Vijay Deverakonda and Ananya Pandey leave for Liger Promotions to Indore, Video viral. nowadays, Vijay Deverakonda and ananya pandey seems busy in promotions for their upcoming Film Liger. Vijay Deverakonda looks as casual as usual in his slipper and Tshirt look. recently, Audience went Crazy after Watching Vijay Deverakonda as he had to take a leave for Security reasons. something similar happened in Patna on Saturday. A massive crowd of students and fans gathered at a college in Patna to see Vijay, who was yet again forced to leave the event before it could become unmanageable. Watch Video to know.
#VijayDevarakonda #AnanyaPandey #ViralVideo
#VijayDevarakonda #AnanyaPandey #ViralVideo