• 3 years ago


00:01:00Father, will you listen to me?
00:01:03Ma, we're not going to discuss this matter any further.
00:01:07We'll discuss it forever if it takes you that long to get over your stubbornness.
00:01:11I have heard all I want to hear about Miss Randy Rodnell.
00:01:14Rodney Randall.
00:01:15Oh, whatever his name is.
00:01:17He's a parasite.
00:01:18He's a lounge lizard.
00:01:20He's a hider behind a woman's skirt.
00:01:22Mr. Pendleton.
00:01:23You shouldn't say such things about a man you've never met.
00:01:25And I never expect to meet him.
00:01:27But all he wants is an interview.
00:01:29All he wants is a chance to steal my money.
00:01:31But he doesn't want to steal it.
00:01:33All he wants is a chance to convince you that it's a good investment.
00:01:36Oh, it's the same word nowadays.
00:01:39My dear, do run along, please.
00:01:41I have most important things to attend to.
00:01:44Indeed you have, Mr. Penfield.
00:01:46This is the annual award day and...
00:01:48Oh, you're going to listen to Reasoner, aren't you?
00:01:50I am.
00:01:51This is the annual award day and...
00:01:52Oh, you're going to listen to Reasoner, aren't you?
00:01:55I am not.
00:01:57You're just an old miser.
00:01:58That's what you are.
00:02:00A gloaty, greedy, stingy old miser of money.
00:02:03But you're not going to spoil my life.
00:02:05Mr. Pendleton.
00:02:06Oh, I'm not going to let you spoil your life.
00:02:09Rodney and I don't have to use your money, you know.
00:02:11I have a little of my own.
00:02:13I won't let you give money to that...
00:02:19I forbid it.
00:02:20And I don't suppose you'll allow me to marry him, either?
00:02:22Most certainly not.
00:02:23I forbid that too.
00:02:24I forbid you even to see this key gold digger again.
00:02:27Is that your final word?
00:02:28That is my final word.
00:02:30I'll wrap your ears around my final words.
00:02:33I'm going to give Rodney everything I have.
00:02:36I'm going to help him put over his subdivision idea.
00:02:38And I'm going to marry him whether you like it or not.
00:02:44Oh, you are a...
00:02:46Well, I'll put a stop to that, young lady.
00:02:49Come in here at once.
00:02:50I'm right here, sir.
00:02:51Where have you been?
00:02:52Oh, I've been here quite a while, sir.
00:02:54Ever since Miss Barbara called you an oaf.
00:02:56Let that pass.
00:02:57What are you standing there with that shaving mug for?
00:03:00But, Mr. Penfield, this is the Penfield Sophian.
00:03:02Stop blithering and put it down.
00:03:04Yes, sir.
00:03:05I want you to stop my daughter's allowance.
00:03:08I want you to tie up her bank account.
00:03:10Yes, sir.
00:03:11I'll show her who's boss of this family.
00:03:13I'll teach her a lesson.
00:03:15Yes, sir.
00:03:16Well, what are you waiting for?
00:03:17Why, uh...
00:03:19Get that champagne mug out of here.
00:03:22But, Mr. Penfield...
00:03:24What is it?
00:03:25What is it?
00:03:27All the employees are gathered in the courtyard, sir, waiting for you.
00:03:31Waiting for me?
00:03:32What are they waiting for me for?
00:03:33Why aren't they at work?
00:03:34But this is the annual award day.
00:03:36Oh, the annual award.
00:03:39And they're waiting for me?
00:03:42To present the award.
00:03:44Oh, was she?
00:03:45Well, we can't keep the folks waiting.
00:03:47No, sir.
00:03:48That's a bad example.
00:03:49Yes, sir.
00:03:50Always be punctual.
00:03:51Remember that face.
00:03:52Yes, sir.
00:03:54Well, quit dawdling.
00:03:55Go on.
00:03:56Go on your way.
00:03:57Go on.
00:03:58Hurry up.
00:04:04Long distance, please.
00:04:08I want the Royal Valley Hotel, Valley Springs.
00:04:13I want to speak to Mr. Rodney Randall.
00:04:15That's right.
00:04:17Well, I...
00:04:19I'm afraid we can't, dear.
00:04:23Babs, dear, how many times have I told you that I will not marry a woman unless I can support her properly?
00:04:31Besides, I can't come to the city now.
00:04:34Well, if you must know, I haven't enough money to get out of the hotel.
00:04:38Now, I'll just have to stay here until I can find some backer for my subdivision.
00:04:44Well, how much do you owe, darling?
00:04:46Oh, well, don't worry about that.
00:04:49I'll get it to you somehow.
00:04:53I'll bring it to you today.
00:04:56And I love you, too.
00:05:21Here's your speech, Mr. Penfield.
00:05:28Where are my glasses?
00:05:29You left them in the office.
00:05:30Why didn't you bring them in? You know I can't read this without my glasses.
00:05:34It's the same speech you always make on award days.
00:05:37Same one?
00:05:42Friends and co-workers of the Penfield Peerless Laundries,
00:05:46you don't know how I've looked forward to this day.
00:05:50This day of days.
00:05:54Now, efficiency system.
00:05:57The winner of the Peerless Penfield Trophy.
00:06:03This is the trophy.
00:06:09This is the trophy.
00:06:18I'm certain that you all, you all applaud the winner.
00:06:23The man who, by his outstanding efficiency, his punctuality, his diligence,
00:06:30has achieved his goal.
00:06:33Your friend.
00:06:35My friend.
00:06:38What's that guy's name?
00:06:40Jay Bassett.
00:06:42Jay Bassett.
00:06:43Jay Fawcett.
00:06:45Not Fawcett Bassett.
00:06:49Took the words right out of my mouth.
00:06:51Jay Bassett.
00:06:53Will the, will the winner please step forward?
00:06:59Will the winner please come forward?
00:07:07Oh, I have just learned, I've just learned that the winner,
00:07:12typical of the efficiency of the Penfield Laundry Service,
00:07:17is now out of his route and will be back in approximately two minutes.
00:07:25Six pairs of socks.
00:07:29Nine hankies.
00:07:33Couple of drawers.
00:07:36Couple of shorts.
00:07:39Hey, lookie.
00:07:41Look at what?
00:07:42Look at it.
00:07:43Well, what's wrong with it?
00:07:45Brand new, ain't it?
00:07:47That makes 18 brand new silk shirts that guy's had since March.
00:07:51And each one of them costing more than I make in a week.
00:07:54Yeah, and those shirts earn him more than we both make in a year.
00:07:58You heard me.
00:07:59How do you figure?
00:08:01How can a shirt earn gold for him?
00:08:03It's front, my boy, window dressing.
00:08:05Believe me, if I ever get a bankroll, I'll, well, I'll have the finest front in town.
00:08:10I don't get you.
00:08:11It's simple.
00:08:12It's simple.
00:08:13The guy that owns those shirts dresses like a million bucks.
00:08:15So he'll have a million someday.
00:08:17You know, it isn't what you got in this world that counts, Beef.
00:08:20It's what you look like.
00:08:22Oh, you're wrong, Jerry.
00:08:23To get to be a big shot, you gotta work harder than anybody else.
00:08:26And show the boss how good you are.
00:08:28Oh, sure, sure.
00:08:29I tried that, didn't I?
00:08:31I set up nights working out that new flat rate system, and what happened?
00:08:36Vash took all the credit for it, and I got a tougher route.
00:08:39Now look at us.
00:08:41We dress like 30 bucks a week, and what do we get?
00:08:46Now, if I were to put on that shirt and the clothes that go with it,
00:08:49what do you suppose I'd be able to get?
00:08:51A pain in the neck.
00:08:52This guy wears a 14 collar.
00:08:54Come on.
00:09:11Mr. Penfield, this is Mr. Bassett.
00:09:12How do you do?
00:09:19And now, young man,
00:09:21I'm going to present you with a goal that you have striven so earnestly to win.
00:09:26The Penfield Award.
00:09:29Thank you. Thank you very much, sir.
00:09:31Just a moment.
00:09:32Just a moment, please.
00:09:33I have a little surprise.
00:09:37Not only does he retain the trophy,
00:09:41but he's soon to become the lucky participant in another award.
00:09:51Young man, here is your opportunity to become a member and a partner in the Penfield Laundries.
00:10:04You may have your choice of this envelope, which contains $1,000,
00:10:09or these 11 shares of Penfield stock,
00:10:13with a par value of $1,100.
00:10:1711 shares with which you can become a part over, like I, except on a smaller scale.
00:10:30What are you saying?
00:10:31Is the stock a par now, Mr. Penfield?
00:10:33Well, not at the present moment.
00:10:36Now, but with your cooperation and coordination, we'll put our shoulders...
00:10:41Well, I'll take the cash.
00:10:42What are you talking about? You don't want...
00:10:44I want the cash.
00:10:45I don't want any shares in any laundry.
00:10:47I'm fed up with laundries, and I'm sick and tired of dirty clothes and cranky customers.
00:10:51I'm taking the money.
00:10:52And you, sir, can take the laundry, the truck, stock, mangles and all,
00:10:56wrap them neatly into a laundry bag, and...
00:10:59But you don't understand!
00:11:04Call him back and fire him.
00:11:07Fire him, and don't call him back.
00:11:09Don't call him back.
00:11:14There you are, Mr. Bessett.
00:11:16Well, what do you think?
00:11:17Well, yeah, put it in a little in there, and pad up the shoulders a little,
00:11:22and put some poiled buttons on the vest, eh?
00:11:24Where do you think I go, to a masquerade?
00:11:26Well, one round, Finnegan had his rags tricked up like that,
00:11:29and he was the best dressed fighter outside the ring.
00:11:31What do you think?
00:11:32Mr. Bessett, with a few minor alterations,
00:11:36you look positively magnificence...
00:11:41positively beautiful.
00:11:44Well, I'll get a piece of paper and mark down the changes you need,
00:11:46and then I'll try on the other ones.
00:11:48The other ones? How many suits are you going to get?
00:11:50All of them.
00:11:51Now, wait a minute.
00:11:52Oh, I've waited years to play this hunch.
00:11:54But all those suits, that's an awful lot of jack to lay out.
00:11:58It's only the beginning.
00:12:00Only the beginning, folks.
00:12:03Come on, come on.
00:12:04Give me the rest of it before I call the silly wagon.
00:12:07Well, I want some luggage, a set of golf clubs,
00:12:10a new bag, one good piece of jewelry, and a snappy car.
00:12:14That's where I come in.
00:12:15You ain't going to buy a second-hand car.
00:12:17Well, I've got to have a...
00:12:18Because I'm going to get it for you.
00:12:20I know more about engines than you...
00:12:21Hey, wait a minute.
00:12:22Mr. Bessett.
00:12:23Yes, Mr. Bessett.
00:12:24You've got to stood still.
00:12:25You stay here and play pincushion, and I'll get the chariot for you.
00:12:28Hey, Pete, come back here.
00:12:29Bye-bye, sonny.
00:12:34Well, good morning, miss, and what can I do for you?
00:12:37I've got to raise some money right away.
00:12:39I see.
00:12:40And I want to sell my car.
00:12:42Well, young lady, you certainly came to the right place.
00:12:44Most of the boys alone in this dreg
00:12:46had picked the fillings right out of your teeth.
00:12:48But not old Doc Adams.
00:12:49Golden Rule Adams, that's what they call me.
00:12:52Square with one and square with all.
00:12:54How much do I got to have?
00:12:56Well, I'll give you half a million.
00:12:58I'll give you half a million.
00:13:00Square with all.
00:13:02How much do I got to have?
00:13:03How much is the car worth?
00:13:05Well, you see, lady, it's all a question of what I can sell it for.
00:13:09It's a pretty looking job, but it sure is a cream puff.
00:13:12Cream puff?
00:13:13Yeah, yeah.
00:13:15Too swell a heap for the used car market.
00:13:17Guys buying used cars can't buy gas for these big birthers.
00:13:20That makes them hard to sell.
00:13:22Just a headache.
00:13:23But the car's only a month old.
00:13:25Sure, I can see that easy.
00:13:27If it was a little older, I could give you more on it.
00:13:30You mean you'd pay more for an older car?
00:13:32Yeah, mm-hmm.
00:13:34Proves there ain't no flaws in them when they've stood up for, say, 10,000 miles.
00:13:39A lot of angles to this business, miss.
00:13:42How much will you give me for it?
00:13:46I don't know.
00:13:48I always get myself stuck buying cars.
00:13:51Got too soft a heart, I guess.
00:13:53How much will you give me?
00:13:54Well, I'll tell you.
00:13:57Just on account of you, I'll give you 400 bucks, cash on the line.
00:14:04You know how much the cars were.
00:14:06Sure, sure, I know that.
00:14:08But just trying to do you a favor, that's all.
00:14:10The car's insured for all...
00:14:13Now, lady, I don't go in for no rackets like that.
00:14:15If you want to have your car swiped for the insurance,
00:14:18you'll have to try to find somebody else to do it.
00:14:20No, no, no, you don't understand.
00:14:22I've got to raise money.
00:14:24Now, if you'll make any sort of a decent offer...
00:14:26Well, how about some sort of a trade?
00:14:29Maybe a little cash and one of my fine, slightly used cars.
00:14:32That might work out.
00:14:36Wait a minute, my dear, wait a minute.
00:14:38What are we stopping here for?
00:14:39I just happened to recollect, my dear,
00:14:41that a dear old pal and bosom friend of mine
00:14:43runs that jalopy joint over there.
00:14:45Good old Doc Adams.
00:14:47That's the name, all right.
00:14:49But what's any old friend of yours doing out of jail?
00:14:51Now, now, my dear,
00:14:53have a little respect for your father, please.
00:14:55I'm sorry.
00:14:56Do you suppose he's good for a touch?
00:14:58A friend like old Doc?
00:15:00My dear, we're practically sitting down to lunch
00:15:03at the rich right now.
00:15:04I know.
00:15:05Let's make it five full dinners at the beanery instead.
00:15:07Patience, my dear, patience,
00:15:10while your pappy puts the bee on old Doc Adams.
00:15:13Good luck, Pop.
00:15:15Now, here's what I call a rare opportunity.
00:15:21You could hardly call it a car.
00:15:23Now, look, miss, I'm just trying to help you.
00:15:26Is it still able to run?
00:15:28Why, say, miss, this car is just nicely broken in.
00:15:31You mean broken down, don't you?
00:15:33I'll tell you what we'll do.
00:15:35We'll take a little ride in it.
00:15:37Just step in here and try this elegant upholstery.
00:15:44There you are.
00:15:49Well, well.
00:15:51If it isn't my old pal and bosom friend, old Doc Adams.
00:15:54Oh, go on, feed it.
00:15:55Is that the way to greet a pal?
00:15:57To welcome a man with whom you've trod the paths of adversity
00:16:00to shun a loving brother?
00:16:02Scram, I'm busy.
00:16:03But, Doc, as one friend to another, I...
00:16:13I'll wait for you, Doc.
00:16:18I'll wait for you.
00:16:42Sweet job, buddy.
00:16:44It certainly is.
00:16:46Practically new, ain't she?
00:16:48Practically, yeah.
00:16:49How much you asking for?
00:16:52Asking for, uh...
00:16:55I asked you how much.
00:16:59Well, uh, that depends.
00:17:02What do you mean, depends?
00:17:04How much you've got.
00:17:05I mean, uh, on various things.
00:17:08Never mind the build-up to it.
00:17:10All I want to know is how much you want for cash.
00:17:16Make me an offer.
00:17:20Four hundred bucks?
00:17:23Hey, wait a minute, what's the catch?
00:17:25Catch? There's no catch.
00:17:27This car ain't hot, is it?
00:17:28Well, I should say not.
00:17:30Well, uh, what's the idea?
00:17:32Well, you see, I'm getting on to the used car business.
00:17:35This is a clearance sale.
00:17:37Prices reduced on all cars.
00:17:40Brother, you made a sale.
00:17:43How about it, Pop, do we?
00:17:45Do we?
00:17:46I'll say we do.
00:17:48Prudence, darling.
00:17:50And we're going to get our working clothes out of hock.
00:17:52Pop, you're wonderful.
00:17:54Wait till you see me in my frock coat again.
00:17:57Colonel Cornelius of the Kentucky Corneliuses.
00:18:00Aw, Pop, make it the Russian Grand Duke.
00:18:03I get so balled up on that southern accent stuff.
00:18:05Yes, darling, and you're not so hot as I'll get to Tenevich either.
00:18:09Never mind, honey, our luck has turned.
00:18:16My car.
00:18:18It's gone.
00:18:20We're standing right here.
00:18:23Well, you, you shouldn't ought to have left your keys in it.
00:18:26But it's all your fault.
00:18:28Oh, no, no, wait a minute, lady.
00:18:30You can't hang that swipe on me.
00:18:32I got an alibi, I was with you.
00:18:34But if you hadn't wasted so much time trying to make that cement mixer do 50.
00:18:37You won't get away with it.
00:18:39You'll get away with it.
00:18:41I was with you.
00:18:42But if you hadn't wasted so much time trying to make that cement mixer do 50.
00:18:45You wanted a demonstration, didn't you?
00:18:47I didn't ask for Cook's tour.
00:18:49Well, say, it may be a lucky break for you with that.
00:18:51Now you can get that insurance money you were talking about.
00:18:54Of course, you'll have to wait 90 days.
00:18:57I can't possibly wait that long.
00:18:59I've got to have the money today.
00:19:02Now what am I going to do?
00:19:04Well, I'll tell you, miss.
00:19:06To show you my heart's in the right place, I'll make you a deal.
00:19:09I'll give you that swell little clothes job and maybe a little cash besides.
00:19:13Oh, thank you.
00:19:15For that diamond ring you're sporting.
00:19:18Oh, I'd forgotten about that.
00:19:22Well, it's a go.
00:19:24All right.
00:19:25Come on in the office and we'll report the swipe.
00:19:27Oh, what was the license number of your car?
00:19:30License number?
00:19:32Why, I don't know.
00:19:33Oh, well, the cops can check up on it.
00:19:35We'll phone them and then we can fix up the papers on this ring deal.
00:19:39Hey, Jerry, Jerry.
00:19:40Come here, come here.
00:19:42How do you like it?
00:19:44Here's your change.
00:19:47And here's your bill of sale.
00:19:50Well, I still don't believe it.
00:19:51Mr. Bessett.
00:19:52Please, Mr. Bessett.
00:19:54You didn't tell me that I should send these beautiful garments.
00:19:59Well, how soon can you have them ready?
00:20:00Oh, I couldn't possibly have them before next Monday evening.
00:20:05And if I gave you an extra $10 for a rush job?
00:20:08In an hour and a half.
00:20:10Get going.
00:20:13Well, you got a lot of car there, miss.
00:20:15Well dependable transportation, what I mean.
00:20:18I hope so.
00:20:19You got my word for it.
00:20:21Honest Doc Adams word.
00:20:22Why, that little job is just about perfect.
00:20:26Well, goodbye.
00:20:28So long.
00:20:44Excuse me.
00:20:45That's all right.
00:20:47Tell me the worst, doctor.
00:20:48Will she live?
00:20:50What's the bad news?
00:20:52Well, the water jacket's busted and the connecting rod bearings are shot along with two of the mains.
00:20:57The cylinders are out and 900's easy.
00:21:00The ignition wiring is mostly rotted and half of the teeth have gone off your transmission and differential gear.
00:21:06Your frame has sprung out of line and, well, outside of that...
00:21:09Never mind, never mind.
00:21:11Tell me, could I drive it as far as the Royal Valley Hotel?
00:21:14Lady, you couldn't push it that far.
00:21:17Tell you what I'll do.
00:21:18I've got a junkyard, but I'll give you five bucks for the heap the way she stands.
00:21:22I'll take it before she falls down.
00:21:24There you are.
00:21:25There you are.
00:21:26I don't suppose you could give me a lift to Royal Valley, could you?
00:21:30I'd love to, lady, but I did that once and my wife raised heck.
00:21:34She's very jealous.
00:21:37Why don't you stand over there where anybody coming along can see you?
00:21:40Maybe someone will give you a lift.
00:21:44Thanks, I'll try that.
00:22:42Anything I can do?
00:22:44You might try knocking before you enter, Lady Goodwill.
00:22:47Sorry, but you left the door open.
00:22:49Can I be of any help?
00:22:50You going that way?
00:22:51Well, I'm going as far as the Royal Valley Hotel.
00:22:54Oh, fine, fine.
00:22:59What's the matter?
00:23:00This car, it's exactly like the one...
00:23:02That so?
00:23:04Well, there's quite a few of them.
00:23:06Yes, I guess there are.
00:23:08Here, I'll help you with those bags.
00:23:09All right.
00:23:12You travel pretty heavy for a hitchhiker.
00:23:14Oh, I'm not a trailer professional, eh?
00:23:17My car blew down.
00:23:19Had to sell it for junk.
00:23:21What's the BP stand for?
00:23:24Yeah, your initials?
00:23:26Oh, yeah.
00:23:27Oh, Beatrice.
00:23:28Beatrice Payne.
00:23:30Beatrice Payne.
00:23:32Well, meet Jay Walter Bassett.
00:23:34Jerry to you.
00:23:35How do you do, Jay?
00:23:36I'm doing all right.
00:23:54Welcome to Royal Valley.
00:24:12Welcome to Royal Valley.
00:24:14You have reservations, sir?
00:24:15I never make reservations.
00:24:19I want something nice with southern exposure.
00:24:22Certainly, Mr. Bassett.
00:24:24Oh, didn't you forget something?
00:24:27You didn't register for Mrs. Bassett.
00:24:29Oh, the young lady...
00:24:30We're not married.
00:24:31Not married?
00:24:33I'll register for myself.
00:24:35I want a room with northern exposure.
00:24:39You better not try this, sister.
00:24:41The prices here are terrible.
00:24:43I'll worry about that when I check out.
00:24:45But they can put you in jail for...
00:24:47I'm sure you'll enjoy your stay, Mr. Bassett.
00:24:49I hope so.
00:24:50Good afternoon, Bea.
00:24:51Oh, good afternoon.
00:24:53And thanks, uh...
00:24:57This way, sir.
00:25:03Welcome to Royal Valley, Miss Penfield.
00:25:05Oh, Penfield.
00:25:06Are you Miss Barbara Penfield?
00:25:09I'm sorry I didn't remember you.
00:25:10Is your father coming down too, Miss Penfield?
00:25:12I hope not.
00:25:13And if he's your fault, don't tell him I'm here.
00:25:17When father gets like that, he just won't listen to anything.
00:25:21I don't want to appear critical, Barbara,
00:25:23but it does seem to me that you gave up too easily.
00:25:25But, Rodney, dear, I told you...
00:25:26After all, I'm willing to let your father in
00:25:28on the grandest seaside subdivision ever planned.
00:25:31Oh, I know you are, dear.
00:25:33Isn't it sweet of you to be so generous
00:25:35when he's been so unkind, but father...
00:25:37But you know what it means to us.
00:25:39Of course I do, dear.
00:25:40Now, perhaps your father is screwed off by now.
00:25:42And if you go back to the city and have a talk with him,
00:25:44he might consent to see me.
00:25:45He's just set a new record for high blood pressure.
00:25:49All right.
00:25:50Very well, I'm through.
00:25:53All my lovely dreams.
00:25:56My wonderful plans for our future.
00:25:58Oh, don't say that, dear.
00:26:00Look on the brighter side.
00:26:02Things are a bit better, you know.
00:26:06Yes, your hotel bill is paid, you have a little money beside.
00:26:10Your money.
00:26:11Your money.
00:26:13You'd think that I'd have to ask you for money.
00:26:16But it makes me so happy to be able to help just a little bit.
00:26:20You know, and now I have an idea.
00:26:22Oh, really?
00:26:23You better have.
00:26:25You know, there must be simply
00:26:26countless of people staying here at this very hotel.
00:26:30And don't you think it would persuade one of them
00:26:32to invest in your subdivision idea?
00:26:35What do you think I've been doing down here?
00:26:37Playing marbles?
00:26:38Oh, you mean you tried that?
00:26:40Yes, I've tried it.
00:26:41No one has any money to invest.
00:26:43Oh, they have plenty of money.
00:26:45They won't part with any.
00:26:47You see that chap right over there?
00:26:51He has an income of a million and a quarter.
00:26:55And the chap with him, Thompson.
00:26:57He just merged the intercoast.
00:26:59That's worth five million.
00:27:03With AP&L, that's worth another million seven hundred and fifty thousand.
00:27:09And, uh, Bainbridge, the old goat sitting over there.
00:27:14He just won a four hundred and eighty thousand dollar court judgment.
00:27:19The chap just going out there, young, uh, young Ralston.
00:27:24He inherits nine million dollars next Tuesday.
00:27:30And all I need is a paltry fifty thousand.
00:27:33Do I get it?
00:27:38I just had another idea.
00:27:41Well, I hope it's better than the last one.
00:27:43The chap who brought me here.
00:27:46You know, he may be the very man we want.
00:27:49Oh, really? What's his name?
00:27:51Bassett. Bassett.
00:27:52Uh, J. Walter Bassett.
00:27:54Did you ever hear of him?
00:27:56That sounds familiar.
00:27:57Why don't you let me go see if you can find him?
00:28:24Thank you all, sir.
00:28:25Yes, sir.
00:28:26Would you care for a cocktail, sir?
00:28:27I could go for a shot.
00:28:29A few drops of your best port wine for my daughter.
00:28:32Have you all any Kentucky bourbon whiskey?
00:28:34Yes, sir.
00:28:35Well, I'll indulge in some, if you please, sir.
00:28:39A little fathead.
00:28:41What's the matter now?
00:28:42I could go for her.
00:28:44A fine southern lady you are.
00:28:46What were you going to ask for, a sidecar?
00:28:48No, a shot of vodka.
00:28:51Now, listen.
00:28:52I'm not the Russian Grand Duke, and you're not Olga.
00:28:56She was the one who drank vodka.
00:28:58That's right, sweetheart.
00:28:59That's right.
00:29:00Now, listen carefully.
00:29:02You're Prudence Cornelius,
00:29:03and I'm your Pappy,
00:29:05Colonel Cornelius of Kentucky.
00:29:07Oh, I get so balled up.
00:29:11Balled up.
00:29:12Well, I do get balled up.
00:29:16Shut up.
00:29:17Well, you told me to call you Pappy.
00:29:19Now, look at this.
00:29:20Look at these figures.
00:29:21One million and a quarter.
00:29:23Five million.
00:29:25One million, 750,000.
00:29:29Nine million.
00:29:30Prudence, honey.
00:29:32You're about to fall in love with that man.
00:29:34What man?
00:29:35The man that put down these figures.
00:29:39Let's see.
00:29:41How can we meet him?
00:29:57Want to make a phone call?
00:29:59Want to make a five-spot, buddy?
00:30:01Do I?
00:30:02See that young lady sitting over there,
00:30:03the fellow with the mustache?
00:30:04Yes, sir.
00:30:05Her name is Beatrice Payne.
00:30:07I want to find out what room she's in,
00:30:08how expensive it is,
00:30:09and all that.
00:30:10Think you can handle it?
00:30:11You bet I can.
00:30:20Oh, hello, Mr. Bassett.
00:30:21Oh, how do you do?
00:30:23Right, this is the good Samaritan
00:30:24I was telling you about.
00:30:25Oh, really?
00:30:26Well, I certainly want to thank you.
00:30:27Oh, it's no trouble at all.
00:30:28Now that you two are shaking hands,
00:30:29may I introduce you?
00:30:30Mr. Bassett, Mr. Randall.
00:30:32How do you do?
00:30:33Now, the J. Walter Bassett?
00:30:35Yes, I'm J. Walter Bassett.
00:30:37You've heard of me?
00:30:38Well, who hasn't?
00:30:40Now, boys, please,
00:30:41don't start talking business.
00:30:43You know, Rodney can never
00:30:44take his mind off of making money.
00:30:46I'm sorry,
00:30:47but when you're on the verge of a big deal...
00:30:48Oh, I should say I do know.
00:30:49Right now, for instance...
00:30:50Shall we go out on the terrace?
00:30:57His face is so familiar to me,
00:31:00but his name has just slipped my mind.
00:31:02His name is Randall.
00:31:03Rodney Randall.
00:31:04Of course.
00:31:05Now, imagine my forgetting that.
00:31:08Well, have you a scrap of paper handy, sir?
00:31:15Oh, boy.
00:31:17Yes, sir?
00:31:19Yes, that's very true.
00:31:20I've developed some fine subdivisions in my time.
00:31:23But this, this seaside idea...
00:31:26Well, it's...
00:31:27It certainly sounds good to me.
00:31:28Oh, it is good.
00:31:29Any man with executive ability
00:31:30can take hold of it right now and make history.
00:31:32You are an executive, aren't you?
00:31:35Why, yes.
00:31:36Why, he's one of the best.
00:31:38Well, I'd hardly say that.
00:31:40Now, Mr. Bassett,
00:31:41now, this is no time for false modesty.
00:31:43Well, as a matter of fact,
00:31:44I have delivered some of the biggest men in the city.
00:31:48Mr. Randall?
00:31:50This is for you, sir.
00:31:51Oh, thank you.
00:31:52Excuse me a moment.
00:31:53Go ahead.
00:31:55Oh, I'm sorry.
00:31:56I'll have to ask you to excuse me for a minute.
00:31:58Um, will you look out for the young lady, Bassett?
00:32:00Why, it'll be a pleasure.
00:32:02Okay, then.
00:32:08That gentleman, sir.
00:32:09Oh, thank you.
00:32:11Thank you, sir.
00:32:13Uh, pardon me.
00:32:14Uh, Colonel Cornelius?
00:32:15At your service, sir.
00:32:17Uh, Mr. Randall, I believe?
00:32:20Ah, prudence, dear.
00:32:21I want to introduce you to the gentleman
00:32:23we've been a-waitin' for,
00:32:24Mr. Ebenezer Randall.
00:32:26I'm delighted, sir.
00:32:29I'm sorry, Colonel.
00:32:30It's been some mistake.
00:32:31I'm, I'm Rodney Randall.
00:32:33Rodney Randall?
00:32:35Well, well, swap me for you, sir.
00:32:41Well, swap me for Yankee, sir.
00:32:43Well, I never dreamed
00:32:44there could be two Mr. Randalls.
00:32:46I presumed, of course,
00:32:47that you were the emissary
00:32:48from the United Tobacco Growers.
00:32:50I'm sorry, no.
00:32:51I, I'm the subdivision, Randall.
00:32:54Well, I'm mighty glad
00:32:55to make your acquaintance, sir.
00:32:57And I'm pleased
00:32:58that the other Mr. Randall
00:32:59ain't shown up tonight.
00:33:00I, I'm a little bit too tired
00:33:02to augur fire with him.
00:33:04Oh, Pappy, why don't you
00:33:05just let them other growers
00:33:06have their way?
00:33:08And bust the tobacco market
00:33:09wide open?
00:33:10Why, honey, you know I grow
00:33:11more than all the others
00:33:12put together.
00:33:13But that wire you had
00:33:14from Washington,
00:33:15from the president.
00:33:16Now, listen, honey child,
00:33:17you let the president
00:33:18run the nation
00:33:19and I'll run the tobacco business
00:33:20and I'll be...
00:33:23I, I beg your pardon, sir,
00:33:25for losing my temper
00:33:26in your presence.
00:33:27But it gets so tarnished and mad.
00:33:32I apologize again, sir.
00:33:33That's quite all right, Colonel.
00:33:35I understand exactly
00:33:36how you feel.
00:33:37Do you indeed, sir?
00:33:39I realize how annoying
00:33:41the small fry of competition
00:33:42can be.
00:33:43Mr. Randall,
00:33:44you're a man after my own heart.
00:33:46I'm humbly asked
00:33:47that you'll do my daughter
00:33:48and myself the honor
00:33:50of joining us at the bar
00:33:51on a small refreshment.
00:33:53It'll be a pleasure, Colonel.
00:33:55Come, come, darling.
00:33:59I can't imagine
00:34:00what's detaining Mr. Randall.
00:34:02Oh, whatever it is,
00:34:03I'm in favor of it.
00:34:04You're just being polite.
00:34:05Oh, do you really think so?
00:34:06I know you businessmen.
00:34:08You'd much rather be talking
00:34:09about bonds, mergers,
00:34:11and big deals.
00:34:13Oh, not right now, I wouldn't.
00:34:14With all this beautiful moonlight,
00:34:16I'd much rather be talking about...
00:34:18Just what line of business
00:34:19are you in, Mr. Bassett?
00:34:20Well, as a matter of fact,
00:34:22I'm sort of between operations
00:34:24right now, as it were.
00:34:26Yes, I just closed
00:34:28my last enterprise.
00:34:29A successful one?
00:34:31Oh, very.
00:34:32My association and myself
00:34:33cleaned up plenty.
00:34:34As a matter of fact,
00:34:35we left some of the biggest
00:34:37businessmen in town
00:34:38with hardly a shirt to their back.
00:34:39How delightful.
00:34:41Mr. Randall, miss.
00:34:42If you'll excuse me.
00:34:47Will there be an answer?
00:34:48No, thank you.
00:34:51No bad news, I hope?
00:34:52Yes, in a way.
00:34:54Mr. Randall's been delayed.
00:34:56Important business.
00:34:58I call that excellent news.
00:35:00Now, Mr. Bassett.
00:35:02You called me Jerry this afternoon.
00:35:04Oh, did I?
00:35:06I don't remember that.
00:35:08Yes, you did, Bea.
00:35:12They tell me that the hotel
00:35:15has some very lovely gardens
00:35:17somewhere around.
00:35:18It has?
00:35:20Yes, shall we try and find them?
00:35:23Well, it's getting a bit chilly,
00:35:25don't you think?
00:35:26Oh, but it's not that cold.
00:35:27Well, I'd have to get a wrap.
00:35:29Well, I'll wait.
00:35:32All right.
00:35:38Hi, boss.
00:35:42Well, Sherlock,
00:35:43did you find out anything?
00:35:44You bet I did.
00:35:45She's a guest.
00:35:46Room 203.
00:35:47I slipped in while she was out.
00:35:48She's got a lot of swell clothes,
00:35:50a pip of a dresser set,
00:35:51and some peachy perfume, too.
00:35:53Here, smell.
00:35:54Mm, pee-ew.
00:35:56Kind of gets you, doesn't it?
00:35:57Sure does.
00:35:58Well, what else did you find out?
00:35:59Her real name's Barbara Penfield.
00:36:01Barbara Pen...
00:36:02Oh, don't be silly.
00:36:03I saw her signature
00:36:04on the register card.
00:36:05She's Olaf Thorndyke,
00:36:06Penfield's daughter.
00:36:07What, that little hitchhiker?
00:36:09Why, she's no more Penfield's
00:36:10daughter than I am.
00:36:12Foreflusher, huh?
00:36:13Maybe I'd better tell the manager.
00:36:14Oh, no, don't do that.
00:36:15Not yet.
00:36:17You just keep your mouth shut
00:36:18and your eyes open.
00:36:19Now, go on.
00:36:20Okay, boss.
00:36:30Well, here I am.
00:36:32Oh, you all set?
00:36:33All set.
00:36:34Oh, that's fine.
00:36:48do you mind if I speak out of turn?
00:36:50Why, no.
00:36:52Well, I know it's none of my business,
00:36:53but you're too nice a girl
00:36:55to do what you're doing.
00:36:56You know you can't get away with it.
00:36:58I can't get away with what?
00:37:00Pretending you're Barbara Penfield.
00:37:02Supposing Randall found out
00:37:04who you really are,
00:37:05just a girl after his money.
00:37:08Don't worry,
00:37:09I'm the only one who knows.
00:37:10You can trust me.
00:37:11That's sweet of you.
00:37:13Why don't you go straight?
00:37:18I'm afraid it's too late.
00:37:20Oh, don't talk like that.
00:37:21I'll help.
00:37:22Will you?
00:37:23Will you really?
00:37:25Well, I'll do anything in the world
00:37:26that I can.
00:37:30then I'll try.
00:37:31Then I'll try.
00:37:32That a girl.
00:37:35I've always heard
00:37:36Southern girls were entrancing,
00:37:37but I never believed it till now.
00:37:39Well, uh,
00:37:40I'd best go in and find my Pappy.
00:37:42No, please don't.
00:37:44Pappy'd be a powerful man
00:37:45if he found us
00:37:46sitting here like this.
00:37:49Suppose he found us like this?
00:37:51Oh, I don't know what he'd think.
00:38:04Oh, uh, I mean,
00:38:05you Northerners are sure masterful.
00:38:08As far as I'm concerned, dear,
00:38:10I've been captured by the South.
00:38:46What's the matter with this place, sir?
00:38:48Everybody asleep?
00:38:50What kind of service is this?
00:38:53Don't hawk.
00:38:54Yes, sir.
00:38:55Said a...
00:38:59Never mind that, dear. Take the bags out, will you, please?
00:39:02Yes, sir.
00:39:04Wait a minute. Never mind the luggage. Keep on honking.
00:39:08Yes, Mr. Penfield.
00:39:12Is something wrong, honey boy?
00:39:14Yes. I mean, no. Everything's all right.
00:39:21Johnson, quit that awful noise, please.
00:39:26Boys, get my luggage out in the hotel.
00:39:28Come on.
00:39:37Prudence, I'm sorry, but you'll have to excuse me.
00:39:39I just remembered something very urgent.
00:39:42Oh, is you all going to leave your little Prudence?
00:39:44Well, I'm sorry, but I have to. I'll see you tomorrow.
00:39:52As soon as I make my next connection, I'll find a place for you.
00:39:55Some honest job.
00:39:57Yes, so good to me.
00:40:00I lost my compact. I must have left it at the bench.
00:40:03Well, you wait here. I'll find it.
00:40:09What's the matter?
00:40:10Your father. He's here.
00:40:11Oh. Oh, he is.
00:40:13And he's looking for you. For us.
00:40:15I bet he doesn't know you.
00:40:16Well, he will guess who I am if he sees me with you.
00:40:18Yes. Yes, I suppose he will.
00:40:21So from now on, we're strangers. We mustn't be seen together.
00:40:24Oh, but, Rodney, I...
00:40:25Well, now, dear, I know it's going to be difficult, but it won't be for long.
00:40:28I found a grand prospect tonight.
00:40:30A wealthy tobacco grower.
00:40:32Splendid. And Mr. Bathurst.
00:40:35Here he comes.
00:40:41No luck. I'll have to get a flashlight.
00:40:43I was just going to find you. I remember now I left it in my room.
00:40:46Oh, that's great.
00:40:52Have you any idea where they might be, Mr. Penfield?
00:40:54Well, you're the manager of the hotel. What are your ideas?
00:40:58Well, they might be over on the golf course.
00:41:01Playing golf in the dark, I suppose.
00:41:04Oh, you see, the golf course is quite romantic by moonlight.
00:41:08Yeah, I never thought of that.
00:41:10Well, suppose you search over there, will you please?
00:41:13Very well.
00:41:14I'll find...
00:41:25What's the big idea, poodle face?
00:41:29I wish I could tell you how much this evening has meant to me.
00:41:32And to me.
00:41:37Good night.
00:41:49Yes, Penfield. I'll teach you to kidnap children.
00:41:52Penfield, I'll teach you to kidnap...
00:41:54You can't steal my daughter and get away with it.
00:41:57Is she your daughter?
00:41:58You know very well she's my...
00:42:00I'll thrash you with an inch of your life.
00:42:03I'll run you out of the country.
00:42:04Are you sure she's your daughter?
00:42:06Am I sure?
00:42:07Why, you insolent young puppy.
00:42:11Take that!
00:42:17And furthermore, young lady,
00:42:19it's about time you learned to obey my orders.
00:42:21From now on, you'll do as I say, or either...
00:42:24Well, you will do as I say,
00:42:26and that's my final word on the subject.
00:42:29Could I depend on that, Captain Blige?
00:42:32Yes, and about that young...
00:42:34that young rascal that you think you're in love with.
00:42:39How do you expect me to sleep with you shrieking?
00:42:41I don't expect you to sleep.
00:42:43I expect you to get that bully out of your mind.
00:42:47That's a new name for him, isn't it?
00:42:48That's what he is. He's a bully.
00:42:50He assaulted me.
00:42:51He assaulted me last night, your own father.
00:42:54He did what?
00:42:55He squared off with me.
00:42:57He caught me off my guard.
00:42:59He picked me up and hurled me off the terrace.
00:43:03Picked you up?
00:43:04Well, I mean, when I say pig, I don't mean regular pig.
00:43:08How did he do it?
00:43:09One piece at a time?
00:43:11Look, what are you up to, young lady?
00:43:13Where are you going?
00:43:15I'm going to take my shower.
00:43:16Any objections?
00:43:19Don't you think you're going to slip out and meet that Randall fellow?
00:43:24I say you can't go anywhere without me.
00:43:26I'm going the minute I get dressed.
00:43:30I forbid it.
00:43:31I absolutely forbid it.
00:43:48Yes, I was saying, my friend, I consider the men's jeweler the true and modern reincarnation of the mythical Ambrosial Nectar.
00:44:14I'm afraid I'll stick to beer.
00:44:16To every man to his taste, sir.
00:44:17And here's to you.
00:44:25Yes, sir, every man to his taste.
00:44:28In business, in ladies and in liquor.
00:44:32Right you are, sir.
00:44:34Of course, I don't mean to say it doesn't do a man good to make a change now and then.
00:44:39In liquor?
00:44:40And in business, yes, sir.
00:44:42Does a man good to heist himself out of a rut when he finds himself in one?
00:44:48There's something in what you say, sir.
00:44:51Now, take me for instance.
00:44:53A prosperous tobacco grow with acres and acres of the gentle weed just a grown for me in Kentucky's most fertile land.
00:45:01A princely income whether I turn a hand or not.
00:45:04Am I happy?
00:45:05Do you think I'm happy?
00:45:08Of course not, Colonel.
00:45:09You need a change.
00:45:11One you spit right in and not all that time.
00:45:15I know just how you feel, Colonel.
00:45:17How you take myself.
00:45:18And so do I.
00:45:19Why, I'm known as a subdivision king.
00:45:20I've made money hand over fist.
00:45:22Well, just now I've almost completed a development that's going to make history.
00:45:25And am I getting any kick out of it?
00:45:27None at all.
00:45:28Personally, I never feel right unless I'm working hard managing something.
00:45:32Well, of course, I have no idea of retirees.
00:45:35Neither have I.
00:45:37Well, gentlemen, it kind of looks as if we might consider some means of exchanging interests, sir.
00:45:43Colonel, now there's an idea.
00:45:46Isn't it, eh?
00:45:47Why, we could all get a new slant on life.
00:45:50It is kind of appealing, isn't it?
00:45:52Enticing, to say the least.
00:45:54Well, of course, my sentiments are scandalized at the bare suggestion.
00:45:58The old Cornelius plantation should never pass out of the hands of my family.
00:46:03Well, of course, I wouldn't bear part with my property without considering and consulting my associates.
00:46:10Then you are not the sole owner of...
00:46:13Well, of course, I hold the controlling interest.
00:46:17What would you consider your interest worth, sir?
00:46:22What price would you put on your property, Colonel?
00:46:25Well, sir, I consider my interests invaluable.
00:46:28Yes, sir, invaluable.
00:46:30I'd consider managing a...
00:46:33I'd enjoy managing a tobacco plantation for a change, or a subdivision for that matter.
00:46:38Colonel, that's a great idea of yours.
00:46:40Now, you name your figure.
00:46:42Well, sir, right now I find that to be a most perplexing question.
00:46:48Well, you see, we southern people are not just business folk.
00:46:53Oh, Pappy.
00:46:54Oh, I beg your pardon, but it's time for you all to phone Washington.
00:46:58Is it?
00:47:00You know, you asked me to remind you.
00:47:01Why, so I did, so I did.
00:47:03Well, honey, I want you to meet Mr. Bassett.
00:47:05This is my daughter Prudence.
00:47:07How do you do, sir?
00:47:08How do you do?
00:47:09I may be jaundiced, but this is most important.
00:47:11Secretary of the Interior.
00:47:15Won't you sit down, Miss Prudence?
00:47:16Oh, thank you, sir.
00:47:19I tell you, my patronage, you lost that bummer at once.
00:47:22I'm sorry, Mr. Fanfield, but...
00:47:24Come in.
00:47:30There he is now.
00:47:31Now is your chance to go and order him to leave.
00:47:34I'd like to oblige, Mr. Fanfield, but...
00:47:36All right, then. All right.
00:47:37I shall never be a guest of this hotel again.
00:47:42Well, who's that chap with him?
00:47:45You mean that fellow with Mr. Randall? That's Mr. Bassett.
00:47:49That name is familiar to me in some way.
00:47:53What a charming chap.
00:47:54Successful, too.
00:47:55Nice car and good luggage.
00:47:57Nice car, good luggage.
00:48:00That opens up a new line of thought.
00:48:02Is there something I can do, Mr. Fanfield?
00:48:04Not a thing. Thank you. Not a thing.
00:48:09Your father's very lucky to have you around to remind him of things.
00:48:12Oh, he's most forgetful, the poor dear.
00:48:14And the secretary'd just be wild if and Pappy sold his crop without letting Washington know.
00:48:20Oh, yes.
00:48:21It always floods the market when Pappy sells his cuttings.
00:48:24Oh, I see.
00:48:26See that young man over at that table with the little, the stacks and the blue?
00:48:30Yes, sir.
00:48:32Tell him a gentleman would like to see him in the lobby right away.
00:48:35Yes, Mr. Fanfield.
00:48:36Don't tell him my name. Just say a gentleman.
00:48:41Very good, sir.
00:48:48Come here, young man.
00:48:50Oh, excuse me.
00:48:52No, wait a minute. I want to talk to you, please.
00:48:56There must be some mistake.
00:48:57There's no mistake. You're the man I want.
00:49:01Sit down, please.
00:49:03But I've got to see a man about a...
00:49:05Sit, sit down.
00:49:06I've been talking to the manager of the hotel about you.
00:49:10To the manager?
00:49:12Yes, and he gave me a lot of information about you.
00:49:16I suppose he would.
00:49:18He said you were an uprising, energetic go-getter.
00:49:22He said that about me?
00:49:24Yes, and a lot more, Mr. Bassett.
00:49:32I know who you are, you know, Bassett.
00:49:35Well, that's very nice.
00:49:37You know who I am?
00:49:39You're Mr. Fanfield.
00:49:40Well, sir, now we can talk business, you know.
00:49:44You'd, uh, you'd like to make some money?
00:49:50My foolish daughter thinks she's in love with a good fortune hunter, Rodney Randall.
00:50:00I see.
00:50:01You, uh, you know him?
00:50:04Uh, we've met.
00:50:06Oh, of course. I see you together.
00:50:08Well, we must cure her of that mad infatuation.
00:50:16She's going to fall in love with you.
00:50:19With me?
00:50:21Well, why not?
00:50:22Show the very type.
00:50:23She should fall in love with a successful, prosperous, handsome man.
00:50:28Well, like, like me, personally.
00:50:31And you want to hire me?
00:50:35I'll give you $2,000 the day that you sweep her off her feet and make her forget that Randall fellow.
00:50:43Uh, you want me to marry her?
00:50:46Well, I, of course, I even have, we'll take that up later, if you don't mind.
00:50:53Is it a deal?
00:50:55It's a deal.
00:50:56There we are. There we are.
00:50:58And you're certain that your father is in a selling mood?
00:51:00All positive, Mr. Bassett.
00:51:02But, uh, promise me that you won't let him know that I told you about it.
00:51:06Oh, I'll promise.
00:51:08Well, uh, I'm afraid I'll have to leave you now.
00:51:11I have to remind Pappy to wire the British Foreign Office.
00:51:22Hey, what's going, who did that?
00:51:26Hey, Jerry.
00:51:28Oh, so it's you.
00:51:31Well, what do you want?
00:51:32I want help. I'm locked in.
00:51:35What is that, another gag, Miss Penfield?
00:51:38Honest, it isn't.
00:51:40Please let me out.
00:51:42Well, all right.
00:51:47Is that you, Jerry?
00:51:49Who locked you in?
00:51:50My beloved boss.
00:51:54Out there.
00:51:55Oh, stay out.
00:51:57Oh, pardon me.
00:51:59Would you mind handing me my clothes?
00:52:03Well, I don't see any clothes in here.
00:52:05Uh, in the closet.
00:52:11Nothing in there but some shoes and hats.
00:52:13Oh, dear.
00:52:15Well, hand me a sheet.
00:52:20And some safety pins.
00:52:22There on the dressing table.
00:52:25There you are.
00:52:26Here you are, one's open.
00:52:28You're almost welcome.
00:52:29Well, goodbye.
00:52:30Oh, please don't go.
00:52:32Why not?
00:52:33Because I need your help.
00:52:35No thanks.
00:52:36I don't want to be played for a sap again, Miss Penfield.
00:52:39Oh, I'm sorry if you think I tried that.
00:52:42Oh, no.
00:52:43You just told me your name was Beatrice Payne and let me think I'd reformed you.
00:52:47Well, don't you understand?
00:52:49I was driven to it.
00:52:52I was driven to it.
00:52:53Oh, won't you let me explain?
00:52:56All right, go ahead.
00:52:58Well, you see, Father's forcing me into marrying Rodney Randall.
00:53:04I came down here under an assumed name to get away from them.
00:53:09You didn't know that Randall was here?
00:53:11Oh, certainly not.
00:53:13He followed me.
00:53:15So did Father.
00:53:18I told them I was in love with another man.
00:53:22They don't believe me.
00:53:25They keep bullying me.
00:53:28Why didn't you let me know?
00:53:29I'd have punched their noses.
00:53:31I had an inspiration.
00:53:33I told them you were the man.
00:53:35What man?
00:53:36The man I'm in love with.
00:53:38Do you mind very much?
00:53:42No, no, not at all.
00:53:45In fact, I'll help you keep them guessing.
00:53:48Oh, fine.
00:53:50How are we working?
00:53:52We'll have to be seen together a lot
00:53:55and let them guess that we're crazy about each other.
00:53:59Ah, you're a peach to do this for me, Jerry.
00:54:02Oh, not at all.
00:54:03I'll get quite a kick out of it.
00:54:05I did already.
00:54:06Well, goodbye for a while.
00:54:11Quick, your father.
00:54:16Come back here.
00:54:18You, you bourgeois bandit.
00:54:20You, you should be ashamed of yourself.
00:54:22Well, you won't.
00:54:29How, how dare you entertain this random fellow in a sheet?
00:54:34He wasn't in a sheet, Dad.
00:54:35I was.
00:54:36Don't, don't quibble with me.
00:54:37You know how I hate quibbling?
00:54:43I hate quibbling.
00:54:47Was I quibbling?
00:54:48But you said that.
00:54:49I never mind what I said.
00:54:57Get into your riding clothes.
00:55:00Don't ask me.
00:55:01Do as I say.
00:55:03I can't understand this sudden yearn of yours to play jockey.
00:55:07Well, you know, I've always loved horses.
00:55:09If you loved them, you'd stay off of them.
00:55:11Oh, I'm...
00:55:12Oh, look who's here.
00:55:15Over there.
00:55:17My old friend and business acquaintance, Bassett.
00:55:23Jerry, please, please, please.
00:55:30Jerry, please, please, please.
00:55:33Hello, Mr. Penfield.
00:55:35This is Jerry Bassett, my daughter Babs.
00:55:38This is a pleasure.
00:55:39How do you do?
00:55:41You look as though you're going riding, too.
00:55:43Yes, I am.
00:55:44Well, then, why not join us?
00:55:46Oh, by the way, Mr. Penfield, did you know that Gillespie was stopping here?
00:55:50In the hotel here?
00:55:51I, I must see Gillespie.
00:55:53I must.
00:55:54You, you two run along and I'll see you later.
00:55:57This couldn't possibly be a frame-up, could it?
00:56:01Let that into your mind.
00:56:02I have something important to say to Gillespie.
00:56:05Oh, never mind, Dad.
00:56:06Never mind.
00:56:07Are you ready, Mr. Bassett?
00:56:11Seven S, seven six four O.
00:56:24That's the one, all right.
00:56:25Who brought it in here?
00:56:26A guy named Bassett.
00:56:27J. Walter Bassett.
00:56:29Now, don't say nothing to nobody.
00:56:31You say he's been getting thick with some of your respectable guests?
00:56:34Yes, he has.
00:56:35Now, you don't think he's trying to...
00:56:36I don't think nothing, till I get all the facts.
00:56:38But if he ain't up to something bigger than a car snatch,
00:56:40I ain't the best detective on the force.
00:56:42Mustn't have any scandal.
00:56:43Now, don't get your ears in a tangle.
00:56:45Everything's under control.
00:56:46What are you going to do?
00:56:47Give him more rope.
00:56:48Give him all the rope he wants and then make him eat it.
00:56:52So far, you're doing all right with Mr. Randall.
00:56:55I'm sure I could do much better as Olga.
00:56:57Can I change now?
00:56:59After giving him that Mason and Dixon line?
00:57:01Well, I could tell him my mother was Russian.
00:57:06You know, a head like yours ought to be at some university.
00:57:10In a bottle of alcohol.
00:57:12I'd like that.
00:57:14Now, quit acting like your mother.
00:57:17There's Bassett.
00:57:18Now, pull yourself together and be nice to her.
00:57:24Why, honey, there's Mr. Bassett all alone by himself.
00:57:27Oh, how do you do?
00:57:28Y'all waiting for some pretty gal, Mr. Bassett?
00:57:30Well, I sort of hoped that Barbara would know I was just sort of loafing.
00:57:34How about a game of ping-pong?
00:57:35Oh, I'd love to.
00:57:36Well, now, you young folks go right ahead and I'll just sit there and watch.
00:57:41Want to warm up a little?
00:57:42Very much, my friend.
00:57:45I mean, I'd adore to.
00:57:47Well, if it ain't my old friend, the Grand Duke Oscar.
00:57:50Or are you Panaman Pete working the desert gold mine gag?
00:57:53I beg your pardon, sir.
00:57:54You have the advantage of me.
00:57:56I don't recollect if I haven't met you.
00:57:58Oh, so it's the old man.
00:58:00I'm sorry.
00:58:01I'm sorry.
00:58:02I'm sorry.
00:58:03I'm sorry.
00:58:04I'm sorry.
00:58:05I'm sorry.
00:58:06I'm sorry.
00:58:07I'm sorry.
00:58:08I'm sorry.
00:58:09I'm sorry.
00:58:10I'm sorry.
00:58:11I'm sorry.
00:58:12I'm sorry.
00:58:13I'm sorry.
00:58:14I'm sorry.
00:58:15I'm sorry.
00:58:16Oh, so it's the Kentucky Colonel racket, huh?
00:58:19I resent your impertinence, sir.
00:58:21If you'll excuse me...
00:58:22Sit down.
00:58:25Let's talk over old times.
00:58:29Well, all right, Dougherty, but you haven't got a thing on me.
00:58:31Haven't I?
00:58:33What about the time I took you up the river and got back five years ahead of you?
00:58:38Still holding that youthful mistake against me, eh?
00:58:42Even the warden called you Pop.
00:58:45Well, I aged prematurely.
00:58:47But now I'm a respectable, upright pedestrian on a straight and narrow path.
00:58:51Sure you are.
00:58:52And I'm Little Lord Potter, Your Honor.
00:58:57Now, Dougherty, I appeal to you.
00:58:59Quit hounding me.
00:59:00Woof, woof.
00:59:01Well, not for my sake, but to spare my daughter from learning about my youthful delinquencies.
00:59:06Oh, is your daughter working with you this time?
00:59:09You know, she's the one fine thing in my life.
00:59:12Now, for the sake of that innocent, unspoiled flower, I...
00:59:15Okay, Thompson.
00:59:17For her sake, I'll give you the morning to haul out of here.
00:59:20But I'll have my eye on you in the meantime.
00:59:27Well, that's my game.
00:59:28Your serve.
00:59:29Not right now.
00:59:30I'm kind of tired.
00:59:32You want a drink?
00:59:33Of water?
00:59:34Oh, no, thank you.
00:59:39Wasn't that Goverdy?
00:59:40It was.
00:59:41We've got to make a quick clean up and get out.
00:59:44How about Bassett?
00:59:45Can you sell him the old plantation?
00:59:47Watch me.
00:59:51Well, Colonel, how about you playing a game?
00:59:53I fear I've played my last game, sir.
00:59:55Why, Colonel, a young man like you?
00:59:58Did you observe that gentleman with whom I was just conversing?
01:00:01Oh, I had a glimpse of him.
01:00:03My doctor.
01:00:04He advises me to leave for the seashore at once.
01:00:10It's a matter of life and death.
01:00:12Poor old pappy.
01:00:13Worst of it is, I'll have to dispose of my vast tobacco holdings for whatever I can get.
01:00:19Sell the old plantation?
01:00:21What must be, honey.
01:00:23Must be.
01:00:25If you would be interested, Mr. Bassett.
01:00:27Well, I...
01:00:28Well, I suppose you come up to my room and we'll talk it over.
01:00:37So I promised him I'd make love to you.
01:00:40Certainly a good one on Bassett.
01:00:42I get your father's blessing and he gets a kick in the pants.
01:00:44He's rather nice, Chad.
01:00:46Who? Oh, Bassett?
01:00:47Sure he is.
01:00:49Say, by the way, how are you doing with him?
01:00:52What do you mean?
01:00:53Well, you know.
01:00:54About getting him to invest in my subdivision.
01:00:58Say, look here, Babs.
01:00:59You're not letting me down, are you?
01:01:01No, of course not.
01:01:03Only what?
01:01:05Are you sure your property is good as you say it is?
01:01:09How can you say such a thing?
01:01:11Sorry, Rodney?
01:01:13I should think you would be.
01:01:17After all, dear, you...
01:01:18You know how much it means to both of us.
01:01:21Oh, please, Rodney, not now.
01:01:23Let's ride back to the motel.
01:01:25All right.
01:01:34There, sir.
01:01:35The deed's entitled.
01:01:37To the entire Cornelius Holden.
01:01:41Golden opportunity of a lifetime.
01:01:44And yours, sir, for mere pittance.
01:01:46Well, I told you, Colonel, that I'm looking for a job.
01:01:49And my capital is all tied up in investments.
01:01:55Well, but we could swap, couldn't we?
01:01:57What is your investment for these?
01:02:00I'm afraid not.
01:02:01Oh, come on now, sir.
01:02:03Make me a proposition.
01:02:04All right, I will.
01:02:06You have to go to the seashore, don't you?
01:02:10My doctor's precise words, sir.
01:02:12And Randall's subdivision is a seaside one.
01:02:14That's right.
01:02:15And I want a job.
01:02:17Now, if I can talk Randall into taking these for his property,
01:02:20will you make me the manager of the subdivision?
01:02:22That's a promise, sir.
01:02:24My hand on it.
01:02:25Thank you, Colonel.
01:02:26Here, here, here.
01:02:27Where are you going? What's your hurry?
01:02:29I'm going down to tell Randall that we just went into the tobacco business.
01:02:32So the old colonel's in a trading mood, huh?
01:02:34I believe I can talk him into one, providing there was something in it for me.
01:02:38Why should I cut you in?
01:02:40What's to prevent me dealing with the colonel direct?
01:02:42Well, I think I can get you a better trade.
01:02:45Maybe you can, huh?
01:02:48You swing this deal, and I'll give you a bonus of $2,000.
01:02:55I made a lot more this morning with much less effort.
01:02:58You've heard of the Cornelius deal?
01:03:01You've heard of the Cornelius tobacco interest?
01:03:03Oh, yeah, I have, yes, sir.
01:03:05The colonel was talking to me this morning about it.
01:03:08They're wonderful holdings.
01:03:10I'm about to acquire them.
01:03:13This is your lucky day, isn't it?
01:03:15I'd say so.
01:03:17How I envy you that ownership.
01:03:19And the life of a wealthy plantation owner.
01:03:23Unfortunately, I'm going to have to sell my holdings at once.
01:03:27Sell them?
01:03:28Because of my other business obligations.
01:03:32You know, I might be in the market for something of that kind.
01:03:36Take a large amount of cash.
01:03:39Well, say that I give you $5,000 for an option,
01:03:44and then things go as you say, we close the deal.
01:03:48We might be able to get together along those lines.
01:03:51And by the way, Mr. Penfield,
01:03:53if this deal does go through,
01:03:55I'm going to speak to my friend, the governor of Kentucky,
01:03:58and see about having you made a colonel.
01:04:02You mean that?
01:04:03I mean that.
01:04:04Colonel Penfield?
01:04:15Yeah, I'm going to need some help.
01:04:17But this joint's crawling with crooks.
01:04:19Please, Mr. Gogerty, not so loud.
01:04:21Quiet down, will you?
01:04:24You remember Bigamy Benny, alias Snakey Joe?
01:04:27I've just seen him.
01:04:28He calls himself Bassett now.
01:04:30Uh-huh. And who do you think he's working with?
01:04:32Our old friend, the Grand Duke Oscar.
01:04:36Okay, Captain.
01:04:37I'll wait till the boys get here. So long.
01:04:40There you are, Toots.
01:04:41Everything's under control.
01:04:42Oh, I hope so.
01:04:43Now comb the wrinkles out of your forehead,
01:04:45and as soon as the boys get here, we'll pinch the whole mob.
01:04:49Hi there, Bassett.
01:04:51Hello, Mr. Penfield.
01:04:52You know, the more I see of you,
01:04:55the more I made up my mind, Bassett,
01:04:57that we ought to improve our relationship.
01:05:02In what way?
01:05:03Well, my daughter is a very charming girl.
01:05:08Well, I'm glad you think so.
01:05:10A little bit, you know, independent,
01:05:12but all in all, what I'm trying to say is that
01:05:16she's already fallen in love with you.
01:05:19Why don't you marry her?
01:05:23And if I do?
01:05:24Well, if you do, I shall make you a very substantial wedding present.
01:05:30Sweep her off her feet.
01:05:32Elope with her tonight.
01:05:49Hello, sweetheart.
01:05:50Why the sweetheart? Father's not around.
01:05:52Well, he might be, honey.
01:05:53Come on, get in.
01:05:58But I thought we were going to stay while Father could find us and...
01:06:01Well, things are different now.
01:06:02I've got a better plan.
01:06:10See you next Saturday.
01:06:11Well, now, wait a minute.
01:06:12There's... there are a few things I want to tell you.
01:06:14I don't want to hear them.
01:06:15Oh, but there's some things you ought to hear about me.
01:06:17No, if you confess, then I'll have to.
01:06:19And I don't want to confess.
01:06:21Oh, darling.
01:06:22Break it up, break it up.
01:06:24Hey, what's the idea?
01:06:25This is Bassett.
01:06:26That's Bassett.
01:06:27Do we pinch the name, too?
01:06:28No, no, don't. That's Miss Penfield.
01:06:29Hey, give me a minute, will you?
01:06:30I'll give you 20 years.
01:06:31Come on.
01:06:32Don't take him away. Bring him back here.
01:06:33There, there, Miss Penfield. It's all for the best.
01:06:35All for the best? What do you mean?
01:06:36Why, he's nothing but a crook.
01:06:37I don't believe it.
01:06:38It's true. He even stole this car.
01:06:40Stole it?
01:06:41Yes, in the city.
01:06:42Stole it?
01:06:48My gloves.
01:06:50This is my car.
01:06:53Then he is a thief.
01:06:54And worse, Miss Penfield.
01:06:57Go ahead, tell me all of it.
01:06:59Let me know just how big a fool I've been.
01:07:01Well, the police call him Bigamy Benny.
01:07:03He goes around making love to wealthy young ladies
01:07:05so they can swindle their fathers.
01:07:07And I fell for that.
01:07:09And I'd better take you back to the hotel, Miss Penfield.
01:07:11You ought to take me to the home for feeble-minded girls.
01:07:14You ought to take me to the home for feeble-minded girls.
01:07:17But let's go.
01:07:20Yes, sir, Mr. Penfield.
01:07:22You can thank your lucky stars that I was on the job.
01:07:25And to think I engaged that young crook, Bassett,
01:07:28to make love to my daughter.
01:07:31Well, they all ought to be in the Colonel's room by now.
01:07:33You think so?
01:07:37Well, here they are, Sergeant.
01:07:38Both of them.
01:07:39Both of them?
01:07:42That isn't Bassett.
01:07:44Of course not. That's Rodney Randall.
01:07:46Well, the manager pointed this bird out and said he was Bassett.
01:07:49That's Randall.
01:07:50I'm Bassett. See, he admits it.
01:07:52Well, he isn't the Bassett I want.
01:07:54What kind of a Bassett are you?
01:07:58Well, I'm Bassett, all right.
01:08:00Can you prove it?
01:08:01Well, I used to work for that overstuffed pelican.
01:08:03That's preposterous. That's an out-and-out lie.
01:08:06Don't call me a liar.
01:08:09When did you work for me?
01:08:12You ought to know. You gave me a thousand-dollar bonus.
01:08:14What is this, old home week or something?
01:08:16Wait a minute, please.
01:08:20I think I recognize this young man.
01:08:23Good. Then maybe you'll tell me.
01:08:25Is he Bassett or isn't he Bassett?
01:08:27I don't care what he's a Bassett or not.
01:08:30He's a disloyal and pertinent scamp.
01:08:32What do you mean, disloyal?
01:08:34Disloyal to me and my laundry.
01:08:35Were you and your laundry ever loyal to me?
01:08:37Have it.
01:08:38Of all things.
01:08:40I wore out ten pair of pants in the front seat of your truck,
01:08:42and I sat up nights inventing that new flat-rate system.
01:08:44And what did I get for it?
01:08:45A 20% cut in half, but back in a bonus.
01:08:48Did you? Did you think out that flat-rate cut?
01:08:52I thought Fash...
01:08:53Fash? Why, he couldn't figure out a way to count on his thumbs.
01:09:00I've got Bassett, Sergeant. Let go of me.
01:09:03You wall-eyed idiot. That's the manager of the hotel.
01:09:06That's what I've been trying to tell him.
01:09:08I'm sorry, Mr. Grimwood.
01:09:09I thought he was trying to pull a fast one.
01:09:11Who told you that was Bassett?
01:09:13Oh, a chap with a little black mustache about Harry's size here.
01:09:17So I brought her back to the hotel.
01:09:19But where is she now?
01:09:21Last I saw of her, she was talking with Mr. Randall.
01:09:23All the cooperation I get, you could stick in your ear.
01:09:26Here I do everything but slap bracelets on a whole confidence ring,
01:09:29and you've got to pinch the victim's best truck driver.
01:09:32Can I help it, Sergeant, if you don't give us the right name?
01:09:35Keep away from that window. You might get by yourself and jump.
01:09:42Hey, there he is.
01:09:44Bassett. I mean the truck.
01:09:46Beaten it with a dame. Come on.
01:09:48It's got to be my daughter. She's eloping.
01:09:51Wait for me, please. Come on.
01:09:57If you listen to a suggestion, young man, let's scram.
01:10:01Scram nothing. I'm staying right here.
01:10:03I haven't done anything wrong.
01:10:06Well, in that case, I suppose I may as well keep company.
01:10:17Wait! Wait for me! Wait for me, boss!
01:10:25Do you take this woman to be your lawful wedded wife? Say yes.
01:10:28I do.
01:10:31Do you take this man to be your lawful wedded husband? Answer, I do.
01:10:36I now pronounce you man and wife.
01:10:40Why, if it ain't Mr. Penfield.
01:10:54Stabs. Then you didn't elope with him.
01:10:57I'm through with men. Here.
01:10:59I don't understand. I understand enough.
01:11:01Bigamy, Benny. Bigamy.
01:11:03I'm doing this for you, not for him.
01:11:05Go ahead. Go ahead. Free yourself.
01:11:07But, lady, these are no good. There's a file there.
01:11:10If I start filing on these cuffs, my grandchildren will have to finish the job.
01:11:13But he... I mean, you've got to escape before they...
01:11:17Here. Bend down a minute, honey. Here.
01:11:22I don't need these tools. Well, good luck.
01:11:25You're not going anywhere. Let go of me, you... you crook.
01:11:28Now you shut up and listen. Let go of me.
01:11:30I won't listen to you. You're going to listen to everything I have to say.
01:11:32I will not.
01:11:37My daughter. Have you seen anything of my daughter?
01:11:40Why, uh... Oh, yes, Mr. Penfield. She left a message for you.
01:11:43Said if you came in, you would have phoned room 304.
01:11:45Room 304? Yes, sir.
01:11:49Room 304. Right away. Hurry, please. Room...
01:11:53Hello, Dad. Did you enjoy your ride?
01:11:57What am I doing?
01:11:59I'm sitting on a young man's lap.
01:12:01Oh, a very nice young man.
01:12:05He's going to be vice president of your plant and your son-in-law.
01:12:08Yes. His name?
01:12:11Oh, I'm not quite sure. I...
01:12:13Bassett. Oh, Bassett, Bassett.
01:12:15J. Walter Bassett.
01:12:17J. Walter Bassett.
01:12:23Babs, Babs, Babs.
01:12:25That's it.
01:12:27This way with my bags.
01:12:29I need this hotel forever.
01:12:32I beg your pardon. Is something wrong?
01:12:34Out of my way, music.
01:12:36What is your name, sir?
01:12:37Oscar. Grand Duke of all the Russians.