• 2 years ago
This video would make for a perfect ad to promote the lesson of 'know before you go.'

Watch Chess Stoudenmire cheering for an assembly of cop cars and bikes without being aware of the context.

"I was driving to a beach shop in Florida and noticed people holding American flags lined up and down the roads," Chess told WooGlobe. "I could only conclude that a parade was about to come down the road and since it was new year's eve, I didn’t even question it.

"Then I noticed a TON of cop cars coming down the road and as they were passing, I started to cheer."

A clueless Chess was then informed by a stranger that the public procession wasn't to celebrate a joyous moment, but was for a funeral of a cop who was murdered.

"After the revelation, I ran into the beach store and hid until it all passed and everyone left," he added.
Location: Florida, USA
WooGlobe Ref : WGA307394
For licensing and to use this video, please email licensing@wooglobe.com


