Year (Jahr): 2010
Release Date (Veröffentlichungsdatum): 2010-10-08
Duration (Spieldauer): 115 min
IMDB: 8.0 | Rotten Tomatoes: 91% | Metascore: 71 | TMDB: 7.8
Director (Regie): José Padilha
Actors (Schauspieler): Wagner Moura, Irandhir Santos, André Ramiro
Writers (Drehbuch): Bráulio Mantovani, José Padilha, Rodrigo Pimentel
Title (Originaltitel): Tropa de Elite 2
Country (Land): Brazil
Original language (Original-Sprache): Portuguese
The sprawling slum that towers over Rio de Janeiro is one of the most dangerous places on Earth, and as the head of Rio's BOPE (Special Police Operations Battalion), Captain Nasicmento (Wagner Moura) has seen his share of intense situations. When a BOPE mission to stop a jail riot ends in violence, Nascimento finds his job on the line-- and BOPE accused of a massacre by human rights activists. But a public fed up with the violence and gangs that plague Rio loves it, and Nascimento finds himself embraced as a hero who gets results. With elections around the corner, he's promoted to Sub-Secretary of Intelligence. In his powerful new post, Nascimento strengthens BOPE and brings the drug gangs that run the slum to their knees-- only to come to the sobering realization that by doing so, he's only made things easier for the corrupt cops and dirty politicians who are truly running the game. After years in the trenches, Nascimento now fins that his new enemies are much more dangerous and, even worse, sitting at desks just down the hall. Since its release earlier this year, 'Elite Squad: The Enemy Within' has become the most popular film of all time in South America (out-grossing even 'Avatar'. Not a sequel to the original 'Elite Squad' so much as a reinvention, this stunning, intense action/drama is a perfect amalgamation of the best parts of 'The Departed"', 'City of God"', and 'The Wire'.
Zehn Jahre ist es her, dass Capitão Nascimento ein Einsatzkommando der BOPE, DIE Elitetruppe der brasilianischen Militärpolizei, anführte, um für den damals anstehend Papst-Besuch zumindest zeitweilig für etwas Ruhe und Ordnung zu sorgen. Inzwischen leitet Nascimento die BOPE und kann bereits auf einige Erfolge im Kampf gegen die Drogenmafia zurückblicken. Während die Kriminellen der Stadt jedoch meist ein klares Ziel abgeben, muss Nascimento mehr und mehr auch gegen einen neuen Feind kämpfen, einen Feind aus den eigenen Reihen: Korrupte Polizisten und Politiker versuchen die Machtspiele der unterschiedlichen kriminellen Gruppierungen für ihre eigenen Zwecke zu nutzen und gehen dabei bis zum Äußersten.
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Release Date (Veröffentlichungsdatum): 2010-10-08
Duration (Spieldauer): 115 min
IMDB: 8.0 | Rotten Tomatoes: 91% | Metascore: 71 | TMDB: 7.8
Director (Regie): José Padilha
Actors (Schauspieler): Wagner Moura, Irandhir Santos, André Ramiro
Writers (Drehbuch): Bráulio Mantovani, José Padilha, Rodrigo Pimentel
Title (Originaltitel): Tropa de Elite 2
Country (Land): Brazil
Original language (Original-Sprache): Portuguese
The sprawling slum that towers over Rio de Janeiro is one of the most dangerous places on Earth, and as the head of Rio's BOPE (Special Police Operations Battalion), Captain Nasicmento (Wagner Moura) has seen his share of intense situations. When a BOPE mission to stop a jail riot ends in violence, Nascimento finds his job on the line-- and BOPE accused of a massacre by human rights activists. But a public fed up with the violence and gangs that plague Rio loves it, and Nascimento finds himself embraced as a hero who gets results. With elections around the corner, he's promoted to Sub-Secretary of Intelligence. In his powerful new post, Nascimento strengthens BOPE and brings the drug gangs that run the slum to their knees-- only to come to the sobering realization that by doing so, he's only made things easier for the corrupt cops and dirty politicians who are truly running the game. After years in the trenches, Nascimento now fins that his new enemies are much more dangerous and, even worse, sitting at desks just down the hall. Since its release earlier this year, 'Elite Squad: The Enemy Within' has become the most popular film of all time in South America (out-grossing even 'Avatar'. Not a sequel to the original 'Elite Squad' so much as a reinvention, this stunning, intense action/drama is a perfect amalgamation of the best parts of 'The Departed"', 'City of God"', and 'The Wire'.
Zehn Jahre ist es her, dass Capitão Nascimento ein Einsatzkommando der BOPE, DIE Elitetruppe der brasilianischen Militärpolizei, anführte, um für den damals anstehend Papst-Besuch zumindest zeitweilig für etwas Ruhe und Ordnung zu sorgen. Inzwischen leitet Nascimento die BOPE und kann bereits auf einige Erfolge im Kampf gegen die Drogenmafia zurückblicken. Während die Kriminellen der Stadt jedoch meist ein klares Ziel abgeben, muss Nascimento mehr und mehr auch gegen einen neuen Feind kämpfen, einen Feind aus den eigenen Reihen: Korrupte Polizisten und Politiker versuchen die Machtspiele der unterschiedlichen kriminellen Gruppierungen für ihre eigenen Zwecke zu nutzen und gehen dabei bis zum Äußersten.
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