For the last 10 years, Rupesh Kumar has been preparing to find a job- in the Indian Railways. Originally from Nalanda's Biharsharif, Rupesh is now 30 years old. Eight years ago despite passing the Group D examination of railways, Rupesh didn't get a job. He was found to be unfit in the medical examination.
Three years later, he missed another shot at his dream job - he was late for the loco pilot examination. "The exam centre was in Solapur in Maharashtra. I started preparing food to eat on the way and reached the station hurriedly but by then the train had left. I didn't have enough money to take a plane to Solapur," he told BOOM.
The alleged complicated selection process has left thousands of railway job aspirants anxious and disappointed, which turned into violent protests. In the last week of January, railway job aspirants of Bihar held widespread protests over-complicated selection in Railways' Non-Technical Popular Categories (NTPC) exams.
Three years later, he missed another shot at his dream job - he was late for the loco pilot examination. "The exam centre was in Solapur in Maharashtra. I started preparing food to eat on the way and reached the station hurriedly but by then the train had left. I didn't have enough money to take a plane to Solapur," he told BOOM.
The alleged complicated selection process has left thousands of railway job aspirants anxious and disappointed, which turned into violent protests. In the last week of January, railway job aspirants of Bihar held widespread protests over-complicated selection in Railways' Non-Technical Popular Categories (NTPC) exams.