• 3 years ago
We can't count the number of times we've compared Marian Rivera to a doll. Not only does the 38-year-old have doe eyes and delicate features that can easily launch a thousand ships, her personal style also makes a case for this. If that's not convincing enough for you, did you know that she has a secret talent that can easily crush all your doubts?

In this episode of 10 Things, GMA-7's primetime queen Marian Rivera sits down to share little known fun facts and trivia about herself. From belting out her go-to karaoke song, to revealing her favorite showbiz project, and to demonstrating her surprising eye ability, we get to see a more personal side of Marian and it's just as captivating. Press play to see for yourself!

Don't forget to watch our previous episodes of Preview 10 here:

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