
54:44 in a state of emotional bliss and satisfaction
54:47 when you don't realize
54:50 that when I rescue you from a dream
54:51 that's not my dream from your life,
54:53 I am rescuing you from misery.
54:57 (congregation cheers)
54:59 Jesus put it this way,
55:03 whoever tries to keep their life,
55:07 you lose it.
55:09 But if you're willing to lose it,
55:12 you'll find it.
55:14 Our time is up
55:16 but God, I feel this
55:20 God is making a request of some of you.
55:24 We gotta go, Tario.
55:26 He's making a request of some of you.
55:28 God is making a request of some of you.
55:33 He's requiring from you
55:35 the life you think
55:38 you're supposed to have.
55:40 He said, "Give me that."
55:42 (congregation murmurs)
55:45 Yeah.
55:46 I'm at,
55:51 hear the word of the Lord.
55:53 I am asking you for what was never yours anyway.
55:56 (congregation cheers)
55:58 It's not your life.
56:00 (congregation cheers)
56:02 It's mine.
56:04 (soft music)
56:06 And I'm asking you
56:08 to give that to me.
56:13 Because if you give me the life
56:14 you think you're supposed to have,
56:16 then in exchange, I'll give you the life
56:19 you were born for.
56:21 (congregation applauds)
56:23 I'm done.
56:32 But in the privacy of your own heart,
56:35 this is, I know, I felt that.
56:39 This is some of your moment to surrender.
56:43 To say, "Lord,
56:44 "I really give you my life."
56:49 Yeah.
56:54 Hey, Daris Law School, give me that.
56:57 Give me that.
57:01 I need that.
57:03 And if I request something from you,
57:07 I'll never give you anything inferior in exchange.
57:11 (soft music)
57:12 So right now, I gotta go.
57:16 I want you in the privacy of your heart
57:19 to give Him that thing you've been fighting to keep.
57:24 I hear this, gosh,
57:27 that your clarity is tied to your surrender.
57:31 God's like, "I had told you,
57:34 "I don't tell you what until you give me a yes first."
57:39 And some of you have been looking for clarity from God
57:43 regarding what this next season of your life should be like.
57:46 And He said, "I'm not giving you clarity
57:49 "until you resolve in your heart that the answer is yes
57:53 "before I even tell you what it is
57:55 "until you get to the point where you say,
57:58 "Lord, whatever it is, my answer."
58:01 (congregation applauds)
58:03 (soft music)
58:04 In the privacy of your heart,
58:06 give Him a yes.
58:08 Thank you, Jesus.
58:12 In the privacy of your heart,
58:13 give Him
58:15 a yes.
58:18 Thank you, Jesus.
58:22 ♪ I saw ♪