• 3 years ago
27. October 1984, FRANKFURT

Welcome to the Telepathic Seminar... and I see that all of you that are here need to do some understandings and drills about Telepathy. Because if you were a totally experienced Telepath you could have monitored this meeting from outside somewhere and you wouldn't have needed to pay the entrance fee!
So we can then assume from that that you do need to regain your ability to do Telepathy. And to improve it. And the reason I say regain and improve is because Telepathy is not something that is pasted onto you like a science or a schoolbook study or some new acquisition. It is something that you have the inherent ability to do just as when you are a child you have the ability inherently to talk. You only must learn the words, you only must learn how to do it with the air and the throat and the sounds. So it is with Telepathy.