• 3 years ago
Many people think of Kama Sutra as a compilation of numerous love-making postures, a mix of gymnastics and pornography. The ultimate meaning of the Kama Sutra, however, goes beyond this physical understanding. Sex is sacred in all of its forms. It re-creates the ultimate creative act, the coming together of the masculine and feminine cosmic principles. The Kama Sutra of Sage Vatsyayana brings together the most important life advice offered to men and women in order to obtain salvation.

Website: https://www.andlifegoesonbytanvi.com/

Youtube: https://youtube.com/channel/UCOITCiSitkUuSJJewb4aWUw

Instagram : https://instagram.com/and.life.goes.on.by.tanvi?utm_medium=copy_link



