• 2 years ago

2,572,882 views May 3, 2019
#OnMyWayCover with local wisdom! What do you think about this version? What is the next song we should cover using Angklung? Thank you Saung Angklung Udjo and team, for their willingness to collaborate with Eka. The studio is very spacious, beautiful, and comfortable. Please follow their Instagram account at: http://www.instagram.com/angklungudjo

Saung Angklung Udjo is the biggest and oldest angklung studio in Bandung. Saung Udjo has several times made Indonesia proud by bringing the angklung and other traditional West Javanese instruments to the international world. Until now, Saung Udjo routinely holds performances at his studio every day. About 4000 people every day come there to enjoy their beautiful music. Come on, let's preserve this traditional musical instrument with a unique sound. Collaborators: EYA GRIMONIA (@eyagrimonia) WIDI DODOT (@wididodot) Videographer: AHMAD BAIHAQI (@ubshq) Mixing & Mastering: IQBAL (@mssvkntrl)