• 2 years ago
देना। यानी कि हिन्दू धर्म की परंपरा के अनुसार, घर के किसी भी सदस्य की मृत्यु पर उन्हें सिर्फ बेटा या घर का लड़का ही मुखाग्नि दे सकता है। आइये समझते हैं इसके पीछे क्या कारण है।

In Hinduism, the last rites are performed after death, with which there are many rules related to it. One of them is to light the fire by the son. That is, according to the tradition of Hindu religion, on the death of any member of the house, only the son or the boy of the house can light the fire. Let us understand what is the reason behind this.

#antimsanskar #hindudharm


