• 3 years ago
Official A Very British Scandal Series Trailer 2022 | Subscribe ➤ https://abo.yt/ki | Claire Foy Series Trailer | Amazon Prime Video: 20 Apr 2022 | More https://KinoCheck.com/serie/zj5/a-ver...
From the creators of A Very English Scandal, A Very British Scandal focuses on the divorce of the Duke and Duchess of Argyll, one of the most notorious, extraordinary and brutal legal cases of the 20th Century. Famed for her charisma, beauty and style, Margaret, Duchess of Argyll (Claire Foy), dominated the front pages when her divorce to the Duke (Paul Bettany) exposed accusations of forgery, theft, violence, drug-taking, bribery, and an explicit Polaroid picture that was to haunt her for the rest of her life.

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