00:01:00If I were rat as well, I'd castle and advance my bishop.
00:01:18Elliot, phone for you.
00:01:36It's you, Elliot.
00:01:40Come on in here right away.
00:01:41The boy.
00:01:42But the tournament isn't over yet.
00:01:44Come on in here.
00:01:45Are you working for this newspaper or aren't you?
00:01:48Yes, sir, but Mr. Polito just made the most beautiful gambit.
00:01:51Well gambit your hips in here.
00:01:53But, uh, I...
00:02:06If I had an idiot, I'd rather send him on this assignment than your nephew.
00:02:09But he is my brother's boy.
00:02:10Look, boss, don't get me wrong.
00:02:13In his place, he's all right.
00:02:14He's a good chess editor.
00:02:15But he's not a newspaper man and he never will be a newspaper man.
00:02:18Poor fellow.
00:02:19Who is he?
00:02:22I wouldn't say that.
00:02:23Well, I will.
00:02:24I sent you out to cover the mayor's funeral and what happened?
00:02:25A dame shoots herself right over the grave.
00:02:28And you forget to mention it.
00:02:29It was bad taste.
00:02:33You see what I mean, Mr. Elliot?
00:02:34Well, it was.
00:02:35The mayor's widow was there.
00:02:36It was news.
00:02:37That's just what I was talking to your uncle about.
00:02:39You don't know what news is.
00:02:40If a man bit a dog, you'd... you'd take the dog to a veterinarian.
00:02:44That would depend upon whether or not the dog was badly harmed.
00:02:48Oh, no.
00:02:49Now, why don't you listen to me?
00:02:51We're giving you one more chance.
00:02:52If you fail this time, I'm going to fire you, even though you are my brother's son.
00:02:56Yes, sir.
00:02:57What happened to you?
00:02:59Oh, I was hit by a bishop.
00:03:03A bishop hit you?
00:03:04Yeah, there was anything to it.
00:03:06Say, I've seen this face before.
00:03:08Who is that?
00:03:09Barry, I sent for you because I want you to go...
00:03:11This face is awfully familiar.
00:03:12Who is this?
00:03:13That's Deacon Markham.
00:03:15He robs banks and knocks people off.
00:03:17Today, he got out of the state penitentiary.
00:03:18Well, they shouldn't let a man like that out.
00:03:20They shouldn't let...
00:03:22What else could they do?
00:03:24He shot the warden.
00:03:25He shot two guards.
00:03:27He kidnapped a woman in a laundry truck.
00:03:29Every member of the staff is out hunting, and anybody can walk.
00:03:33You're the only one who's left.
00:03:34You mean, you want me to find him?
00:03:37No, Larry.
00:03:39Oh, no.
00:03:41I will sit down and write a little squib about the chess tournament.
00:03:44Then I want you to get your bag packed and hop a bus for Grape City.
00:03:48Oh, uh, the tournament's called off.
00:03:50So much the better.
00:03:51You better write it down.
00:03:52Yes, sir.
00:03:53Grape City.
00:03:54Grape City.
00:03:55The Grape City Winery.
00:03:56You go there and ask for the owner.
00:03:58Ask for owner.
00:03:59Tomorrow, he's running the annual Grape City Harvest Festival, and they're going to choose
00:04:03and crown Miss Muscat.
00:04:05Miss Muscat.
00:04:08You get a photograph of her with vine leaves in her hair.
00:04:12Vine leaves in hair.
00:04:13Get all the dope on the festival, and then get back here by 6 o'clock tomorrow evening.
00:04:18Or you're fired, understand?
00:04:20You're fired, understand?
00:04:23Oh, I'm sorry, Uncle Joshua.
00:04:25This may not be important to you, Lawrence, but it is to us.
00:04:28The Grape City Winery is our biggest advertiser, and I won't fail you.
00:04:33Uh, Larry.
00:04:35What did the bishop hit you for?
00:04:38Well, uh, they threw him at me, and I happened to be standing there.
00:04:43Well, I'm off.
00:04:48What's he talking about?
00:04:50They threw a bishop at him.
00:04:51Oh, I don't know.
00:04:52Maybe it was a little bishop.
00:04:53He meant a chess piece.
00:04:54You know, bishop, castles, pawns, queens.
00:04:58Oh, too bad they don't play chess with crowbars.
00:05:03It's terrific!
00:05:04Did Larry give you the chess tournament yarn?
00:05:06He said it was called off.
00:05:07Did he tell you why?
00:05:08Should he have?
00:05:09Oh, brother, you ought to see who's in the jug!
00:05:12It was a riot!
00:05:13The city librarian, the superintendent of schools, Polito, Radiswell, the happy undertaker,
00:05:18the whole slew of them.
00:05:19It's all over town for fighting mayhem, assault, and battery.
00:05:29Get over here, Oliver!
00:05:31Over here, Oliver.
00:05:32Is he a movie star?
00:05:36Oliver Waldeck, the boy genius.
00:05:37It's him, dear.
00:05:38It's him, the one we heard on the radio from the university last night.
00:05:42Your boy?
00:05:43No, thank you.
00:05:44My boss's grandson.
00:05:45All I do is keep an eye on him.
00:05:50Oh, hello, Cookie.
00:05:51This is Professor Wisner, formerly of the University of Milan.
00:05:55He's finishing a book.
00:05:56I persuaded him that Grandpa's tavern would be just the place for him to work.
00:06:00Mr. Cook, Professor.
00:06:01How do you do?
00:06:02He's coming with us.
00:06:03I insist Freud's a fraud.
00:06:05Now, wait a minute.
00:06:06Condoleezza, you know, has always been a great admirer.
00:06:13Oh, hello, Miss Warren.
00:06:15Say, what happened to you lately?
00:06:17You never come by the shop anymore.
00:06:19Oh, uh, I bought a new hat.
00:06:22This one.
00:06:24Bus for Centerville, Derry Junction, Hog Crossing, Grape Center, and Grape City leaves in five minutes.
00:06:34Losing interest in antiques?
00:06:36I miss seeing you at the shop window.
00:06:38No, no.
00:06:39Grape Center, please.
00:06:40Grape Center.
00:06:41I wasn't interested in antiques.
00:06:43I was, I mean, I moved.
00:06:46Where to, please?
00:06:471392 Bromley Place.
00:06:49It's a lovely apartment.
00:06:50It has a northern light.
00:06:51Yes, I'm sure it's a nice place.
00:06:52Where do you want a ticket to?
00:06:53Oh, uh, come on.
00:06:55I haven't got all day, you know.
00:06:57She said she missed me.
00:06:58Excuse me.
00:06:59I don't want to miss that bus.
00:07:00Grape Center.
00:07:01She has an antiques shop.
00:07:03She thought I was interested in antiques.
00:07:05Well, dreamboat, where do we want to go?
00:07:08Come, come.
00:07:10Oh, uh, I'm sorry.
00:07:11Grape, uh, Grape, uh...
00:07:14Grape Center.
00:07:15Grape Center.
00:07:31Uh, what are you doing?
00:07:38Playing chess.
00:07:39Well, I, I thought it took two people.
00:07:41There are two of us.
00:07:43Two of you?
00:07:45Yes, uh, I'm playing with Butu Yak.
00:07:49Butu Yak.
00:07:50He's an Eskimo in Alaska.
00:07:53And, uh, you're playing with him?
00:07:55Sure, by mail.
00:07:56He mails me a move, I mail him a move.
00:08:00I got him now.
00:08:02Three moves.
00:08:03And all he has to do is move his castle,
00:08:05then you lose your queen,
00:08:06and on the next move, you're checkmated.
00:08:17Maybe the kid is right.
00:08:19Watch this move.
00:08:30He's asleep.
00:09:00Would you mind?
00:09:02No, I...
00:09:03Oh, sorry.
00:09:09Ah, Dick Tracy?
00:09:12I find comic strip criminals interesting,
00:09:15abnormal, but interesting.
00:09:17Oh, I see.
00:09:18I see.
00:09:19I see.
00:09:20I see.
00:09:21I see.
00:09:22I see.
00:09:23I see.
00:09:24I see.
00:09:25I see.
00:09:26I see.
00:09:27I see.
00:09:28I see.
00:09:30Abnormal, but interesting.
00:09:59Did you decide on your next move?
00:10:18Oh, it's impossible.
00:10:19He keeps upsetting the men.
00:10:20One good thing, he's not snoring anymore.
00:10:21How long are you going to stay in Grape Center?
00:10:35Just long enough to buy something.
00:10:36Buy something?
00:10:38Very antique.
00:10:39And you?
00:10:40Oh, I'm just going to cover a story.
00:10:42All off for Grape Center.
00:10:43Well, here we are.
00:10:44Here we are.
00:10:46Meg, take care of the luggage.
00:11:16Did you take care of that, Emerson?
00:11:29I took care of it.
00:11:30How was the Bratz lecture?
00:11:31You think I'd listen to that?
00:11:32Mrs. Cook, this is Professor Wiesner.
00:11:33How do you do?
00:11:34He'll be our guest for a few days.
00:11:35Tell Grandfather I said hello.
00:11:37How do you do?
00:11:38How do you do?
00:11:39How do you do?
00:11:40How do you do?
00:11:41How do you do?
00:11:42How do you do?
00:11:43How do you do?
00:11:44How do you do?
00:11:45Tell Grandfather I'm back.
00:11:46See you later, Professor.
00:11:47Oh, I'd like to have a kid like that.
00:11:48I'd keep him in a bottle.
00:11:49What have you got against bottles?
00:11:50I and Miss Warren are wired for a reservation.
00:11:52Mink, Miss Warren goes in 304.
00:11:53Yes, ma'am.
00:11:54Says you want a room too.
00:11:56It's pretty quiet here.
00:11:57That's exactly what I want.
00:11:58I'm on my vacation.
00:11:59306, take him up, Mink.
00:12:00Yes, ma'am.
00:12:02That one.
00:12:05Tell Grandfather I'm back.
00:12:06See you later, Professor.
00:12:07Oh, I'd like to have a kid like that.
00:12:08Yes, ma'am.
00:12:11That one.
00:12:17You can't have an adjoining room.
00:12:19Our rooms don't adjoin.
00:12:21Oh, I'm a reporter.
00:12:22Elliot, the leader.
00:12:23We don't give rates.
00:12:24Oh, I don't want a rate.
00:12:26I want the, uh...
00:12:28The, uh...
00:12:29The winery.
00:12:30This is it.
00:12:33Winery's back there.
00:12:34Tavern's part of it.
00:12:36Leaves in her hair.
00:12:38Uh, the owner.
00:12:40That's it.
00:12:40I'd like to speak to the owner.
00:12:42What about?
00:12:43Now look, I had instructions to speak to the owner.
00:12:45Please take me to him.
00:12:46You take care of the professor.
00:12:48I'll tend to this young man.
00:13:02Oh, what is it?
00:13:02What's the matter with him?
00:13:05What's the matter with him, Ed?
00:13:07He's almost gone.
00:13:10Get back to your seats, everybody.
00:13:11We're heading back to Grape Center.
00:13:13This guy's been murdered.
00:13:27Come in, come in, come in.
00:13:36Mr. Waldeck.
00:13:38This young man's from a newspaper.
00:13:39Came to interview my grandson, eh?
00:13:41Uh, no, sir.
00:13:42I'm Elliot, the Joaquin leader.
00:13:46My boy!
00:13:48Why didn't you tell me?
00:13:49Tell you?
00:13:49Why, this is the greatest chess expert in the state.
00:13:51I might say the country.
00:13:53I will say the country.
00:13:54The country.
00:13:55Sit down.
00:14:04Mrs. Cook, get me a blindfold.
00:14:05Get you a what?
00:14:06Never mind.
00:14:07We'll use this.
00:14:10Read all about it.
00:14:11Plan you play 13 men blindfolded.
00:14:13Always wanted to see it done.
00:14:15Just a moment.
00:14:17There aren't 13 men here now, are there?
00:14:19Come, come.
00:14:20Don't be modest.
00:14:21I'm not, but we'll play later.
00:14:23What about the festival?
00:14:26What festival?
00:14:27Miss Muscat.
00:14:27It's Charles!
00:14:29At it again.
00:14:30Arranging festivals.
00:14:31Telling me nothing.
00:14:32We'll have to take it up with him.
00:14:33But I'm supposed to.
00:14:35No good arguing with him.
00:14:36Behind my back.
00:14:38Always behind my back.
00:14:49Come in.
00:14:50Just walk right in.
00:14:59How did he twins?
00:15:01This is Mr. Charles Waldeck.
00:15:03Preston's mad at him.
00:15:04They haven't spoken in 10 years.
00:15:06Mr. Waldeck.
00:15:08Mr. Waldeck.
00:15:09This is Mr. Elliott of the Joaquin Leader.
00:15:15Elliott, my boy.
00:15:17Fine, fine.
00:15:19Get me a blindfold.
00:15:22Never mind.
00:15:23Use this.
00:15:27That wasn't at all necessary.
00:15:29He doesn't want to play chess.
00:15:32I thought you might.
00:15:33No, see, it's about the festival.
00:15:36This Muscat.
00:15:37Miss Muscat.
00:15:41Oh, you must have come to the wrong place.
00:15:45Oh, no, I couldn't.
00:15:46It's right here.
00:15:47It says Grape City.
00:15:49Oh, well, this is Grape Center.
00:15:51Grape City is 40 miles east.
00:15:54Oh, wait, please.
00:15:56The festival's tomorrow.
00:15:57I gotta go.
00:15:58I'll get fired.
00:16:01It's dead, I tell you.
00:16:02Somebody tampered with it.
00:16:03The whole switchboard's dead.
00:16:04Yeah, so's that guy out on the bus.
00:16:06A man, the one who sat next to you, murdered.
00:16:08Well, I've got to go.
00:16:22He's gone.
00:16:23Somebody swiped the corpse.
00:16:25That's him.
00:16:26That's the guy who was sitting next to the body.
00:16:28Now, wait a minute, please.
00:16:29I was playing chess.
00:16:30That settles it.
00:16:31That stiff-headed chessman clutched in his hand.
00:16:33I know what I saw.
00:16:34I know what I saw.
00:16:35Wait a minute.
00:16:36Wait a minute.
00:16:37Wait a minute.
00:16:38Wait a minute.
00:16:39You were sitting right next to him,
00:16:40so you better tell us what really happened.
00:16:42The sheriff will be here any minute,
00:16:43and we don't want to be involved.
00:16:45Like I've been telling you right along,
00:16:46I was playing chess with an Eskimo.
00:16:50What's his name?
00:16:52Spelled sideways, U-T-U-Yak.
00:16:55Spelled sideways, it's still phony.
00:16:57I know he's telling the truth.
00:16:59Miss Warren saw the Eskimo.
00:17:01No, she didn't either.
00:17:02He was...
00:17:05Very interesting, isn't it, Professor?
00:17:08Are you getting frightened, Mr. Elliott?
00:17:11Why should he be frightened?
00:17:12Yeah, why should I be frightened?
00:17:14Someone in this room is a murderer.
00:17:16No telling who may be next on his list.
00:17:19It should be fascinating studying your reactions.
00:17:22Reactions to what?
00:17:25Fear stimuli.
00:17:26All right, all right, Oliver.
00:17:27We don't need any stimuli from you.
00:17:29The bus driver's gone for the sheriff.
00:17:31He'll be here soon.
00:17:32In the meantime, everybody go to your room.
00:17:35And stay there.
00:17:38Here, you.
00:17:39You go to the room we gave you.
00:17:41Look, I've got to get to Grave City.
00:17:43Still frightened, huh, Mr. Elliott?
00:17:44And if I don't get there tonight, I'll lose my job.
00:17:46Where you're going, you won't need any job.
00:17:48Where I'm going, I won't need...
00:17:49Will you get out of here?
00:17:50Come on, Larry.
00:17:54Oh, uh, Mr. Waldeck, I'll be right along.
00:17:56Yes, yes.
00:17:57Uh, Mr. Waldeck, uh, when can I talk to you?
00:17:59Oh, Miss Warren, isn't it?
00:18:01Oh, yes, yes, about those Yule Chessmen.
00:18:03Not now, not now.
00:18:04Too many people, too much confusion.
00:18:06Well, later.
00:18:08So it is.
00:18:21What I was going to say is...
00:18:23Say it in here.
00:18:27I've got to go away, and I don't want you to think
00:18:29it's because of the murder.
00:18:30It isn't that at all.
00:18:31Well, Larry, I know you had nothing to do with the murder.
00:18:33Well, when they find out that I've left here,
00:18:35the others are going to say that I did it.
00:18:37And I want you to still keep on believing in me.
00:18:39Well, perhaps you'd better stay here, then.
00:18:41Oh, I can't.
00:18:42I've got to go.
00:18:43I'll lose my job.
00:18:44My uncle said if I fail this time, he'll fire me.
00:18:46I've got to get to Grave City, no matter what they
00:18:48think or what they say.
00:18:51Maybe I shouldn't go away and leave you.
00:18:54Why not?
00:18:55Well, I...
00:18:58You know, when I stopped by the antique shop,
00:19:01it wasn't because I was interested in antiques.
00:19:04Why, Larry.
00:19:05It was...
00:19:07Well, I...
00:19:08I like andions, yes.
00:19:12I don't want anything to happen to you.
00:19:14Nothing's going to happen to me.
00:19:16Are you sure?
00:19:17That man was murdered.
00:19:18Look, anyone on the bus could have killed him.
00:19:20It had nothing to do with me.
00:19:22I'm here on business, and as soon as I talk to Charles
00:19:24and Preston Waldeck, I'll leave.
00:19:26Well, be careful.
00:19:27Promise me.
00:19:29When I finish my assignment at Grave City, I'll come back.
00:19:39Oh, I'm glad it wasn't the antiques you were looking at.
00:19:46Mr. Elliott, would you help me?
00:19:48Oh, I'm in a hurry now.
00:19:50There's a chess problem.
00:19:51I can't do anything with it.
00:19:53Chess problem?
00:19:57Come on in here where the light's better.
00:20:04It says eight in four moves, and I can't do it.
00:20:07I see.
00:20:10That's very simple.
00:20:12It's rudimentary.
00:20:14You move that bishop there, then the queen there.
00:20:17Advance this pawn, then that one.
00:20:20Oh, you're wonderful.
00:20:21I'll try it on a chessboard later.
00:20:23Is Miss Warren interested in chess, too?
00:20:25Oh, I don't know.
00:20:26It isn't the game that fascinates me so much.
00:20:28It's the chessmen.
00:20:29I collect old ones, you know.
00:20:31Jeweled ones.
00:20:32Well, I'm only interested in the game.
00:20:34Miss Warren collects chessmen, doesn't she?
00:20:36Well, she didn't say.
00:20:38I'd heard there was an especially fine set here, and I thought that maybe the-
00:20:41You're fine, Miss Rawson.
00:20:42If I run across any old men, I'll let you know.
00:20:46But I'm interested in young men, too.
00:20:50I told you to go to your room and stay there.
00:20:53This is a respectable time.
00:20:54Well, she was asking about men, you know.
00:20:56Well, she would.
00:21:20Eavesdropping, Miss Rawson?
00:21:42Eavesdropping, Miss Rawson?
00:22:11Eavesdropping, Miss Rawson?
00:22:40Eavesdropping, Miss Rawson?
00:23:10Eavesdropping, Miss Rawson?
00:23:40Eavesdropping, Miss Rawson?
00:24:10Eavesdropping, Miss Rawson?
00:24:40Eavesdropping, Miss Rawson?
00:25:10Eavesdropping, Miss Rawson?
00:25:40Eavesdropping, Miss Rawson?
00:26:10Eavesdropping, Miss Rawson?
00:26:11No, sir. I was just trying to fix it.
00:26:12Fix it?
00:26:13Well, I'll fix you.
00:26:27May I get my bag, please?
00:26:38Please, Emerson.
00:26:39Ah, come on, get up.
00:26:40I'm here for my paper about this.
00:26:42What in the world was all that racket?
00:26:43He was going to get out of the car.
00:26:44I was just trying to get one started.
00:26:46I've got to get to Grape City.
00:26:47Why didn't you get...
00:26:48For that matter, why did you get off here?
00:26:50Why, I...
00:26:51It's my vacation.
00:26:52Well, somebody drained all the gas out of my bus.
00:26:54Who did it?
00:26:55That's what I want to know.
00:26:56Did you get the sheriff?
00:26:58Ten miles from here, and what happens?
00:26:59My gas gives out.
00:27:00Say, what kind of a joint is this, anyway?
00:27:02God's murdered bodies disappearing.
00:27:04Phones cut off.
00:27:06Sabotaging my bus.
00:27:07I had to walk back.
00:27:09Oh, my corns are killing me.
00:27:11Say, I didn't do it.
00:27:12If I thought you did, I...
00:27:13How long do you think I can keep these people here?
00:27:15We've got to get the sheriff.
00:27:16I'll go after him.
00:27:17It's 40 miles.
00:27:18Yeah, but I'm a fast walker.
00:27:20Oh, no, you don't.
00:27:21Now, wait a minute.
00:27:22Now, look, someone's got to get the sheriff.
00:27:24Why, don't you want him around here?
00:27:26Until the law gets here, what I say, go.
00:27:28Now, everybody go to bed, and for Pete's sake, stay there.
00:27:33And as for you, one more break, and I'll fill you
00:27:36so full of holes you look like a punched-out meal ticket.
00:27:39Now, get upstairs.
00:27:50Where's the note?
00:27:52There's always a note.
00:28:02You're next.
00:28:06Professor, cutting off the head of a corpse.
00:28:10It's obvious the murderer is a madman.
00:28:12Perhaps it was to forestall identification.
00:28:15Only a homicidal maniac would mutilate a body.
00:28:19Don't you agree there's something strange about this Elliot chap?
00:28:23He is odd.
00:28:25I wonder what he did with the head.
00:28:27I don't know.
00:28:28I don't know.
00:28:29I don't know.
00:28:30I don't know.
00:28:31I don't know.
00:28:32I don't know.
00:28:33I don't know.
00:28:34I don't know.
00:28:34I wonder what he did with the head.
00:28:42Where are you heading?
00:28:43Head end.
00:28:52What did I do with the head?
00:28:53I gotta get out of here.
00:29:04I gotta get out of here.
00:29:59Let me in, please, it's urgent.
00:30:04I already did. I mean, go on, open it.
00:30:19Well, you're a chess expert, don't you recognize them? The ones Kublai Khan gave to Marco Polo
00:30:26in the 12th century. Pearls, jade, and gold, and emerald.
00:30:30Gee, they're wonderful. That set's worth a fortune. But you only have the white hair.
00:30:35But I know what the rest of them are. Where did you get these?
00:30:44Preston Walton. He and Charles bought the set at an auction. At that time, no one knew
00:30:48their real value. Then they quarreled and divided everything. Charles has the black
00:30:53hair, and that's where you come in. That's where... what?
00:30:57Well, he won't sell to me. He's mad because I went to Preston first. But you can make
00:31:01him sell. How?
00:31:02Well, he thinks you're the world's greatest chess player. He told me he'd talk business
00:31:06to you if you could beat him at a game of chess.
00:31:08Oh, I can't. I'd like to help you out, Sally, uh, Miss Warren, but I've got to get out of
00:31:13here. But it won't take long. Then you can go.
00:31:16No, no, I... But Larry, a thousand dollars is a lot of
00:31:20money to me. I can use it. Please help me. Suppose Charles beat me at chess.
00:31:26But he can't beat you. Please. All right.
00:31:30Look, he's in his room. He's expecting you. I'll wait for you here. Offer him twenty-five
00:31:35thousand, and don't lose your head.
00:32:26You know, I could have beaten you if I hadn't lost that last pawn.
00:32:45Oh, well, as many a slip twixt the pawn and the lip.
00:32:49What's that got to do with it? Nothing. Just making it funny.
00:32:52Piffle. Now, about these chessmen. You'll give me twenty-five thousand for my half of
00:32:58the set? Yes, for the black half.
00:33:09Right here. Here?
00:33:12I have a secret vault. Nobody knows where it is. Now, even Preston. Especially Preston.
00:33:20Well, let's get the chessmen and get out of here, huh?
00:33:22Yes. You go in and open the safe. I get claustrophobia. Small places close in on me.
00:33:29Well, where's the combination? Oh, yes, yes, of course. The combination.
00:33:34Can't open a safe without the combination. There you are. Right where I want it. Where
00:33:39it should be. Hey, I feel dizzy. This place felt just like
00:33:43it was going all around. Could it be the wine?
00:33:46Did it close in you, too? Claustrophobia. Give me the combination.
00:33:51The combination? Why, I just gave it to you.
00:33:56Oh, now, look. This is no time for joking. Give me the combination. I'll get the chessmen
00:34:00and let's get out of here. My word. Young man, do you mean to stand there
00:34:04and deny that I just gave you the combination, do you?
00:34:07I don't know what you're talking about. I held it right out to you.
00:34:10Maybe you dropped it.
00:34:17You must have taken it and...
00:34:23Hey, this whole wall turns. I saw the vault. Did you find the combination?
00:34:27Inside. Inside. No, it isn't in there either.
00:34:30Say, how do you open this thing? No, you go in there now.
00:34:33I'm beginning to like this, you know. Hey, Charles. Mr. Waldek. Mr. Waldek. Mr. Waldek.
00:34:53Mr. Waldek.
00:35:03Mr. Waldek. Mr. Waldek. Mr. Waldek.
00:35:11Mr. Waldek. Mr. Waldek. Mr. Waldek. Mr. Waldek.
00:35:15Mr. Waldek. Mr. Waldek. Mr. Waldek. Mr. Waldek. Mr. Waldek. Mr. Waldek.
00:35:19Mr. Waldek. Are you sure that my brother came down here with Mr. Elliott?
00:35:22That's what Larry said. Right after the chess game.
00:35:25They've been gone over an hour. I'm sure something's happened.
00:35:27Oh. What was that?
00:35:30I didn't hear anything. Let's go back.
00:35:32go back. There it is again somebody moaned.
00:35:39She here young man that's no way to drink port wine Larry. Maybe he's heard that
00:35:45port never heard anyone don't pull the knife on me. Are you drunk.
00:35:52Fine thing blowing up all around here a cock and bull story about saving
00:35:56a combination and then cocking them on our head Larry he didn't don't tell me he
00:36:00did show fixing funny doesn't know you don't you don't get away with that you're
00:36:05not going to let me down here and crack me over the head. You are drunk I'm I was
00:36:11staring right here and he told me that he gave me the combination and now my back
00:36:15was turned he took advantage of me he hit me right.
00:36:20What happened somebody must have.
00:36:22The. Day you are up to your old tricks again as soon.
00:36:34As well as really must be drunk. I might say.
00:36:44Gone. Very how could you get drunk at a time like this it was easy.
00:37:06Pick your spot but I remember this guy Mark I'm dangerous you don't come to me.
00:37:16You know you're in your room. He's not really very much it's just
00:37:20a great big baby baby did you get his gun gun or he hasn't got
00:37:25a gun. And you go on inside I wait out here we don't speak.
00:37:33On your toes. Where is he. He's sleeping.
00:37:40All of that Charlie Walden ain't Preston we don't want him Markham's
00:37:45a man we want to get Markham.
00:37:50To get Markham yeah that's who the escaped killer.
00:37:58We supposed to have him. Well I get
00:38:00a tip that Markham's up here and that you are here but. If this is
00:38:04a real I know there's been
00:38:06a mistake sure but it's a good thing you've come and murder has been committed
00:38:09a murder and he was attacked me to an account of the chest man just me that's
00:38:12the motive the motive murder chest man what are you talking about Markham is
00:38:16a guy I want. Who was murdered. Well he'll tell you all about it he talks much
00:38:22better a lot more excuses please.
00:38:29All right start to talk we're listening.
00:38:38Don't mention chess why not Markham you kill us Charles and me or not that I mind
00:38:44about Charles he doesn't make much sense does he. That you will just said it was
00:38:49deacon Markham's last week we got
00:38:52a letter from it was smuggled out of prison read it Waldeck brothers. I hear you've
00:38:58got my chest men you keep them till I get there or else. I don't mind knocking guys
00:39:04off the sheriff you heard him Markham's here Mark here but he's the one who hit
00:39:09Charles in the head head head all right what's the matter I just happen to think I
00:39:13got ahead I got to lose I mean you you tell the sheriff about oh good night.
00:39:19Port it's why. Some people that way.
00:39:43You. Come down off the air I'll fire.
00:39:52You down or I'll let you have it. Don't shoot.
00:40:00All right put the handcuffs on me but I didn't do it you didn't do what
00:40:06they tell him what goes on here you not I was right. You don't have to be related to
00:40:12the Waldeck's do you I always knew they were screwballs I hardly know them.
00:40:25Now what do you call that. Oliver. Is that what you call it.
00:40:32I call it
00:40:33a cabbage I know you're all upset you better take Oliver and go back to bed yes we
00:40:38better I better thank you. Not that way. This way come on.
00:40:50Here it is here. Now go right to bed and stay there like a good little boy yes.
00:40:57What do I do with this eat it I couldn't eat that. Of course you could.
00:41:03And. Then he by now.
00:41:09Ninety nine. You sure you'll be all right yeah I'll be fine don't want me to tuck
00:41:16in. No. Now give me the key and I'll lock it in.
00:41:22A. Nighty night nighty night. Sleep tight sonny boy.
00:41:58I love I love I love I love I love I love I love I love I love I love I love.
00:42:11Good evening. I come. Back. First.
00:42:17Him. When he going to drop the other shoe.
00:42:27But you got to get what the chess man oh I don't want to play now I know it's
00:42:32just been
00:42:33a quick yes. There are my chessmen there.
00:42:37And. That made the ones.
00:42:45My man. The ones with
00:42:47a jewel he knows that they brought him up here now hand them over I'll turn make
00:42:51loose on you. Let me do it just once when you please just let me do it once.
00:42:58Larry Larry I've got to talk to you about the game yes that's her. Letter and
00:43:05we'll hide. And talk to it just the same as if we had here say. No we'll find out
00:43:12where those chessmen are.
00:43:16Go on and if you let out that we're here I'm letting you have it see. And the day.
00:43:23You. Come in.
00:43:31Keys on the outside.
00:43:46About those.
00:43:46Chess. About the chance man you're here of course they're here I left them here.
00:44:06What's the matter with you if you've been into that part again I wish I had I just
00:44:10wanted to ask you.
00:44:11If we want to go straight. Get out of here please you want me to go yes no if you
00:44:19don't get out of here something will happen to you.
00:44:24But those. Some of the food I mean the door.
00:44:30Will find out who it is who is it who is it are you dressed Mr Elliot I'm coming in.
00:44:35No I'm not well then throw on something I've got to talk to you I don't want to see
00:44:39me. When you slip on the back.
00:44:45When you slip on the bank.
00:44:51Ready. Are you a man or a mouse when you go up there and make him drop that you
00:44:58are you a man or a mouse when you go up there and make him drop that you are you a
00:45:04man or a mouse when you go up there and make him drop that you.
00:45:10Come in. Smokes getting in my eyes would you mind taking a cigarette.
00:45:20It's all right everybody's gone to bed I got the chest problem worked out I think I
00:45:25have a good time I'm going to take a minute.
00:45:35I borrowed this from Mr Waldeck I was out walking and I got lonely don't you find
00:45:40it lonely here Oh I wish I didn't you take the blacks it's your move Oh I don't want
00:45:45to play now. I don't feel my head I got a headache that's it Oh you poor boy what
00:45:53you need is
00:45:54a cool compress I'll get you one.
00:45:57I'll get you one.
00:46:03There's some water over here.
00:46:07I'll wet this and put it on your forehead you don't have to do that but it's no
00:46:11trouble at all.
00:46:14Come on sit down.
00:46:24You poor boy.
00:46:28Isn't that better Oh I don't know I don't know anything what are you doing now relax
00:46:39Hey hey don't go in there don't go in there all right I may as well tell you I'm
00:46:45not what you think I am what are you I'm a detective a man in disguise Oh don't be
00:46:52What do you want from me Marco Polo chess set I work for the insurance company
00:46:56that paid off to Balboni when the set was stolen we got wind that Miss Warren was in
00:46:59touch with Balboni about the set so I started trailing it well that's that was
00:47:03everything no it doesn't a man was murdered over that chess set you mean the man on
00:47:06the bus all ten months part of the gang that stole the set from Balboni you had
00:47:10not just men in here haven't you.
00:47:17I was wondering what you were well well I underestimated you all right give him up
00:47:23to you please please.
00:47:28That's the manager if he finds you girls and he'll murder me if he doesn't somebody
00:47:32will I'm coming.
00:47:44I mean.
00:47:53At last now go to bed and don't wake us again yes.
00:48:00Oh. God in your life.
00:48:08If you've got a woman in this room oh. Oh the liberals Oh I use it to chap lips.
00:48:23This is yours I suppose. Yes I've spent quite a bit of time in Switzerland.
00:48:44I want.
00:48:53Thank you I got it don't anybody move.
00:49:06What happened to you I was run over by a herd of buffalo.
00:49:13Say what are you doing here studying fear stimuli are you frightened Mr Elliot.
00:49:22Well. I had to get the Pulitzer Prize for stupidity they got your chest man no they
00:49:28didn't they got your chest man I switched them I put them in the box that had your.
00:49:38Did you know I didn't.
00:49:45So that's how it was done. I've got it I'll go out in the hole and start screaming
00:49:50that'll bring everyone the tavern out of the room then you climb down and into the
00:49:54rooms below and search them we'll get those chest men and the murder and the murder.
00:50:00Maybe we can think of something else. Now when you hear me scream and you know what
00:50:04to do. Sally I'll be careful.
00:50:10She'll be careful. Fine thing.
00:51:04The other half of the jewel chest.
00:51:30Sheriff have you heard anything about Mr Elliott we didn't get him to every couple of
00:51:34counties on the lookout you don't really think you run away do you he probably double
00:51:38crossed both of us and got away with the chest man I don't believe it.
00:52:45What have you there Miss Warren.
00:53:04That's nothing you're just jittery.
00:53:12None of that I told you don't break it was just one I should have known better than
00:53:18to get myself mixed up with a wino we just stick around here till dark then we'll go
00:53:22out that exit door they probably think we're miles away from here by now anyway.
00:53:31I'm just going to have another look around you stay here and keep your hands off those
00:53:35bottles or I'll slap you.
00:54:55Any. Back there. Take a look through here.
00:56:19I mean you know I'll get a dose of lead.
00:56:36Well how did you get. Here the killers here tell us which one's Markham and his
00:56:42pal the bellboy not going to get a gun mark on me yes he's the guy that slugged me
00:56:46and took away the Chessman I'm sure that now by the way what are you doing your
00:56:50professor Oh I thought I might find the wine tunnels interesting interesting.
00:57:36He can maybe shut up.
00:58:09Come up here I'll shoot you with your own gun go on get down there again.
00:58:13Get down.
00:58:16Turn around put your hands up.
00:58:24Turn around or I'll let you have it.
00:58:28Go ahead.
00:58:30Walk along keep your hands up.
00:58:36Don't shoot.
00:58:42Don't shoot.
00:58:51Don't shoot.
00:58:54He just went around that way.
00:59:01It's a monster dead body.
00:59:44Hey Markham.
00:59:47I'll bat your ears down.
00:59:58This way.
01:01:41That professor I would have never suspected him of being a killer he's such a refined man I knew he was a criminal all the time didn't you notice his ears were low in his eyes.
01:01:54There's something that you didn't know what's that in there and I'll tell you.
01:01:58This is just between you and me.
01:02:12That's for throwing the rock through the window.
01:02:15That's for the cabbage head.
01:02:17That's for the fireworks.
01:02:19And this one's on me.
01:02:21Are you frightened, Oliver?
01:02:23Bus is here.
01:02:25Long distance?
01:02:26Yes, I'm still waiting.
01:02:27I'll take those chest men.
01:02:28Thanks for all your help.
01:02:29I'll see that the insurance company pays you the $1,000 reward.
01:02:30Thanks and good luck.
01:02:31Good luck to you.
01:02:32You're going to need it.
01:02:35Mr. Richardson?
01:02:36Larry, here's your call.
01:02:37Mr. Richardson?
01:02:52Oh, uh, hello, Mr. Richardson.
01:02:56This is Larry Elliott.
01:02:58I didn't go to Grape City.
01:03:00Oh, you didn't?
01:03:01Well, what happened to you, if I may be so inquisitive?
01:03:04Oh, it was nothing very interesting to you.
01:03:07I just made a little mistake and I got off at Grape Center.
01:03:12Well, I couldn't on account of the murder in the bus.
01:03:16What murder?
01:03:17Did you get the story?
01:03:18I did, but then Markham came.
01:03:20Markham came?
01:03:21Markham came?
01:03:22Well, I would have, only, uh, uh, Mr.,
01:03:25what's that man's name, Charles Waldeck.
01:03:27Yes, they almost killed Charles Waldeck
01:03:29and they stole the jeweled, uh, chess man.
01:03:31And, uh, I met the nicest girl.
01:03:34Never mind the girl.
01:03:35What happened to Markham?
01:03:38Oh, I captured him.
01:03:39Yes, and Mink, and the professor.
01:03:42The professor.
01:03:43He's the real killer.
01:03:45You know, the three of them fell in a vat of wine
01:03:47and they got awfully drunk.
01:03:49That's the screwiest bunch of murderers I ever captured.
01:03:52How dry I am.
01:03:55How dry I am.
01:03:59How dry I am.
01:04:03So by and large.
01:04:07Mr. Richardson.
01:04:08What do I do?
01:04:10Shall I go to Grape City and see Miss Muscat?
01:04:12Or shall I come in and get fired?
01:04:14Oh, no.
01:04:17Mr. Richardson.