• 2 years ago
From our little planet we set out to explore the universe. In search of answers to the great questions of humanity: How did it all begin? Was there anything before the big bang? State-of-the-art scientific missions take you back to the beginning: 13.8 billion years in the past, to the origin of the universe. Space telescopes like Hubble and Planck help pinpoint the moment of the Big Bang and tell the story of the cosmos. Decades ago was the moment when the universebegan, only the subject of wild theories. Scientists have found a way to test these theories. It managed to show what the Big Bang looked like, how exactly our universe began. Thanks to the detailed images from space telescopes, we now know that the Big Bang might not have been the beginning. There was a time before the big bang. In a fraction of a second before the Big Bang, the foundation of our universe, of us, was laid.

