• 2 years ago
I came across Neil Flynn's song, "Louise," quite by accident, which happens to me from time to time, and fell in love with it immediately. This would make an excellent soundtrack for film as much as a tech house dance number. It's been quite a while since I used techno for the musical background of a video. The last major works were all Tangerine Dream songs from The Dream Mixes.

From Neil Flynn: Biography: "Neil Flynn is a Dublin based, Internationally acclaimed DJ/Producer, releasing music primarily on the forward-thinking house label Lossless. Growing up in Ireland among a family of musicians, early 90's rave pioneers and DJ’s, Neil found music early. With consistent output since 2014, Neil has worked with artists and labels from across the dance spectrum, building a diverse catalog and seeing Neil develop as an artist with each release."

Beautiful young actress Emily Meade plays Lori, one of the major characters in the three season HBO series, The Deuce. This video features her character's rise to fame in the porn entertainment industry and tragic end when Lori realizes she has been made expendable, marginalized, and thrown on the ash heap as yet another human sacrifice. Other footage reinforces the "sacrificial" nature of Lori's career ending in tragedy.


