00:20♪ Riding cowboy, gotta get these cattle on down. There's a happy-go-lucky bunch of punchers raring to get to town.
00:30♪ Riding cowboy, sing your way right over the plain. Soon to ship in this bunch of husky cattle out on the morning train.
00:40♪ Here we are, and we don't give a gosh darn hoot. Here we are, with a pocket full of steers to boot.
00:50♪ So riding cowboy, wear a smile, keep singing that song. We're a happy-go-lucky bunch of punchers, happy as the day is long.
01:01♪ Here we are, and we don't give a gosh darn hoot. Here we are, with a pocket full of steers to boot.
01:11♪ So riding cowboy, wear a smile, keep singing that song. We're a happy-go-lucky bunch of punchers, happy as the day is long.
01:22♪ Lay, lay, lay, lay, lay, lay, lay, lay, lay, lay, lay, lay, lay, lay.
01:35They've got their nerve blocking the entire road.
01:39We'll get out of the way as soon as we can.
01:41I'll move those cattle.
01:45What are you trying to do, run those cattle off of that bluff?
01:54We're in a hurry.
01:55This is a public highway, young man.
01:56We've got to catch a train.
01:57Well, we're doing the best we can.
01:58You ought to be arrested for obstructing traffic.
02:01I'm sorry, miss, but cattle have the right-of-way in this country.
02:04Out of the way, cowboy.
02:05We're going through.
02:06I wouldn't try that if I was you.
02:07In a hurry, Nitchie.
02:08Don't get careless, partner.
02:10Darn city folks, always in a hurry, going no place.
02:15This is an outrage.
02:16You're going to hear from my lawyer.
02:27I've been wanting to do that ever since I seen my first automobile.
02:31There ought to be a log in them contraptions.
02:39Ride them, cowboy, gotta get these cattle on down.
02:49We're a happy-go-lucky bunch of bunchers raring to get to town.
02:54Ride them, cowboy, sing your way right over the flame.
03:01There you are, Roy.
03:03Thanks a lot, Tom.
03:09Hey, Roy, that's a lot of money to be carrying around.
03:12And you better let me take care of it for you.
03:14You better not do it, Roy.
03:16That's much money to scare them to death.
03:18Oh, set your head, you wall-eyed, bull-legged runt.
03:23Who's bull-legged?
03:24When you two get through arguing, you can head back to the ranch.
03:27I'm taking this money to Apache Junction.
03:29Now, wait a minute.
03:30Maybe we better go with you, just to be sure you get there safe.
03:33One of you two old loosers is going to quit worrying about me.
03:35There's a fine way to talk, isn't it?
03:37Me that raised him since he was knee-high to a grasshopper.
03:40You raised him?
03:42What do you think I've been doing all these years?
04:07What did I tell you?
04:59Let's go.
05:29I guess that'll hold them for a while, don't it?
05:57What do you mean by doing this to me?
06:15Come on back here, you lop-eared jack-rabbit.
06:18You having trouble, Gabby?
06:19Where's your horse?
06:20Oh, the darn critter tripped and throwed me.
06:23He more than likely fell off.
06:25Oh, is that so?
06:26Some of these days, mister, you're going to go too far.
06:29You've been saying that for the last 30 years.
06:32Yeah, maybe I have.
06:33But you ain't gone far enough yet.
06:39Say, I wonder what this is.
06:41Looks to me like a sinker off a fishing pole.
06:43Fishing pole.
06:44Listen to him.
06:45Where'd they be fishing for out here, Lizard?
06:48Gabby, you ride with Chuck Waller.
06:50I'm going on to Apache Junction.
06:51Oh, I'd rather be seen dead than riding this critter.
06:54Now, come on.
06:55Get up here and put your belly in.
06:57I'll give you a ride what's a ride.
07:00Just like an old soapy.
07:25You took an awful chance trying to make Rogers think it was a holdup.
07:28We had to.
07:29I didn't want him to run into us scouting around on his property.
07:32I guess you're right.
07:33There's too much in this for all of us to have any slip-ups now.
07:35Don't worry.
07:36There won't be any.
07:37Shall I go ahead with the survey?
07:39No, better not.
07:40I'm leaving for New York tomorrow.
07:42And by the time I get back, we'll own the Circle R.
07:44There'll be plenty of time to...
07:48Yes, what is it?
07:49Roy Rogers to see you, Mr. Niles.
07:51I'll see him in just a moment.
07:52It's all right.
07:53I was expecting him.
07:54You'd better stick around in case he starts trouble.
08:04Hello, Rogers.
08:05Howdy, Mr. Niles.
08:06Son, what's on your mind?
08:08I've got that interest money for you.
08:12I'm afraid I'm going to have to ask for another extension on that loan.
08:15Your interest rates have been pretty high, and that's all I can do to keep up my payments.
08:18I'm sorry, Rogers, but I'm afraid I'll have to call that loan when it falls due.
08:22But you told my father he could have all the time he needed.
08:25That's one promise I couldn't keep even if your father was still alive.
08:28It just happens I need cash.
08:30Business conditions are bad all the way around.
08:32Yes, but that's a lot of money, $26,000.
08:34You still have a month or so before it's due.
08:36Perhaps you can make other arrangements for refinancing.
08:39You know I couldn't do that.
08:41Now, look here, Mr. Niles.
08:42The Circle R means everything to me.
08:45And besides, if I lose it, it'll throw a lot of Dad's old friends out of work.
08:48You can't run a business like this on sentiment.
08:51Dad should have gone to a bank in the first place
08:53instead of one of these fly-of-the-night finance companies.
08:55The way you people work, we'd never get out of debt.
08:57This company is operating strictly according to law.
09:00If you don't like our methods, that's your problem.
09:02We're in business to make money.
09:04All right.
09:05But if you try to take over the Circle R, you'll have a fight on your hands.
09:15What do you think of that, Chuck Wally?
09:17Well, I'll be bum-flabbergasted.
09:20And I thought you was a lion to me.
09:25Roy, you're rich.
09:27You can get yourself a pair of diamond-scented chaps
09:30any time you remind to.
09:32Look at that.
09:33What is it?
09:34It's gold.
09:35Found right here on your own ranch.
09:37Tell him about it, Gabby.
09:38You found it.
09:39Oh, it ain't much, Roy.
09:41Oh, go ahead.
09:42He's just being modest or something.
09:44It's pure gold.
09:46We just give it the picnic test.
09:48Where did you find this?
09:49Well, it was, uh...
09:52You know, that dry-wash out at Signal Butte.
09:56Right about there somewhere.
09:58Maybe the whole butte's full of gold.
10:00No, no, no.
10:01I wouldn't figure too much on it, Roy.
10:03Gabby, you're a lifesaver.
10:05See this?
10:06I just found out what it is.
10:07It's part of a surveillance camera.
10:09I just found out what it is.
10:10It's part of a surveyor's outfit.
10:12That's what those three hold-up men were doing.
10:14They knew there was gold on our ranch.
10:15Let's knock on it and get out there.
10:22I hold diamonds!
10:29It was right around in here somewhere.
10:32That is, as near as I can remember.
10:34What do you mean?
10:35You don't know?
10:36Certainly I know.
10:38You're trying to make certain sure, that's all.
10:41This is a likely-looking formation.
10:43I never paid any attention to it before.
10:46Maybe this is the spot you meant, Gabby.
10:51Oh, Roy.
10:52Was you figuring on getting Niles to back this deal?
10:55Not by a long shot.
10:57This is too big to take a chance on letting anybody beat us out of it.
11:01I'm taking this straight to Roger Hammond in New York City.
11:04That's right.
11:05Your daddy did business with the Hammond Cattle Company for years.
11:08Cattle's only one of his interests.
11:10He's also one of the biggest mine operators in the whole country.
11:13Well, when are you aiming to do this?
11:16Right now. We can't afford to lose a single day.
11:18Yes, we've got to get to work in a hurry.
11:20Now, wait a minute, Roy.
11:21I didn't tell you ever that...
11:25There's Eastbound Limited.
11:27Tooting for the ten-mile crossing.
11:29If she gets away, we'll have to wait till tomorrow.
11:33I hold her now!
11:35Hey, Roy! Wait a minute!
11:37Telegram, Mr. Hammond.
12:02Dad, can't you ever forget business?
12:04Sure, I can quit and go broke any day.
12:07Dad, Tony, look! Here come those cowboys again!
12:22I hold them!
12:29Hurry up, Roy!
12:35Can't you take a habit of causing trouble?
12:37I'm sorry, miss.
12:38Knock on the gate!
12:39Come on, get her!
13:05What a load of insolent troublemakers I ever saw!
13:07Hard to be seen anywhere.
13:09Yes, sir?
13:10Put these highwaymen off the trains.
13:11Yes, sir.
13:12Who's going to throw a whore off a train?
13:16That old gator is leading my short temper, ain't he?
13:18He happens to be my father.
13:21But don't take him too seriously.
13:23After all, this is his private car.
13:25I'm sorry, miss.
13:26I guess we did mess him up a little bit.
13:28We won't bother you anymore.
13:30Come on, you two.
13:31Maybe they'll let us ride in the baggage car.
14:02You were right about that sample ore you took from Roger's ranch.
14:05I have here the report from my assayer.
14:08The highest molybdenum content of any ore we've ever tested.
14:12You know what that means, don't you?
14:14A fortune for both of us if we can only get control of the Circle R.
14:17Mr. McGrath to see you, Mr. Bainbridge.
14:19Send him in.
14:21Tony McGrath, trainer for Hammond Stables.
14:24I pay him to keep an eye on Hammond for me.
14:26I'll be back in a minute.
14:29I pay him to keep an eye on Hammond for me.
14:32Hello, Tony.
14:33Glad to see you.
14:34How are you?
14:35Good trip?
14:36Oh, nothing very exciting.
14:37Picked up wildfire out west.
14:39Looks like he's worth a bet.
14:40Oh, excuse me.
14:41Tony McGrath, Mr. Niles.
14:43How do you do?
14:44Mr. Niles just arrived from Apache Junction.
14:46Apache Junction?
14:48Say, we had quite an interesting experience out there.
14:50Ran into a young cowboy and a couple of grouchy old punchers that tried to block the road for us.
14:54And they nearly killed themselves trying to catch the same train.
14:57Who were they?
14:58Well, there weren't any formal introductions, but one of the old boys was named Chuckawalla.
15:03And the other one, Gabby?
15:04That's right.
15:05And the young man was Roy Rogers.
15:07I'm sure of it.
15:08Those three are inseparable.
15:09Did they come all the way to New York?
15:11Yeah, but don't ask me why.
15:13He's probably trying to refinance his ranch.
15:15Well, find out.
15:16Keep on his trail.
15:17Report everything he does.
15:23This is the Hammond place.
15:24Better wait here till I see how the land lies.
15:26And stay out of trouble.
15:31Excuse me.
15:32Can you tell me where I can find Mr. Hammond?
15:35Has there been a revolution?
15:37Is private property no longer sacred?
15:39Must I be persecuted in my own home?
15:41I didn't know it was you.
15:43I just wanted...
15:44I don't care what you want.
15:45Get off my property.
15:46Get out.
15:47Wait a minute, Dad.
15:48Let's find out what he wants.
15:49I don't care what he wants.
15:50Now, Dad, remember your blood pressure.
15:54You never did tell me your name.
15:56I'm Roy Rogers.
15:57And I'm Peggy Hammond.
16:00That man's your father?
16:02And that's Roger Hammond?
16:04Yes, of course.
16:06Well, goodbye.
16:09Why do you dislike my father?
16:11Well, you got the saddle on backwards, miss.
16:13He doesn't like me.
16:14But I don't see.
16:15You see, I came here to sell your father a mine.
16:17A gold mine.
16:18And a good one too.
16:19But you can see for yourself,
16:20he wouldn't be interested if it was diamonds.
16:23You just don't know, Dad.
16:24Well, he sure can fool a fellow.
16:26Come along with me.
16:27Dad won't bite.
16:32Let's see if we can find something preserved.
16:34I'm nearly starved.
16:44Where do you suppose they keep them?
16:47They bury them, of course.
16:48They give them more flavor.
16:51So you're Andy Rogers' son, eh?
16:53Yes, sir.
16:54Fine man, your father.
16:56My cattle company did business with him for years.
16:59One of the real cattle barons, Peggy.
17:02Now you say there's gold on the Circular, eh?
17:04Yes, sir.
17:05I brought along the saddle.
17:06After lunch, my boy.
17:07After lunch.
17:10Shucks, Chuck Wally.
17:12I've saw more game from a Circular porch.
17:16Maybe they call them squirrels game.
17:18Maybe they call them squirrels game.
17:29It's a bar.
17:30They haven't preserved him yet.
17:37Hey, you!
17:40Head for nature's cabin.
17:41There's more room there.
17:44Poach you?
17:45What's all that shouting about?
17:47Wind keepers, probably.
17:48You might speak to Mike about it.
17:50They let Elsie out.
17:52They're headed for the house.
17:53Look out for Elsie.
17:54This is preposterous.
17:55I'll soon put a stop to...
18:01Get going, Roy.
18:02There's a bar coming.
18:06Get those hoodlums out of here.
18:07Have them arrested.
18:09You heard what Mr. Hammond said?
18:10Take them to the gate, Mike.
18:11Forget about having them arrested.
18:13Yes, Miss Hammond.
18:14Wait for me at the gate.
18:18Where are the hoodlums?
18:19Oh, I sent them back to the hotel.
18:21I hope it's earthquake proof.
18:23They do have a knack for getting into trouble.
18:25I'll never get to your father now.
18:27I wouldn't say that.
18:28What you need is a manager,
18:29and I'm nominating myself.
18:31You're elected by a landslide.
18:33Now, Mr. Rogers,
18:34did you bring some of the ore?
18:36I got some of it right here.
18:39First plan of business,
18:40we'll have this assayed.
18:41The second plan,
18:42we'll show the report to Dad.
18:44If he'll read it.
18:45I'll wait until he's in a good mood,
18:46and then tomorrow.
18:48What about tomorrow?
18:49They're running the Valley Stream steeplechase,
18:51and Dad's horse is almost sure to win.
18:53Do you think so?
18:54I know so.
18:55Dad'll do anything after that.
18:57Well, I hope so.
18:58Hop in. I'll drive you to your hotel.
19:08Hope he didn't get tired waiting.
19:10I drove our Rogers to his hotel.
19:12That cowboy of yours didn't waste much time, did he?
19:14Strictly business, Tony, strictly business.
19:17I'm helping him sell Dad a gold mine.
19:19Well, is your father going to buy the mine?
19:21Well, we've encountered a slight sales resistance.
19:24Now, Mr. McGrath,
19:25where's that jump you want me to buy?
19:27Oh, yes.
19:32Are you sure Hammond hasn't made a deal with him yet?
19:35Not yet,
19:36but he'll probably close tomorrow.
19:38All this talk about a gold mine is a blind.
19:41One of Hammond's tricks to pull the wool over my eyes.
19:43But why should he try to conceal anything?
19:47I'll tell you why.
19:48I kept Hammond out of this syndicate.
19:50Got control of molybdenum and forced him out.
19:53Now he's trying to worm in again.
19:56There's one way out.
19:58We can keep Rogers from making that deal with Hammond.
20:00Do you think we can?
20:02I have some friends whom I think will take care of him for us.
20:05No rough stuff now.
20:07Unless, of course, it's absolutely necessary.
20:10I get you.
20:14Some Benedictine and about three cases of Cognac.
20:17Hello, honey.
20:19Hello, Mr. McGrath.
20:21Yeah, Joe's here. I'll tell him you're here.
20:23Stevens won't be out tonight, Slick,
20:25so you take the roulette layout.
20:26Okay, Joe.
20:28Let him in.
20:34McGrath is outside. He wants to see you.
20:38Big-time playboy.
20:40Hide that gas.
20:41How are you, Mr. McGrath?
20:42Fine, thanks. And you, Joe?
20:44In the pink, in the pink.
20:45It's better than being in the red.
20:48Say, that ain't a bad gig.
20:51I'd like to see you alone.
20:53For what?
20:54These are right guys.
20:55What's on your mind?
20:57Frankly, I want a man disposed of.
20:59Oh, a bump-off.
21:01Oh, no, no, nothing like that.
21:02I just mean, well, I sort of want him kept out of the way for, say, two weeks.
21:07Who is this mug?
21:08Name is Rogers. He's a cowboy.
21:11This will cost you, Mr. McGrath.
21:13Well, I expect to pay for it.
21:16I couldn't take a job like that for under three grand.
21:21Three thousand dollars sounds fair.
21:23Where do we find this yokel?
21:25I don't know where he is at the moment,
21:27but tomorrow he'll be at the Valley Stream Steeplechase.
21:29Now, if you look for me there, I'll point him out to you.
21:33He's at the Valley Stream Steeplechase.
21:35Now, if you look for me there, I'll point him out to you.
21:38It's him.
22:04I'll see you two later.
22:06We'll get you.
22:09Ready for the big race?
22:11Everything all set?
22:12Yeah, but I'm not so sure we ought to go through with it.
22:14You can ride, can't you?
22:15Sure, but I was just thinking that...
22:17You can't back out now.
22:18If you win this race, we can sell Dad a gold brick factory.
22:21Well, you're the manager.
22:22Well, that's more like it.
22:23Do your two friends know what to do?
22:25You can count on them.
22:26Well, Peggy, your father wants to talk to you.
22:33Come on.
22:42Say, Bob, is your name Clyde Barton?
22:45That's right.
22:46And you're the regular on welfare?
22:47Yes, but I gotta hurry.
22:48I'll give you my autograph after the race.
22:50Just a minute.
22:51We'll give you ours now.
22:57See you, folks.
22:59Better hurry.
23:00Post time in ten minutes.
23:02Where's Barton?
23:03He'd better hurry.
23:04I'm sorry, Mr. Hammond.
23:05We can't find him anywhere.
23:06Well, that settles it.
23:07Wildfire's out of the race.
23:08Take him back to his stall.
23:09Can't we get another rider?
23:10He's not a park hat.
23:11He takes a lot of riding.
23:13I wouldn't have been a bit surprised to see that fellow Barton fall off that horse anyhow.
23:18Where we come from, they got real riders.
23:23Ain't a man in this state that's fit to carry Roy Rogers' saddle blanket.
23:29Now, there's a boy that really knows how to ride a horse.
23:33Dad, why not?
23:34That's ridiculous.
23:35This is a steeplechase, not a roundup.
23:38You know, Chuck,
23:39I remember the times Roy Rogers jumped a wild Mustang over a hay wagon
23:44and then turned around and jumped him back,
23:46just so the horse was born.
23:48Well, if I was a gambler, man,
23:51and wasn't scared to take a chance,
23:54I'd get Roy Rogers to ride that horse.
23:58A gambling man, huh?
23:59Well, I'll show them.
24:00Tony, tell him to saddle my horse again.
24:03Here's Rogers.
24:04Tell him he's going to ride Wildfire.
24:06Roy, you've got to hurry.
24:10All right, you win this race, and I'll buy you a money.
24:13See you, folks.
24:14Rogers is going to ride Wildfire.
24:16What more do you want?
24:21Keep it on, Mac.
24:22We've got a rider who thinks he can handle it.
24:24Yes, sir.
24:41All right, he's inside.
24:43All right, he's inside.
25:07Ladies and gentlemen, your attention, please.
25:10Wildfire, the Hammond entry,
25:12will be ridden by Mr. Roy Rogers.
25:14Don't worry, Dad, he'll win.
25:15He'd better.
25:16I bet $10,000 on this race.
25:23Hey, Roy!
25:25He's gone.
25:26Oh, doggone it.
25:27I wanted to give him this rabbit's worth for luck.
25:34What's the matter with you?
25:36I don't know.
25:38I just saw the Wildfire when somebody slugged me.
25:42That's Roy's horse.
25:44Chuck, what is this skullduggery going on here?
26:09We've got to warn him.
26:15Come back here!
26:16Get off the track!
26:27Hey, Roy!
26:29Hey, Roy!
26:31Hey, Roy!
26:33Hey, Roy!
26:35Hey, Roy!
26:37Hey, Roy!
26:58They're coming to the water jump.
27:07Ho, Ho Hospital
27:10Hey, Roy!
27:11Hey, Roy!
27:21They're coming into the stretch!
27:30Come on, lucky!
27:31Come on, Lucky!
27:33Come on, Wildfire!
27:35Come on, Wildfire.
27:36Come on, Roy.
27:37Come on, Roy.
27:38Come on, Wildfire.
27:54Here they come.
27:55Wildfire wins.
27:57Dad, he won.
27:58Roy won.
27:59My horse won.
28:00Oh, come on, Dad.
28:03Say, what were you men trying to do out there?
28:05We were in the whole race.
28:06Yeah, we didn't have a chance.
28:07What's the idea?
28:08We were trying to save Roy from a bad fall.
28:10Somebody busted into the stables to get a wildfire,
28:13and we figured they'd cut the cinch on the saddle.
28:15We'll show you.
28:20If they can't prove their statements,
28:22wildfire will have to be disqualified.
28:26There's nothing wrong here.
28:30Here neither.
28:31Here neither.
28:32Well, that settles it.
28:33Now look here, Bainbridge, you can't...
28:35I'm sorry, Mr. Hammond.
28:37And I'm sorry, Mr. Hammond.
28:38You're sorry, Bainbridge is sorry, everybody's sorry.
28:41I'm sorry I ever met you.
28:42Ladies and gentlemen, your attention please.
28:45Wildfire has been disqualified.
28:48The winner is Blue Body.
28:49Come along, Peggy.
28:50I'll see you later.
28:53Well, Roy, I guess we messed the race all up for you.
28:57We figured you might get hurt.
28:59Well, that's all right.
29:00Forget it.
29:04Hey, Rogers, Miss Hammond left a message for you.
29:07She wants to see you tonight about nine o'clock
29:09at the Dunes on Merrick Road.
29:11Well, he ain't going without me and Chuck
29:13while he keep you out of trouble, eh?
29:15All right, bring them along too.
29:25Way down south in the land of cotton
29:28That's the place for me
29:31I just want to cheer
29:34Brother, lend me your ear
29:36When the moon shines through a starry sky
29:39Along that by old shore
29:43That's my Louisiana
29:45Who could ask for more
29:48When the smell of southern chicken fry
29:50Creeps out of my mammy's door
29:54That's my Louisiana
29:56Hello, boys.
29:57Sorry we're late.
29:58Chuck Weller got his road map twisted.
30:00Brother, you ain't heard nothing yet
30:05I love my state, I know it
30:07Don't blame me if I show it
30:10Glad to greet you with a friendly bow
30:13You know, this reminds me of the old days up in Cloud 9.
30:17That's my Louisiana
30:20What'll it be, boys?
30:21Jack, really, give him some sheep dip.
30:24He won't know the difference.
30:25What are you going to have?
30:27Oh, I'll have a little pepperoni.
30:29Give me a whiskey for a change.
30:31Don't blame me if I show it
30:33Glad to greet you with a friendly smile
30:36And a welcome from Zola Doe
30:39That's my Louisiana
30:42Who could ask for more
30:47That was funny.
30:49Louisiana, look, Roy Rogers.
30:51And you know Miss Hammond?
30:53Oh, Roy, why don't you sing one of your prairie ballads
30:55and give the crowd a treat?
30:56But I...
30:57Louie, bring your guitar.
30:59He's going to show us some real singing.
31:07Go ahead, Roy.
31:11Just me and the rolling hills
31:15Whatever I say, wherever I be
31:18The hills keep calling back to me
31:21Ole ole ole
31:24Ole ole ole
31:27Me and the rolling hills
31:30I know how to cure my ills
31:33Whenever I'm blue, I sing the same songs
31:37The hills keep singing right along
31:40Ole ole ole
31:43Ole ole ole
31:46Me and the rolling hills
31:49Got a lop-eared mule with a pack on his back
31:53Following me around
31:56Cause I like to ride where the spaces are wide
31:59And hear that faraway sound
32:02Of me and the rolling hills
32:05Wherever I am, whatever I do
32:09I still got time to listen to
32:12Ole ole ole
32:15Ole ole ole
32:19Me and the rolling hills
32:30How about a dance, Lou?
32:37Who was that fella?
32:38That? That's Big Joe Gillespie.
32:40He runs this entity island.
32:41Who's the nervous little fella, Willie?
32:44That's his trigger man.
32:45His what?
32:46His trigger man.
32:47You're lucky he didn't plug you.
32:49You mean to say the little fella does the shooting for the big fella?
32:52That is, if there's any shooting to be done?
32:54You guessed it.
32:56Has he got anybody around that does his hitting and slapping for him?
33:02You got it now?
33:03When the lights go out, grab Rogers and get him into the car.
33:06When you're out on the Bayshore Road, let him have it.
33:08But Joe, I thought Mr. McGrath said that...
33:10How many times I gotta tell you, Parker?
33:12Let me do the thinking.
33:13What if those two old birds interfere?
33:15I'll take care of that.
33:33There's that trigger fella.
33:37Let's go over there and find out how tough he really is.
33:41I tell you, he ain't no such thing as a seven-toed bear.
33:44I've shot dozens of them, I tell you, Debbie.
33:47What does he know about seven-toed bears?
34:11You're getting out of here.
34:12What about Roy?
34:13He'll take care of himself.
34:21What do you think this is, a roundup?
34:22It would have been if you hadn't butted in.
34:24Get him out of here.
34:25They started the fight.
34:26I'll appear against them tomorrow.
34:43Good morning, my dear.
34:44Good morning, Dad.
34:45Well, I see there's still justice in this country.
34:48Rogers and those hoodlums are in jail.
34:50I've heard about it.
34:51I think it's an outrage.
34:55My dear girl, those roughnecks have outraged decency.
34:58They've outraged every dictate of good manners.
35:00I might even say...
35:01In fact, I will say that...
35:03Yes, Foster, what is it?
35:05It's Mr. Weldon, sir.
35:06He says that...
35:07What does that poppin' J want?
35:08Tell him I'm in conference.
35:09I'm sorry, Mr. Hammond, but I'm sure you want to know about this.
35:11Want to know what?
35:12Well, the ore, the sample your daughter gave me.
35:14It's from Roy Rogers' mine.
35:16Was there any gold in it?
35:17Not a single trace.
35:18I knew it.
35:19He's an imposter, a confidence man.
35:20I'll have my lawyers...
35:21Mr. Hammond, please.
35:22The sample shows the richest vein of molybdenum I've ever seen.
35:30Whistling windmills, what I'll do to Bainbridge.
35:32Foster, get my hat.
35:33Get my car.
35:34Get my checkbook.
35:35Get out of my way.
35:36Where are you going, Dad?
35:37I'm going to buy Roy Rogers out of jail.
36:05There he is.
36:08Oh, Rogers, my boy.
36:10Quite a lark, my lad.
36:11Quite a lark.
36:12Reminded me of the good old days of Jacks and the Flying Wedge.
36:15I don't understand, Mr. Hammond.
36:16It's as simple as can be.
36:17I've arranged bail for all three of you.
36:18You're coming home as my guests.
36:20But why?
36:21You don't think I'd let the richest molybdenum mine in the world
36:23get away from me, do you?
36:24Molybdenum mine?
36:25Wait till we get back to Seacrest.
36:26We'll do this right.
36:27I have everything planned.
36:28A private issue of stock, and we'll control it ourselves.
36:31Probably let four or five of my friends in.
36:33They'll have a good time.
36:34Roy, we're going to show Wall Street how these things should be run.
36:37Gentlemen, do you realize that this young man is president
36:39of the Hammond Molybdenum Corporation of America?
36:45Molly, uh, what did he say?
36:47He said, uh, the molybdenum...
36:51Oh, don't show your ignorance by asking us
36:53a darn many fool questions.
37:05Look what they're doing to us.
37:07Down to 43.
37:12Niles, it's too risky for you to stay around New York now.
37:16If Hammond catches up with you and pays Rogers' note,
37:18we're ruined.
37:20I'll take the first train for Apache Junction.
37:21I'll take the second.
37:22I'll take the third.
37:23I'll take the fourth.
37:24I'll take the fifth.
37:25I'll take the sixth.
37:26I'll take the seventh.
37:27I'll take the eighth.
37:28I'll take the ninth.
37:29I'll take the tenth.
37:30I'll take the twelfth.
37:31I'll take the twelfth.
37:32I'll take the tenth.
37:33Now the train for Apache Junction.
37:34Stand to cover there, and at the first sign of activity communicate with you at once.
37:43Young Wally, this gig and other promotion business
37:46is all right for fellows like Hammond.
37:48But me?
37:50I wish I was back on the Circle R.
37:52Well, I don't see nothing to complain of.
37:55We're both vice presidents.
37:57The work's light.
37:58Well, is this going to last forever?
38:00Well, I don't guess so.
38:02We'll have to start working the mine pretty soon.
38:05What mine?
38:06Oh yes, yes, mine.
38:10I received a paper where they caught another one of them fellas for selling stock in the fake mine.
38:19What did they do to him?
38:21Oh, they just gave him eight years in Leavenworth penitentiary.
38:27Eight years?
38:28Mm-hmm. The judge decided to give him more, except that he was a married man with a family.
38:37You ain't married. There you go.
38:40No, I never had no time for it.
38:43Hey, what are you getting at?
38:45Oh, nothing. I was just thinking.
38:49Well, don't do your thinking out loud. You make me nervous.
38:54I'm worried about those notes Niles is holding.
38:57You needn't be. I'll give you a check in time to cover them.
38:59What we've got to do now is arrange matters so as to get that stock of ours on the board.
39:03We'll need a detailed engineer's report showing the exact location of the mine.
39:06Get Bastler and Hayworth for me.
39:08That's the finest engineering firm in this country.
39:10We've got to tell these engineers exactly where to look for this mine of yours.
39:13It's due west of the ranch house, a place called Signal Butte.
39:16That's right, isn't it, Gabby?
39:17Where'd he go?
39:25What do you got the blinders on for?
39:27That's my disguise. I'm skipping the country before the police close in on us.
39:31You tell Roy I'll take the blame.
39:33Blame for what?
39:34Oh, I've been trying to tell him all along, but I just couldn't bring myself to do it.
39:38I've been getting in deeper and deeper, and it's too late.
39:41Chuck Wally?
39:42I've been lying. There ain't no mine.
39:46No, sir. I'm skipping the country. I'm going to South America.
39:49Yes, sir.
39:50This will take care of Niles for you.
39:52I'm sure grateful to you, Mr. Hammond.
39:54If we'd lost the Circle R, I don't know what would have happened to us.
39:59Hey, Roy, you've got to help me.
40:02Gabby's getting ready to leave the country.
40:04What's this?
40:05We should have known better than to trust him.
40:07He said he lied. There ain't no mine.
40:09You swindler.
40:11Trying to make me the laughingstock of Wall Street, of the entire financial world.
40:14I'm not going to believe you.
40:17Trying to make me the laughingstock of Wall Street, of the entire financial world.
40:20Rogers, we have laws in this country that'll land you behind bars.
40:25There is a mine, Roy. There must be.
40:27Well, I don't know. If I could only talk to Gabby.
40:29Shucks. He's probably on his way to Bones' area for now.
40:32No, it's more likely he headed back to the ranch.
40:34That's where we're going. We've got to get to the airport.
40:36He should have told your father what we were going to do.
40:38He'd have stopped us.
40:40Besides, it's my plane. I can go where I want.
40:45Boy, is she a rat.
40:47I'd feel more at home on the hurricane deck of a bucking bronco.
40:52It's only an air pocket.
40:54I know.
40:55But some pockets have got mighty big holes in them.
40:58I'd feel better if I was in the air.
41:00I'd feel better if I was in the air.
41:02I'd feel better if I was in the air.
41:04But some pockets have got mighty big holes in them.
41:13I'm sorry, sir, but there's no trace of her.
41:15Have you checked with the police department, the hospitals, the...
41:17Every one of them, sir. The hotels, the marriage license bureau.
41:23Did you find her?
41:24She's taken her plane. It's been gone since late yesterday.
41:26She took Rogers and Chuckawalla with her.
41:28Any idea where they've gone?
41:29Apache Junction. She inquired at the airport for the nearest landing field.
41:32So that's it, huh?
41:33I'll show this young Rogers he can't run off with my daughter.
41:36We'll wire her head to the police.
41:51Don't shoot, Sheriff. I give up.
41:53All right, all right. Where's Roy?
41:55I got a warrant here for your arrest.
41:58Run for it, Roy! Take for the hill!
42:23Where do you think you're going?
42:24Let me go, Roy.
42:25I'm taking the blame so they won't put you in the penitentiary.
42:27We'll take our chances on that. We're going back and talk this thing over.
42:39So you are here.
42:40Yes, I'm here.
42:41Well, you won't be for long, and neither will you, Rogers.
42:43Sheriff, I want this man arrested for running off with my daughter.
42:45He's violated the Lindbergh Law.
42:47Just a minute, Dad.
42:48It was my idea and my plane, and Roy didn't force me to go with him.
42:52I think I can straighten the whole thing out if you'll give me a chance to talk to Gabby.
42:55If he's got anything to say, he can say it here and now.
42:57You ran off because there wasn't any mine. Isn't that the truth?
43:00That's about the size of it.
43:02But why did you tell us you found the oar at Signal Butte?
43:04Oh, I don't know, except it was a likely looking formation.
43:08Besides, I didn't want Chuck Wally to know I was lying.
43:11Then where did the oar sample come from?
43:13Sounds kind of foolish, but I picked it out of my horse's shoes the day he tripped and throwed me.
43:18I remember now.
43:19It was the day we were chasing them hold-up men over at Skeleton Canyon.
43:22Skeleton Canyon? Then maybe that's where the oar is.
43:25You're probably right, and it's on our property.
43:27Chuck Wally, Gabby, let's ride out there and make sure.
43:31I'm not taking any chances.
43:32Tony's driving me to town so I can settle that loan with Niles.
43:34Fine, I'll let you know if we find any of that same oar out there.
43:37Good luck.
43:41Hello, Niles.
43:42They found out where the oar is located.
43:44Yeah, Rogers is on his way out to Skeleton Canyon.
43:46Well, he won't get far. I'll have my men waiting for him.
43:48But we've got to keep Hammond from paying off the loan.
43:51Now listen, and don't make any mistakes.
44:00It was right around in here somewhere that Pete tripped and throwed me.
44:04Sure, there's a piece of the same kind of rock right there.
44:17Here's where my experience in the mother of the country will come in handy.
44:21Yes, sir.
44:38Let's swap them out.
44:39They can wait. We've got to tell Hammond we found the oar.
44:47Well, folks, you might as well make yourselves comfortable.
44:49You mean we can't go on?
44:50Not a chance. We'll have to send in for a tow car.
44:52Well, of all the infernal nuisances.
44:54The great open spaces.
44:56I'll settle for a taxi cab.
44:58Perhaps this is one coming.
45:06My name's Hammond.
45:07I'm the owner of Skeleton Canyon.
45:09I'm here to sell you a piece of land.
45:12My name's Hammond. Roger Hammond.
45:14Our car's broken down. Can you take us to Apache Junction?
45:17Why, sure. Jump in.
45:19I'll stay with the car. You send somebody out from the garage, huh?
45:22All right. Come along, Peggy.
45:42This isn't the way to town.
45:46The way we're going.
46:12Hammond hasn't shown up yet.
46:14Why, he has to.
46:15We just seen Tony take the car back to Miller's garage.
46:18That's right. Wait here.
46:24Howdy, Tony.
46:25Hello, Rogers.
46:26What's happened to Peggy and Mr. Hammond?
46:28How should I know?
46:30Hammond told me you were driving him into town.
46:32Yeah? What if he did?
46:34You can tell me the hard way if you want to, Tony, but you're going to tell me.
46:38Where's Hammond?
46:40Where's Hammond?
46:55Didn't know Tony had that much fight in him.
46:58Heh, heh.
47:09Where's Hammond?
47:10I don't know, but Niles does.
47:12Niles, huh?
47:13Yeah. Now, let up and I'll tell everything I know.
47:16What's going on here?
47:18What's the matter, Roy?
47:19I haven't got time to tell you now, Sheriff.
47:21Hold him for me and I'll explain later.
47:23Pick up your hat and come with me.
47:29It's Niles!
47:34We've got to stop Niles. He's in that car.
47:36How are we going to do it?
47:37I'll show you.
47:58Let's go.
48:28Let's go.
48:59Stop the car.
49:03It wasn't my idea. Bainbridge is the man you want.
49:05We'll settle that later, after you take it to Mr. Hammond and his daughter.
49:10Follow us.
49:29Come on.
49:52Take care of him, Chuck Waller. Come with me, Gamby.
49:58Come on.
50:04There's a car coming. Two riders with it.
50:06Get inside.
50:12Somebody's coming. It must be Roy and the hoodlums.
50:14Get away from that window. There's likely to be trouble.
50:29Get out!
50:42You know, this reminds me of the time I was fighting those clean-jumpers up in Alaska.
50:54You're going to be a tough job getting in there.
50:58I'm busy, Gamby.
51:05Are you going to add murder to your other crimes?
51:17Get in the car.
51:18Come on, get in there.
51:29It's kind of quiet all of a sudden.
51:32Yeah, they're up to something.
51:37What are you going to do?
51:38Get in there and bust this thing up.
51:45Get in the car.
52:02Take the guns.
52:03You hear what he says. Hand over those guns here.
52:07Are you Niles?
52:09You're the man I've been looking for.
52:11Here's your money. Now give me a receipt.
52:20Hey, Chuck Waller.
52:22Who told you to put that sign there?
52:24Don't have to. I'm a vice president, ain't I?
52:26Well, get it over there where it belongs.
52:33The two hoodlums are still at it.
52:35I'm glad to hear them arguing again. That means everything's all right after all.