Hum Rahe Na Rahe Hum Cast Jay Bhanushali and Tina Datta talk about their cast in the show. Tina Datta, who was last seen in Bigg Boss 16 is all set to be seen opposite Jay Bhanushali in Sony TV's upcoming show, as we know. The show is titled Hum Rahe Na Rahe Hum. The channel has released the promo of the show now. For all Latest updates of TV and Bollywood news please subscribe to FilmiBeat.
#HumRaheNaRaheHum #JayBhanushaliInterview #TinaDattaInterview #TinaJayInterview
#HumRaheNaRaheHum #JayBhanushaliInterview #TinaDattaInterview #TinaJayInterview